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Today, we are going to talk about the concept of a ‘self’. What is a self and why do we need such a structure to help us evolve our consciousness?  I have mentioned on a number of occasions that our physical organism is not a principle body, belonging to us. We don’t make it and we don’t keep it. This organic collection of matter functions the way it does because it is encased within a causal body. This may sound confusing at first, because I have stated previously that the causal body resides on the 2nd Triad, so how can it be encasing our organism? To understand why this is, you have to consider the concept of a self. What is a self? A self is an envelope that contains, with in it, all the other envelopes that go to make up a functioning monad evolving through the Cosmic Physical Plane.

We are a 1st-Self. Why?  Because we have a causal envelope that encompasses the 1st Triad and is anchored in the 2nd Triad. Again, we have the vexing question, how can the causal envelope, functioning from the 2nd Triad, encase anything on the 1st Triad? It does this by detaching a fraction of itself to encapsulate the mental, emotional and etheric envelopes. This collection of Russian Dolls then links to the envelope of our physical organism. So, this detached portion of causal envelope is what allows us to function as a human being. However, what is important to realise, is that although we are presenting diagrammatically a causal envelope surrounding envelopes that only exist on the 1st Triad, the lower causal body, as it is known, is actually made of tertiary matter. This matter can function on all the planes found in our Solar System, planes 43 to 49. What is being described still needs further clarification. Although tertiary matter can exist on the lowest seven planes of matter, our lower causal body is composed from tertiary matter that exists on plane 47:3. This still places it on the 2nd Triad. The memories we bring with us to assist us in furthering our evolution are contained within elemental structures, which is secondary matter that itself is also resonating on plane 47:3. Nevertheless, this lower causal envelope is able to encapsulate the three envelopes of the 1st triad. This allows the monad to animate a physical organism and experience life in the lowest three subplanes of the Universe.

This has been a long-winded description to make the point that the 1st-Self is a series of envelopes, encased within a causal envelope. We were given the gift of this causal envelope from our Solar devas that allowed us to enter the 4th Kingdom of Nature and begin to acquire self-awareness. Ok, so I have said this is what the causal body achieves, but how does it achieve it? It does so, precisely, because it exists on the 2nd Triad and not the 1st Triad. Although we think of our physical body consisting of the lowest three subplanes of the 49th plane, gases, liquids and solids, in reality, our etheric, emotional and mental envelops, dwelling on the 1st Triad. They are functioning in the worlds or planes that make up the matter aspect of the total nine-fold triadic structure that monads use to evolve through the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. When an incarnation ends, the monad withdraws its focus back into its higher causal body, located on the 2nd Triad and this structure is permanent, existing between incarnations. The lower envelopes, mental, emotional and etheric are envelopes that are remade at the start of each incarnation. This means, whatever secondary matter they contain that constitute the memories of an incarnation, are lost. Those memories are not lost but I will get to that later. If the causal body is not lost, the human monad now has the ability to store up memories and knowledge and then activate this knowledge by using it constructively back on the lowest three planes of matter. In this way, it gains wisdom and evolves. All this is made possible, because the monad has a semi-permanent causal body. I say, semipermanent, because one day this envelope is dissolved, but that story is for another day. 

We have this magnificent structure called a causal envelope and it defines us as a 1st-Self. Because it exists, we gain an awareness of ourselves as individual monads. This is a level of awareness we did not possess in any of the three lower Kingdoms of Nature. But are you aware of this self? The sad reality is that you are not. You are aware of your persona. The person you think you are now. This personality, this ego, expresses characteristics that have been teleported out of the higher causal body and are the skills and abilities that you have come into incarnation to refine further. You, however, are not aware of the other 95 per cent of your total skills and abilities that constitute your state of evolution up until this point in your journey through the Cosmos. It is the totality of all your experiences that go to make up your 1st-Self. You are on a journey but at the moment you are not in charge. Your guardian angel is. Effectively, it is deputising as your 1st-Self, until you can move the focus of your consciousness into your 47:1 permanent atom, located in your higher causal envelope. Even when you achieve this monumental feat, which is known as the (i3), you are not actually conscious in your 47:1 permanent atom. As I have mentioned, previously, atomic consciousness is not achieved by a monad until it takes the (i4) and migrates it consciousness into the 46:1 permanent atom. It has now left the Human Kingdom altogether. 

The monad, being located in the 47:1 permanent atom, is afforded objective consciousness on one of the two molecular subplanes found in the higher causal body. This is a really big deal for the following reasons. When your monad is focused in any of the lower two permanent atoms or one permanent molecule, it is either unconscious or subjectively conscious on all the planes above it. This means, when an incarnation ends and all the lower envelopes found on the 1st Triad are dissolved, the monad loses consciousness. It may be sleeping in its higher causal body, surrounded by all the knowledge and wisdom it has gained so far, but it will not be aware of itself until it enters incarnation again. It then regains its focus on the molecular subplane it was focused on during its last incarnation. The gift of the causal body has meant that what was gained from an incarnation has not been lost, but what was learnt may not be made available to the monad during its subsequent incarnations. The decision of what is going to constitute the ‘baggage’ of the persona is decided by your guardian angel. You have an input into what is packed into your travel case, but this only happens at in the latter stages of a monads passage through the 4th Kingdom of Nature.

This brings us to the title of this presentation, which is the 1st-Self. What, exactly, is the 1st-Self? From a matter perspective, a 1st-Self is the material causal envelope that survives an incarnation and holds the memories of all previous incarnations. From a consciousness point of view, the 1st-Self is the Solar deva who provided the monad with its causal envelop. It has been patiently guiding the evolution of the monad through the Human Kingdom. The Self contains several envelopes, encased within a master envelope. What distinguishes the master envelope from those that reside within it, is that this envelope has a continuity of function beyond the existence of the triad that it encompasses. So when an incarnation ends, the 1st Triad dissolves but the 2nd triad does not, so any structure rooted here remains functional between incarnations. The same is the case for the 2nd-Self, which is rooted on the 3rd Triad. There comes a time in the evolution of the globe we live on, to finish its incarnation. When it does, the 2nd triad of the globe dissolves. Our 2nd triad is contained within this larger structure. So when it goes, we go with it. Therefore, monads evolving on this triad need to store their gains somewhere and this is done in an envelope that is provided for them by another mighty deva, known as a Protogonos. This, again, is a story for another day.

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