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In our journey through the universe so far, we have mainly focused on the primary agent found in this cosmos. That unit is made from primordial matter that has been transferred from the Anti-Verse into the Universe. It is now called primary matter and was given the designation ‘Monad’ by Pythagoras. This lump of primary matter deserves our attention even if it is difficult for us to even imagine it. In the last two Recaps, the monad received our attention and we came to know how it forms the substate for everything that there is. When you look into the universe beyond the stars in our galaxy, you are met with a bewildering number of galaxies. Trillions of them. Images show vast intergalactic spaces between these galaxies. That is only to our naked eyes. In reality, this intergalactic space is filled with primary matter and only primary matter. There is not enough space to insert one more monad. Amazing thought and it makes you reflect on what space means from a dimensional perspective, beyond just a place where we all exist. But there is more to this story and we will now turn our attention to it.

You should be well used to the mantra, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary matter by now. These three other designations of matter are the ones we have talked about most frequently. It should be pointed out that Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary matter are effectively all primordial matter. What distinguishes them is not their size or shape but their level of consciousness. That is all, but that is a very big ‘all’. Our model of the Universe sees a succession of lower, denser, planes of matter. Each lower plane loses a dimension and the primary atom has its immense energy shielded further. Through 42 planes, the monad involvates from one plane to another. By this, I mean that it moves across boundaries but does not change in any meaningful way. It just circulates. For the primary atom, this circulation extends into the Cosmic Physical Plane from 43, down to Plane-49. It then involvates all the way back to Plane-1. However, after cycling three times around all 49 planes of matter, the trumpets blow, choruses of angels sing and 2nd Logos pours out what must be a very high electric current. One that is strong enough to wake our long-circulating monads up. This occurs at the boundary between the Cosmic Physical and Cosmic Emotional planes of matter. From a descending ark, the monad is transformed from Primary Matter into Secondary Matter. As has already been outlined, this does not involve any change in shape or size. It is the magnetic field around the atom that is transformed and it is now capable of experiencing passive consciousness. What exactly does that mean? It means it is able to interact with other monads in a way it could not when it was primary matter. It is capable of taking on the imprint from another monad that can focus its consciousness, through willpower and this causes the Secondary Atom to vibrate in sympathy to that input of energy. You may say, what is the big deal in vibrating to anything? Think about how data or your voice or an image is stored in a recording medium. Atoms of that medium are energised and they take up an orientation that can then be retrieved in the exact forms they were encoded. They are played back. The medium doing the recording has no input into what it has stored, nor can it change the imprint that was being stored. It just holds the record until it is programmed to release the information. Just as you can record a message and send it off in the post or over the net, secondary matter can also be posted off towards a target, where it will deliver its message. Welcome to an Elemental.

This explains how we, as quaternary monads, can use secondary monads to do our bidding. We focus our wills on them. We stir them into a frenzy and we can even send them off in the post. It should be remembered that at each step of this process, we are totally in charge. The poor, hapless, secondary monad is only capable of responding ‘passively’. Be aware of this the next time someone tries to excuse their aberrant behaviour on their subconscious personality, as though this is somehow a separate entity. It is not. You created it, you own it and you take responsibility for it.

This must be a pretty miserable life for our secondary atom. Not really, after all, it was completely unconscious not long ago. Surely this is advancement and indeed it is. The monad is being tuned up. It is beginning to experience waves of magnetism that make it vibrate, starting with very fine inputs of data, but by the time it gets to Plane-48 and subplane 7, it is rattling its cage so violently that it has quite literary, created Hell!

Two things we need to be aware of about this secondary atom. Firstly, it does not descend below plane 48:7, the reasons for which will be explained shortly. The second point is that the secondary atom is no longer involvating as it descends the ladder of matter within the Cosmic Physical Plane. It is now involving. What is the difference? The primary atom did not change as it moved from plane to plane, upwards or downwards. Now, every time the secondary atom descends a plane of matter, it vibrates more strongly. This is called ‘involution’. It is a process of change and one that is needed before the secondary atom can take its next step.

We, as quaternary matter, have a close interaction with secondary matter but we have opposing objectives. We wish to evolve and they wish to involve. For them, vibrating more violently, which manifests on the Emotional Plane as repugnant behaviour, is the apogee of achievement. For us, this is not the case. However, we need each other. Generating negative emotions helps us to understand the pairs of opposites and this expands our consciousness. For them, being the agent of that negative emotion is waking them up further and also altering their consciousness.

Just as primary atoms form the substrate for the entire universe and are the only substrate found in intergalactic space, once we come into a galaxy, we begin to find agglomerations of monads that form denser and denser planes of matter. Consequently, Planes-2 to Planes-49 are only found in galaxies. Those planes may be denser and made from necklaces of monads, but none of those monads is at the primary level of their evolution. Secondary matter only makes its appearance from Plane 43 down to Plane-48. In fact, in our solar system, it is now only found on planes 47 to 48. This batch of secondary matter, associated with our solar system, is on its way to ‘Hell’ and hopefully beyond.

If every experience that is possible in the Universe has to be associated with matter, it is secondary matter that is the substate of that experience in the way primary matter is the substrate of the Universe itself. It is the secondary matter that is having the experience, but it is us that is triggering the vibrations in that secondary atom. It can not do it by itself, as it is only passively conscious. The secondary atom is having its cage rattled by a more evolved monad. On the mental/causal or emotional planes, which are the domain of secondary matter, we create shapes with our thoughts. We can imbue these shapes with energy and intent. We can send them off to another location, but this is not witnessed by us consciously down here on the 49th plane. We pick up the proceedings of our emotional world through our five senses. 

So to conclude, secondary matter is the next stage in the development of a monad. It is useful to assess how each monad, regardless of its stage of development, plays an integral role in the overall unfoldment of the Divine Plan. We help the secondary matter involve by rattling its cage in our emotional machinations. The secondary matter acts as a vehicle for us to experience thoughts and emotions, something we could not do by ourselves. It is a win, win scenario, even if the most involved secondary matter can be a real handful. This is not its problem, it is ours, as we trigger it into action.

Gosh, I have got to the end of this presentation and I have only got as far as secondary matter. I guess tertiary matter will have to wait until next time. See you then. 

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