I started this series of presentations by outlining how the whole process of creation began. It was a gamble. I was going macrocosmic and metaphysical at the same time. I could have lost you right at the start. But as you are still here. The gamble paid off. I wanted to set the scene for the evolution of the monad. People are naturally interested in themselves. Who they are and is there any point for them being here in the first place. But I felt that to understand who you are, you need to know where you start from and ultimately know where you will end up. Oh, and in the process, decide if there is any reason for the whole process to occur in the first place.
Layer, after layer, topic after topic, I laid down a foundation to explain that there is only one fundamental particle in the universe, the 1-atom, otherwise called the monad in this series of presentations. I also hammered home the single most important topic in Hylozoics and that is the Holy Trinity of Matter, Motion and Consciousness. These have to be present everywhere and at all times in the Universe. You can not have Consciousness or Energy, which is Motion by another name, by themselves. Many esotericists seem to think you can and then dissolve into reams of fantastic possibilities of how we evolve as either consciousness or energy, devoid of matter.

Why is it important not to forget about matter? Because there are 49 planes of the stuff distributed thought out the Universe. Some of these planes are to be found everywhere, namely the 1st Plane and the rest are found in galaxies. When representing these 49 planes in two dimensions, they are shown hierarchically. The reality is that they are nested, one within the other, like Russian dolls. Now I am going to get metaphysical again. I feel it is worth making the investment in brain activity to understand how these planes of matter interact. If you take a single 1-Atom and link it to another 48 of its brethren, you end up with a 2-Atom and this immediately constitutes another plane of matter, the 2nd Plane. Great, our Universe has just expanded. Repeat this process, taking the cluster of 49, 1-Atoms that make up a 2-Atom and join them into a new chain of 49 and you have a 3-Atom and the 3rd Plane is born. Ok, so now you know how each plane of matter comes about. However, the 1-Atom can only exist on the 1st Plane. It is too energetic to be anywhere else. So although it is somehow interacting with another 48 1-Atoms to make a 2-Atom, it is still itself on the 1st Plane. Its interaction with the other 48 1-Atoms somehow bring about the 2nd Plane but individually, the 1-Atoms remain where they are.

This is a hugely important point to grasp. Why? Because it underscores the fact that there is only one type of matter in the Universe. This matter is in motion and has four potential states of consciousness. You remember those states of consciousness, don’t you? In case you don’t, they are 1. Potentially Conscious, 2. Passively Conscious, 3. Actively Conscious and 4. Self-conscious. These states of consciousness have to be linked to matter and so this matter is also defined as being 1. Primary, 2. Secondary, 3. Tertiary and 4. Quaternary matter. Now let’s get back to the monad as a 1-Atom on the 1st Plane. It never leaves it. When I talk about our monad residing on 1st subplane of the 43rd plane of matter, is it really there? In physical actuality, no. It has to be back on the 1st Plane. Yet it is also present on the 43rd plane, on the 47th plane in your causal body and in one of your three bodies of incarnation.
That brings me neatly to the main topic of Recap 8. All this metaphysical mumbo-jumbo was to lay the foundation for who we are right now. This is where people really have their interest focused and for very good reason. You, as you are configured now, are the main, though not the only game, in town. To get you to the point where I could talk about what exactly constitutes your 1st Self, I had built a framework looking firstly at the three planes of matter. This is where we reside at the moment. These planes being the Physical, the Emotional and the Mental planes. The passage of ‘us’, the Human monad, through the 4th Kingdom of Nature, occurs on these three planes for the time being.

I narrowed down the target area of where we were evolving but I still did not get to us directly. Instead, I drew your attention to the planes of matter that exist in this solar system and confined them around the globe we dwell upon. I said this globe was the physical manifestation of a highly evolved monad know as a Planetary Logos. Why did I focus on this individual? Because we live inside its three bodies of incarnation. I talked about the environment created by this great being because the three worlds we dwell in are its world. We are part and parcel of its being. This is the same as a brain cell in your head. It is a living cell. However, it is also part of your body. It performs a function that is useful to you and you give it shelter and nourishment to sustain it. These worlds around our planet, demarcate the extent of the freedom we have to move in these planes of matter. In other words, we are not able to ‘astral travel’ across to Venus if the urge took us. Those that say they can are travelling on the Emotional Plane, manifesting a fantasy of what they think is Venus. Fun in itself but not reality.
Finally, in the last six presentations, I got to our own personal envelopes of incarnation. Talking about them was easy now, as I had spent so much time defining the three planes of matter they existed upon. You were by now familiar with what to expect on each of these planes. The major takeaway from all this information is that we are not just flesh and blood. More importantly, what we think is the centre of our being, our brain, is just in fact a junction box that links the physical body, with its subtler counterparts. This is where the action really takes place. So now to recap on these subtle bodies and how they interact.
How many subtle bodies do we have? I have talked about three in the present discussion. These, however, can be subdivided to make a total of five. The Physical, the Etheric, the Emotional, the Mental and the Casual. Another division can be made. The four higher subtle bodies can be thought of as one group and the physical body is by itself. The reason for this is that the physical body is constructed by a group of devas before we arrive to take up residence. So, this body has to have a function that is separate from the other bodies that surround and interpenetrate it. This body is built on a template that is provided to the devas by the Lords of Karma, based on what the monad is entitled to during this incarnation.
The physical body itself is composed of two halves. The organic part is composed of tertiary matter and is sustained by electro-chemical processes. The etheric part is also composed of tertiary matter but this can be thought of as an energy body. It is this body that actually senses the world, just using the organic body as a receptor to pick up the signals. Collectively, this physical body can be regarded as a being in its own right. Why do I say that? If it is made up of a collection of tertiary organic and tertiary etheric matter, this matter is itself evolving. It functions as a coherent unit because it has an innate memory. Equally important, it is controlled by devas that direct its functions. We just happen to piggyback on this collective physical-etheric self. In fact, we leave it all together when we go to sleep. This process is the topic for my next presentation.

We have this mass of tertiary matter, differentiated into cells and organs and finally covered with a layer of skin. None of this is us. We do not even focus into this body from our lofty perch in the 43:1 atom. We did once when we were at the 1. Young stage of our journey through the Human Kingdom. That was a long time ago. At that time, our focus would have been the 49:1 permanent atom. So if we are not in this body at all, what is it doing for us? It is a reality suit that allows us to objectively sense the world around us. Our five senses, sight, sound, touch, taste and smell are a big deal. They are all we have and they are vital if we are to come to know the one plane that we are objectively conscious of when we are awake. The physical body can therefore be described as an impulse generator, that processes five kinds of signals and relays them somewhere else. Where is that somewhere else?

This is where our second subtle body comes into play. The physical-etheric body dwells on the 49th plane of matter. Rise up one plane of matter, to the 48th and you are in a whole new world. This plane has one more dimension and completely different makeup. Whereas the physical-etheric body was composed of tertiary matter, the next body of incarnation is an envelope made of tertiary matter, filled with secondary matter. This body has seven subplanes, like the physical-etheric. These subplanes are distinct vibrational levels, inhabited by Elemental Essences that vibrate at a level commensurate with the level they are on. So, what are these elemental essences doing in this envelope? They are a distinct stage of evolution, the most advanced in the three subkingdoms of elemental matter. They are involving down into matter. They are passively conscious. When we excite them with our consciousness, they thrill and manifest feelings in this envelope. In this way, we the monad, come to know the pairs of opposites. Any feeling you can think of has two extremes and gradients of expression between the extremes. This sensation that is triggered by desire, is how the monad comes to know what feelings are all about. The monad does not have the feeling itself. It excites these feelings within the elemental essences, aggregating them into structures known as Elemental. These structures represent feeling or desire and exist for as long as we feed that structure with our conscious thought energies. These feelings and desires are not us, but we do create them and hopefully learn through them.
This envelope constitutes another being; a sackful of elemental essences. The point to realise here is that when you have a feeling, you may flush blood to your cheeks. This is a physiological reaction to an event that is occurring in another body of yours, on another plane of matter. The fact that your adrenal glads have secreted a hormone into your bloodstream is triggering a physical response. This is not the cause but an effect. The physical body can not sense desire in any of its five sensory organs. You may argue that the sight of your mother-in-law may trigger huge physiological and emotional changes in you. All I am saying is that those emotional changes are registered in a subtler body that interpenetrates your physical-etheric body. It sends messages to that body that then responds in the manner that you can physically sense.
This brings me to the topic of chakras very neatly. If these three bodies are communicating to one another, how are they achieving this? To answer this properly, I won’t jump straight into chakras and what they are but start from how they get made. This takes us right back to the formation of the physical-etheric body. It is constructed on a template that starts on the etheric plane and condenses down into the organic-physical body. The template starts as a series of meridians of energy. Where these meridians cross, you get a vortex of energy called a chakra. Where more medians cross, the vortex is stronger. In the construction of the human template, you end with 88,000 of these vortices, seven of which are major gateways. It is these gateways that serve as communication conduits for the various bodies of incarnation. This allows them to communicate with each other. In the case of the Emotional Body, the main portal of communication into the etheric body is the Navel or Solar Plexus chakra. If you have a strong emotional response, this is where you feel the hammer blow fall.

The chakras are physical structures that connect through all the lower three envelopes of incarnation. This implies that if you have an emotional thought, that thought originates in your Mental Body. It uses the navel chakra to transmit that mental energy into the Emotional Body, where emotional elemental essences are excited. These then resonate that emotion down through the etheric chakra. The emotion is released into the brain and body through a series of electro-chemical stimulations. The chakras are also connection points for two major lines of communication that flow into the physical-etheric body. These are the Life and the Consciousness thread. The former connects to the Heart and the latter can come in through the Heart or the Crown chakras. The function of all these communication and energy highways leads us to rethink the function of our being. What we think of as a physical body, driven by oxygen, blood and nerve impulses, is so much more. It comprises four other bodies. If these were not there, we simply would not have the faculties we do. These unseen envelopes also lay the foundation for our future evolution through the 4th as well as the 5th Kingdom.
Surrounding the Emotional Body is our Mental Body. When we think of our mental processes, we are seeing them as something outside of ourselves. We are not our thoughts, because we are aware of our thoughts. We say we are having thoughts. What exactly are we having? As I have already stated, the brain is just a complex relay station. You do not think in your brains, you just register thoughts there and decode them. The mental body is where thoughts originate from. The thought itself, like the emotion, is a collection of elemental essences aggregated together to form an elemental. These elemental structures are not restricted to your emotional or mental bodies. They can be ejected from your envelopes and sent on their way to an intended target. If you think a pleasant or unpleasant thought towards someone, you actually construct an elemental. It is sent to your intended target. There, the energy from that thought is delivered into the emotional or mental body of the recipient. They have to be resonating on the same frequency of that thought. If they are not, the elemental may hang around until conditions change. The energy can then be delivered by the elemental entering that envelope. If the elemental can not enter the envelope of the recipient, it may hang around until the energy in the elemental structure dissipates. In some cases, a negative elemental thought or desire may rebound off its intended target and return to the sender. This happens when the recipient is vibrating at a higher level than the transmitter of that elemental. The takeaway here is that negative thinking or emotions are not just dwelling within our physical body. They are material objects on their own plane. They are as destructive as an arrow fired at someone.
The dual structure of the Lower and Higher Mental bodies is different from the Physical-Etheric body. In the later, they exist on the 1st Triad together and do not separate till death. The two metal bodies separate as the monad descends through the planes of matter as it incarnates. They are not just separate from one another but on two separate triads. It is the unification of these two structures, which is the reason for the monad’s passage through the 4th Kingdom of Nature. When this is complete and the monad is said to be Illuminated, two things happen. The first is that the monad is now objectively conscious on the three lowest planes of matter. The second thing is that the monad is subjectively conscious on the next plane of matter and starts to build a new envelope. This envelope is a stepping stone to our future, not in the 4th but the 5th Kingdom. When we finally graduate into this kingdom at (i4), we can proudly say we are no longer human!
So what awaits us as we move out of the human kingdom? The short answer is another 46 initiations! That is a big number but it is safe to say that the worst is over. Why? When we become self-conscious as quaternary matter, we have very limited consciousness. In order to expand this consciousness, we function as a group, first in the Mineral then the Plant and finally the Animal kingdoms. However, when we enter the 4th, the Human Kingdom, we separate our consciousness from all other monads in the 4th Kingdom. We are alone. Well, as alone as one can be with 13 solar angels in attendance. We also have a host of devas on the lower planes of matter, arranging all our affairs for us. But from a consciousness standpoint, we are left alone. We can come to understand the pairs of opposites that exist on the Emotional Plane, as well as become self-aware. This we do with great skill and develop our selfish tendencies to the maximum. However, we finally realise that our individual efforts at developing our mental bodies can only take up so far. This is what drives us to unite with our causal bodies. When we get there we become aware that the thoughts we are having are not ours at all but emanate from a higher plane of matter.

The 4th initiation (i4) is no longer taken as an individual. There are too many of us for the more evolved monads to instruct us on an individual basis. So the fashion now is to join up with another eight monads, your true soulmates you could say and work as a team. A more advanced monad coordinates this and helps us to migrate out of the 4th Kingdom. The single biggest change when you get to the 5th Kingdom is that you are no longer isolated in our mental envelope. You now are part of a group envelope that allows you to share your thoughts and experiences with the rest of the group. This is known as unity consciousness. Your evolution from this point forward is about expanding this unity consciousness to include more and more monads. Finally, you are omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient on all the 49 planes of matter. Congratulations!
Nice one ! Thanks
You are welcome.
Nice one !! Colin