Just before we dive into another major topic, as promised, I wish to look at symbolism behind the ‘Jesus Story’. During this course of presentations, it has been apparent that a lot of the terminology used in esoterics comes from the lexicon of the Gnostics. The relationship between energy/motion, consciousness and matter is mirrored in their imagery of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the case of the Holy Spirit, this refers to our guardian angel. What should really be there is the term ‘mother’ but we all know the Church has an issue with women!
Symbolism behind the ‘Jesus’ Story
Laurency points out in his books that the life of Jesus as portrayed in the New Testament is largely fictitious. It is primarily based on the wisdom teachings of the Gnostics and therefore uses their symbolism. Esoterics is famous for taking a simple principle and complicating it to a point where you even forget what the question was. The excuse that mystics use is that they are wrapping a mystery within an enigma. I just think they are being deliberately difficult!
To cut a long story short, Laurency states that the character of Jesus was created by the Gnostic fraternity as a mechanism to propagate their view of the cosmos to the masses. They did it through a series of stories that people could relate to. They set it in the Jewish community because the first of the Gnostic authors, Mark, happened to be Jewish. When he first went to press with his work, the gnostics found that there was such interest in the story that about 50 other scribes got into the act and started to pen their own accounts of their mystic teachings through the narrative on the ‘Jesus’ story.

What triggered the writing in the first place, you may be thinking? According to Laurency, approximately 150 years before the fictional birth of the baby Jesus, the Bodhisattva did take incarnation, preach to a band of close followers and was stoned to death by the Jewish sect called the Essenes. The World Teacher went by the name of Jeshu; was born to a high-ranking Jewish family and did something unusual, in that he enrolled in two mystery schools. Firstly, with the Essenes and then with the Gnostics. Where he unrolls is fairly irrelevant, after all, he is the World Teacher so all esoteric knowledge stems from him anyway. Although it should be said that the persona known as Jeshu, was not the ‘Christ’, who descended later into the body of Jeshu for a short period of time. So it could be argued that Jeshu was indeed gaining knowledge in both mystery schools.
So then, what is it with the ‘Jesus’ story? Well, the major events portrayed in the Gospels describe the key stages along the ‘path’ to Enlightenment. It also goes on to the Fourth initiation (i4) and entry into the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. Let’s take a look at the major events in Jesus’ life and see what they are really referring to.

The birth of Jesus is an allegory as the monad enters the ‘path’ (i1). It has just overcome base desires, moving its focus from the lower half of its emotional envelope to the middle of it. The symbology of where Jesus was born, in a stable, represents our birth into a body that has the same functionality as it did when we were in the 3rd, the Animal Kingdom. Linked to this birth were Shepards. These represent guardian angels. They are the devas that look after their ‘flock’. The Three Kings, who pitched up over the horizon, are allegories for the Devarajas. These are the ‘angel kings’ of the Mental, the Emotional and Physical Worlds. They, along with their minions, oversee the construction of our subtle bodies. Hence they arrive bearing gifts.
The next station along the path in the story of Jesus is the Baptism. This is the purification of the ego, as it overcomes its emotionality and moves its residence to the permanent mental molecule (47:4). The monad has now taken the 2nd initiation (i2).

A noteworthy event in the life of the character Jesus is his Temptation. This is the final test the monad undergoes before enlightenment. It has to overcome spiritual pride and conceit. These two conditions often increase with the acquisition of esoteric knowledge.
Another term that figures prominently in events surrounding Jesus’ life is that of Transfiguration. This refers to the subjugation of the ego by the soul and the acquisition of causal consciousness at the 3rd initiation (i3).

The main theme of the Jesus story is his eventual Crucifixion. Considering this event never happened, even to the World Teacher over 100 years earlier, what is the significance of this imagery? The Gnostics used the crucifixion to represent the dissolution of the causal body. This occurs at the start of the 4th initiation (i4). At this time the monad momentarily feels lost and forsaken between two kingdoms, the 4th the Human Kingdom and the 5th, the Unity Kingdom. This is portrayed in the Gospels when Jesus cries out, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me” Mathew (7:45-50). The dissolution of the causal body is called the ‘Second Death’.
The Resurrection is a fairly easy term to understand now, as this is when the monad enters the 5th, the Unity Kingdom. This occurs at the end of (i4). It has now achieved ‘victory’ over death, which is a colourful way of saying that the monad no longer has to incarnate, as it has no more karma.

Finally, we come to the Ascension. The monad moves from the 5th to the 6th Kingdom. This is the natural home of the Christ. The Christ, the World Teacher, did not need to ascend, it already has reached this exalted plane of existence.
Here ends my recounting of the 4 stages to enlightenment, as serialised in the Good Book.
Space & Time
Now onto another interesting topic and one that often gives me palpitations when I have discussions with students of esoterics. This happens because they often tell me that space and time do not exist in the spiritual realms. After you have listened to me banging on about 49 planes of matter over the course of 25 presentations, you can imagine my reaction when I hear such heresies! LOL
Let’s start with Deep Space. This is not an empty lifeless void as scientists currently believe. Just because the physical plane is empty does not mean that the other 48 planes are. A physicist may say but there is Dark Matter and Dark Energy and I would reply there is also Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy.

So-called empty space is filled with various grades of subtle matter, thought forms, non-physical beings and energetic blueprints of everything that has ever existed. That is enough to be getting along with. Looking out into the night sky, you see stars and if you look past these stars you see galaxies. Intergalactic space is not empty and it is not full of the 49 planes of matter. It is, in fact, just full of 1-atoms, the primary atoms that first come into the Universe, from the Anti-verse. These atoms are potentially conscious but no more than that. They are the smallest units of matter found in the universe and they are also the monad in its pristine form. It has not joined with 48 other monads to form the next plane of matter, Plane 2. I have alluded to the fact that the primary function of these 1-atoms may be to transfer energy within the Universe. They also make up the ‘stuffing’ of the Universe. Remove just one of these primary atoms and the whole universe would collapse. That is a scary thought but remember, the Universe is within the Meta-verse. That structure comprises all the trillions of universes and the Anti-verse, which surrounds them all. For the Universe to maintain its form, it has to match the ‘pressure’ of the Anti-verse around it. In fact, the Universe expands, as it takes in more primary atoms, to feed energy, Fohat, into the universe. This process does not continue forever and that is why time exists but I will get to that in due course.

Interstellar space is the space between stars within a galaxy. It is composed of the full gamut of atoms from 1 to 49. Our Solar System is composed of just seven types of atoms and 42 types of molecules. Of interest here is that these 49 types of matter present in our solar system, echo the 49 atomic types that make up the Universe.
Vibrations of subtle matter on the 48 planes above the 49th, allows light and other forms of radiation to travel through ‘empty’ space. Vibrations in these subtle matters also cause light, electricity and heat to manifest on the physical plane.
As you can imagine, there are many theories about the nature of the universe that circulate in realms of astrophysics. Some astronomers assume the universe is infinite and that space is flat. If this was the case, cosmic radiation of every wavelength would be detectable, but no large waves are detected in the background radiation measured by astronomer’s instruments. The implication of this is that the universe must, therefore, be finite. A small universe can only accommodate small waves, just as a small pond has small ripples.

Some astronomers postulate that the universe is a dodecahedron, approximately 60 billion lightyears in diameter. This shape of a universe gives the impression that it is 120 times bigger than it really is. It is almost like a cosmic hall of mirrors. Inside a universe, there are no boundaries. As you leave it, you reenter it immediately. As an analogy, imagine the earth, its surface being endless as it has no boundaries, yet it has a finite surface.
The Universe is a closed system that has no boundaries and space is curved, like the surface of the earth. Plato and Aristotle claimed the universe as finite. Plato sayings it was a twelve-sided dodecahedron. This is rather like a ball made from 12 pieces of leather. Pythagoras claimed the dodecahedron formed the ‘timber’ on which the spherical framework of the heavens was built. Now you can imagine that if this is how Pythagoras viewed the form of the Universe, I am going to be very partial to the idea. Why? Because all these presentations are based on the theories of Pythagoras in the first place!
Multi-dimensional Space
Let’s get down and start to look at the basics of what it takes to make a dimension in space. An object in the physical universe can have a maximum of three spatial dimensions.
- A dot has zero dimensions
- A line has one dimension (length)
- A square has two dimensions (length & width)
- A cube has three dimensions (length, width & height)
This is where people’s perception of space usually ends. However, you often hear of the 4th dimension, whatever that is meant to be. It is often equated to time. I wish now to outline the Hylozoic view of how our universe is constructed in terms of spatial dimensions.
Each plane of the Universe, according to Hylozoics, has one more spatial dimension than the preceding plane.

It can be seen from the table that starting off with three dimensions on the 49th plane of matter, by the time you get to the 1st you have 51 dimensions. This is a far cry from the usual mantra pronounced by so many that we live in three dimensions and time is the 4th! Another thing worth noting is that someone who dwells on the Solar-systemic monadic plane experiences their environment in 9 dimensions. You are aware of your environment in three dimensions, they are aware of theirs in nine. I have often pondered what that might be like. Obviously, I can not. But I do talk about objective consciousness and how this can be achieved in the three lowest planes of matter when we gain enlightenment. In the same way, someone functioning of the 43 planes of matter, someone like the ‘Christ’, can be simultaneously conscious on its plane and all the planes below. This may give us a glimpse of what is achievable with this number of dimensions at our disposal.
Now to complete the set, we can say the Universe has 51 spatial dimensions, but it also has one more dimension. This dimension is temporal, in other words, it is linked to time. This makes a grand total of 52 dimensions. This brings me neatly back to the assertion that some people make that we live in three dimensions and the 4th is time. They are correct because that temporal dimension is present on all planes of matter. However, it is present in different ways. It is still temporal, but how that time is experienced differs. Just in the way a child and an adult experience time differently, so do our guardian angels operating on the 4th plane of matter (46), where there are six spatial dimensions and one temporal one.
It must be remembered that all the 52 dimensions exist everywhere in the universe but planets have higher proportions of denser subtle planes surrounding them. Deep space has a greater proportion of the more subtle planes.
The 1-atom, the primary atom, the one that comes into the Universe from the Anti-verse, vibrates in 51 spatial dimensions. Then it combines with 48 other 1-atoms and forms the next lower plane, plane 2, it now vibrates on one lower dimension. This repeats itself until you get to plane 49, where there are only three dimensions left. As has already been discussed, we can not go below the 49th plane of matter.

It is a mistake to call the Emotional plane the 4th Dimension. The reason for this is that each higher plane contains all the planes below it. In the same vein, the Monadic plane contains planes 43 to 49. The important thing to grasp is that all dimensions interpenetrate one another. It is our level of consciousness that determines what we perceive. This is why evolution is often spoken of as the expansion of consciousness. As the monad expands this consciousness field, its focus changes through the planes of matter. Those planes do not disappear. In fact, the monad can focus down into the lower planes at will. It is just that it has access to the higher planes as well. In this way, it is fair to say that we do not move through the Universe. We just expand our awareness of the Universe around us. The concept of getting into a space ship and dashing off to explore the galaxy is faintly ludicrous when you can sit in the comfort to your living room and instantly find yourself anywhere your conscious can expand to. Remember, when you can do this, you do not just arrive at another planet or star system and see material envelopes. You see all the envelopes your level of consciousness allows you to experience. I suspect the material globes are the least interesting of all the envelopes of any particular body to study. Before you get too enthusiastic and decide to expand your consciousness to visit Sirius, remember matter and consciousness can not exist separately. So work out first what matter you intend to project to Sirius before your consciousness follows!
The etheric, emotional and mental consciousness of the average human is subjective, sensing only ‘internal’ happenings. Most humans are only able to objectively perceive the lower half of the 49th plane. This means solids, liquids and gases. Clairvoyants can ‘see’ into the Emotional plane but the presence of the extra dimension makes psychic readings imprecise. What is perceived on the emotional plane is 4-dimensional and has to then be translated by a 3-dimensional brain. This goes a long way to explain why our dreams appear to be so disjointed and fluidic.
The concept of multiple dimensions has been explained metaphorically in our literature. A good example can be found in the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verse 2. “In my Father’s house, there are many mansions”. This sentence understood correctly means that not only are there more planes than just the physical, but each higher plane is more expansive, hence the use of the metaphor of a mansion.

The Lord Buddha use another metaphor, that of direction. The Ten Directions referred to by Buddha refer us up to the causal plane, which has five dimensions and ten directions. This is the entire sphere of human endeavour. So just to clarify, there are 48 levels of hyperspace. These are the planes 48 to plane 1. They can also be referred to as having from 4 dimensions to 51 dimensions. As already discussed, the magnitude of space increases as one ascends to the higher planes. However, this increase in the spatial dimension is compensated for by an increase in consciousness. As such, each higher planes appears to shrink until on the vastness of Plane 1, the entire galaxy can be comprehended as a point. It is easy to write the last sentence, it is much more difficult to perceive what exactly that may be like.
Now back to one of my bugbears. This is when people state that time only exists in physical reality. Somehow, when you move the ‘Spirit World’, however you define that, time vanishes. This temporal element exists on all planes of matter. What changes is that the perception of time and space differ on each success plane of matter. What is more, on each successive plane they matter less and less. That is not to say they are not there. The concept of time slowly disappears and the perception of the ‘eternal now’, a phrase often used by esotericists to sound mystical, does increase.
Talking of time, that will be the topic of my next presentation.
Hello Kazim,
I’ve been watching all of your videos from the beginning of the series to here. What a wonderful piece of work! The scope of esoteric wisdom is amazing and pedagogy brilliant. I think I even detected some humor in the presentation. I look forward to continuing my exploration of your series. Thanks so much for this gift of knowledge.
In regard to the question about the transmission of light through intergalactic space, plasma filaments have been detected connecting galaxies at vast distances. If scientific equipment is able to detect electrified plasma in intergalactic space (mostly by satellite far from earth) it seems that a sea of etheric substance must pervade the entire physical universe. Indeed, it has been calculated that 99.999% of the universe is electrified plasma. Plasma is probably one of the lowest (densest) subplanes of etheric substance. DK says that light is transmitted via the second etheric subplane – which is probably more refined than what astrophysicists are detecting in intergalactic space.
Lucis trust has a very interesting collection of articles on the “Electric Bridge” which deals with the overlap of esoteric wisdom and the theories of the “electric universe”. Thunderbolts.info also has a wealth of information, but it is decidedly more challenging scientifically.
Hi Lyn
I happened to come across your comment and see the I have not replied.
Light is an interesting phenomena. We can see it, yet it in not on planes 49:5-7. However, we don’t have etheric vision, so if it is on a higher etheric plane, how come we are seeing it?
Plasma is on plane 49:4 as it is just a disassociated atom and that is plasma! How this is beamed through inter-galactic space is mind boggling. If what Thunderbolt.org says is correct, then whole star systems form on these massive “Birkland” currents. If we fit this into a concept of the seven rays that start from Plane-1, it does make sense.
These plasma currents are the lowest form of energy that must be flowing out from these massive monadic centres. Imagine what must be flowing on the higher planes of matter!
Hello, Kazim.
How can we see light and other radiation from distant galaxies while we are on the physical plane of the Earth if there are no other substance other than 1-atoms in intergalactic space? Can 1-atoms transfer vibrations from distant galaxies to physical Earth (49:4-49:7) ?
You ask a very good question Alexey and one that I have pondered on long and hard. I must make the effort to write to Lars Adelskogh and ask him the same question.
In the mean time, let’s try and work out an answer from first principles. You are absolutely correct, if intergalactic space is only filled with primary atoms, how can light, which are particles existing on the 49th Plane of Matter, somehow get transmitted across this empty space? I think it is safe to assume there is something very special about light. It exists on all planes of matter, yet it is different on each plane. If we assume that all particles are made from an aggregate of 1-atoms, maybe there is an essence of an event that can carry across, what is the 1st Plane of Matter, to later materialise back on the plane from which it originated. Anyway, that is a first stab. Let’s see what Lars says.
Has Lars replied anything on this question?
In the comment above, the person pointed out that science has discovered plasma filaments connecting the Galaxies. But these plasma filaments are also made of ethereal matter of the 49th plane. This is interesting..
Not to me he has not. This is a reply I have just written to an earlier comment that I had not responded to “Light is an interesting phenomena. We can see it, yet it in not on planes 49:5-7. However, we don’t have etheric vision, so if it is on a higher etheric plane, how come we are seeing it?
Plasma is on plane 49:4 as it is just a disassociated atom and that is plasma! How this is beamed through inter-galactic space is mind boggling. If what Thunderbolt.org says is correct, then whole star systems form on these massive “Birkland” currents. If we fit this into a concept of the seven rays that start from Plane-1, it does make sense.
These plasma currents are the lowest form of energy that must be flowing out from these massive monadic centres. Imagine what must be flowing on the higher planes of matter!”
thank you for your invitation. I am usually at my jobsite at that time during work days, but I would like to hear your meetings in case you decide to record them.
I am reading “The Explanation” by L. Adelskogh, in order to be aligned with your discussions.
OK Roberto
When I get round to finally sending out the invitations, we should start as early as the following week, 6th October. I will try and record the discussions and I will send you an MP3 recording.
Thank you Kazim,
for this new interesting post.
I re-opened Laurency’s book “The Knowledge of Reality 1 – Chapter 2 “Gnostics”, because I needed to refresh some concepts about that.
Are you going to issue a specific post about Gnostics and their strong influence on Esoterics?
Hi Rob
I lose track of what is in my current posts as I am already editing post 32! In one of my previous posts, maybe this one, I talked about the fictitious life of Jesus and the fact that we know nothing about the real life of the Bodhisattva, who overshadowed the persona of Jeshu, someone who lived 150 years earlier. This was not a direct reference to the Gnostic movement. It was however relevant that they were the instigator of the writings that eventually became the gospels as we know them today.
What I am continually doing is referring to Gnostic symbology when I talk about the Trinity. I also quote often from the Gospels and they are all Gnostic anyway. I have no intention to go into the politics and philosophies of any sect in my presentations. That becomes a history lesson and does not increase the World View of the viewer to any great extent.
When I do dip into history and that is most likely to be in my third set of presentations, I will talk about Schemes, Chains, Rounds and Globes. That will be a history lesson and a half but that is years away. I have a lot more to say in this series of presentations before I tackle our envelopes of incarnation in much greater detail.
In the mean time some friends have asked me to form a study group and the first topic we will look at is the ‘Explanation’ by Lars Adelskogh. This is a good introduction to Hylozoics. The study group will convene at 12 noon on Tuesdays EST for up to 2 hours. If you are interested in joining, let me know.