In my last presentation, I began our journey into Space and Time by concentrating on ‘Space’. One important point I made in that presentation was that time exists in all of space, no matter which plane you happen to be inhabiting. This is an important concept to grasp, as it is easy to be led into a rabbit warren of speculation of what time is and how it can be manipulated.

So what exactly do I mean by the term, ‘Time’? Time is defined as a measurement of duration or continued existence. It can be both objective and subjective. From an objective point of view, time is linear. It processes from one observable event to another. A good example of this would be the movement of the Sun in the sky. However, time has a subjective element as well. An event may be happening objectively, but your perception of it is likely to depend on your age and your situation. I remember seeing a quote that said: “you never know how long a minute is until you are exercising”.
Time exists on all planes but is experienced differently on those planes. Back on Earth, from our perspective, time appears to pass much more quickly on higher planes. Time seems to fly when you are having fun and drags when you are depressed. Adults perceive time more quickly as their consciousness is more developed. This is obviously in relation to a child. The child may have the same brain capacity but its consciousness is slowly unfolding as the persona engages more and more with its three envelopes of incarnation. The monad is having to recapitulate all the processes it takes to function in this ‘virtual reality suit’ we call our bodies. This takes time and for the monad is a real bore. But it takes time to learn anything and that is why it is to the benefit of the child that it seems to pass slowly. It gives the child more time to imbibe the knowledge and experience. The connection to age and expanded consciousness links in well if you think of a monad that may be operating in 9 dimensions, for example, the ‘Christ’, the Bodhisattva. The consciousness of this monad is vastly greater than ours and so its experience of time is much more rapid.

The physical brain is the only part of the human being that can accurately assess time. The brain makes the passage of time an important part of our daily lives. When a persona is impatient, it is overly associating with its physical existence. A child lives very much within its physical world and that is why every parent hears the word “are we there yet” before the car has even exited the driveway!
Perception of Time
So we are happy with the concept that time is time. What seems to differ is how we perceive it. As a monad moves its focus of consciousness to higher planes, its perception of time widens. It is able to see more of the past and the future. It is doing this from its present situation so it is often stated in esoterics that the past and the future become ever-present in the now. This is all becoming a bit too mystical for me. Let’s try and pin this down into something more digestible. Starting with the future; how can you know the future when it has patently not happened. Students of esoterics tie themselves up in knots trying to explain how such ‘illuminated’ souls are able to see all events simultaneously because the past, present and future are not separated. They are all happening at once. This is not my understanding of what is actually happening.

If you are standing in the present, how is it possible to know the future. It isn’t. However, if your consciousness can expand to a point where you are able to work out all the variables that may occur going forward, then it is possible to predict a particular outcome. The important caveat in all of this is that there are no extraneous variables that you were not aware of when you made your calculations.
Higher levels of consciousness provided the monad with a greater capacity to incorporate lessons from the past and the probable outcomes in the future. They can base this on the current actions that are occurring. The advantage of having this higher perspective of time, which is achieved by dint of having an expended consciousness, is that a monad has a greater capacity to accept what is in the past. It is also able to forgive misdeeds that it may have committed or may have been committed towards it.
We can not change the past, but we change the way we view it. This obviously benefits our present and our future. This has important implications on how we view the life we are living and the perceived quality of that life. If we resist accepting past events and view them as detrimental, they have a negative effect on our present existence. When we accept the past, forgiving ourselves and others, and just as importantly learning from it, the past then becomes a valuable resource. This can be summarised neatly by stating that experiences are temporary but lessons learnt are everlasting.
Experience of Time
During the process of incarnation, the guardian angel gathers approximately 5 per cent of the monad’s total life experience and fashions it into a persona. The focus of this consciousness descends from the casual plane (47:1-47:3) down to the physical plane (49). To the consciousness active in the physical/etheric brain, a lifetime feels like a lifetime. However, to the soul back on the 47th plane, it may only register as a week in its time perception. To the monad, embedded in a 43:1 atom on the highest plane in the Solar system, it may seem like a day.
We have already talked about experiencing the past and present in the now. One way to access the information stored in the past is to be able to tap into stored memory of all events, known as the Akashic Records. This is a record of all events that have ever occurred and is stored in the global tertiary memory banks of any material plane of existence. I say this in the context of the Cosmic Physical Plane, as this is the only cosmic plane that tertiary matter exists upon. How memory is stored in the higher cosmic planes is not known to me yet. To a 1st-Self with objective causal consciousness, it has the ability to access the entire planet’s history. It can do this as it is stored in the three sheaths, the etheric, the emotional and the mental. To a 3rd-Self, conscious on the 43rd monadic plane, the history of the entire Solar System is available to be studied. You may ask, why is it not possible for that 1st-Self to know the history of the Solar System? The reason is that the consciousness of the 1st-Self only extend to the mental plane within the envelopes of the Planetary Logos. The human monad does not have access to the history of Venus or Mars until it expands its consciousness beyond the mental sheath of this planet. The Bodhisattva, on plane 43, has a consciousness field that spans all the planes of matter and consciousness within the Solar System. A fully evolved monad on Plane 1, has the ability to experience the entire history of the galaxy in a single moment. It can do this because the spatial aspect it possesses is almost infinite and the temporal aspect is zero.
If you were able to zoom out from the Earth, you would see more and more of it. The whole Earth would be seen as the ‘eternal now’. The increased capacity that is associated with higher states of consciousness not only facilitate perceptions of greater periods of time but enable time to be experienced faster. These two facts cancel each other out, so as time passes faster, our capacity to process the information carried with that time increases as well.
The information presented so far can be summarised by saying that objects and events that are much larger than our field of consciousness appear to move more slowly. Those objects and events that are smaller than our field of consciousness move more quickly. Galaxies take 250 million years to make one rotation. However, seen from a higher level of consciousness, it would appear much more rapid. By comparison, an electron rotates about an atom at 500 million miles per hour. If we were the size of an atom, this rotation would appear much slower.

Space-Time Continuum
Time may pass much faster on higher planes but why is this the case? I think by now you have seen that time and space are intimately linked and relative to each other. If the spatial aspect is expanded, the temporal aspect is compressed and vice versa. The higher number of spatial dimensions associated with higher planes compress time, making it pass faster.
As has already been alluded to, the purpose of this relativity is to give the low-level of consciousness inherent in young monads, more time to develop. As already mentioned, a child’s level of consciousness is slower than adults, yet children have a greater capacity to learn. The main reason for this is that time passes more slowly to the child, giving it more time to learn. Consciousness develops exponentially so that the further we progress the faster we progress.
The relativity of time has been known to the Buddhists for thousands of years. The table presented shows that as the monad moves its focus from the lowest emotional subplane, 48:7, each day appears to equate to a doubling of time. This table should not be taken too literally because what is a day on the Emotional plane anyway. We know a day has passed because we see the sun rise and set. On the Emotional plane, there is no night, just a continuous luminance, changing in strength and beauty as you rise higher in its subplanes. But you get the general idea.
Beyond our universe, which is the subjective world of our ABSOLUTE, lies the Metaverse. This can be thought of as the ‘Infinite’. The spatial aspect of the ‘Infinite’ is infinite, so the temporal aspect must be zero. The Metaverse is literally beyond time. It always was. There I go sounding mystical again!

The Age of the Universe
Current scientific thinking says the Universe is 14 billion years old. However, even if they were right, which they are not, when we look out at the Universe, we are only seeing the 49th plane of matter. What about the other 48 planes of matter, surely they count for something? Yes, they do and they were formed aeons of time before the lowest of the Cosmic Physical Planes (7). No direct data is available from esoteric sources as to the age of the Universe (1-49). But it is safe to say that quadrillions of years have passed since the first matter was ‘poured’ into the Universe by the 3rd Logos, on Plane 1.
What esoterics does tell us is that the Solar System will exist for 100 ‘Years of Brahma’. This equates to 311 million years! This is a rather long period of time! Note the term ‘Years of Brahma’. In the Hindu pantheon, it is Brahma that breaths out the Universe. This equates to the Greek term 3rd Logos. The Solar System is currently halfway through its life, at 50 years of Brahma, plus one day of Brahma, 7 manvantaras and 28 maha yogas, which equates to 155.52 trillion years. I have just used a series of Sanskrit words that equate to units of time. Don’t worry if they mean nothing to you. They mean nothing to me either!
Back to good old science. According to current theories, our solar system is 4.5 billion years old. In their model, the Sun, the planets and the moon formed all at the same time. However, there is evidence that suggests otherwise. For example, two of Jupiter’s moons, Io and Europa appear to be young, as they have few impact craters. They are also geologically active and generate their own magnetic fields. Callisto on the other hand, is heavily cratered, suggesting it is older. Why this discrepancy?
Mars has two small moons, Phobos is heavily cratered and Deimos is not. Why? Saturn’s rings would almost be completely dispersed by meteorite activity if they were 4.5 billion years old. Alas, this is how modern astronomy works. Scientists can not explain these anomalies but they do not bother changing their theories to match the results they are viewing. They reinterpret their results to match their flawed theories.
Esoterics says everything started with a thought-form. So there would have been existence on higher planes of matter long before anything became visible on the 49th, the material plane. The planets we see in our solar system condensed through the causal, the mental, the emotional and finally the etheric planes long before they took a physical form that would be visible to us today.
Planets also go through a series of re-embodiments, in which they are periodically destroyed and reformed around new subtle bodies. This is a whole field of study in itself and not for this series of presentations but just be aware that this happens. The Earth you see around you today has been in material existence for a lot shorter time than you think. Jupiter and Saturn are young planets, the Earth and Mars are middle-aged and Venus and Mercury are old. There is no information about Neptune and Uranus.
According to esoterics, the Earth is 1.972 billion years old and the latest cycle of life began 320 million years ago in the Ediacaran Period. This age, according to geologists, equates to 635 million years ago, at the and of a major ice age. The ‘Cambrian Explosion’, which saw the emergence of plants and animals occurred 543 million years ago, but according to Laurency, it was only 250 million years ago. Laurency states the difference between the accepted geological dates and the esoterically derived ones, is due to inaccuracies in radiocarbon dating.
I mention these discrepancies in passing, not because it matters a great deal to the price of eggs, but because it draws our attention to the possibility that the time scales we live in may be radically different to what they are. The relevance of this is highlighted when the study of Chains, Globes and Rounds are tackled. This gives most seasoned esotericists indigestion, so I will spare you any further discomfort.
What I do wish for you to hold on to is that time on any plane is absolute. It is just perceived as running at different clock speeds, depending on how conscious you are. The analogy I give is the perception of time of a child as opposed to an adult. Time is relative between planes of matter because each plane of matter expands and with it the consciousness of the monad on that plane. The monad it able to perceive more of the passage of time, because it is able to assimilate the past and predict the future in a way that makes time appear to shrink. The bigger takeaway is that time is always present in the Universe. It is only when you get to the Anti-verse which is infinite, does time shrink all the way to Zero. Another factor to also take into account in the Anti-verse, is that space also disappears, but you remember that don’t you from a previous presentation.
In my next presentation, I wish to return to the Planes of Existence and look at them in greater detail.

Esoterics says everything started with a thought-form. So there would have been existence on higher planes of matter long before anything became visible on the 49th, the material plane. The planets we see in our solar system condensed through the causal, the mental, the emotional and finally the etheric planes long before they took a physical form that would be visible to us today.
Planets also go through a series of re-embodiments, in which they are periodically destroyed and reformed around new subtle bodies. This is a whole field of study in itself and not for this series of presentations but just be aware that this happens. The Earth you see around you today has been in material existence for a lot shorter time than you think. Jupiter and Saturn are young planets, the Earth and Mars are middle-aged and Venus and Mercury are old. There is no information about Neptune and Uranus.
According to esoterics, the Earth is 1.972 billion years old and the latest cycle of life began 320 million years ago in the Ediacaran Period. This age, according to geologists, equates to 635 million years ago, at the and of a major ice age. The ‘Cambrian Explosion’, which saw the emergence of plants and animals occurred 543 million years ago, but according to Laurency, it was only 250 million years ago. Laurency states the difference between the accepted geological dates and the esoterically derived ones, is due to inaccuracies in radiocarbon dating.
I mention these discrepancies in passing, not because it matters a great deal to the price of eggs, but because it draws our attention to the possibility that the time scales we live in may be radically different to what they are. The relevance of this is highlighted when the study of Chains, Globes and Rounds are tackled. This gives most seasoned esotericists indigestion, so I will spare you any further discomfort.
What I do wish for you to hold on to is that time on any plane is absolute. It is just perceived as running at different clock speeds, depending on how conscious you are. The analogy I give is the perception of time of a child as opposed to an adult. Time is relative between planes of matter because each plane of matter expands and with it the consciousness of the monad on that plane. The monad it able to perceive more of the passage of time, because it is able to assimilate the past and predict the future in a way that makes time appear to shrink. The bigger takeaway is that time is always present in the Universe. It is only when you get to the Anti-verse which is infinite, does time shrink all the way to Zero. Another factor to also take into account in the Anti-verse, is that space also disappears, but you remember that don’t you from a previous presentation.
In my next presentation, I wish to return to the Planes of Existence and look at them in greater detail.
Hi Kazim. Great job covering a difficult concept. Coming from the perspective of high energy physics, particles approaching the speed of light exhibit the same “ morphing” of time. The behavior of time you have described on higher planes is both observable and consistent even on the 49th plane! Einstein’s theory of special relativity does a good job describing how time and distance are based on the observer energy state. I must be advancing on some level because the years keep flying by faster the older I get! LOL
Hi Richard. Are you aware of the project. There are a group of physicists that completely disagree with Einsteins theories on time, relativity and gravity. Their stance is borne out by the Hylozoic scaffolding that this series of presentations are slowly advancing. So instance, the Sun is not a nuclear reactor, it is a light bulb. It gets it energy from Sirius via a Birkland current. If you have not heard of these concepts, I highly recommend you visit this site and ‘illuminate’ yourself. These are clearly ‘guided’ thinkers and they are slowly trying to give us a better view of reality. Naturally they are getting a lot of pushback from mainstream science.