In the previous presentation, I outlined the distinction between a plane and a world. The plane refers to a vibrational level of existence where all the matter on that plane is composed of one type of atom. In the case of the Emotional plane, it is the 48-atom. A world is a distinct subset of a plane that is associated with a particular collective. In our case, that collective is our plant Earth. This is the virtual reality suit for the being known as the Planetary Logos. Around this globe of ours, which itself can be thought of as a living entity, there are three worlds. The first and the only objectively verifiable one by us is the Physical world. The Emotional and Mental world envelopes surround and interpenetrate the Physical world. The controlling monad for this evolutionary unit is the already mentioned Planetary Logos. However, the collection of monads undergoing their evolution associated with these three worlds around this planet, fall into seven parallels life-streams. The only two we know of about are ourselves and the Devic lifestreams. The planet itself can be considered a distinct living entity in itself and I have speculated that this may be one of the five other parallel lifestreams unknown to us at present. Over the course of the next few presentations, I wish to look at each one of three worlds in greater detail.

The Physical World
Let’s start with the lowest and most accessible world, the Physical. This world includes solids (49:7), liquids (49:6), gases (49:5) and plasma (49:4). Plasma is an interesting phase of matter, where the atom disassociates into its positive nucleus and its negative electrons. These ions are transitional phases into etheric matter.
There is one particularly unique feature of physical matter. It has the ability to hold its form long after the ensouling monad has departed from its physical structure. To give a time frame to this, a rock can last for billions of years and plants that have a woody component can last for thousands.
The two higher levels of the etheric plane, 49:3 and 49:2 are potentially accessible to us. They carry other forms of matter that are vital for our operations in the physical world. The highest level of the physical world is atomic, 49:1 and resides in our triadic structure. This level of matter is not accessible to the human monad. It, however, does serve as a seat for the monad. It allows it to focus its attention into the realms of matter below the atomic subplane. This only occurs when the monad is at the start of its journey into the 4th Kingdom and is deemed to be a young soul.

The Etheric World
Let us look at the Etheric plane in greater detail. The etheric plane is the upper half of the physical plane and includes molecules vibrating on the 49:4, 49:3 and 49:2 sub-planes. The highest level, 49:1 is atomic and can simply be referred to as the 49-atom. This 49-atom is the fundamental particle from which all physical and etheric matter is composed, including quarks, protons, neutrons and other subatomic particles. Electrons are exempt from this list for reasons I do not wish to discuss at present.
Every physical object has an etheric counterpart. This etheric counterpart interpenetrates the physical component and can be seen as an aura extending just beyond the surface of the matter form. The relationship between physical matter and etheric matter is an interesting one because the etheric counterpart of a life-form is the template around which the physical organism grows. I could just leave that statement there but I want to go back to my favourite topic in all of esoterics, Chains and Globes. I told you that the Barhishad’s, a group known as the Lunar devas were responsible for creating our templates in the previous Moon chain. Well, guess what, here we turn up on the Earth chain and for technical accuracy, on the 4th Globe in the 4th Round and we have the material world constituted the way it is. I hope you see now how this all fits wonderfully together. It took a previous chain to develop a template for the existence of physical matter and it took our globe, in its fourth incarnation to manifest a material component out of this etheric template. You can look at this template from the aspect of a single material atom, but you can also see it in the context of a whole complex organism like ourselves. Both had their templates constructed a long time ago on a completely different chain, the Moon chain.

So in the physical world, we have these two interwoven components, the physical and the etheric, neither of them is capable of independent activity. This is a vitally important fact to realise and how this affects our lives is discussed shortly and in future presentations. The simple takeaway fact is that the etheric and physical bodies are two halves of a whole, remaining intimately connected during physical life.
Is it possible to see the etheric planes of matter? Yes, it is and you do not need psychic powers to do so. You do not need any magical property linked to your ‘Third Eye’ and be clairvoyant to see onto these molecular subplanes. Clearly, this faculty is not just going to pop up and present itself to us. Like everything in life, we have to raise our level of consciousness until our physical sight evolved to be able to see into these higher frequency bands.
Those that have this faculty have reported that light on the etheric planes of matter is more vivid and often iridescent. They seem to imbue an object with an extra sense of depth and dimension. You could say that the etheric world is similar to the physical world, only it is more beautiful to behold.

Etheric Life Forms
Although the etheric subplane surrounds and interpenetrates physical matter, there are a host of beings that dwell specifically on these higher material planes. These include the Nature Spirits. I wish to state here for the record that I am not talking about ‘Elementals’ as they are often mistakenly called. The latter is a term applied to Secondary matter that is on an involutionary path. The nature spirits are on an evolutionary path and are composed of Quaternary matter.
Nature spirits are on the deva evolutionary path and are at developmental stages that correspond to plants and animals. From this, you can work out which of their envelopes of incarnation they share in their group souls. These spirits can be considered the labourers that keep ‘Nature’ functioning. They build the physical and subtle bodies of monads on the human evolutionary path, which includes most plants and animals as well. I have mentioned on previous occasions that we exist, thanks to our partnership with the devic kingdom. Well, now you know who you have to thank for your bodies. Nature spirits are not just responsible for fashioning our shape and form but make that form function as well.
Nature spirits are divided into four groups according to the four elements. There are the gnomes, who are linked to the earth. It is interesting to note that we have these creatures in our mythologies and they are always associated with the earth. They are considered to be rather grotesque and shy away from human contact. Perhaps in an earlier time, more of us had etheric vision and we did see these devic lifestreams and got to know their form and functions.
The second group are the Undines and they are linked to the element of water. Here come all the myths of mermaids and water nymphs, much loved by Greek mythology and Renaissance painters. The Sylphs are associated with air and the Salamanders with fire. What I take home from the knowledge of the existence of these four classes of devas, is that what we take a just being physical phenomena, actually have devas attached to them. For those phenomena to occur, a deva has to make it happen. This has interesting implications when it comes to the performing of ‘white’ magic. I make the distinction ‘white’ because black magicians activate elemental forces, which are two grades of life form below the Nature Spirits.

The names of devas and angels are used to describe the more evolved members of the deva evolution. These monads correspond to us humans in the 4th Kingdom and well beyond this kingdom. Effectively, the devic stream goes all the way up to Plane-1. The building devas are called the Agnichaitans. They oversee the construction of the etheric bodies of the incarnating monads on the human evolutionary path. This includes us obviously but also most animals and some plants. Devic beings from the 5th and the 6th Kingdoms can descend to the etheric plane. It should however be noted that this is not their natural habitat.
If you happen to have etheric sight, then you can see such beings. It is also possible to see them if they choose to make themselves visible. They do this by drawing a veil of physical matter around themselves. There are numerous counts of people reporting that they have seen ‘angels’, sometimes in most dramatic circumstances, when they are saved from calamity by these devas. A similar veiling phenomenon occurs naturally when etheric corpses of recently deceased people are visible above graves on misty moonlit nights.

Emotional World
In the last presentation, I described the physical world we live in from an esoteric point of view. Now I wish to move out of the physical plane altogether. When physicists smash atoms together in their monumentally expensive colliders, the resultant subatomic particles they see are not the smallest possible physical substance. The smallest unit on plane 49 is the 49-atom. They will never see that. However, to them, the measured subatomic particles are all there is, as this is all they can measure in their machines. When you move into the realm of the 48-atom, you are on another completely different plane of matter. To study and view anything on this plain, you have to construct your tools of investigation from matter that dwells on this plane. It is for this reason that Humankind is never going to get proof of more than the lowest plane of matter until they develop faculties within themselves to be investigating this higher realm.

The Emotional world is known as the ‘Spirit world’ by clairvoyants and mediums. Like other subtle worlds in our solar system, it is a material world composed primarily of involuntary secondary matter. This we know by another term, Elemental Essence. This world is much more refined than even the etheric levels of the physical world. Emotional matter rapidly reacts to thoughts, beliefs and imaginations of the Emotional world’s inhabitants. The result of this is that a ‘reality’ is swiftly manifested as a result of the individual and collective thoughts of inhabitants of this plane of matter.

Most of the material forms in the three lowest subplanes (48:9 to 48:5) are the Emotional world counterparts of the material forms. The material forms exist in the Physical world (49:7 to 49:5). The net result of this is that the three lower regions of the emotional plane correspond very closely to the reality we know on Earth. This results in some recently discarnate souls not realising they have died at all. The three higher molecular levels, (48:4 to 48:2) are created by individuals and the collective imaginations of their inhabitants. These are termed consensus environments and they are maintained by group thought. This results in the creation of a series of ‘heavens’ that are created by various religious groups. These groups maintain this environment by the continual reinforcing of their thought energies into this artificial structure. This has led to the creation of environments that are extremely old and resistant to change.
In a consensus environment, our thoughts influence our personal energy but not the energy surrounding us. The various ‘heavens’ referred to by John in the Book of Revelations or by Mohamed in the Koran, are classic examples of consensus environments. We can even refer to the Elysian Fields of Greek mythology or Valhalla for the Nordic cultures. What is important to note, is that when we enter these environments, our thoughts do not change their structure. We just dwell within them and reinforce their overall appearance. Within such environments, we can conjure up our personal saviours, be greeted by them and get told what excellent souls we generally are. This is a fantastic place to be until you eventually get bored with this repetitive reenactment of your wildest imaginings and realise that it is ‘fake’. The soul is then ready to take the next step in its journey after death, but we get to this later.
As is alluded to in my last presentation, most emotional matter, 48:7, resides within the Earth. Hence this is known as the ‘Underworld’. Emotional-world beings can move through matter because their energy is much finer that atoms vibrating on the 49th plane. They move through the ‘gaps’ but there is some resistance. Memories of this resistance manifest in some nightmares when we feel we are moving through treacle. I also mentioned that night does not exist in the Emotional world, or on any higher worlds. The reason for this is that subtle matter does not block light.
The Sun emits seven types of light. This should not be confused with the spectrum you see when you split a beam of white light and get a rainbow effect. Physical light is energy emitted from the 49-atom. The other types of light are edited with the atoms on the six higher planes. Higher subplanes of the Emotional world extend further from the earth. The highest of these being 150,000 miles into space. This highest level contacts the Emotional world of the Moon.

The Emotional Akashic Records
The Akashic Records are the collective memory of the Solar System and can be accurately read from the Mental plane. The so-called Akashic records on the Emotional plane are a dim and distorted reflection of this mental record. A good way to understand just how distorted this reflection is can be imagined if you think of it as being an image that is viewed in a pool of water that is full of ripples. Not only are there ripples, but the viewer is seeing the images presented upside down. If that does not give you a headache, then you have a very tough constitution.
The akashic records should not be confused with a profusion of manmade thought forms that are continually being made on the emotional and mental planes. These thought-forms are based on consensus beliefs. They are synthetic and are easy to read, but they are false and based on half-truths. A good example of this is the Bible, which can be viewed as a film in the Emotional world. It is however nothing more than a consensus projection of people’s thoughts through the ages. In the movie, you will see Jesus being born in a stable when no such event ever occurred.
Thought-forms used on consensus beliefs give rise to synthetic people. These consensus thoughts quite literally create a ‘fake’ Jesus. The real Jesus, whose name was Jeshu, lives on the Divine plane (44). Christ, the Bodhisattva, who overshadowed him, dwells on the Monadic plane, 43. However, people in their sleep state and clairvoyants are continually seeing ‘Jesus’ on the Emotional plane (48). So the next time you happen to bump into ‘Jesus’ on your nightly sojourns to the Emotional plane, and you happen to remember the encounter, beware, this is a synthetic creation. It has been created by everyone who has ever had a thought about ‘Jesus’. It is effectively an archetypal conception of ‘Jesus’.
The synthetic ‘Jesus’ has no intelligent consciousness and can only mirror your thoughts and expectations back to you. People of other faiths should not feel left out. There are archetypal replicas of all the religious leaders to be found on the Emotional plane. So to conclude, synthetic records and people confirm all our belief systems. The Elemental matter that is found in the Emotional world races to any and every emotional stimulus. It indiscriminately confirms our self-professed truths and fictions.
Since most of humanity’s belief systems are partly fictitious, especially those that are emotionally based, the Emotional world is rightly called the World of Illusion. The four-dimensional nature of the Emotional world causes further confusion to the untrained clairvoyant. Most beings dwelling on or visiting the Emotional world are helpless victims of the illusory nature of this consensus environment. This warning applies especially to clairvoyants with objective emotional consciousness. Their observations can not be trusted, yet our bookshelves are replete with imaginings of these visitors.

It should be noted that the Planetary Hierarchy des not allow its junior disciples to practice mediumship or to develop clairvoyance. Those that ‘naturally’ have this ability have developed in previous incarnations, often through the misuse of ‘magic’. This has resulted in damaging of their etheric web, which carries through into subsequent incarnations. It is pointless to engage in an activity that can not be fully understood or controlled until you have reached ‘enlightenment’, after taking the 3rd initiation (i3).
In part 2 of this series of presentations, I go on to look further at the emotional plane and some must-see places like Hell & Purgatory.
Hi Kazim, you may have already mentioned this in another post in regards to the seven life streams, since every monad is aligned to one of the seven rays when it enters the universe, would it be correct to assume that each of the 7 life streams would be associated with one of the rays? I believe it was stated that humans are following the path of consciousness (2nd ray) and the Devic path from what I understand seems to align to the 7th ray of Order. You have speculated that the Lords are Karma are a from different life stream for which the Balance aspect of the 4th ray seems appropriate, and that planets may be from another pedestrian (3rd Ray- matter?). Wildly speculating, stars are all about energy (1st Ray). Have I let my imagination run away, or do you think there may be some validity to this logic? Thanks, Rich
Hi Richard
There is something logical to the Ray hypothesis, however I am not sure if primary atoms that start on the 2nd ray are destined only to function along our particular path. You put the devas on the 7th Ray. I would put them on the 3rd. Why? Because they are the “Brahma” aspect of creation, which is bringing matter into the Universe. The 3rd Logos.
Yet we are also told that our monad can have as its primary orientation any one of the rays. If this is the case, did we enter on the 2nd ray and then only get one of the 7 possible orientations later? I suspect not. I would have thought we entered on the ray that defines us.
Then again, are there other reasons we are mostly 2nd ray in our Solar System? May this be due to the fact that our Solar Logos is on its second incarnation and it is also 2nd ray to boot? Who knows. I will ask him the net time we meet. From what I have just said, you can see that the “sun” is not 1st ray, from the monadic point of view, who is the controller of the physical sun. The Sun spirit, which is a parallel stream of evolution is a different kettle of fish and I do not know which ray it functions on.
The Lords of Karma are devas to the best of my knowledge. Who the Lords of Energy are I have not got a clue. I am not sure of the Nermanakiyas, not sure about the spelling, are devas or something else exotic.
Hope that helps