In the first of this series of presentations, I defined the difference between a plane and a world. For us in this series, a world is defined as those series of planes that are specifically related to the envelopes of a greater entity that is providing the development environment for the monads that dwell within the worlds of the ensouling monad. In our case, the Planetary Logos has three envelopes that surround the physical planet, the etheric, the emotional and the mental envelopes. I also pointed out that the planet itself should be considered a separately evolving entity. I wish now to continue my discussions by looking further into the structures and functions of the Emotional world.

Hell & Purgatory
The Christian church has long scared its devotees witless with tales of hell and purgatory. So what is this imagery all about? The answer lies on the Emotional plane. The lowest three emotional subplanes 48:7 to 48:5 represent purgatory. The word ‘purgatory’ means to purge, purify or rid yourself of undesirable elements. It is at the lowest molecular level of the Emotional plane, 48:7, that hell can really be said to exist. This is where a monad has the most intense discomfort. The irony is that this pain and suffering is all self-administered. If this world is capable of creating your fantasies and those thoughts are negative, then guess what, exactly what you fear materialism to haunt you.

This is a grim situation to find yourself in until you realise that all you have to do is to control your negative thoughts and suddenly you find yourself on a higher subplane. That does not mean you are around of the woods yet. Planes 48:6 and 48:5 are full of negative influences and you have to purge yourself of these before you get the opportunity to rise into those blessed consensus environments that I have already spoken of. So the stories are not exactly untrue but a better understanding of what exactly is going on prepares a monad for dealing with this stage of their passage through the Emotional world on the way back to their causal body.
One thing to know about the emotional plane is that the emotions you feel are 100 times more powerful than anything you can experience on Earth, while incarnated. The reason for this is because there is no dampening effect of the physical body. This is really bad news for any victim who has committed suicide or is a drug addict, a drunkard or a heavy smoker. Individuals must remain on the lower subplanes until they have rid themselves of all the negative elemental essences that are clogging ups the lower portion of the metaphorical ‘Easter Egg’. I shudder at the thought of a suicide victim because the utter despair that leads to this tragic event is only multiplied a hundredfold until those demons are released from their emotional body. So to reiterate, it is only when you stop using elemental essences at the lowest levels, especially 48:7, that these elementals will diffuse out of your emotional envelope, allowing you to ascend to the next sub-level, 48:6. The monad eventually has little more than an empty emotional shell. It can then ascend to the Mental plane.
Hell does not exist in the objective sense but it does very much exist in the subjective sense. You make it real for yourself. The only judgment that is passed is that of ourselves on ourselves. For this reason, a monad’s initial journey into the emotional plane after death can seem like hell. But this is only for souls that have addictive habits or intense negative emotions like guilt, regret or hatred. Earth is the real hell, as it is where karma is made and paid for! Suffering only exists on planes 49:7 to 49:5 and 48:7 to 48:5. The good news is that once you are past purgatory, you are off the hook until your next incarnation!

Ok, so now we have finally made it out of purgatory; what next? Well, we are entering subplanes 48:4 to 48:2. These are the famous consensus environments known as paradise, the New Jerusalem, the Elysian Fields, the Summerland’s or Valhalla. The point I am making here is that there is not one paradise but numerous different realms to suit the beliefs and expectations of its devotees. Life in these synthetic environments is pleasant and your desires manifest before your eyes. But as I have already mentioned, all this ‘pleasure’ eventually becomes monotonous and you realise that you are living in a consensus environment.
The subplane in which an individual begins its after-life depends on the molecular content of its emotional body. Think of it as your buoyancy. If you have a lot of 48:7 and 48:6 molecules in your envelope, you will come to rest on the lower planes. Time spent on any emotional subplane depends on which plane a monad started on. This can take from a month to a century. The Emotional world has different regions, just like we find on Earth. Like attracts like, so similar beliefs are drawn together. Discarnate humans live in towns and cities created by their collective consciousness. Eating, sleeping and drinking are not necessary, although I am sure you can imagine these things up for yourself if you choose. The important thing to remember is that the emotional body can not die. It can only be discarded. When it is, it no longer receives the energy that the focus of the monad on that subplane provides. The emotional body therefore will start to slowly decay once the monad has completely withdrawn its focus from it.
Souls in the Emotional world can interact with other souls in this world. They however can not move objects in the physical world. They can pass through objects and other souls in their own world. Senses experienced in the emotional body are not just confined to sense organs; the whole body ‘sees’ and ‘feels’ the environment around itself. You see in every direction at once. This is why the emotional plane is so disorientating to a temporary visitor from the 49th plane. The four spatial directions also allow you to see inside a body, as well as its outer form.
Communication on the 48th plane is halfway between speech and telepathy. Your thoughts are formed in a linear fashion and are purposely expressed to the environment around you. It is useful to know that mind-reading is not possible on the emotional plane. You should also be aware of the fact that there are synthetic versions of people on the emotional plane that are still alive on plane 49. You can conjure up loved ones any time you like and have them visit you. Imagine your mother-in-law visiting you and not having an argument.

Emotional World Life Forms
So who can we expect to see when we arrive on the emotional plane? Well, there are three types of human monads you can expect to bump into. There are discarnate humans, there are humans who are asleep and are just visiting the emotional plane and there are also humans who are having an out-of-body experience. You can also meet spirit guides. These are more advanced monads that act as mentors to younger souls. It must be tough for them to operate in this chaotic world of swirling fantasies. But as I said, they are more advanced than us and they have been trained to operate in such conditions.
Alas, on this plane you are also likely to run into Black Magicians. These are monads that have intentionally committed so much evil that their personas have become permanently separated from their souls. This is a deliberate act by the persona and one that has profound consequences for its further evolution. In a previous presentation, I presented a diagram that showed the different connections between the first and second triads. The Life Thread is vital for delivering life-energy from the SOURCE, all the way down to us here on the 49th plane. When a Black Magician decides to part company with its guardian angel, it effectively cuts itself off from this energy. From that point forward, it gets its energy from us. Go figure how that is achieved.
On the emotional plane, you also find entities known as shells. They are discarded human emotional bodies, some of which are vitalised by elementals. This can cause all sorts of problems when you think you are really talking to Napoleon! Wise souls completely disintegrate their emotional bodies before migrating to the Mental world, precisely to stop this sort of mischief from occurring.
Where do animals go when they die? I guess you know the answer to that. The emotional plane is the home for these animals. Even though animals have a rudimentary awakening of their mental capabilities, they have not gained self-awareness yet and therefore there is no post-incarnation evaluation of your past life that would have any meaning for an animal. For this reason, it resides happily in an area dedicated to its care until it incarnates again to further its evolution.
I have talked about elemental essence being the primary substance found on the emotional plane. This life form is moulded by thought processes into a form. This is a collection of these secondary monads. This though-form is called an Elemental and this is, therefore, a major inhabitant found on the emotional plane. The can be created consciously or unconsciously. It must be remembered that they are synthetic. They do not exist of themselves.
Nature Spirits are low-level devas, at the level of consciousness of plants and animals. They are controlled by another group of deva that are at least on the 3rd plane of consciousness like us or higher. There are many sub-groups of devas. The Agnichaitans are responsible for the construction of emotional bodies. These envelopes surround all monads functioning in the Solar System on its lowest three sub-planes.
As we are talking about the worlds that surround our planet, who else could be found in this envelope? We may have visitors from other planets. These august beings could not be present in our emotional world unless they had reached a level of development that allowed their consciousness to expand past the envelope of a planetary logos. Although such advanced monads can visit our emotional world, why would they? It is a complete mess. Full of our discordant thoughts and desires. For this reason, members of the 5th and 6th hierarchies very rarely visit. They descend as low as the causal and mental planes but would wish to avoid the contaminating influences of the emotional plane. Just as an aside, you can shape-shift in the Emotional world.

The Mental World
Now I wish to go on and talk about the Mental world. This world, like the physical world, has two components. Unlike the physical world, the two halves of the mental world are not inextricably linked. In fact, the mental world is so divided that it exists on two separate triads. For this reason, I intend to deal with mental and causal sub-planes as distinct but linked units. The reason I make this distinction now is that the mental world is referred to in the Bible as the ‘Seven Heavens’. This statement includes both halves. This is why I talk about the three worlds surrounding our globe and not four. Just in case you have forgotten, the mental ‘heaven’ numbers from plane 47:7, up to 47:4 and the causal ‘heaven’ numbers from 47:3 to 47:1.
The term ‘heaven’ is how we describe a certain location that we really would like to find ourselves one day. In Sanskrit, the term used is ‘Sukhavati’. This means ‘happy place’. This gives us a good descriptor of this environment. The Tibetans call heaven the ‘Devachan’. The meaning here is ‘shining land’ or ‘shining people’. The people, in this case, being the devas. There is something about this evolutionary stream that seems to lighten things up. Shame those adjectives are never used in conjunction with us humans.

Description of the Lower Heavens
If one descriptor is used to represent the mental world, it is intense bliss. As a comparison, it is said that an orgasm is bland. Now that is something to contemplate. Heaven is simply beyond anything you could dream of. It is bathed in light, power, confidence, vitality and freedom. This is tempered by peace and serenity. There is no objective scenery to be seen, only that which you create with your thought-forms. The atmosphere is reputed to have a golden haze that is suffused with delicate colours and beautiful music. I am getting sick of this place already! As you ascend to higher sub-levels all the aforementioned attributes become finer and newer tones and colours are introduced.
Every thought-form is a beautiful object composed of light, colour, shape and sound. A concrete thought takes an instant shape that represents the person or object being considered. Abstract thoughts take geometric forms. It should be noted that the duration of the thought-form depends on the quality of construction and the energy put into it. As a result, most thought forms are short-lived but some can be thousands of years old, especially when you reach the higher planes.
Now you may be thinking, not long ago you were boiling away in purgatory. You got out of that in one piece and landed in paradise. Even that was a bit of a mess and was made up of a collection of random thoughts on a similar theme by millions of monads. All this occurring over an extended period of time. Suddenly you are somewhere that is heaven by comparison. All those tangled desires of the emotional plane seem to be gone. Well you right, they are gone, because you are no longer in a desire world. You are in a world, in the case of the lower heavens, of mostly concrete thoughts. Feelings are not drawn into the equation, so things have really calmed down.
There is no longer any consensus environment in the Mental world. There are only environments that are created by individual monads. These environments cluster around the mental body of the monad. The net result of this is that each monad creates its own heaven-life. This life is imaginary but not illusory. What is the difference? The mental world is one of thought so you are imagining something. It is not reflecting a desire. This results in the four lower ‘heavens’, 47:7 to 47:4, being meditation heavens, because they are created and sustained by thought. These sub-heavens are also called ‘form’ heavens, as matter is a dominant part of these worlds. The Causal world is known as the formless heaven, as consciousness dominates and matter is relegated to a secondary position. If you remember back to my diagram of the triads, I mentioned that the First triad was focused mainly in matter. The Second triad is forced in consciousness and the Third triad is focused in the realm of energy. How you can be focused in energy is beyond my comprehension.

The benefit of becoming freer from the influence of matter, ignorance and illusion, takes us closer to a fuller perception of reality. Don’t get carried away here, full reality only exists on the 1st Plane and possibly not even there, but at least we are progressing. The average person’s bubble of thought shuts them off from the objective mental plane and also the denser planes below. The result of this is that for the average person, they can’t see or hear anything around them on the mental plane and can not be contacted by anyone on the lower planes, including mediums. Take note of this fact because the average time spent on the emotional plane is about 25 years, so if a medium is speaking to ‘Napoleon’ then who or what is representing this ex-persona?
Now that you have made it all the way up to the mental plane, you do not forget all about your suffering that you went through in purgatory? You still have your memories but the joy of being on the mental plane surpasses all those memories. So on the lower two mental planes, most souls are in a bubble of internally-focused, self-created, dream-like heaven. More advanced souls occupy the higher two mental subplanes, 47:5 and 47:4. Their bubbles are composed of subtler matter and more translucent. This gives these monads objective consciousness, which starts to develop at the Compassionate stage and is fully developed at Enlightenment.

Different Degrees of Consciousness
The monad’s experience of the Mental world is directly related to how developed their consciousness is. Souls that have reached the Compassionate or Enlightened phase of development can experience the beauty and bliss of the Mental world. This occurs not just in the afterlife, but during their sleeping hours, during mediation or out-of-body experiences. The reason this is possible is that the monad is centred in the 47:4 permanent molecule or the 47:1 permanent atom. Their mental bodies can detach themselves from their emotional bodies, travelling into the Mental world.
Compassionate souls are able to visit the Mental world in their sleep to learn from the Akashic Records or from their master. This is usually not recollected as the brain is not involved during this process. The fact that you can not remember that you have just had an important lesson with your master may seem a great loss. This is however not the case, as your waking consciousness is a very small part of your meta consciousness. When you have an experience on the mental plane, that is where it matters. The fact that a lump of grey matter in our head knowns nothings about it is no big deal.

Community and Cultured souls can only subjectively experience the bliss of the Mental world in the after-life. They are also not able to venture into this world during their sleeping hours, during mediation or if they happen to have an out-of-body experience. Why? Because their monad is centred in their 48:1 atom and this makes them incapable of experiencing the Mental world. A major reason for this restriction is that their mental body itself can not go beyond the Emotional world as it is entangled with it.
Young souls are unconscious as they ascend through the Mental world and consequently have no ‘heaven’ life. The reason for this is that they are centred in their 49:1 permanent atom. This atom can not perceive the Mental world and their mental body is relatively undeveloped. What happens next to them is discussed later.
In the next presentation, I carry on my explanation of the Mental world and then talk about the Causal world as well.
Hello Kazim, sorry for the long question, but indeed I would like to ask you about thought forms and thinking.
What I’ve grasped is that when we think some concrete object we create a thought form and what I see in the mind, not much clearly, perhaps is that thought form, but I’m not sure about it. The picture that we see in the mind is really the thought form we have created ?
When we think about abstract things, we create geometric thought form, but in that case
why don’t I see them ?
When I think in more abstract terms, in the mind it seems to be present a mixture of images and sounds. Really I don’t know what I’m doing, but it works, somehow, I’m able to follow the process.
Is it possible that when we think, in the mind we see images, hear sound because the thought forms that we build are transformed to the equivalent of sense perception ?
And verbalization, the voice the we hear when we think, what is that ? Is it always a thought form that we perceive as sound instead that as image ? These sounds appears also when I don’t try to create them, in that case what creates them, my mental body acting in and independent way ? For example I sit at my desk and suddenly I hear in my mind: “I must prepare the coffee for tomorrow”.
Really thank for your time