I ended the last presentation by beginning to look at the Causal world that surrounds this planet, which is the higher mental body of our Planetary Logos. Although we divided the mental plane into two distinct units, it must be always remembered that the causal plane is just the upper two molecular and the atomic level of the mental plane. What makes the defining difference is that the Causal world operates at a frequency range that puts it in the 2nd triad. It would be expected that if you have two higher molecular levels in this body, 47:3 and 47:2, things would be more refined than in the lower mental body on the 1st triad.

However, the jump is greater than just one molecular level higher. The reason is that the lower mental body operates in what is known as the concrete Mental world and the causal body functions in an abstract world. This seems to release the boundaries of how knowledge is perceived and absorbed. This has already been discussed in some detail. In this presentation, I wish to continue my exploration of the Casual world and then go on to talk about one of the most interesting and fundamental topics in the whole of esoterics, the Rays.

Life in the Causal World
The Casual world is our true home. We incarnate from it and return to it. Enlightened people are able to experience this world objectively. Monads that have reached the Compassionate level and are focused in their 47:4 permanent molecule, experience these subplanes subjectively. For the three younger grades of humanity and that is the vast bulk of us, we are unconscious when we reach this plane at the end of our in incarnation and our passage through the lower planes. Whatever the status of your consciousness on the Causal plane, all human First-selves and Second-selves, which include enlightened humans and members of the 5th Kingdom, are seen in the Causal world, whether incarnate or not.
First-selves, who are focused in either the 49:1, 48:1 and 47:4 permanent atoms or molecule, leave the majority of their causal substance on the causal plane when incarnating. The five per cent of matter that separates, remains separate for the duration of the whole incarnation. Second-selves, including monads focused in their 47:1, 46:1 and 45:4 atoms or molecules, incarnate with their entire casual body. They can be regarded as souls with a body, rather than bodies with a soul. The advantage of having all your causal substance with you in an incarnation is that you have access to all you have done and learnt over tens of thousands of incarnation.
I mentioned earlier that all human monads have a causal body. Indeed, having a causal body is what makes us human in the first place. The subplane where these bodies are found depends on the molecular and atomic content of our causal ‘egg’. Yes, that egg is back, only now it is more radiant. It is still bottom-heavy for most monads incarnate today, so those causal envelopes are located on the lowest of the causal subplanes, 47:3. When the monad reaches the Cultured stage of its evolution, 47:3 molecules begin to be replaced by 47:2 molecules outnumbering the 47:3 molecules, so the monad moves its focus to this higher molecular level. Further up the chain, by the time the monad reaches the Compassionate phase of its evolution, 47:3 molecules are replaced by 47:2 molecules, which in turn are replaced by 47:1 atoms. At enlightenment, the 47:1 atoms outnumber the 47:2 molecules and the monad moves its focus from the 47:4 permanent molecule to the 47:1 permanent atom.

As a ball-park figure, an enlightened soul may spend 200 years on the casual plane between incarnations, but it could be a matter of days. The length of time a monad chooses to spend in the Causal world depends on social conditions on the Earth. It should be remembered that life on the planet proceeds in waves, with conditions changing but also returning. This means that a monad may choose to spend thousands or even millions of years on the causal plane before returning to Earth. It is the causal plane where we mainly meet and learn from the higher kingdoms.
Intuition & Inspiration
Looking at the causal envelope, we see three levels. Two are molecular and one is atomic. The two molecular levels are linked to the concepts of intuition and inspiration. I wish now to look at these two terms and decipher exactly what they mean. What most people regard as intuition is just an impulse from the subconscious mind. In the same vein, what is termed inspiration is usually originates from the emotional or mental body. However, real intuition and Inspiration comes from subjective causal consciousness.
Intuition is self-acquired knowledge that originates from the causal plane. To be precise, from the 47:3 subplane. What the monad has to do, is to raise its focus of consciousness to a level where it can access this store of knowledge and ideas. Inspiration is a level of perception that is a whole subplane higher. It comes from the 47:2 subplane and is information that is received from members of the Planetary Hierarchy. It could even be from your guardian angel. So note the difference, intuition is self-acquired and inspiration is received.
Only Enlightened monads are able to consciously perceive the Causal world. Monads having reached the Compassionate phase are however able to acquire information from the causal plane using one of the two methods outlined.
Understanding Events
It is worth repeating what objective consciousness is all about when a monad reaches the causal plane. Objective casual consciousness can identify with the total consciousness of the Causal world. This results in the past being experienced in the present moment. Casual consciousness also perceives the causes of events occurring in the lower worlds, giving insight into the reasons and mechanisms for physical events. Waking consciousness can only perceive physical events, which are merely effects of causes. By comparison, causal consciousness sees the cause giving rise to those effects. You now have the ability to gain a comprehensive understanding of reality.
Causal Groups
If you remember back to my presentations on the group soul, the aspect of the human condition that separated us from the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms is the fact that we have an individual causal body. Our eventual aim is to enter into the 5th Kingdom, where we rejoin a group consciousness. I called this group a soul group as opposed to a group soul. The reasons for this have already been discussed in detail. Having said all of this, in the 4th Kingdom, we humans are still connected to a group of other individuals in the Causal world. These causal groups differ from group souls of the lower kingdoms because there are no shared subtle bodies. Connections are now used for friendships and shared experiences that have developed over thousands of incarnations.
Bonds initially form when groups of monads graduate into the Human Kingdom and receive their causal bodies. Personal soul groups can range from hundreds to millions. These common shared experiences cover every conceivable relationship combination. Someone you see as your partner today may have been a parent, a sibling, a child, a friend or an enemy in many previous incarnations. This is why it is nonsensical to get enmeshed in the idea of a soul-mate or a twin-soul. You may be drawn to someone and think you love them unconditionally and nothing would separate you. Reevaluate this position when they run off with someone else! How could this possibly be? Surely they were your ‘other half’? Well clearly, halves can be divided into quarters and eighths. We stick together because we know and trust each other and have shared karma. Here are your true ‘soul-mates’.
Casual Collectives
In a previous presentation, I briefly mentioned the various stages to enlightenment. I talked about how a monad enters the path that eventually leads to the 4th initiation (i4) that graduates the soul from the 4th to the 5th Kingdom. The mechanism by which the process happened in the past was a monad being guided by a ‘master’ through the rigours of the initiation process. With increasing numbers of people reaching the Compassionate stage in their personal development, it has become no longer feasible for members of the Planetary Hierarchy to take individual disciples.
In the past, the master, who was a monad that had taken the 5th initiation (i5), would tutor individuals on the causal plane. This happened when the person was asleep or meditating. In this way, the soul was guided to the 5th Kingdom. The new teaching methodology is that Arhats (i4), the monads residing in the Unity Kingdom, teach small groups of individuals, usually numbering no more than 9. These individuals are brought together in the Unity body of the arhat to form an embryonic collective being. This facilitates the acquisition of unity consciousness, which is the basis of existence on the 4th (46) plane of matter.
When monads begin to develop subjective causal consciousness, they look for another 8 members to form a causal group. The prerequisite is that they all have to be at a similar stage of development. Close bonds cultivated in the Compassionate and Enlightened stages of development, result in a collective soul group consciousness when they graduate together into the 5th Kingdom. If a member lags behind the rest of the group, they are supported to catch up. This really is a case of ‘all for one and one for all’.
Unity World & Beyond
We have been discussing the three worlds around our planet and linking these worlds to the envelopes that surround our bodies when we incarnate. If we put aside our physical world, three worlds above us have been given various designations in the past. The Emotional world is usually known as the Halls of Ignorance for obvious reasons. We concoct everything we see there and then mistake this for reality. The Mental-Causal worlds are known as the Halls of Learning. We not only gain knowledge but we learn to apply it correctly. This eventually leads the monad to the 5th Kingdom, known as the Unity world and here you find the Halls of Wisdom. Unity Consciousness gives the monad the capacity to be omnipotent and omniscient in all the Worlds populated by Humanity. It is by no accident that the 5th Kingdom is known as the Kingdom of God.
The Unity world is also sometimes called the ‘Promised Land’. To get here requires help. You can not graduate from the 4th to the 5th Kingdom on your own. You can see here how this material fact has been misconstrued by the Christian church. They concocted a belief in the person of Jesus as being essential to gaining admittance to the Kingdom of Heaven.
All beings in the Unity world and above are part of a collective. This goes back to the concept I introduced about God being a collective rather than an individual. In the 5th Kingdom, there are seven collective groups corresponding to seven rays. I have not delineated what a ray is yet but I will get there eventually. When the monad moves from the 5th to the 6th Kingdom, the seven rays merge into three, corresponding to the three primary rays. Again I am using phrases here, which do not make any sense to you at the moment. What you should come to realise and I would be very disappointed is you did not, is that these three primary rays correspond to the three fundamental aspects of existence. These are Motion, Consciousness and Matter.

The Significance of Seven
Unless you have not been paying attention, by now you should be well appraised of the significance of the number seven in the very underlying structure of our universe. How do we build-up to the number seven and why is this number so significant? Let us start with the number 3 and the Holy Trinity, or we could start with the three triads and the three units within each triad. All these units of three, correspond back to the three fundamental aspects of existence, Energy/Motion, Consciousness and Matter. Fine, so we see the main link there. Everything is based on the three aspects of creation that are found anywhere in the Universe.
What then is the significance of the number seven? We have seven cosmic planes, seven solar planes, seven subplanes on each of these planes and last but not least, seven rays. So there you have seven but why seven and not some other number? If you accept that three is always going to be there, as this is the fundamental configuration of the universe, then you can understand why seven is the next logical number to sequence things by, as there are seven ways you can combine three. There are two ways to obtain seven from three and both methods are used in the Universe.
The Universe can be divided vertically into seven cosmic planes, seven solar planes and seven subplanes. Each of these can be divided into seven rays or ‘types’. There is an affinity between the seven planes and rays, which is seen in the grey squares.

The Seven Planes
The first thing to note is that the same principle applies to planes 1 to 7 as to the 7 cosmic planes and the 7 subplanes. The lower planes are denser and material. The higher planes are more subtle and energetic. An important fact to bear in mind is that Plane-1 is the source of the six lower planes. This is analogous to white light being refracted into a spectrum. This can go the other way and Plane-1 is then the summation of the six lower planes. This is seen again in the light analogy where the spectrum can be recombined to produce white light. Plane-1 is, therefore, the beginning and the end; the Alpha and the Omega. Plane-1, in the case of our solar system Plane-43, is where the Bodhisattva (Christ) is centred. No matter which set of seven planes/subplanes you are looking at, the three aspects of existence, energy/motion, consciousness and matter are equally dominant on Plane-1. The lower six planes have one dominant aspect, one secondary aspect and one minor aspect. It can be seen that energy is dominant on planes 1, 2 and 3; secondary on planes 4 and 5 and minor on planes 6 and 7.

The Seven Types or Rays
Ok, now we get to the rays and what they are all about. The important thing to get clear right from the start is that rays are a big deal. Just about the biggest deal, there is. We all know about horoscopes. Ever wondered why this system of determining events or personality types never quite rings true? The reason is that it is not the planets or constellations that govern events shaping your life, but the combination of rays that just happen to lens through these planets and star clusters. To complicate matters even further, the effects of rays differ depending which ray your subtle bodies resonate to. This is a set of three-dimensional variables and only enlightened souls and then not all of them, have a clue what is going on. If someone pitches up to you and says they can tell which rays you have in each one of your bodies, head straight for the exit and don’t look back!
So what is a ray? There are seven types of energy-consciousness-matter that stream down from the higher cosmic planes. These streams or rays influence life in our solar system. As an aside, the Bible refers to these rays as Seven Streams. Each plane or subplane is composed of some kind of matter. From a material perspective, all atoms or molecules on that plane are identical. They do however possess different qualities or traits.
Every 1-atom coming into existence is impressed with one of the seven types of rays, giving rise to seven types of ‘colours’ of atoms. Remember you were once one of these primary atoms. Therefore you are indelibly linked to one of these seven rays. However, through your journey through the Universe and back to the SOURCE, you will encounter all the other rays in myriads of ways, as you will shortly see.
1-atoms combine to form the atoms and molecules of the lower planes. The affinity that exists between the seven planes and the seven rays ensures that 1st-Ray atoms are the primary component of 1-atoms on the 1st plane of matter. 2nd-Ray atoms are the primary component of the 2-atom on the 2nd plane. This carries on as the numbers increase. The point to take home from these tables is that each ray creates a type of atom and each type of atom has an affinity to a particular plane. This repeats itself in each cosmic kingdom, down to the planes in the Solar System and the subplanes within the Solar System.
Simple right? Well, actually things get a lot more complicated as you begin to work out the permutations and combinations these rays and planes can get into as you descend the 49 planes of matter in the Universe. For example, 48:1 atoms on the 7th Cosmic Plane. Well, as it is on the 7th cosmic plane that makes it a 7th-Ray, but 48:1 is on the 6th Solar plane, that makes it 6th Ray. But wait, 48:1 is on the 1st subplane of the 6th Solar plane, that makes it 1st-Ray. So here comes the six million dollar question, what type of atoms are the primary components of the 48:1 atom? Do you see the level of complexity that is available to generate differences within our universe? Now someone has just waltzed up to you and tells you that they can tell you what ray configuration you are, in each of your envelopes, what will you do next?
Let’s break down how we can view this complexity by looking at the fractal nature of a snowflake. The first diagram shows the basic structure of the snowflake. Think of this as representing the 7th Cosmic Physical Plane. This plane is primarily composed of atoms that come under the influence of the 7th Ray. From a materialistic point of view, this is the 43:1 atom.

The smaller peaks present in the second diagram represent the 6th Solar plane of the 48-atom. This is composed primarily of atoms that come under the influence of the 6th Ray. This is because the emotional plane is found on the 6th plane of the Solar System if you are counting from the highest plane downwards.
The smallest peaks on the third diagram represent the 1st subplane, which is the 48:1 atom. This being the highest position on the subplane is therefore influenced by the 1st Ray.

I hope I have not given you mental indigestion. Re-read the script I present on my website. Getting your head around the concept of a ray is easy, as long as you do not drill down into the detail of how this ray influences anything. I have not even given you half of the complexities involved.
In the last of this series of presentations, I wish to complete my story on the Rays and their function by looking at further examples of how interactions occur between the three primary rays.