I ended my last presentation by looking at the theory of Rays. I mentioned that every primary atom entering the Universe was given one of seven possible orientations. Call it a spin or a colour if you like. This orientation influences the basic character of the development of the monad, as it develops its consciousness. It starts by being potentially conscious. It goes on to be passively conscious, then actively conscious and finally self-conscious. Although a monad may have one particular orientation, over the course of its evolution, it comes to experience all six of the other Ray influences. Although there are seven rays, they are not all created equal. Three, the primary rays, influence directly the characteristics of the remains four rays. I wish now to look at these influences in greater detail.

I previously described how a snowflake can represent a number of ray influences within its single structure. The relationships between rays can be presented through another analogy. If you look at the colour circles, think of each colour as a ray. You can see that the seven rays are formed from just three primary colours. Where the circles overlap, you get four more colours. Now let’s overlay a Ray principle to each colour and look at how each principle interacts with another where it overlaps to form a third principle. Where all three primary principle/colours overlap you get pure white. This ray is the ray of Harmony. Rays 1, 2 and 3 are primary rays because they are unmixed with any other colours. Rays 4, 5, 6 and 7 are known as secondary rays.

This same relationship can be viewed as a table of relationships. The primary rays are numbered by their attributes. It can be seen from the equation that (4) Harmony is a function of (1) Will-Power + (2) Love-Wisdom + (3) Intelligent Activity. This makes sense, because if all the three principle energies are in balance, then you achieve harmony. In the case of (5) Knowledge, it is only the 1st Ray aspect of Will and the 2nd Ray aspect of Wisdom that go to make it up. Again, wisdom, if it is backed up by Will, means you can really come to know something. (6) Devotion is a function of adding (2) Love to (3) Activity but does not include (1) Will or (2) Wisdom. This is why devotion can often lead to cruelty. (7) Control is a function of (1) Will and (3) Activity. Activity by itself does not lead to control. You have to apply your will to being that activity into manageable boundaries.

Take time to look at these combinations. They can be found on my website. Just like the Holy Trinity of Energy/Motion, Consciousness and Matter, Rays and how they combine are the fundamental tools an esotericist uses to unlock any situation they are studying. You will often hear in conversation that a person has a 1st Ray personality or a 5th Ray mental body. Do we know this for certain? Well from what I have already told you, if we do, then we have reached enlightenment. If this is not the case, then we are just stabbing wildly in the dark, guided only by our ignorance and a propensity to equate traits and habits of a persona to a possible arrangement of their ray configuration. Remember back to the snowflake analogy.
If we have four envelops of incarnation, I am excluding the physical body as this is not a principle, then we have four envelopes. These are the etheric, the emotional, the mental and the persona. Each one of these can be attuned to a different ray. These ray combinations are not static and change from incarnation to incarnation. Why? This allows the monad to experience the influence of various rays in each one of its envelopes. This allows it to better understand the permutations and combinations that are possible in any one of its envelopes. These four ray combinations link back to the causal body, that itself is functioning on a particular ray. Just to make matters even more complicated, the monad on subplane 43:1, will also have an orientation that was fixed at the time it entered the Universe. Do you get it now? This is a complicated business. Oh and as an aside, although there are seven possible rays that can influence us, only five seem to be in operation at any time on this planet. Even then it is not that clear cut, as rays don’t just switch on and off. They fade in and out. So at the present time, the 6th Ray of Devotion has been very active for the last 2,000 years. If you look at the religions of today, they are very devotional. This ray is now phasing out and the 7th Ray of Control, also known as the ray of Ceremonial Magic, is beginning to phases in. This bodes well for bringing some sanity to peoples emotions and lives in general.
So now let’s look at the seven rays in more detail. They stream down onto our world and follow a complex series of cycles that range from minutes to millions of years. The most famous of these is the cyclical changes associated with the Zodiac. We all have different personalities, abilities and interests in life. Some are considered inherited traits from our genetic makeup. Others are from the environment we are exposed to throughout our lives. No two people are ever the same, as we all have different life expertises. The seven basic characteristics found in the rays can be presented in an infinite number of combinations and proportions. As an example, a person may have a 2nd Ray monad, a 7th Ray soul and a 5th Ray persona. Within a persona, each subtle body can also have different subtypes as already discussed. The type of persona we have changes from life to life so as to ensure we achieve balanced development.

The rays 1, 3, 5 and 7 influence the envelope they are affecting in such a way as to foster the development of objectivity. The emphasis of these rays is to help the monad develop its intellect. Rays 2, 4 and 6 foster our subjective abilities, you could say our right-brain function, and this develops our emotions. Rays 1, 4 and 5 specifically help develop our mental abilities, while rays 2 and 6 develop our emotional abilities. Rays 3 and 7 help us develop our physical lives.
Remember I said this is not an easy topic to master. Yes, you can get the general gist, but don’t go thinking you have a key to unlocking the universe just yet. The seven rays, just to make matters more exciting, have slightly different effects, depending on which plane of matter they are affecting. For this reason, I am now going to list how each ray affects human nature in our physical world.
1. Will-Power
First-ray people are strong-willed, focused, decisive, competitive, determined and unemotional. They are often self-centred, loners, judgmental or can even be destructive. If the possession of strong will is balanced with love and compassion from the 2nd-Ray, such individuals can truly be great. If on the other hand they have egotistical tendencies and these are not controlled, they become tyrannical megalomaniacs. Typical professions followed by a personality with a 1st-Ray temperament are leaders, governors, explorers and athletes. Now I am sure you can quickly draw up a list of individuals who fit this description, but remember we are dealing with four envelopes here, five if you include the causal body, so in reality where is that 1st-Ray influence having its biggest effect? Or could it be that a combination of other rays ends up presenting themselves to the world as a 1st Ray type? You see it is not easy. That won’t stop you speculating anyway.
2. Love-Wisdom
Generally speaking, 2nd-Ray people serve humanity. They focus on their relationship with others, be it romantic, friendly or professional. This is what defines who they are. It is fair to say that 2nd-Ray types are less selfish and materialistic than most. They put the needs of others ahead of their own. They tend to be insightful, making good teachers but have a tendency to be imprecise. There is a need for them to balance their soft nature with resolve. They need to learn to be more focused and courageous. Typical professions include teachers, healers, counsellors, gardeners and nurses. It may interest you to know that the Bodhisattva (Christ) is the head of the 2nd-Ray in the Solar System.
3. Intelligent-Activity
A personality functioning on the 3rd-Ray tends to be intelligent, practical, pragmatic and skilful. They have a tendency to do everything in their life for the love or thrill of it. Money is not their main driver, neither is power or fame. They are workaholics and can be devious, manipulative and insensitive. If you gave them some advice, it would be to slow down their lives and develop feelings and appreciation for the simpler things in life. Typical professions could be an entrepreneur, bankers, investors, philosophers, mathematicians and theoretical scientist. Note the word ‘theoretical’. They are not the practical type but they do understand complexity. Remember that I am just talking about the manifestation of the 3rd-Ray aspect on the physical plane in the characteristics of a personality. The 3rd-Ray is a primary ray and at a solar systemic, as well as a planetary level, is one of the main movers and shaker of everything that happens in our lives and environment.
4. Harmony
4th-Ray people are creative and intuitive. They understand themselves and others on an emotional level but their own lives are often a rollercoaster of stress and agony. A longer title for the 4th-Ray is ‘Harmony through Conflict’. You get the picture now. 4th-Ray types can be unfocused dreamers, easily distracted and indecisive in their lives and affairs. They need to develop will-power and rationality to balance their emotional nature. They can not complain that they don’t have this built into their DNA. As you saw from the previous table, the 4th-Ray of harmony is composed in equal measure of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd primary rays. So all the ingredients are there. They just have to be blended to actually create harmony, not just fantasise about it. Typical professions are artists, musicians, actors, designers, animal-lovers and hippies.
5. Knowledge
When we get to the 5th-Ray, we are back on the objective series of numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7. 5th-Ray people are mentally focused. They are logical and analytical, with their minds seeking to understand everything. They can also be imaginative, intuitive and creative problem solvers. They are tireless in their pursuit of knowledge but there is a danger of an over-identification with the intellect. This can leave them out of touch with other people and their emotions. This can lead to being insensitive, opinionated and arrogant about their beliefs. They need to develop a balance between their head and their heart. 5th-Ray knowledge is a combination of the intelligence aspect of the 3rd-Ray and the wisdom aspect of the 2nd-Ray. It is by adding the love aspect of the 2nd-Ray that the undoubted abilities of the 5th-Ray really impact the society they function in. Typical professions suited to 5th-Rays types are scientists, inventors, engineers, researchers, detectives and computer geeks.
6. Devotion
As I have already mentioned, we have been living under the influence of the 6th-Ray at a planetary level but how does this ray affect individuals? Those that are under the influence of the 6th-Ray are strongly devoted to something they passionately believe in. The two most likely variants are God and good causes. If they are overly dedicated to causes they can become seriously unhappy. They have a marked tendency to only see things from there own perspective and can become fanatical. This can lead to the unfortunate consequence that they force their ideas on others and try to get them to accept their beliefs. Spanish Inquisition anyone? The 6th-Ray type needs to develop rationality to tame their over-passionate natures. Let’s look at the subcomponents of the 6th-Ray. They are love, that is all well and good and there is power. This is when things start to come unstuck. If wisdom was added to the mix, things would calm down a lot and such ray types would be instrumental in bringing great peace to our planet. So what are the occupational choices of the 6th-Ray type? Religious devotees would be an obvious choice, Crusaders would be another, literally and metaphorically. Idealists if you could consider that a profession, along with activists. Others often found in this area are carers and writers.
7. Control
A 7th-Ray type is a perfectionist. This is why the title ‘control’ is given to this ray, but ‘order’ could just as easily be used. So a 7th-Ray person needs to be organised and in control of things or they are not happy bunnies. They thrive on order and doing things in the right way, usually with formality and ritualistic ceremony. This is why an alternative title for the 7th-Ray could be Ceremonial Magic. They have an eye for detail and can be very creative. However, they can become easily obsessed with endless organisation, making them inflexible, bureaucratic and boring. So what aspects of the primary rays combine to give us this ‘boring’ person? The primary rays are 1 and 3 but only taking the Will aspect from the 1st-Ray and the Activity part from the 3rd. So what needs to be added to the mix is some intelligence to see the wood from the trees and not get bogged down in too much detail. Typical professions for a 7th-ray type could be managers, administrators, planners, architect and soldiers. The Masonic movement focuses very much on the 7th-Ray with all their ceremonial magic and attention to protocol. In the same way, drill sergeants are obsessed with polished buttons.
I just want to flag here that in esoterics, rays 4, 5, 6 and 7 are considered to all be subsets of Ray 3. This may seem odd as some of these rays are composed of one of the other primary rays, if not both of them. I leave you to meditate on that conundrum.
The important take-home from this presentation is that everything in existence functions under the influence of one of these seven rays energies. Even aspects of existence that are primarily energy/motion, consciousness or matter, are still one of the seven types. Why? Well, all there is in the Universe are 1-atoms, the monad. As each one of these tiny atoms enters the Universe for the Anti-verse, it is given an orientation under one of these 7 rays that are in fact emanations from supremely high monads functioning on the 1st plane of matter.

To knit this all together at the end of our walk through the Worlds surrounding our planet, I present a diagram that links the seven ray energies to our chakras, our triad chains and the seven planes of matter. Notice how each ray links to a chakra. The 1st-Ray to the Crown chakra, the highest in our envelopes. The 7th-Ray to the Base chakra, where you certainly want order. Also notice how the Navel chakra, which is numbers 3, as this the 3rd in the series, is linked to the 6th-Ray, while the Sacral chakra is linked to knowledge. The Brow chakra, which sits below the Crown in our envelopes, is located in the middle of the table, linked to the 4th-Ray of harmony. The lines emphasise the natural pathways of energy that are followed as the monad progresses up the charka ladder during its evolution through the 4th, the Human Kingdom. Another useful takeaway is the linkage for each ray aspect to the attribute associated with each chakra.
Compare the ray energies to permanent triad atoms and molecules. It is informative to recognise which triadic level are linked to which ray energy. Passage through the triads should lead to the mastering of that attribute. That is the theory anyway. While located in our 49:1 physical atom, clearly the 7th Ray of Order and Control is vital if we are to take charge of our lives in any great measure. When we move our focus into the emotional envelope and locate ourselves in the 48:1 permanent atom, we are working on our emotional consciousness. It is no surprise that the 6th-Ray of Devotion is the active influence at this stage. This not to say that every person has a 6th-Ray emotional body, far from it. It is just that the emotional body is in the same relative position of the 6th place in our scheme of seven, as the 6th-Ray is. If you just so happen to be resonating with the 6th-Ray in this envelope, you know you are going to be feeling the full force of this ray energy. The 5th-Ray of knowledge links into our mental consciousness. We are now functioning in our 47:4 permanent molecule. The 5th-Ray is focused on concrete and practical ideas, not abstract ones. This all makes perfect sense. The 4th-Ray of Harmony is not linked to an atom or molecule but to a structure that contains all three of the primary attributes. These attributes repeat themselves at all four levels of the petals. See my previous presentation on the causal lotus to get a clearer picture of what I am saying. The 3rd-Ray is linked to the 47:1 permanent atom. When you take your 3rd initiation your brain activity not only contains elements of the 5th-Ray, which majors on objective concrete thought, but now the 3rd-Ray is adding not objective but abstract thought. The position of the monad is now located on the 2nd triad but at the matter end of it. This is always to the right in the triadic structure, with consciousness in the centre and will/energy on the left. You see this clearly as you progress to the 2nd-Ray of Love/Wisdom. Here you are in the 46:1 permanent atom, located in the middle of the triad. Finally, you get to the 1st-Ray and you are now centred in your 45:4 permanent molecule, at the highest level in your 2nd triad.
The last column in the table shows the pattern of seven as it relates to the solar planes but this could also apply to the seven cosmic planes. As I said, it is worthwhile contemplating the information that is presented in this diagram. It links together a number of themes we have been discussing throughout this series of presentations.
In this series of presentations, we have looked at the worlds that surround our planet. These are the bodies of our Planetary Logos. In my next series of presentation, I go on to look at the five envelopes that constitute the bodies of humanity.
Hello Kazim, thank for this great work that you are doing. It is giving me new entusiasm about life and the possibilities that it offers. In spite of the difficulties that we have to face and that can have the power to stop and block us for long periods.
I wanted to inform you that the video for the lecture “33. THE WORLDS (Rays)” is not available. I don’t know if you have removed the video for some reason or it is just a wrong link.
However I can read the transcript and listen to the recap
Dear Marco
Thank you for the heads up on Presentation 33. I checked the link that I had and it did not match the link in my YouTube channel, which is weird. Anyway, I have corrected the mistake (I hope). Please try again and if you are not successful, then let me know and I will try again.
I am glad you are enjoying the series. I am currently working on presentation 202. The new topic is Chains, Rounds and Globes. I am in Laos at the moment on a mission, assisting the government in linking farmers to markets.
If you have any questions on the presentations, please feel free to contact me, either through the comment section or directly via the email link on the site.