In my examination of the physical-etheric body, I was at pains to point out that the animating force that keeps us alive is not oxygen and the electrochemical processes of our nervous system. Instead, I postulated that a force, known as prana, enters our etheric body through a chakra and is stored in our pancreas. This stored energy is distributed around our bodies at night to repair our organic cells. This chakra is also active at all times ensuring that all the tertiary atoms and molecules are animated in our physical bodies. Because the connection between the physical and etheric body is achieved through the function of an organ called a chakra, I devoted a whole presentation to these vital structures. I mentioned that chakras are to be found in all the three envelopes of incarnation, the etheric, the emotional and the lower mental. Here all the seven main chakras match with their counterparts in all the subtle bodies. There are a further three chakras in the causal body. If however, you think of the causal and mental bodies a single structure, then you have complete alignment between all chakras. In the case of the lower and higher mental bodies, this continuous link is not established until Enlightenment (i3).

I wish now to go on and talk about the emotional body and what its function is in our evolution. In the past, I have talked about the Emotional Plane and the Emotional World. Now we are down to the envelope that just surrounds us. What does it do and why is it so important to us? The emotional body is where the Self makes most of its choices. Just a quick recap. We are currently a 1st-Self, which means we function on the 1st Triad and have our controlling focus on the 2nd Triad. A 2nd-Self functions on the 2nd Triad and has its controlling focus on the 3rd Triad. You get the general picture.

I have previously mentioned that the majority of monads incarnated in the Human Kingdom today are functioning through their 48:1 permanent atom. These souls are at the 2. Community or 3. Cultured stage of development. This means their principal focus of consciousness is in their emotional envelope. What is the soul learning when it has this as its main learning environment? The answer is that in the Emotional World we learn to understand duality. This means we are aware of the pairs of opposites:
- Good & Bad
- Happy & Sad
- Pleasure & Pain
- Courage & Fear
- Forgiveness & Revenge
- Certainty & Doubt
How would you describe an emotional thought? They are subjective, opinionated and judgmental. Why? Because all emotions boil down to attraction, call it love if you like, and repulsion, which is hate. At the lower levels of our evolutionary journey, we tend to think that something is good when it satisfies our ego. We think it is bad if it does not. As we move the focus of our monad into the higher molecules of our emotional body, our definition of what is good changes. Good is now defined as being when something is morally right and bad when it is not. What is more, this judgment is made irrespective of how that event affects us.

So we can characterise emotional life as an ongoing struggle between the forces of attraction and repulsion. Here is a piece of information that very few students of esoterics know about and is worth bearing in mind, even if it is very depressing. When monads come into the Universe from the Anti-Verse, I mentioned that they get one of seven different ‘spins’, which equate to the seven rays I have already spoken about. Ok, so you are on one of the seven rays. You will also be influenced by all the other rays as you evolve your consciousness through the Universe. However, another orientation seems to underly the fundamental existence of each monad. They are intrinsically either attractive or repulsive. Mercifully, most of the monads in the universe have an attractive orientation. However, there are a minority of monads that are intrinsically repulsive. Why this should be the case I do not know. Now use your wildest imagination and guess the makeup of most of the human monads evolving on this planet!
From what I have gleaned from my studies, this planet is a ‘corrective’ educational establishment. It services not only our solar system by another six solar systems that form a bigger confederation. The rest of these systems and our own decided to dump their garbage somewhere and this planet was the result! Looking at our basic natures and our history, this should not really come as a surprise to you. This is why we just do not want to cooperate with one another. We seek out differences rather than share commonalities. We just do not seem to be able to help ourselves. I guess from the perspective of those older souls that are trying to facilitate our evolution, it is better to put all the rotten apples into one barrel than let us poison lots of other barrels.
It is a sobering thought that elsewhere in the Solar System and the galaxy in general, the evolution of one kingdom is overseen by the kingdom above it. When I talk about the Hierarchy and how they are in charge of our consciousness development, I am referring to a small group of monads that occupy three kingdoms above us. It takes that many layers of guidance to keep our show on the road. Even then, we get stern warnings from them that we could completely sink our boat if we are not careful.
However, there is one silver lining to what would otherwise be a very depressing cloud. Because we are so ‘repulsive’ we learn very quickly. We have common sense beaten into us. Another benefit to the whole solar system and the rest of creation, in general, is that we really explore the boundaries. When we finally get our act into gear we have the potential to really shine. We have been there, done that and got the scars to prove it. Don’t start polishing your halos just yet. We are still not out of the woods yet. Keep practising though.

The Appearance of the Emotional Body
We know the Emotional body is the product of the 1st Triad 48:1-atom. This 48 atom is the basic substrate of the entire Emotional plane and the same applies to our emotional envelopes. These 48 atoms combine to make six grades of emotional molecules, 48:2 to 48:7. So we have six levels of emotional consciousness. I have already discussed how the composition of our emotional bodies changes as we evolve. We started mainly with 48:7 and 48:6 molecules at the 1. Young and 2. Community stages of our development. By the time we reach the 4. Compassionate stage of development, our emotional bodies are mainly populated by 48:3 and 48:2 molecules. Remember, when I talk about molecules, I am really referring to Elemental Essences. These are our friendly little Secondary monads that are involving down, deeper into matter.
The human emotional body is a dimly luminous, multi-coloured figure surrounded by an ovoid aura of misty colours. The shape of this body is the same physical size as the human body and extends about 50 cm (18 inches) from the body. If emotions are absent in a body, it registers as misty white. For most people, however, their emotional bodies are normally dark red. This reflects the passion that is surging through their body. As the monad evolve, it refines its emotions and the hue of the emotional body changes to reflect this. It tends to have a pinkish hue.

The appearance of the emotional body changes into any number of colour combinations when emotions are raised. Someone with objective clairvoyant vision would be treated to a real light show as people respond to their environment and each other. As a general rule, colours are heavier and darker in less evolved individuals and exhibit subtler pastel tones in more refined emotional bodies. When someone is happy their emotional body brightens and when they are sad it dims. It can therefore be concluded that our emotional aura reflects our state of consciousness. What is worth noting is that our emotions don’t just stay within our envelopes. They leak into the environment around us. Ever had a friend who was constantly depressed for whatever reason. Weren’t they a joy to be around? Do you remember how the whole room just lit up when they walked into it? I think not. Their melancholy deposition somehow was able to affect you and even your own mood. This is because our emotional and mental bodies are combined at our current stage of evolution. This results in a tangle of elemental matter that we can project from our envelopes. We, therefore, have to conclude that our state of mind affects everyone we come into contact with and everyone we think about. We have to be much more focused on our thoughts and realise that it is just not physical deeds that bear consequences.

The Nature of the Emotional Body
As I have already mentioned, the Emotional body is composed of secondary involving matter. This matter seeks to experience strong emotional vibrations. This does not make it bad, it just means that it is trying to strengthen the conscious vibrations surrounding its monad. It is waking up. The consequence of this is that secondary matter has a negative influence on our evolving consciousness. Most people do not try to overcome these negative influences as they enjoy them too much! This is why most people today are at the 2. Community and 3. Cultured stage of development.
One thing we need to bear in mind is that all emotionality is selfish. You may retort that surely love and compassion are not selfish and to an extent this is true. However, to truly experience unselfish emotions, we need to be under the influence of our subtle body in the Unity plane, 46. However, we have not started to develop this yet to any great degree. We will come under the influence of this plane of consciousness when we have a preponderance of 48:2 and 48:3 molecules in our emotional envelope. This begins to occur at the 3. Cultured stage. We now begin to express what could pass for unconditional love and start to overcome our selfish and egotistical natures. Our emotional bodies are responsible for most of our egotistical tendencies. The consequence of this is that our egotistical thoughts, feelings and emotions distort our perception of reality. This causes us to take things personally. We have a tendency to identify with our feelings so much that we let them define us. At the 4. Compassionate stage of our development, when the focus of our monad has moved to the 47:4 permanent mental molecule, we begin to see through the illusions of the emotional body and Emotional World.

How do you define happiness? When people say they are happy, from an esoteric point of view, they are saying that they are free from suffering. How can you know what true happiness is if you are at the mercy of external events? Some people would describe their lives as being happy because they consider they lead full, active lives. It could be argued that non-stop activity could just be a way of repressing an inner dissatisfaction with life. Such active people are spending their lives doing, rather than being. I am not suggesting that the ultimate in inner peace and tranquillity is to become a couch potato. But why do people not like space and time in their lives? Could it be that they are afraid if they give themselves time to think, they may reflect on what life is, what it means and more precisely, what it means to them? This idea may actually frighten them.
Some people may not want to pause and truly reflect on life, as they do not want to take the next step in their evolutionary journey. Most people that fall into this category are near a developmental transitional point and are frightened to take the next step. There is a difference between the persona’s reluctance to move forward and the wishes of the monad, focused in the causal sheath. When momentum is lost in an incarnation, fate often intervenes and the persona is given a jolt. A most extreme example of this is a near-death experience. If you ever needed proof that there is more to life than meets the eye, that would be it. Guess who arranges that? Your guardian angel. Who needs enemies when you have friends like that.
It is an old adage but is often forgotten, happiness comes from within. We seek happiness through external recognition, partnering our ‘soul mate’ or belonging to the right social set. But in reality, what the monad is seeking is union with its own higher mental body. This is achieved at enlightenment and goes further when the monad transitions to the 5th Kingdom, after taking the 4th initiation (i4). On the Unity plane (46) the monad comes to experienced what true love actually is.

What we as humans think is love is a pale shadow of what it really is. Love originates from the Unity plane (46) and not the Emotional plane. Love is not an emotional but a divine sense of unity with the rest of existence. Love is not temperamental, clingy or dependent on conditions. We only really sense unconditional love when we hold our newborn child. It rapidly becomes conditional after that!
The amount of love we show to others is related to how they make us feel. This is a selfish kind of love. Love can’t be lost, yet how many people ‘fall out of love’. Love starts to blossom when we love ourselves and love others, putting their needs co-equal to our own. Falling in love means your rational mind is temporally overcome with emotionality. Sounds harsh maybe, but if you truly maintained the first flush of love thought out a relationship, you would burn out.
I personally understand what love means when I consider the term unity. For me love is unity. This is when you realise that you and the ‘other’ are one. This becomes self-evident on the Unity plane (46). Here the monad first enters into a group relationship with usually another eight monads. This group shares one conscious body. All thoughts, knowledge and experience are shared. There are six dimensions on the Unity plane and rather than viewing the world externally, you unite with it. Once the ‘other’ and you are one, there is no separation and in that unity, you come to know true love.
Over the course of my presentations, I have looked at emotional matter in three ways. The first was as a plane of matter that extends throughout the Solar System. This plane is composed of 48-atoms that are further differentiated into six molecular sub levels. The emotional plane is a subset of the Cosmic Physical Plane. This plane is found around star systems but not in deep space. Why? Because for example in Intergalactic space there are only 1-Atoms to be found. The next place we find emotional matter is around a physical globe. Why? Because this globe is the body of a cosmic being known as a planetary logos. This logos is evolving itself and it has its body. It just so happens that we dwell in this body. You could think of us as the bacteria in its gut, giving it indigestion. In reality, we are its brain cells, but that must be no more comforting for the logos to know. Thinking of ourselves as a bad case of wind seems more appropriate. The final field of emotional matter has been covered in this presentation. This is the matter that exists in our personal envelopes.
This emotional world within the confines of our bodies is populated by elementals and we attract those elementals that resonate with our level of consciousness. You are not what you feel, but you are responsible for how you feel. Getting a grip on your emotions starts when you decide to let your mental body take the lead in your interactions with the world around you. This will be the topic of my next presentation.