In presentation 37, I looked at the central role the Emotional body plays in the evolution of the monad. This is because the emotional body allows the monad to understand the meaning of the pairs of opposites. Why is this so important? To really come to know what something is, you need to understand what it is not. When the monad moves its focus out of the 48:1 Permanent Emotional Atom, it begins to realise that what it thought were two perspectives at complete ends of a spectrum, were, in fact, two sides of the same coin. This is an important concept to grasp. The presence of good is just the absence of bad. Both exist in the same place, you choose which of the two you will manifest. This level of perspective begins to develop when the monad moves its focus of attention to the mental envelope and that is what we discuss in this presentation.

Every envelope is the product of one primary atom or molecule, which spawns the remaining molecules in that particular envelope. The 48:1 Emotional Atom is the substance from which the lower six molecules are generated. We have spoken about the fact that the mental body is divided into two halves, separated by two triads, the 1st and 2nd. If an envelope has one permanent atom, then how does the Lower Mental Envelope, which we will call the Mental Envelope in this presentation, form? This occurs because in three particular triadic envelopes have a permanent molecule, rather than a permanent atom. This molecule survives the dissolution of the mental envelope at the end of an incarnation and is stored in the Higher Metal Body, known as the Causal Envelope. This is where unresolved mental issues are stored to resurface in future incarnations as you future subconscious thoughts.
So, the mental body has four types of molecules, 47:4 to 47:7. As with the emotional body and the now-famous egg, the ratio of these molecules changes over the course of the evolution of the monad. The mental body looks likes a brightly shining golden figure surrounded by a shining ovoid aura of misty yellow light. The size of this envelope is the same as that of the physical body. The aura is typically 1.5 metres wide and 2-3 metres high.
Nature of the Mental Body
Again, as with the emotional body, the mental body is composed of secondary, Elemental matter. For this reason, it is only passively conscious and reacts to external stimuli and has a slightly negative influence on our behaviour. Mental matter is subtler and less evolved than emotional matter. For this reason, it has a reduced influence on us. Why? The reason is, if you remember, secondary matter is involving down into matter. So its evolution is on a downward trajectory. For us, the raucous behaviour of our emotional body would lead us to categorise it as a less evolved unit. But as you see, from the perspective of the Elemental Essences that go to make up that body, they are more evolved and can therefore impact our lives move dramatically. This we know all too well as we swim in our whirlpools of desires and emotions. The positive side to this subtler influence should be that we can control these elemental essences more easily. That is the theory. The reality is that the subtler mental matter is drowned out by the noisy emotional matter. This ends up with us being led by our desire and emotions, rather than our thoughts and will.
Mental Consciousness
This imbalance in energy between the emotional and mental matter means that most people hardly use their intellectual faculties. The emotional body is dominant and fulfils most of the personas requirements in its daily interactions with the world around it. This does not mean that the mental body sits back, being totally redundant. Having said that, I can see this being the case with more of humanity than is comfortable to live with. We use our mental bodies to synthesise a multi-dimensional picture of reality. Because the mental body is the highest body of the 1st Triad, it synthesises inputs from all the lower envelopes into a coherent perception of the environment. We could not function as humans without this capability. This capability is developed when our monad is still in the Animal Kingdom. We know animals are very aware of their environment and they could only process this information if they had an active and engaged mental envelope. In the case of the animals, only the lowest molecular level (47:7) of this envelope is stirring into action.
I have previously mentioned that the majority of Humanity is focusing through either their 49:1 or their 48:1 permanent atoms. This is linked to the three earliest stages of human development and is classified as 1. Young, 2. Community and 3. Cultured. These stages have been discussed in detail in earlier presentations. At these stages of development, people’s mental bodies are entangled with their emotional bodies. This leads to their thoughts always being tinged with emotions. This is why so many people find it difficult to make unemotional decisions. Being able to think is supposed to give us an influence over our instincts, allowing us to analyse a situation. This alas is not the case for the vast majority of Humanity today. They simply can not objectively assess a situation because emotions distort what they see and ‘blind’ them to reality.
Lee Bladon, in his excellent book, The Science of Spirituality, gives an amusing example of this in action:
Emma: Which one is Jane?
Mary: The fat girl talking to Steve.
Emma: Don’t be horrible.
Mary: What, I was not being horrible.
Emma: Yes you were, you said she was fat.
Emma thought Mary was being judgmental when she was in fact being objective. Emma’s emotional consciousness sees malice when there was none. Clearly, there is a fine balance between objective observation and judgmental criticism. Some may scramble around and say other descriptors could have been used by Mary, but that misses the point. Emotional people find it hard to differentiate between objective observation and judgmental criticism. People, focused in their emotional bodies look for Good and Bad in everything they observe. People, focused in their mental bodies look for Right and Wrong.
The Causal Body
I wish now to examine the upper half of the mental body, found on the 2nd Triad. What role does this play in the development of the monad? Causal consciousness enables an enlightened person to directly determine whether a mentally derived belief system is correct and correlated to reality. How does it do this? When we view an event, even if we see it objectively and it is not sent through our emotional filters, we may not know the cause of the event. Causal reality enables the viewer to know the cause of that event, not just the event itself. This allows the viewer to gauge unequivocally why an event is occurring. I have spoken how this occurs, because the past and the present merge into the present when a monad gains causal consciousness.
The Higher Causal Body
The causal body is not something that develops as we evolve through the Human Kingdom. We need this envelope to become human in the first place. It is what precisely defines us as being human. It is a gift from our guardian angel. I have described this envelope in detail already. I mention it again here because this gift to us really has speeded up our development. In previous chains of the Earth Scheme, Humanity had to build their causal bodies and this took an exceedingly long time. I am back to my favourite topic of Rounds, Chains and Globes. I will regain control of myself and continue.
The causal body is a transparent and iridescent structure, approximately seven metres in diameter. It looks like a sphere. As as a monad develops, it collects and activates causal matter. This matter is also composed of secondary Elemental Essences and is even more refined than mental matter. As more matter is collected, it becomes ‘coloured’ by experience. As the monad develops further, the spectrum of colours, the brilliance and luminosity of this envelope increase. The envelope itself increases in size throughout the 4. Compassionate and 5. Enlightened stages of evolution, reaching 10 metres in diameter.

Having just talked about our causal bodies, I will tell you what happens next. At the 4th Initiation (i4), it bursts. This sounds like bad news but fear not. It is instantly replaced with a new one, more brilliant, more organised, with radiant white light shining from its centre. Remember, I just mentioned to you that our causal bodies were a gift from our guardian angel. When we burst this envelope and recreate it, we end our association with that Solar deva and it carries on with its own evolution, its job done in this Second Solar System. Say thank you very much to this kind and patient monad. It has nurtured us through our birth, teenage and maturity in the 4th, the Hunan Kingdom. But fear not, we still have another guardian angel looking after us and it resides on the 3rd Triad.
Let’s get back to our current situation. The Higher Causal Body is where the monad rests between incarnations. It is our only permanent body. Think about that for a moment. We are a monad. This makes us immortal. Where do we reside? We reside in the 43:1 Permanent Atom on the highest plane in our solar system. Our entry into the Cosmic Physical Plane can only happen because devas have created a number of triadic structures for us to focus our consciousness through, as we evolve. In the three lower kingdoms of nature, we are part of a group soul. This group soul is controlled by another deva. It is only when we transition into the 4th, the Human Kingdom that we have to find somewhere to store our personal memories. For the first and the last time, we are on our own. Well, we would be on our own if it was not for our guardian angel. Every time we incarnate, we stitch together a new set of lower envelopes with the help of a range of devas. If it were not for the memories stored in our permanent atoms, 49:1 and 48:1 and our permanent molecule, 47:4, we would have to start from scratch each time we incarnated. If we did not have our causal body to store the lessons we had learned, the insights gleaned and the wisdom gained, we would never be able to build on any of our achievements. So the fact that this envelope hangs around between incarnations is vital.
Our higher causal body has initially two and then three connections to our lower subtle bodies. The first is the Life Thread, also known as the Sutratma. This connects the causal body to the heart chakra of the 1st Triad subtle bodies, allowing them to communicate to one another. Remember, the heart chakra is not just found in our etheric body, but our emotional and mental as well. It is the Life Thread that provides energy to us and when it is cut we die. Stop and think about this thread for a minute. We have a physical equivalent of it as we develop in our mother’s womb. It is the umbilical chord. It is at the severing of that chord that the Sutratma is connected to our physical-etheric body. Prior to that we got our energy from our mums. After that we get it from ‘God’. In reality, your mum also get the energy from ‘God’ and passes it on to you through the connection between the two of you. I use the term ‘God’; the descriptor I have have used through the course of these presentations has been the ‘ABSOLUTE’. The energy source that drives our existence goes back up all the planes of matter to Plane-1 and beyond to the Anti-Verse, the Source of All.
The second connection between the higher causal body and the lower three envelopes is known as the Consciousness Thread or the Antahkarana. This thread connects to the Crown chakra of all the subtle bodies allowing them to communicate to each other. This emphasises the major role the chakras play in our effective functioning in our three lower bodies. They are a ‘super highway’ of information going between these bodies. I have mentioned that communication between our lower subtle bodies, located on the 1st Triad, is almost instantaneous. This really does speed up our evolution. The challenge comes when you try and connect between triads, not just within them.

This leads me to the third connection, which is not initially present in humans. This is the Material Thread. Just let me jump back to the other two connections. I have pointed this out before but it worth doing again. In every aspect of our development, the Holy Trinity of Motion/Energy, Consciousness and Matter are always present. In the Life Thread, the Sutratma, you have the Energy component. In the Consciousness Thread, the Antahkarana, you have the Consciousness component and now in the Material Thread you have the Matter component. This is also known as the Creative Thread or Triad Bridge. It is constructed through the Higher Causal Body to connect the 1st and 2nd Triads. This is what we complete at the 3rd Initiation (i3).

The Causal Lotus
The Causal Lotus, also known as the Egoic Lotus, is a structure in the Higher Causal Body. I have mentioned that it is built by our guardian angel to help us knit our 1st and 2nd Triads together. It is called a lotus because it resembles a lotus with 12 petals arranged in 4 rosettes of three petals each. These petals are actually 12 solar devas that work with our guardian angel to create the lotus. Each rosette is an energy centre or chakra and each petal is an evolutionary mental atom (47:1). Previously, I have talked about the complementarity of the whole mental body to the lower two envelopes. This was in relation to the chakras that run through them. For this reason, in the presentation on the chakras, I mentioned that the causal body had three chakras. Now I am saying there are actually four. The fourth is a link that will form to the 3rd Triad in due course.
Initially, the lotus is like a closed bud. It gradually opens over the course of thousands of incarnations, becoming particularly active as we end our sojourn through the Human Kingdom. A quick recap on the causal lotus reveals that the three outer rosettes are called the Knowledge Petal, the Unity Petal and the Will Petal. These are the three primary energies that pass through them. Secondary energy also passed through them. For example, all knowledge petals have mental energy as their primary energy but each has a different secondary energy. This is shown in the table.

Knowledge Petal
Once the Knowledge Petal is vitalised, it conveys causal consciousness to the Mental Body. During the 3. Cultured phase of development (400-500), the mind largely overcomes desire and cravings to gain control of the physical-etheric body. This happens when energy from the Sacral chakra moves up to the Throat chakra and stimulates mental activity. This is a big deal, you are now thinking with your brains rather than your gonads. When the monad’s consciousness level hits 500, the 2nd Initiation occurs (i2) and the connection between the 47:1 atom of the 2nd Triad and the 47:4 mental molecules of the 1st Triad is completed. This generates a thirst for esoteric knowledge.

Unity Petal
Vitalisation of the Unity petal conveys Unity consciousness from the 46:1 triad atom to the Emotional envelope. This happens towards the end of the 3. Cultured stage. The mind has largely overcomes emotionality to gain greater control of the monad’s life. Energy from the Navel chakra moves up to the Heart chakra to stimulate unity and love. These are the predominant characteristics of the Unity plane (46). Starting to develop these attributes now sows a good seed for the future 4th Initiation (i4). At 550, the connection between the 46:1 atom of the 2nd Triad and the 48:1 atoms of the 1st Triad is completed.
Will Petal
Lastly, the Will petal brings the 1st Triad under the complete control of the 2nd Triad. During the 4. Compassionate stage, the monad becomes aware of the limitations of the emotional and the mental minds. This leads the persona to be willing to surrender itself to the soul. At the 3rd Initiation (i3), the connection between the 45:4 permanent molecule and the 49:1 atom is finished. This marks the completion of the Triad Bridge.
Inner Petal
Once the 3rd Initiation (i3) is completed at 600, the Inner Petals partially open. This allows the monad to move to the 47:1 atom at the centre fo the Casual Lotus. This is also a big deal. The soul takes direct control over the persona. The Higher and Lower Causal bodies permanently merge. This is actually when Enlightenment occurs. At the 4th Initiation (i4), at 700, the inner petals open fully. This allows the monad to burst out of the causal body. It moves up to the 46:1 Unity Atom and enters the 5th Kingdom. Hurray! You have just made it out of the 4th Kingdom alive!
Followers of ‘Pure (Lotus) Land’ Buddhism believe they will be born into the the pure land of the Amitabha Buddha, regardless of merit or status. What they are in fact taking about is the causal body and we all go there anyway!
I wish to call it a day there. I have given you quite enough to ponder. In my next presentation I intend to go on and speak about the Lower Causal Body and what lies beyond the 4th, the Human Kingdom.
Hi Kazim, the post mentions that at the center of each petal of the causal lotus is an evolutionary mental atom 47.1. Is my understanding correct that being evolutionary, the “head” monad of this atom is 4 steps away (46.1, 45.1, 44.1, 43,1) from becoming a 43.1 monad that starts it’s path into greater consciousness as a rock? Thanks
I am not sure I quite understand what you are saying. There are 12 solar devas that are focused in one of the 12 petals of the lotus. There is a 13th solar angel that is the guiding angel and that us usually a 46:1-self. In some cases it can be a 45-self. I presume those 12 solar devas are not as evolved as the controlling one. You are correct in the number of levels of consciousness evolution that separates a 47:1 monad from a 43:1 monad. The 47:1 monad has knowledge of all the lower planes of existence, i.e., the 1st Triad. A 43:1 monad has knowledge of the entire Solar System. I hope that is sort of what you were wanting to know.