I have just completed a set of five presentations on the topic of reincarnation. I have decided not to do a recap of these presentations and go straight on to discuss the fascinating area of paranormal phenomena. There are two reasons for my decision. Firstly, it has taken me umpteen presentations to get to a point where I could talk about reincarnation, using a coherent langue around the whole topic of Life, the Universe and Everything. Hylozoics is nothing if not precise in the terminology it uses. Unlike esoterics in general, Hylozoics calls a spade a spade and then goes on to give it a mathematical designation. This is unheard in esoterics in general. Normally, if you are presented with an esoteric concept and you can not misinterpret it in three ways, then the concept is not considered meaningful. Hylozoics gets round this woolliness by always starting from the Matter aspect and building up any concept methodically. This does not require any great leap of faith or understanding. Hylozoics is no about making you feel good, it is about objective and subjective reality.
Before any of you go and start getting all philosophical and asking what is ‘reality’, hylozoics informs us that currently, our objective reality is what we can discern with our five senses. Now some clever wag may point out that what anyone sees is always subjective. I would answer, their cataloguing of it may be subjective, but their observation of it is objective. If there is a tiger in the room and I happen to point this out to you and you say “no there isn’t”, it is just a pussycat. Fine, to you it may be a pussycat, but that does not make it any less dangerous and those teeth any smaller or less sharp. The point I am getting at is that when I have spoken about reincarnation, I hope you have a comprehensive enough idea of the basic hylozoic principles behind what I am saying. This hopefully leads you to get the bigger picture I am presenting.
The second reason is that when I finally get to the end of this series of presentations, yes, there is an endpoint, I wish to do a giant recap that itself will be covered in a series of presentation. At this time, I wish to integrate the concept of reincarnation into all the topics I have covered so far. I also wish to look at the fundamental reasons why reincarnation is the only way a rational universe could ever function. Ok, now on to paranormal phenomena.
Conscious Out-of-Body Experiences (Astral Travel)
An out-of-body experience sounds a very exotic term. The reality is that every time you go to sleep you have an out-of-body experience. You are usually not conscious of this fact. Well, exactly the same thing happens when you have a conscious out-of-body experience (COBE). What differs between these two experiences is where the monad exits from the Physical-Etheric Body. When we fall asleep, the monad exits through the heart or navel chakras. In the pantheon of chakras, the heart is above the navel chakra. When someone is at the 2. Community stage of development, they are focused in the lower half of their Emotional Body. This means that they are likely to exit through the navel chakra. If the monad has reached the 3. Cultured phase of development, they are focused in the upper half of their Emotional Body and consequently exit through their heart chakra. The net result of the ‘buoyancy’ of the Emotional Body, determines which planes in the Emotional World the monad frequents during its nightly visits.
When we exit our Physical-Etheric bodies at night, our Consciousness Thread detaches. This results in a loss of consciousness. The physical brain plays no part in the out-of-body experience. This is why we have no memory of our nightly sojourns. Memories do however get stored in our subconscious. Where does this reside? In the case of the Emotional Body that would be in the 48:1 permanent atom. Our subconscious, as we all know, does have an influence on us. It is in this way that events experienced on the Emotional Plane can make their way into our waking consciousness when we remember our dreams.

When it comes to a Conscious Out-of-Body experience, the monad must exist through the Crown chakra. This allows the Consciousness Thread to remain attached. Consequently, the Physical-Etheric Body remains awake through this experience. You now have the possibility of being able to carry out remote viewing. What is more, you have full recall of what you are viewing remotely. In this particular configuration of your Consciousness Thread, your waking consciousness is no longer restricted by the Etheric Web. It is not censored by the brain either. In such a COBE we have the possibility, to view objectively, up to the level that our monad is conscious. As an example, if the monad was objectively conscious as high as the 48:3 molecular level, then this is as high as the COBE experience can go.

Looking at the diagram, the envelope around the figure is the Etheric Body. The white line leading up from the Physical-Etheric heart is the Silver Chord, also known as the Sutratma. This leads all the way up through the Emotional, Mental and Lower Causal envelopes until it reaches up to the permanent atom in the Higher Causal Body. Notice that it carries on further. It leads to the Monod, embedded in the 43:1 atom. Truth be known, it carries on all the way back to the 1st Plane, the natural home for all 1-Atoms. This should tell you that we get our life energy quite literally from the SOURCE.
When we are awake, all three units of the Triad, those are the orange, green and blue dots, are connected by the Consciousness Thread. This allows our monad to be simultaneously aware of perceptions from all three of our envelopes, the Physical-Etheric, the Emotional and the Mental. Now when you look at the COBE diagram, the Mental and Emotional bodies are no longer surrounding the Physical-Etheric Body. Yet the Consciousness Thread is still connected between all of them. This means they are in communication and the physical brain is receiving messages. What the body can not do is move. It is paralysed. Why? Because the controller of the body is not the brain but the mental envelope and that has gone walkabout.
COBE’s can occur spontaneously or intentionally. If you have the ability to do this at will, you have reached ‘Samadhi’. This is a Sanskrit word, meaning contemplation. Samadhi is generally associated with meditation, however, COBE’s are not induced by controlling your consciousness. This COBE occurs because the monad is able to control the Matter of its subtle bodies. This distinction is very important and goes to the heart of the whole Hylozoic presentation of esoteric truths. If you are having a remote experience that you are conscious of, your consciousness has not waltz off by itself. It can not, as you can not have consciousness by itself. The Holy Trinity always has to be present. So you are welcome to take a trip around the block or travel into the Emotional World. Just make sure you have booked your subtle bodies to accompany you on your jaunt. No bodies, no jaunt.
Conscious Out-of-Body experiences on the Emotional Plane are only possible when the monad is focused in at least its 48:1 permanent atom. This means that the chakras of the Emotional Body are active to a degree sufficient to allow objective consciousness on the Emotional Plane. The same goes for the Mental Body. COBE is impossible for a 1. Young soul, because their monad is centred in their 49:1 permanent atom. This renders objective conscious impossible on the Emotional Plane. Monads at all five stages of development are potentially capable of developing the ability to have COBE. At the 2. Community stage COBE is unlikely, as the monad has not activated all its chakras. 3. Cultured souls are only capable of perceiving the Emotional World (48:2-48:7). 4. Compassionate souls can experience not only the Emotional World but the Mental World up to the 47:4 permanent molecule. 5. Enlightened souls are fully conscious all the way up to the 47:2 sub-level of the Causal World. They are not consciousness on the atomic level of this plane. What differs with the Enlightened soul is that they are conscious in all their subtle bodies without ever leaving the Physical-Etheric body. How can this be? The reason is that they have no etheric web. Well, actually they do, but it is one they constructed and control themselves.

Being fully conscious in the Emotional World is a far more reliable way of gathering information than relying on a clairvoyant or a medium to contact the ‘soul of the dearly departed’. However, if you are blessed with this ability, it is wise to remember that the Emotional Plane is confusing. You not only have one more dimension to deal with, but Matter is also arranged according to your desires. How do you know that want you are experiencing is what is there? It could be some preconceived notion you already had. You can go out and buy books and CD’s on how to achieve a COBE but it is not easy to realise this aspiration. A lot of dedication is needed.
Suppose you decide that COBE sounds interesting and you want to give it a go, the first thing I would say is consider your motives. Would it not be better spending that same amount of time and effort expanding your consciousness. When you get onto the Emotional Plane, you need help to navigate around this new and strange environment. If you are driven by selfish motives, the only entities that are really going to be interested in you walk the Left-Hand Path. Ultimately, this is not a good life choice to make.
COBE can be induced by drugs like Ketamine and Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Another psychedelic drug is a plant extract from the Ayahuasca shrub. These drugs work by blocking neurotransmitter receptors in the brain. The result of this is that the persona is temporarily prevented from operating through the Physical Body. This leads to an out-of-body experience. Basically folks, just don’t do it. When you are ready, these experiences occur naturally and that is after you have taken the (i3). So not long then!
Near-Death Experiences
What is a Near Death Experience (NDE)? It is a type of COBE that occurs at times of intense physical distress. A good example of this is that your heart and brain have just stopped! That could be considered a reasonably intense experience! But somehow you don’t die and you came back to recall your experiences. What happens in such an event? People who have been through NDEs report hearing a loud ringing or buzzing sound. They often report travelling through a long dark tunnel. What is happening here? In a previous presentation, I talked to you about the Sushumna, also called the Central Column or Channel. It is your Etheric spine, a direct analogue to your spinal cord. When the monad has an NDE, it travels up its own Sushumna and out through its Crown Chakra. The exit through the Crown Chakra is what also happens in a COBE. This leads to the same outcome. The Consciousness Thread remains attached, as opposed to when you sleep and it detaches. The result of this continued attachment is that the brain has a ‘live’ perception of all events and the subsequent recollection of these events. So the monad may waltz off to the Emotional Plane, however, reports are sent back to base.

Often, people report that they find themselves outside their physical body. They are in the vicinity of it. They may even be floating above it, but they realise that they are viewing a part of themselves, yet they are not within the structure anymore. Depending on your consciousness evolution, you are going to be objectively aware of your Emotional and Mental bodies. If you had just ‘died’, you may look down at your physical body and feel intense emotional upheaval as people around you try to resuscitate your body. Remember, emotions are greatly intensified when this envelope is free from the Physical-Etheric Body. So here you are, outside your body, yet you still have a body. However, this body seems to be of a very different nature. This body, the Emotional body, can fly, pass through solid matter and visit non-physical worlds. Now that is something to put in your diary.
People, who have returned and reported their experiences of an NDE say they meet other non-physical beings. These beings seem to be there to ease the fear and disorientation of the monad. If you seem to be confronted by an angelic being, it is most likely to be your guardian angel. If this ‘angel’ whips out a harp and starts to play your favourite tune, treat them with great suspicion. If, on the other hand, you are telepathically asked to evaluate your life, you know you are in for a treat or otherwise. People report being shown an incredibly detailed panoramic view of their whole life. This whole process usually seems to lead to an overwhelming feeling of intense love, joy and peace. But all good things seem to come to an end and your angel is then going to tell you that you must return to your body. Your time has not come yet. You then return to your body with full recollection of the events you have just experienced.
Why has all this just happened? Near-Death Experiences are induced by your guardian angel to awaken you to your life’s purpose. This whole event is staged to get you back on track. You are unlikely to meet someone who has had an NDE and just brushes it off as a bad case of indigestion. Your guardian angel has made the effort to reveal things to you so that you are able to become a better person. We are shown our true colours, without our ego getting in the way. We are not allowed the luxury of self-deception. The Life View you are presented with is often described as being more vivid than the original event. You now know why.
Some souls who have experienced an NDE describe that they are able to perceive another person’s perspective as they interact with them. This perception is occurring as they seem to be reliving events that have occurred in the past during the NDE. The reason for this is that the monad’s Emotional Body is able to perceive every thought-form that passes through it. Most, in reality, are too subtle to be perceived by the waking consciousness. However, when these encounters happen, the memories of them remain in our sub-conscious. This is what is being recalled in the out-of-body experience. You are effectively reliving past events with an ‘added’ dimension.
Some Near-Death experiencers report being given a choice of whether to stay or go back to their body. If you think about this, it is an odd choice to be given. Everyone chooses to go back because if it was their time to die, they would have died! So why does the guardian angel offer such a choice? They know the outcome already and by giving the monad the choice, it is more likely to embrace the second chance it has been given. If the guardian angel knew the chosen path was to stay on the Emotional Plane, then the order to return would be the only choice on offer.
So, today, we have covered Conscious Out of Body Experiences and a variant of this in the case of a Near Death Experience. There are many more kinds of paranormal phenomena. I intend to carry on with the list in my next presentation, starting with Remote Viewing.
What methods or practices would you advise/recomend for “expanding your consiousness”?
Hi Frank
You ask a question that I spend the last four presentations in this series answering. Unfortunately they will not air until July and August. On a personal level, I make a pathetic attempt at meditating every morning. I also do the Rainbow Bridge Meditation, which deals specifically with clearing out your traits and habits. I run through a series of mantras and prayers, all the usual stuff, including the Invocation of the Disciple and a few others and ending up with the Great Invocation and a closing prayer. The most important thing is to be regular in frequency and time of day. You are seeing up an appointment with your devas. I actually find that contemplation is more effective than meditation for me. I find insights just drop into my head. I keep a notebook beside me to record what just seems to pop up. Last but not least, don’t expect to meet Sanat Kumar on your first outing! LOL