I started this new series of presentations on Paranormal Phenomena by looking at Conscious Out-of-Body Experiences (COBE) and a variant of that, Near Death Experiences (NDE). What both of these had in common was that there was a separation of the Emotional and Mental bodies from the Physical-Etheric Body. However, there was no subsequent detachment of the Consciousness Thread. This allows the monad to experience planes 48 and 47 without the Etheric Web getting in the way. Consequently, the physical-etheric brain is cognisant of activities on planes, it would not usually be, during the hours of sleep. I wish now to go on and start by looking at the concept of Remote Viewing.
Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing sounds like something that could be done by a drone or a satellite. In a way, this is not a bad analogy. This style of recognisance allows the viewer to describe a remote location. This location is known as a ‘target’ by those practising this paranormal phenomenon. An accomplished remote viewer can describe a location on the other side of the world. They can also describe events that may have occurred many years ago. It is also possible for them to describe a person’s current location and activities. The amazing thing about this is that the remote viewer can do all this without being told anything about the target.
I think it is safe to say that in my conversations with you, it is an accepted reality that there is more to life than just meets the eyes. The fact that we have more than just a physical body may be a surprise to some, but to others, this fact appears before them as an opportunity. This exemplifies why there has been a body of knowledge that was previously kept ‘esoteric’, in other words, hidden. Knowledge of the fact that a person has the ability to dissociate themselves from their physical body and go walk-about is very interesting to governments and armies. Remote viewing was used extensively by the US Government during the Cold War. It was also used by the Germans and British during the Second World War.
Now that this information has entered the public domain, several organisations have been set up to research it. They have set standards and developed programmes to foster this ability. One question to ask, is do these people know how this phenomena works?
Remote viewing simply involves imagining yourself at a remote location, observing a target. The power of your imagination creates a synthetic image of yourself. This image is created from Emotional and Mental matter that is drawn from your subtle bodies. I have spoken on numerous occasions about the construction of a thought-form. What exactly is this? It is an organisation of Elemental Essences that are created by the conscious application of the will of a monad, focused in a coherent manner. To us, a thought is subjective. It resides somewhere in our heads. On the Mental Plane, however, a thought is an object. This object has a shape that resonates to the consciousness that created it. This thought is capable of leaving the envelope of the mental body that created it and moving to its intended target. You can see now where that word ‘target’ comes from when you look at it from an esoteric perspective. When we create thoughts, we just release them into the Mental Plane. Most of these thoughts just pollute the Mental environment, popping in and out of other monad’s mental bodies. If the thought is directed to a target, it arrives there and tried to deliver whatever vibration it was carrying from its creator.

So what happens when mental and emotional matter is detached from an envelope? It effectively becomes a remote ‘self’. It is part of you but not attached to the rest of you. This is represented in the diagram. This remote self is an information gathering droid. Sensory impressions perceived by the remote viewer is communicated back to the viewer as a sympathetic vibration. What is going on here is that the envelope of the detached emotional and mental matter is effectively a remote sensor, just like you would find on a probe of some sort. If you could imagine that the probe is sending home messages to base, well that is what is happening with the remote viewer as well. What is being seen at a distance is perceived by the viewer in waking consciousness.
Now, let’s use our knowledge of the Holy Trinity to speculate the exact mechanics of what is happening. If it is feasible to fling out a thought-form and sent it on its way, it is possible to also detach some tertiary matter from your two higher subtle envelopes, fill them with Elemental Essences and send them off to do some spying. But how does the message get back? I have said that the remote viewer is viewing external and remote events in realtime. In the case of a satellite, it sends back radio signals. Is this what your remote emotional and mental envelopes are doing? I think not. What is happening is that there is quite literally a cable of tertiary matter, one molecule thick, that extends between the ‘bot’ and the base. It is down this material connection that the vibrations travel. Remember everything has to be rooted in matter somehow. Now some bright spark may pipe up and say but in the case of the satellite beaming back radio waves, where is the matter there? The simple answer is that all the electromagnetic spectrum is part of the etheric plane and so electricity, light and radio waves are all composed of matter. We know that light is both a wave and a particle. All electromagnetic radiation has these same properties. It is a shame that the only sensible thing humanity can think of doing with this paranormal phenomena is spying.
What exactly is hypnosis? It is a psychological process in which the analytical and critical aspects of the conscious mind are subdued. This leads to a slightly altered state of consciousness, where the mind is more passive and receptive but still fully lucid. It should be clearly understood, when you are hypnotised, you are not in a trance. This is a misconception. There are different types of hypnosis and they take advantage of the quietened mind is various ways.
Hypnotherapy is a process by which the conscious mind is quietened, so beneficial mental patterns can be seeded into the subconscious mind. The reason a hypnotic state is used to achieve this is so that the mind does not interfere with the absorption of the suggestions being seeded.
Stage hypnotism is a branch of this process that most people are familiar with. Rather than just seeding thoughts into the subconscious, the conscious mind is quietened so that instructions are followed by the subject without question. The fascinating thing about this whole process is that the subject believes something to be true and acts on this assumption. There is no coercion involved. The subject believes what it is told and acts voluntarily.
If somehow quietening the mind seems to allow the planting of subliminal ideas, then the same process should be reversible. This would allow the mind to release what it knows. This is in fact what happens with Forensic Hypnotism. Here the conscious mind is quietened so memories from the subconscious are more easily retrieved.
A variant of this process is called Information Release. Here the conscious mind is quietened so that the subconscious and superconscious mind can be heard. People talk about their instincts and intuition. This is an information release in action. The hypnosis can be self-administered. The important thing is to lower the floor of the noise-level in the brain so that these much fainter signals can be received and decoded.
Subliminal Messaging is a variant of hypnosis but not exactly the same thing. Like hypnosis, it acts on the subconscious, influencing behaviour without comments or criticism from the mind. This is a favourite tool of advertisers. If someone is selling you cat food and they wear a white lab coat, then what they say can be trusted. The lab coat activates a subliminal message within the subjective mind of the host.
In all these examples of hypnosis, I have mentioned that the conscious mind is first quietened. The reason this has to occur first is that the physical-etheric brain tends to comment on, analyses, associate and judge everything that enters its field of consciousness. This is a necessary function but it can lead to problems. If you have an endless running commentary in your mind, you tend to create and then reinforce judgmental patterns in your subconscious. This adversely affects and automates your behaviour. How does automation occur? Remember, we are dealing with the Physical-Etheric Body, so all the matter of these subplanes are composed of Tertiary molecules. What does Tertiary matter have? A memory. So, in the same manner, that you are able to learn a skill like kicking a ball, you can set up a repeating pattern of mental behaviour. These programmed responses can be de-programmed when the conscious mind is passive and accepting, rather than judgmental and resistant. Enter hypnosis.
The problem with all the incessant mental noise in your brain is that the quiet voice of your subconscious and super-consciousness is drowned out. These two segments of consciousness, are the vast majority of who we are. It is worth saying again. They are the majority of our being and the noise pollution in our heads is isolating us from ourself. When the conscious mind is quietened by hypnosis or relaxation techniques, traumas from the subconscious and intuitive knowledge from the super-consciousness become known to us.
Past Life Regressions
I have talked about your Skandhas. They are the tertiary molecules that survive the dissolution of the subtle bodies at the end of an incarnation. These molecules are a magnetic tape of all your activities, traits and habits. You can access the information they contain about your past incarnations. To do this, the mind must be internally focused and receptive. It has to be in a dream-like state. This is usually induced by hypnotism or relaxation techniques. I have tried past-life regression sessions with absolutely no result. The practitioners I visited had more letters after their names than they had in them, but still, they could not get a squeak out of me. My mind just would not let go. I am very left-brain and apparently, you need to have a more right-brain mindset to visualise the suggestions you are given. It is all very well being told to walk down some steps leading to a door that opens onto a garden. Forget the garden, where are the steps!
So why go to all this trouble? People choose to investigate their past lives for a number of reasons. They may want to release trauma. Sometimes, a person may find they have an emotional issue with no obvious cause that can be pinpointed in their current incarnation. It may be possible to access the source of such trauma from a previous life. I am sure I have suffered a past-life trauma related to Brussel Sprouts.
Sometime a client may visit a Past Life therapist because they have unresolved issues in their lives. There may be a recurring theme in a person’s life, which suggests a specific issue needs to be resolved before their life can move on. Conducting a past-life regression may help resolve relationship issues. Groups of monads usually incarnate together. This can result in persistent or irrational problems between family members or friends. The causes of these issues may lie in past lives. I have witnessed this many times, when the two people may be in one type of relationship with one another, but another type of relationship keeps trying to surface that is not intended for this incarnation. I am sure you have seen many of these yourselves. Oedipus Complex anyone?
For many, an awakening to spirituality can lead to them becoming interested in their past lives. This is a natural curiosity. The amusing thing is that many people I have spoken to about past lives seem to have known famous people and either been them or stood right next to them. What is this telling you? Some people just want to understand themselves better and their place in the Universe. This may give them a clue as to why their lives are following a specific path. Well here is the kicker. The only reliable and accurate source of a monad’s past life is gleaned from an examination of our Higher Causal Body. This is where the complete records are stored. Guess what you have to be to access this information? How many people do you know of this ilk? So Objective Causal Consciousness is the minimum requirement to gauge an accurate past life regression and you have to be Enlightened (i3) to do this.
An enlightened person can to read the casual consciousness of another person and from this know their past-life history. However, someone else, who is enlightened, knowing all about your past is one thing. This does not mean you are ready to handle that information as well. There is a reason we do not know about our past incarnations. There are a lot of heavy memories that need to be worked through and you need to be strong enough to do so. Knowing that you were once a flower maiden to the Goddess Dianna is not exactly going to speed up your consciousness evolution. Stick with the plan. Work with what you have command of. Know your limitations and slowly but surely, all will be revealed to you.
When a monad reaches the 4. Compassionate phase of their evolution, they naturally have subjective causal consciousness. This allows them to intuitively sense information. As a result, they are afforded glimpses of their past lives from causal memory fragments. This sets up vibrations in their subtle bodies. The physical-etheric brain then sets about assembling these fragments, distorted and possibly unrelated memories, into some kind of narrative. You end up with a coherent dream but what is real and what is fictional? You honestly don’t know, so don’t be too hung up on what appears in your dreams when you reach this stage of your consciousness development.

In discussing past life regressions, it should be noted that passing streams of information from the Akashic Records may be sensed and assembled into a linear story. If this occurs, the information the person gathers is part fiction, part imagination and most importantly of all, related to someone else’s life. Past life regressions are rarely vivid experiences. Impressions can be vague. Receivers of this information are often unsure of what they are perceiving in their imagination. Ultimately, this does not matter as long as the results are beneficial. Even if many details from conducting a regression are false or distorted, the overall impressions may be useful.
Regardless of how the regression is conducted, whether it is a dream or a hypnotic event, the fact that a particular scene came to light means it could be relevant to the current life situation. So to reiterate, if a regression is conducted to release trauma, it does not really matter if the information is correct. What matters is that it brings about the release of detrimental subconscious patterns.
Past life regressions are a very romantic idea and natural human curiosity means that if it is possible to achieve, then it is worth giving it a shot. From a therapeutic point of view, if the regression can help a person overcome current issues in their life, a direct benefit justifies the effort. If the regression is done as a vanity exercise to determine, as you have always thought, you really were the Queen of Sheba, then you are wasting your time. Look at your life now, then think of what you would have been in the past. For 99.9 per cent of the time, it would be a farmer, living in some hovel and about the most exciting thing that could happen to you would be being eaten by a Sabre-Toothed Tiger. Is it really worth wasting your time and effort to find this out? A final thought is that your persona in any life is not remembered by your causal body. It is the lessons experienced and learnt that count. Getting hung up on who you were is missing the point. You were no one. It is what you have learnt and how you use that knowledge that determines how long you will spend in the Human Kingdom.
In my next presentation, I wish to carry on my exploration of paranormal phenomena by looking at the topic of Spiritual Healing.