After three presentations on paranormal phenomena, it should be evident now that there are a lot of activities that are accessible to someone who takes the time to develop them. The point I wish to drive home is that you are not somehow special if you can consciously have an out-of-body experience or can heal someone of a headache. All these phenomena are part of our natural skill sets. However, to access them, we need to put in some time and effort and they then become a functional asset in our lives. Some people may have a predisposition towards a certain phenomenon such as clairvoyance. This again is not a gift, but usually a side effect of misuse of psychic powers in previous incarnations. Whatever your starting point, it is how you use any of these faculties in your life that may or may not have a positive impact on yours or other people’s lives.
Having said all this, let me now carry on and look at the next paranormal phenomena on my list. This is Precognition. This paranormal phenomenon is the acquiring of knowledge of an event, prior to its occurrence. This can occur through Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), premonition, prophetic dreams or visions. Precognition is not about doing something out of the ordinary. It is not about knowing something that can not be ‘known’. Any event occurring today has a set of causes that we set up in the past. It, therefore, makes sense that any future event must have its causes existing in the present. If you have a good grasp of all the variables that surround present events, it is possible to predict future events.
The most effective way of predicting the future is first by acquiring Objective Causal Consciousness. That is simple enough, just achieve the (i3) and become enlightened. Simple! You now have access to information on the Causal Planes (47:2-47:3). As the name of this plane implies, information gathered from this source reveals to the viewer, not just the event, but the cause of the event. This is the only way to have a reasonably accurate prediction of future events. It should be noted that this is not a foolproof method. Any prediction is only as accurate as the variables that are considered. If one is missed, or one appears out of the blue, then outcomes can alter, maybe slightly, maybe dramatically.
Causes of an event, work their way up from the world in which they originate, up to the Causal World. The effects then work their way back down into the world in which they will occur. Intercept as many of the potential causes on their way up and you have a pretty good idea of what could possibly transpire when effects manifests themselves on the planes below.
Because a clairvoyant is able to objectively view events on the Emotional Plane, they are able to see the effects as they work their way down through the Emotional World. If you stop and think about what I have just said, it is awesome to think that an event that somehow is going to become an actuality on the Physical Plane, is somehow visible to an objective bystander on the Emotional Plane. It makes you wonder just how spontaneous events down here on Earth really are. I leave you to ponder that conundrum.
Ok, so there you are, a fully certified, card-carrying clairvoyant. You have just seen an event before it manifests on the Physical Plane. You, therefore, are able to predict the future. There is one slight problem. The clairvoyant has no way of knowing whether their vision is related to actual events or fictional ones. This is the paradox of the Emotional Plane and one that can not be overcome without the aid of Casual Consciousness. Even if the clairvoyant is viewing actual causes, are they viewing all the causes or just a subset? What if a new unforeseen cause is added to the mix?

So at best, it can be said that precognition allows the viewer to see a range of possible outcomes and the final manifestation depends on the choices made by those involved in the outcome. The prediction gets more accurate, the closer you get to the actual event occurring. Guardian angels use precognition as a way of sometimes sending thoughts and images to warn us of something, like the unexpected arrival of your mother-in-law. But on a less urgent note, such interventions may be sent by the guardian angel to counter the effects of a discarnate black magician. At other times, the guardian angel may allow the event to occur if it serves a karmic objective. Anyway, that is precognition for what it is worth.
The next paranormal phenomenon I wish to discuss is Psychokinesis. This is the ability to move or influence an object by the power of thought. Will-Power can directly influence physical matter. Why? Because everyone in existence has a degree of consciousness. You may say, well so what? Here is an interesting tidbit of information. Scientists have found that they can affect the behaviour of subatomic particles by uncontrolled consciousness. This may mess up their experience but it should tell them something much more fundamental. If a highly developed conscious mind focuses on matter, a larger material object can be made to move or be influenced in some way. Another way to move an object is to cause a nature spirit to do it. Now, however, you are into the realms of magic that I discussed in the last presentation.
Levitation is a party trick that I suspect we all wish we could do. There is also the famous Indian Rope trick. We know there is such a thing as levitation because we may have ridden on a Maglev train and I suspect you may have seen an image of a metal disc hovering over an electromagnet. From a paranormal perspective, how is levitation achieved? One possibility is that a non-physical entity draws energy from a medium’s etheric body, allowing it to temporarily materialise a set of fingertips to move an object. I have never witnessed such an event but my mother has and I believe everything my mother told me. A second possibility is that an etheric nature spirit gets itself involved to lift an object. Why specifically an etheric nature spirit? Because we are dealing with matter here. Wherever a force originates from, it has to manifest its effect in the lowest three subplanes of Plane 49. The final possible way to levitate an object is to locally reverse gravity. I personally don’t subscribe to the theory of gravity so I prefer to think of some kind of electrostatic force. How is this reversed? I have not got a clue; although people have speculated that it may be achieved by sound. This is the most likely technique to have been used to build the ‘impossibly’ large megalithic structures we see dotted around the planet.
Teleportation is something I have difficulty getting my head around. Lee Bladon, in his book, The Science of Spirituality, writes that physical matter can be temporarily dematerialised. To do this, you need to inject sufficient amounts of energy into the equation. This causes physical matter to be converted into etheric matter. This now enables it to pass through solid objects. It is now possible to teleport the etheric matter to another location. Reaching its destination, the energy can then be withdrawn and the object rematerialises. How does this all happen? Well, apparently, if you provided enough energy, matter can be broken down into its constituent 1-atoms. Think of that for a minute; its 1-atoms. What levels of energy would be needed to do that? Maybe if you were a 1-atom yourself, consciously wafting around on the 1st Plane it may be possible, but someone down here? Humm. Now, having achieved the practically impossible, and providing you have not damaged the etheric template of the matter in the process, you can recombine the atoms. I am glad I am already sitting down. Bladon goes on to point out that this is how alchemists of old went about transmuting base metals into gold. They reduced the lead particles to their constituent 1-atoms and then recombined them into a gold atom. Simple as that. I will give it a go just as soon as I finish recording this presentation. If I am successful at it, there will be no further presentations!
What exactly is telepathy? It is the direct transference of ideas, thoughts and emotions. There are three variants of telepathy and they are presented in the table. The first and lowest type is Instinctual and subconscious. We all have this and it is seen most clearly in very strong mother and child bonds, as well as bonds that exist between twins. It is sensing or feeling rather than direct communication. My mother told me what she was able to make my sister react in her cot as an infant, just by sending an intense thought towards her. Clearly, this is more than just an instinctual response but again it was pronounced between mother and child.

Higher types of telepathy send and receive coherent information when both parties are sufficiently developed. This brings us to Mental telepathy. This can now be regarded as true telepathy and is direct mind-to-mind communication. Everyone, from the 2. Community stage upwards possesses it. However, at the 4. Compassionate stage, it is consciously controllable. What happens in the monad’s evolution at this stage of development is that the Throat chakra is fully active and the Brow or Ajna chakra begins to activate. What is now possible is non-verbal communications without any misconceptions.

Finally, the monad reaches higher levels of development and is capable of Causal telepathy. The monad is now capable of communicating far beyond linear thought and is able to transfer whole concepts to the recipient. This naturally needs the recipient to be of a similar developmental capacity. At the 3. Cultured stage and above, all monads possess the capacity to communicate causal imagery. However, when the monad gains enlightenment, causal telepathy becomes fully possible. At this stage of development, the Brow chakra is fully open and the Crown chakra is beginning to open. The term ‘a picture paints a thousand words’ is a very apt description of causal telepathy. If you could imagine mental telepathy equating to being able to read a textbook, then causal telepathy would not require you to open the book to know its contents. Impressive.
It is a mistake to categories telepathy as something we are going to grow into. We all use telepathy on a daily basis. How do we manage this? Well, when we communicate information, we do it both verbally and non-verbally. We are under the misconception that we generate our own thoughts and emotions. In reality, most of our thoughts and emotions are perceived telepathically. We live in a sea of other people’s thoughts, ideas and emotions. This is sometimes called the ‘Collective Unconscious’. You can see this in action when a meme breaks out in the media and suddenly all outlets seem to be singing the same tune. You then have a conversation with someone and the same ideas, word for word, get repeated to you. People can even think that these thoughts are original to them. This chain reaction has had beneficial evolutionary outcomes for us. If one individual eats something and suffers adverse effect, that can quickly, not only pass among members of the same group but adjacent groups as well. The negative side-effect of this thought transference is when a destructive idea is propagated and suddenly becomes standard currency in a culture. Racial stereotyping is a good example of this.
The thoughts that we are capable of perceiving, are directly correlated to our level of molecular consciousness. This is a theme I keep returning to, as it can not be emphasised enough that you can only resonate to ideas that vibrate at a level that you are able to perceive. If the resonance that an idea or emotion contained can not be absorbed by the Elemental Essences that are inhabiting your subtle envelopes, it will just pass through. This is why education is staggered in its presentation to children. It is not just a matter of receiving information, it is about being able to process it.
The net result of all this mental and emotional pollution that we live in, is that we are unable to differentiate between what are our ideas and what we have received. As I have already said, this leads to mass psychosis. It can also influence public opinions and lead to mob behaviour. All these outcomes are drawing on our collective unconscious.
So what conclusions can we draw from what we know about telepathy and the three ways it can affect us. The first thing is that there are very few original ideas. I will qualify this statement shortly. Most of what we think are our own ideas are borrowed from the collective unconsciousness of all of Humanity. What this ends up doing is recycling old thought forms and revitalising them. Remember, a thought is a collection of Elemental Essences that are shaped into a structure known as an Elemental. The ‘Elemental’ idea is given energy by the will-power that goes into creating it. However, if a thought-form is taken into the subtle envelope of a large number of individuals and revitalised, that thought form is prevented from decaying. This thought-form can take on a life of its own when it reaches the dimensions of an Egregore. A super thought-form that develops a life of its own. However, this egregore structure is synthetic and so is not self-sustaining. It needs us to continually revitalise its energy patterns.
Now back to the concept of original thought. The first thing to realise is that all thoughts originate from the level of the Causal Plane. This consciousness can be both objective if a person can directly perceive them, or subjective if they gain access to these thoughts through intuition or inspiration. Remember, intuition is thoughts that exist on the 47:3 molecular subplane and inspirational thoughts dwell on the 47:2 subplane. So how do you get access to these thoughts? You have to be able to access these Causal subplanes, either subjectively or objectively. 5. Enlightened souls can access the causal planes objectively. 4. Compassionate souls can access the Causal subplanes subjectively. It may be possible for a 3. Cultured soul to also have flashes of inspiration, but this is more likely to occur from thoughts that have already been brought down by those souls that are able to access these reservoirs of new ideas. The ideas now are resonating in the Mental plane and can now be accessed by a larger pool of minds. So the net result of what I have said is that unless you can access causal ideas directly or indirectly, no new ideas are possible.
I wish to pose another conundrum to you. I have talked about getting access to ‘new’ ideas from the Causal Plane. My question to you is where did those ideas come from in the first place? Ponder that and if you want to know the answer, send me a comment.
The implication of all I have said so far is that for most of Humanity, they do not have an original thought in their lives. They are just regurgitating old thoughts and ideas and think that they are being very original. A good way to think about this is how you go about communicating. You do so with a lexicon that already exists. You may combine those words in new and imaginative ways, but you are always constrained by the preexisting palette you are drawing from. This is what is defined as Mental consciousness. This type of consciousness can only receive ideas that have already been thought. You then adapt this to your needs.
However, when you are an all-singing and dancing enlightened soul, just look at what you are capable of. I give you the example of William Shakespeare. By the way that is a pseudonym according to Laurency. This individual gave the English language over 1,700 new words. He did this by changing nouns into verbs and changing verbs into adjectives. He even connected words that have never been used together before. He added prefixes and suffixes and to top it off, even came up with wholly original words. Now that is what I call original thought.
So how do we solve problems then? We ‘magnetically’ attract ideas from the pool of subconscious thoughts what swirl around us. We see their value and application because we are resonating at a frequency that will recognise what knowledge they impart to us. Have you noticed now ideas seem to pop up in several places at once? This is often seen in scientific research teams. Is it not interesting how they all seemed to have had this ‘original’ thought at the same time? You may say it is because they are sharing publications with one another. This is partially true. However, scientists can be fiercely competitive and do not share as freely as they should and still some annoying group of individuals have come up with the same ‘bright’ idea you had. So come to terms with the idea that you do not really have any ‘bright’ ideas.
I have spoken a lot about clairvoyance and mediumship. In my next presentation, I will to look at them in more detail and then go on to look at Ghosts, Crop Circles, UFOs and Extra-Terrestrial life. I bet you can’t wait!