In the past two presentations, we looked at paranormal phenomena from the point of view of out-of-body experiences. These could be Conscious Out-of-Body Experiences (COBE), Near Death Experiences (NDE), Remote Viewing and finally Past Life Regressions. These experiences were external to the physical-etheric body and involved a high degree of control of your higher subtle bodies. Clearly, this is a niche activity. Being able to experience them does tell us something about who we really are and for this reason alone they have great value. However, they are activities that are bound up with ourselves and our selfish pursuit of knowledge. When you look at your life in the cold light of day, how much of what you do is to befit yourself in someway and how much is to serve others? This brings me neatly on to the next topic of study in the field of paranormal phenomena, Spiritual Healing.
Spiritual Healing
The word healing is one we are all familiar with. Spiritual healing is a phrase that may make some people’s eyes roll. I hope to demystify this term from a Hylozoic perspective in this presentation, before moving on to look at other phenomena. So, what is spiritual healing? At its simplest, it is the directing of subtle energies into a patient or into yourself to boost natural healing processes. Note, that I use the term ‘subtle’ energy. Just how subtle this energy is will be elucidated as I proceed.
What is a headache? This seems a simple enough question but how many people can give you a clear answer. Working within the framework I have presented to date, a headache is congestion of energy in the etheric brain. Note the word ‘etheric’, not the physical-etheric. The pain may be registered in the organic brain, but this is not where the problem starts. If someone has clairvoyant faculties, they would be able to see where the blockage was. This helps in the effective directing of healing energy, rather than just blindly trying to focus energy.
Many who do healing, claim they have a gift. Spiritual healing does not require anyone to have a ‘gift’. Just visualise energy flowing and it will flow. Now if you can focus your intent to a greater degree, then clearly you will be more effective, but this still does not make it a gift.
So how do you heal? Simply, close your eyes and visualise energy streaming into your’s or someone else’s body. Visualise the body filling up with energy. Often people feel an energetic charge building up in their bodies as they heal. Visualise this energy flowing out of your hands. You can even imagine it forming into a ball. If you direct the ball towards your head, you are likely to feel a tingling sensation. This is because the energy in the ‘ball’ is interacting with your etheric.
Spiritual healing does not always need to be directed. If a person’s aura is powerful enough, it will have a magnetic balancing effect on another person’s subtle body. If you remember back to a past presentation, I mentioned that we all are likely to have acquaintances that seem to drain us of energy. Again, our subtle bodies are interacting with someone else’s and in this particular case, our energy is taken, rather than freely given.

Anton Mesmer, yes that name does ring a bell, developed his healing powers by relying on will-power. He directly transferred energy-matter from his own etheric to that of the patient. I used the term ‘energy-matter’ and it fits neatly into a sentence that tries to describe a process. Stop and think about that term; energy-matter. Now focus back to the Holy Trinity and remind yourself that there is no such thing as energy by itself. It has to be linked to matter. So, if healing is taking place, there has to be an exchange of matter. What do you think it is in the case of spiritual healing? Ponder that for a while.
Back to our friend Anton; he was successful at clearing blockages in a patient but this did not come without side-effects. What was happening? Let’s go back to Anton’s surname, Mesmer. What was he doing when he was healing? He was mesmerising his patient. Was this hypnosis? Not exactly. What Mesmer did is that he was able to displace the etheric envelope of the patient. What is the net result of doing this? To register pain, you need to have your etheric envelope present. Why? Because to register pain you need to have contact with your Emotional Body. This is where the ‘organ’ for pain reception really lies. If the etheric is not present to transfer signals to the Emotional Body, no pain is felt. This is what happens when an anaesthetic is administered, whether local or general. The etheric envelope is partially, or completely displaced and the patient loses consciousness.
So, if Mesmer was directing his etheric envelope to displace that of the patient, say in the region of the head, the patient would go semi-conscious. Remember, you need your etheric envelope present in your brain for it to function properly. Note, I used the term that the patient, in the case of Mesmer’s demonstrations, was semi-conscious. The reason this was the case was that the monad may have been temporarily displaced from the 49:1 atom, but the physical-etheric ‘being’ was still present and in charge. Remember those tertiary molecules. They have a life of their own and they are guided by devas.

Another interesting side-effect of Mesmer’s stage performances was that his patents often displayed clairvoyant abilities during the procedure. The reason for this was because the patient’s etheric web had been disrupted. This disruption facilitates perception by the patient into the Emotional and /or the Metal Worlds.

So to conclude on the topic of healing. I gave a dramatic example of Anton Mesmer and his healing techniques, because it illustrated in the extreme, the use of etheric energy to achieve a result. This is not the way I would advise people to develop their healing abilities. Focus your intent and healing will follow that line of focus. There is meaning to the term will-power. It is possible to lens healing energies by the use of crystals and tuning forks, but at the end of the day, it is your will-power and its selfless direction that brings about a meaningful outcome. It should be noted that it is possible to relieve an etheric blockage. However, if that blockage is caused by a disturbance in the Emotional or Mental body, the disruption will inevitably resume if the patient does not take active measures to recalibrate these envelopes themselves.
A final point. I posed the question, what matter is flowing during the process of healing? I will answer that question by first asking another. Where do we get our etheric energy from? It comes from the physical Sun, in the form of Prana. These are particles of physical energy that are released from the lowest of the Solar Logos’ envelopes. If this energy vitalises us, then the sharing of it with others should help to vitalise them. Genius.

Now on to a topic that is a delight to all children at birthday parties. Magic. What exactly is magic and how does it work? Magic is an active expression of consciousness. When someone performs magic, what are they trying to achieve? They are trying to bring about change in the physical world. How do they do this? They do this by actively creating an artificial Elemental, in other words, a Thought-Form.
There is another way this can be done. A practitioner of magic may invoke a Nature Spirit to perform a specific task. Let’s remind ourselves what exactly a Nature Spirit is. This is a class of being that is on the devic evolutionary path. It has reached the level of quaternary matter, so it is self-activating but it has not reached the level of the 4th Kingdom of Nature. So think of Nature Spirits as beings, which are conscious at the level of a plant or animal. Just like you can train a dog to pull a sledge or retrieve a ball, Nature Spirits can be guided by the application of your will-power to perform a task that you set them.
Voodoo is a form of Black Magic, which works by attracting a portion of subtle matter from a victim’s subtle body into a doll to represent them. This is why, in movies, the practitioner is seen taking the hair of an intended victim and pinning it to a doll. Now, we know those sympathetic vibrations are responsible for the transfer of a lot of information. This is how our Lower Causal Body picks up the lessons that our lower envelopes of incarnation are experiencing. So in the case of Voodoo, through the active process of sympathetic vibrations, anything done to the doll, is transferred to the physical body of the victim. Now before you dash to the bathroom so clear out all your hair from the shower and sink, I would say that Voodoo is a very base form of magic. The soul most likely to be a victim of this type of magic is a 1. Young or 2. Community-based soul. Their envelopes are full of the lower vibrating molecules on that plane and are therefore more susceptible to this form of attack. Although the attack comes in via the etheric body, not the emotional or mental ones, if that envelope has a high vibratory pattern, Voodoo is unlikely to penetrate your natural defences. However, I do know of cases where attacks have been mounted and it has taken specific interventions by trained practitioners to undo the damage that can be wrought.
Magic is believed to only be practised by witches and Satanists. It should be pointed out that not all magic in ‘black’. What is slightly alarming, is that not all magic is done consciously. We all subconsciously perform magic every day. Whenever we act with intent, thought-forms are set into motion. These are capable of manifesting a series of events. Remember, thoughts on their own plane, are physical objects. When you bump into a physical object on its own plane, it can hurt or it can heal. A good example of an active expression of consciousness is an affirmation. This can be beneficial if we create and sustain a thought-form. This can have a positive effect on our subconscious patterns of behaviour. You want to swap out lower vibrating Elemental Essences and replace them with higher vibrating ones. The cookie jar has cast a magic spell on me. I am fighting the spell valiantly but it’s going to be a long struggle. Don’t give up. There is always another day and another cookie. But on a less serious note, be careful what you wish for, or you just might get it! Desires do not always manifest how we wish them to. You may want a set of straight white teeth. What happens next? All your teeth fall out and you end up with dentures!
Prayers are another form of magic. Prayers like all thoughts are composed of thought-forms. This does give them power but consider what you are praying for. Is it selfish or selfless? This matters. A thought-form is a living entity and it carries karma with it. Bare that in mind the next time you wish for the demise of your Ex. Going back to one of my earliest presentations, I pointed out that prayers are not answered by God. They complete their mission by themselves. You should by now know why. Remember the parking fairy.
The power of any thought-form is directly correlated to the energy that went into its creation. Consequently, the larger the group of people praying with particularly focused intent, the greater the thought-form and its ability to complete its task. In the divided world we live in today, we can see the effects of negative thought-forms in action. If a seed is sown and enough people believe it and add energy to this thought-form, it takes on a life of its own. It becomes an Egregore, a synthetic thought-form that feeds back to those that create it, the negative energies they put into it in the first place. I leave it to you to put examples to what I am talking about.
Psychic Abilities
I wish to now talk about the concept of psychic abilities. It is a common misconception that people with psychic abilities must be highly evolved. This is simply not the case. We all have ‘psychic’ potentials within us. They just lie dormant until they are activated. Like any skill, if you use a particular ability regularly, you strengthen it. If you ignore it, it will wither on the vine. So, on this basis, if you put in the time and effort to develop your psychic abilities, results are forthcoming. However, as I have pointed out previously, is this really good use of your time? Should you not be spending that time more productively expanding your consciousness?
If a person’s psychic abilities only surface when they are in a trance, this indicates that the person is of a low level of personal development. That is not to say that such people have not been instrumental in bringing forth valuable information to society. It should, however, be noted that when you know what you are doing and what it is all about, you know this consciously, rather than unconsciously. Remember, psychic abilities should never be forced. They develop when they are beneficial to your evolution. They should not be actively sought to boost your ego or as a means of making money. In the defence of Anton Mesmer, his performances, although you may argue they ticked all the wrong boxes, occurred at a time when the concepts of spirituality were beginning to be revealed to a wider audience. I feel such souls played a part in popularising certain concepts or the possibilities of a non-physical reality that the world was now ready to receive.
Psychometry is another interesting phenomenon. What exactly is going on here? All matter vibrates. If an ultrasound can image something from its reflections, then as all matter vibrates, it sends out messages that are picked up by other matter. As all matter on the Physical-Etheric Plane is Tertiary in nature and we know tertiary matter has a memory, it must be possible to gauge the past history of an object. This inherent memory in all matter is how the Akashic Record functions.
It is possible for a clairvoyant to use the technique of psychometry to give a reading about a person who is not present. An object from that person would be used by the clairvoyant to focus their minds. Sensing the vibrations in a watch or a ring sets up a sympathetic vibration that allows access to the person under investigation, dead or alive. In a way, this is using the same phenomenon that someone practising Voodoo does. It is all about the transference of energetic information through vibrations. In the case of the clairvoyant, they are sensing the vibrations through their Navel chakra. This chakra links through to the Emotional Body.
When something is psychometrised, the memories stored within its structure are at a subconscious level. The clairvoyant is able to raise these vibrations to the level of conscious awareness. It is interesting to note that animals use a variant of psychometry to guide them as they migrate vast distance. The animal’s navel chakra subconsciously perceives vibrations from the environment and this is what guides them.
Ok, that is enough for today. In my nest presentation, I wish to go on to look at Precognition, Psychokinesis, Levitation and a host of other paranormal phenomena.