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So here we are on the final presentation on Paranormal Phenomena, honest! Before I go on to talk about the topics I listed in Presentation 52, including Ghosts and UFOs, I wish to look back at the whole concept of paranormal phenomena. For many, a paranormal phenomenon would be something like Levitation. It has links with the exotic and can clearly be seen if you believe it is happening and you are not somehow hypnotically mesmerised to see it. Remote Viewing is just as exotic. It is more difficult to immediately verify but it can be and has been. Both these phenomena allude to humans possessing abilities that are not expressed in the general population. They are out there, however, if you look hard enough. Why should you bother? Because to be human is to be curious. In this attribute, we have a lot in common with cats. There is a caveat that I have mentioned on a number of occasions. Just because a paranormal phenomenon like Mediumship can be developed, does not mean it should be. I always return to the concept that it is consciousness development that life is all about. Physical attributes, like being able to detach your subtle bodies from your physical-etheric complex, do not necessarily advance your understanding of life in general. I am not saying that clairvoyance and mediumship do not have a very honoured place in human development. I just warn that this is a double-edged sword and one that should always be viewed or participated in, with caution.


So, without further ado, on with Ghosts. This is one paranormal phenomenon that everyone has heard of, many have experienced, but most are not sure about. There are various types of ghosts. There is the Passive Human Ghost. This is an empty etheric shell of a discarnate person who has transferred to the Emotional Plane (48). In our discussions about the etheric envelope, I have mentioned that this is a principle envelope, as opposed to our physical body itself. We need it to activate and run the organic reality suit we inhabit for our entire incarnation. Although it serves a vital role in making terrestrial life possible, once the monad decides to conclude its incarnation, there is no further use for this envelope’s services. It is, however, a ‘self’ in its own right and is composed of Tertiary Matter. By the monad moving its focus permanently to the Emotional Plane, this envelope no longer receives the vital life forces needed to sustain it. Without its monad, it has nowhere to go, so it hovers, usually, over the grave of the organic body until it decays completely. The etheric tertiary matter is released back into the pool of etheric matter on its appropriate subplane. It should be noted that this etheric ghost is not capable of haunting anyone.

This brings me to the next type of ghost, the Active Human Ghost. This ghost is a discarnate person living in an etheric body. What has happened here? The monad, through the process of death, has lost its organic ‘reality’ suit. Unfortunately, it is still strongly attached to the physical world it has been inhabiting for three-score years and ten. It, therefore, chooses to remain, in the now detached etheric envelope, for days or even weeks. This often happened when a soul has met with a violent or untimely death. It is dazed and confused and therefore lingers in this envelope, rather than transiting immediately to the Emotional Plane. This state is not sustainable for a long period. Why? Because of the famous Life Thread, I keep talking about. The clue is in the word ‘Life’. This vital energy connection is needed to maintain any and all envelopes of incarnation. There are other options to supporting your presence in an envelope but I do not wish to discuss them at this juncture. This leaves the monad with an envelope that is not able to sustain itself and is beginning to decompose rapidly. The clock is ticking and the monad can only  remain on the etheric subplanes until the etheric envelope is no longer able to support life. This type of ghost is rarely visible to the naked eye, as the soul does not know how to condense etheric matter to make themselves visible. This is a waste of time for the monad, who should be progressing back to its causal body. However, if you find yourself over-attached to matter, this is a fate that can befall you.

The third type of ghost is the Enduring Human Ghost. A discarnate person has the ability to live on the etheric plane, indefinitely, if it can source energy to sustain itself. This is where things get spooky. One way such a discarnate monad can sustain its presence on the etheric plane if by parasitising etheric energy from a living person. Guess what this is? Vampirism. Such ghosts are clearly not full of the milk of Human kindness and do not mind depleting other souls of their rightful energy. These souls eventually learn how to manipulate etheric matter to the point that they can make themselves visible and interact with matter. This can lead to the phenomena of a ghost haunting an old hangout. These entities are known as Poltergeists. One very good way of preventing this deplorable state of affairs from occurring in the first place is to cremate the body at death. Another option is a silver stake through the heart, but I am not sure the undertaker would allow that!

Before you go rushing to the larder to find a string of garlic to hang around your neck, I would like to point out that vampirism is not that common. Most of us have strong Etheric Webs and enough light emanating from our subtle bodies to banish even the most determined of vampires. However, if you have let your guard down through the misuse of intoxicating substances or extreme depression, then you are vulnerable to such forms of parasitism. It is not just substance abuse, but addiction to any kind of activity that degrades your very human nature. This can lead to you attracting such discarnate entities that are looking for a host to attach themselves to.

The fourth type of human ghost is a Reanimated Human Shell. Here, a mischievous Nature Spirit has decided to reanimate cast-off envelopes. In this case, it is the castoff emotional bodies of the monad. These nature spirits are able to activate the remnants of mental matter that are entangled in the emotional shell. This allows these beings to pretend to be the previous human owner of these envelopes. Sounds like fun until you see what mischief they can get up to. Such entities can visit séances and steal etheric matter from a medium. This allows them to create their own etheric body. Now they can make a nuisance of themselves on the physical plane. My mother recalled an incidence, in her youth, where she and some friends were experimenting with an Ouija Board. To their amazement, objects as large as chairs, starting flying around the room. This story was recounted to me as a dire warning not to engage in activities that would be likely to attract such low-grade entities. Something else to consider. When you finish such an exercise, these discarnate entities may continue to linger around you. Not good!

As already mentioned, when a monad withdraws its focus from an envelope permanently, the Life Thread is detached as well. This leaves a mischievous Nature Spirit with a problem. How does it sustain itself? The answer is that it needs to periodically steal more etheric matter from a living being. Into this category of disreputable beings fall Hags and Demons. They usually steal their energy from sleeping victims. Again this is only possible if the victim has deliberately let down their guard. In our mythology about hags and demons, it is noted that they are not exactly attractive. Why? Because they are always fighting against the forces of decomposition of the envelopes they are trying to maintain.

The last category of ghost is the Animal Ghost. This is a simple category to talk about as all the four previous categories can also exist in animal form. A discarnate soul can choose to inhabit the etheric body of an animal or parasitise animals for etheric energy. This truly is ghoulish.  Well, I hope I have not disturbed your equilibrium and I now turn my attention to the next paranormal phenomenon, that of Crop Circles.

Crop Circles

I put this phenomenon into this presentation because it occurs and there is heated debate as it what exactly is going on. Without doubt, some of these circles are a hoax but others are too complex and occur in too short a time to be man-made. So if we are prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to the fact that some of these circles are genuinely paranormal phenomenon, then what exactly is going on? Some have suggested that authentic crop circles are the work of etheric Nature Spirits. These entities are adept at manipulating the electromagnetic forces of Nature. This begs the question, do these crop circles contain some kind of message to Humanity? I have not got a clue, nor am I going to waste my time speculating. I just enjoy the patterns that seem to pop up in ever-increasing complexity. Maybe we are just dealing with a bunch young devas showing off to us. Who knows.

Extraterrestrial Life

Now on to a topic that makes Crop Circles pale in comparison, that of Extraterrestrial life. Let’s start by making a number of assumptions and see where it leads us. Assume the there are 1024 stars in the Universe and only 1 per cent of them have planets at the right distance to support life. This would give you 1022 planets. This is a big number. Now assume only 1 per cent of these planets have a suitable atmosphere to support life. This brings the number down to 1020. If only 1 per cent of these have the correct chemical composition to support life, we now have 1018 planets. Again, if only 1 per cent were capable of producing biological life that would give us 1016 planets. We are on a roll here. If now only 1 per cent of these remaining planets went on to produce humanoid life, we would have 1014 planets seething with life that equated to something like us. Last but not least, let us assume that only 1 per cent of these humanoids developed intergalactic travel, we would have one trillion potential visitors! The astronomer Carl Sagan, estimated that there would be a potential for our galaxy alone to generate one million visitors.

Ok, this is all well and good but how does this relate to what we know about our Universe from a Hylozoic perspective? The first thing I expect you to say is that these estimates are given in relation to biological life only. What about the other 48 planes of matter. Could there be life there? A central axiom of esoterics is that the Universe only exists to enable consciousness to develop and evolve. In this context, what are all those stars and planet doing out there? They exist to provide suitable environments for monads to begin their evolutionary journey. The truth be known, evolution starts on Plane 1 when the monad first enters the realms of positive existence. By the time you get to the 49th plane, you are already up to the third and final stages of the evolution of the monad, those of Tertiary and Quaternary matter.

From an esoteric perspective, there is life associated with all the planets of our Solar System. This is despite the fact that we seem to be the only planet in the system that has physical life on it that we know of so far. Just as a quick aside; could it not be that all those alien abductions that get reported, are of subtle bodies rather than physical ones? Just something to think about.

Robert Monroe was someone who did a lot of research around out-of-body exploration. This links us to the subject of Conscious Out of Body Experiences  (COBE). He stated that there are about 60 highly advanced, physical and non-physical groups currently monitoring our development. If this is the case, I hope they have a sense of humour and lots of compassion. Let’s look at our own development and be optimistic about it. Currently, humanity is at a critical stage of its evolution. Our technology is advancing at a rate of knots. However, the same can not be said about our emotional and moral development. We as a species may be going global, with a common language, communication systems, the internet and what is approximating quickly to a global culture. But all of this is coming at a high price for our mental health and the general health of our environment. Let us be positive and assume we do not collectively fall off a cliff. What can we look forward to? In a few thousand years, we could venture forth from our Solar System. If this is the case, it would be feasible for others, evolving elsewhere to venture here. 

When the vast majority of humanity reaches the 4. Compassionate stage of development, hatred and evil should be a thing of the past. By then we may actually have a planet worth visiting. 

I just wish to draw your attention to the slight problem. We dwell within the worlds that are the envelopes of incarnation of our planetary Logos. We are part of this great being’s body and are effectively its brain cells. I am not sure how amused you would be if your grey matter suddenly decided to waltz off and visit another planet or solar system without you. In this context, I wonder exactly how feasible it is for us to travel from this planet in our physical-etheric bodies. In reality, why would you want to? Would it not be easier to evolve to a level where you could use less fragile structures to explore your greater environment? Even if you assume you have access to all your current envelopes of incarnation, consciously, could you still extend your visits beyond the mental envelope of the Planetary Logos? I personally think not. If I understand Hylozoics correctly, to venture further afield, you need to up your game and start to develop the higher centres of your triadic structure. It is not until you reach the 43:1 that you are at the highest level in the Solar System and yet this still does not qualify you to leave it. Just a point of clarification, the body of our Solar Logos extends halfway to our nearest Stellar neighbour, so that gives us plenty of space to roam in and yet we still have not reached our nearest neighbour. 

Unidentified Flying Objects

This brings me on to the last topic based abound paranormal phenomena, that of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). Where to start. Let’s do so with the first references we have to such objects. They occur in the Vedas and there are artworks depicting them dating back thousands of years. The media conditions us to be sceptical but ten’s of thousands of sightings can’t all be weather balloons. Now here I can personally say that I have had numerous sightings of this phenomenon and had secondhand recollections after events from multiple sources spaced far apart. This does not mean I can explain what is going on. I just can say conclusively that what I have witnessed were definitely not weather balloons and if they were, they were moving mightily fast and in what seems impossible trajectories. Look into the night sky. You will see phenomena too.

As I have just mentioned one thing that I found surprising. It was that these objects had incredible speed and manoeuvrability. They seem to defy the laws of physics. This suggests some kind of multi-dimensional ability, but the fact that we see them means that they must at least be etheric (49:2 – 49:4). In the past, governments have not admitted to them for the fear of hysteria. There would also be the inevitable accusations of reverse engineering of technology. This may be a valid accusation to level. Again on a personal note, my grandfather during the 2nd World War was responsible for signing off on the logs of merchant marine shipping. He mentioned that ships captains kept two logbooks. One to record their daily actives and the second to record UFO sightings! Acknowledging the obvious may just make us more tolerant of one another.

So there we are, paranormal phenomena complete. My next major topic is going to be Good and Evil. Now that should give us something to conjure with.

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