Today I start a new series of presentations that intends to look at the concepts of Good and Evil. This pairs of opposites have been represented in many ways. The one that we probably remember from our childhood is the image of an angel and devil on either of our shoulders. As this series progresses, I hope to show that this topic has many facets that should challenge how we view what we think is good and what is evil.
I, therefore, start by saying that what one person may condemn as being evil, another person may praise and being good. It is also worth noting that what may be considered good or evil today, may not have been classified as such in the past. Let me give you an example. Five hundred years ago, if society deemed you to be a witch, you were burned at the stake in some countries. To us, today, this would be considered a heinous and barbarian crime. However, to those people consigning that unfortunate woman to the flames, would have considered what they were doing as an act of kindness. By torching her, they were saving her soul from eternal damnation. I am not sure the victim may have seen things in such a favourable light but you get my general point. Good and evil is a very relative viewpoint and one that is continually changing.

This raises a conundrum. Clearly, using some subjectively based moral code is not going to give us a definitive answer. So, let’s trying and look at it firstly from an Objective point of view. Good is anything that promotes the evolution of consciousness. You knew I was going to say that. If you didn’t know, I was going to say that you clearly have not been paying attention. The corollary to what I have just stated is that if something is considered evil, it must go against the evolution of consciousness.
Now I am going to get a bit philosophical. Why do good and evil exist at all? We are clearly dealing with a pair of opposites. We can’t just leave it there because there are a lot of shades of grey in-between. So to answer my own question, the opposition of good and evil is essential for moral and spiritual development. I have now gone and stated that somehow ‘evil’ is essential. Why should this be? Because evil provides us with choices and allows us to experience the consequences of our choices. Without evil, we would spiritually stagnate.

Let me give you an example. In the allegorical story of Adam and Eve, we had this pair of naive individuals running around the Garden of Eden, naked, not knowing a blind thing. It was only when they got booted out that the scales fell from their eyes and they recognised their ‘nakedness’. Now I personally have nothing against walking around in the buff, but you get the general point.
So what was the point of this rude awakening to the lack of any undergarments? With evil coming into our lives, we learn the consequences of our actions. This allows us to progress through and eventually graduate from, the Human Kingdom. The pairs of opposite, good and evil, now no longer have a hold over us. This may be a painful way to learn a lesson, but sparking consciousness is a tedious and repetitive process. It takes a lot of inputs to get very little output.
Once any moral code has established that there are these two opposites of good and evil, the next concept that quickly materialises is that of ‘sin’. Let me start by saying what sin is not. It is not a crime against an unforgiving God, condemning us to eternal damnation. Many moral codes seek to scare their adherents witless with this line of thought. Hylozoics takes a different point of view. Sin is thinking, speaking or acting below your level of consciousness. Ah, there we are back to consciousness. But in the context of sin, it is not just our consciousness we may be hindering, but the consciousness evolution of another being. This is a major no-no and because when you sin, you are transgressing the Law of Evolutionary Life. This results in karma. I go into the major laws that we all live by as we pass through the Human Kingdom, at the end of my series of presentations. You have that to look forward to.

One thing I wish to emphasise about karma is that is it not present in our lives to punish us. It is there to teach us. It may not feel like that at the time, but to the monad, whatever scrapes its current persona may be getting itself into, only has value if it finds itself marginally more consciousness. If being covered in bread crumbs and boiled in grape juice is what it takes to achieve this, then so be it.

We are all governed by laws in our lives. The laws I am talking about are eternal laws that are set out when any plane of matter comes into being. This is what brings order out of the chaos of the Anti-Verse. The universal laws we have in our lives are there to protect us. Contrary to popular belief, no god can overrule these laws. Sorry, the bad news is no one can save us or absolve our karma. We reap what we sow. I have met many a student of esoterics who tie themselves in knots philosophising about the laws of grace. They consider themselves such fine people that somehow their karma will be transmuted. I do not see how this is an advance on a position from someone offering sacrifices at the altar of some totem. I will get round to discussing the Law of Grace and how it can be interpreted but face facts, what you sow, you reap.
The Gnostic fairly tale about the life of Christ has him forgiving us of our sins. These kind scholars put this into their writings to stop us feeling guilty, which in itself is a negative emotion. The Gnostics knew there was nothing to forgive. The ABSOLUTE is not offended by our mistakes. The ABSOLUTE lays down the laws to help us evolve by teaching us the consequences of our actions. Adam and Eve did not commit an ‘original’ sin. We, as monads, descended voluntarily onto Plane 49, to develop our consciousness further.
Evil & God
I now wish to look at the relationship between evil and God. It is often stated by moral codes that a ‘sin’ has been committed against god. This is a false premise. Nothing affects God. The ABSOLUTE can not claim having created the Universe, without claiming the evil that exists within it as well. We can therefore conclude that evil is part of the Divine Plane or it would not exist in the first place. We can therefore deduce that evil is there to provide resistance. It gives us something to struggle against. What is the benefit of this? We develop our consciousness. Evil also tests us. Once we have gone through a testing experience, we need to prove to ourselves that we have truly mastered the test. Evil imparts chaos into our lives and world, providing us with situations, scenarios and trials that are conducive for experience and growth. We have to admit that evil may not be good but it is necessary. It allows us to awaken to our own potential.
The Origin of Evil
I hope we are all in agreement that evil has a place in our world, whether we like it or not. The next question that comes to mind, is how did it get here in there first place? What are the origins of evil? To answer this question we have to go back a long way. A long, long way. It starts with an admission that our universe is not formed out of virgin matter. For matter read monads. As the ABSOLUTE transfers monads from the Anti-Verse into the Universe, monads are drawn in at various stages of development. Where do these non-virginal monads come from? Previous universes of course. The net result of this creation process means that imperfectly developed consciousness is attracted into creation, which contains the seeds of evil embedded already in them.
If you remember back to my original presentations, I mentioned that the ABSOLUTE does not directly create any of the planes of matter. There are a whole host of hierarchies that micro-manage this process. They create an environment, which allows monads to further their evolutionary goals. God does not create evil such as murder, torture or rape. It is we who create it through selfish behaviour, our egos, our desires, lust, anger and our pride.
Evil, Karma & Destiny
Evil is clearly wrapped up with karma and karma affects our destiny. So let’s unpack this complex. Good karma, call it merit, can be compared to a savings account at a bank. Bad karma, by comparison, is a bank loan. Every single person in the Human Kingdom has karmic debts. This means we owe the bank more than we have saved deposits. If this was not the case, we would not need to be down here. There are exceptions to this rule, but they are few and far between. Unlike some Born-Again’s, most humans are not able to clear their karma in one lifetime. This requires them to reincarnate. Ignorant minds end up creating more karma than they clear. How do we get out of this bind? We further develop our consciousness to redress this imbalance.
How would you describe bad karma? Think of it as an equation. Bad karma, equals beneficial evil, minus proving motivation, through resistance, to move onwards and upwards through pivotal challenges. How about that for an equation. Most equations I do not get, this one I do. Evil is classified as being beneficial. Why? Because it is motivating us to overcome our own inertia. We naturally do not want to change. The ‘evil’ brought about through bad karma forces us to face challenges that help pivot us to greater levels of understanding of ourselves and the pairs of opposites that we have just been confronted by.
There are a group of beings, who go by the general title of the Lords of Karma and the Agents of Destiny. Don’t ask me who they are. I have not got a clue. I just know they are around and they miss nothing we do, no matter how small and insignificant. These agents of accountability orchestrate and allow ‘bad’ things to happen to us. This is all done in our best interests. Honestly. In this manner, we are afforded the opportunity to evolve. There are no accidents occurring on this planet. There are only pre-arranged incidents.
Evil Influences
Is there such a thing as an evil influence? Yes, there is and chocolate is a major player in this game. The root of all evil, regardless of what I think, are not Brussel sprouts, but ignorance. Three specific factors influence humans to commit acts of evil. The first culprits are Elemental Essences. Descending Elementary matter naturally seeks to experience strong emotional vibrations. This may be good for them but it can be bad news for us if we are trying to refine our envelopes. This downward pull of Secondary Matter exerts a negative influence on our evolving consciousness. It should be born in mind that as Elementary Essences are composed of Secondary Matter, they only have passive consciousness. This means that they have no will of their own and can therefore not really ever be considered as being evil.
On numerous occasions, I have had discussions with esotericists, who, once having learnt about the nature of Elemental Essences have determined that it is these critters that are really responsible for their negative behaviour and character. They assume that these Essences, that are formed into Elemental, are somehow sub-personalities in their own right. This is simply not the case. They only exist, because the will of a Quaternary monad, you, in other words, have used your will-power to create them. They only exist to carry out your will. They have no self-directed activity at all. You only have yourself to blame for your actions. What unfortunately can happen, is that weak-willed people find it difficult to resist the patterns and habits they form. The resonance that these Elemental thought-forms set up in their respective envelopes create a pressure that is difficult to overcome.
The second evil influence to affect humans is an Egregore. What is that? The standard esoteric view is that thoughts and emotions are energy. While this is partially correct, a student of Hylozoics would say thoughts and emotions are composed of matter that can be imbued with a certain amount of energy. If you then have trillions of thoughts and emotions on a particular subject, made by billions of people over millions of years, you end up with a massive tangle of matter. This matter resonates to a particular frequency and if that is a low frequency, it could be considered evil.
This mindless conglomeration, just like its smaller Elemental sibling is just a mindless entity and therefore can not be considered evil of itself. It is just the Law of Attraction at work. This energetic entity is continually fed by our negative or positive thoughts and these thoughts are then attracted back to us. This reinforces those negative influences in us. One day Humanity will truly realise what a mess they have created on the Emotional and Mental planes. This is a cumulative process and can pass down through the generations.
The third form of evil is Black Magic. Unlike the previous two forms of evil, which are passive, Black Magic is an active process. It is a wilful abuse of esoteric knowledge. This is very dangerous when used with malicious intent. Magic becomes ‘black’ when one monad attempts to impose their will on another monad, or a group of them in the case of Humanity, from evolving along their own chosen path.
666 – The Number of the Beast
There are certain ideas and myths in our culture that have come to represent the embodiment of evil. One of these is the number 666. In the Book of Revelations (13:18) it states: “This calls for wisdom. Let those who have insight calculate the number the Beast, for it is the number of Man. That number is 666”.
Let’s us break down this sentence and try to decode what is being said from a Hylozoic perspective. The three sixes refer to the three planes of matter, the Physical, the Emotional and the Mental. These are the planes of Human endeavour. On each of these planes there reside the six molecular subplanes. You should be used to these by now. In case you have forgotten, they are 49:2 to 49:7, 48:2 to 48:7 and 47:2 to 47:7. So think of each ‘6’ in the number 666 as referring to each of the three lowest planes of matter, 49, 48 and 47. The fact that each one of these numbers is six means that all six subplanes are activated. This makes 18 molecular kinds of matter in total. These 18 molecular kinds are active in the body of this human being.
Where do you think you would find such a person will all six of their molecular subplanes active? It is the 4. Compassionate soul. This person would rightly be considered spiritually advanced. But what happens if you have all these six subplanes active but the soul has not overcome their lower nature? This is bad news. You have a human being that is very powerful, intelligent, yet egotistical, selfish and plain evil. Now, do you see what the number 666 represents? It refers to the Black Magician.

Related Notes
I just wish to make a few related comments on statements made in the Book of Revelations. The 24 Elders in Revelations 19:4 are the devas who represent the six molecular subplanes of the four higher planes of matter in our Solar System. These are the planes 46, 45, 44 and 43. The “four living creatures” are the heads of the four planes. Finally, the “God who was seated on the throne” refers to the monad in its 43rd atom. When the phrase “fell down and worshipped” is used in this book, this is religious mumbo jumbo. There is no such thing as ‘worship’ in the higher kingdoms. Only egotistical, power-hungry and deceiving Demons and Black Magicians want and need to be worshipped. The reason for this is to be discussed in my next presentation.
G’day, Kazim!
You write: “Sin is thinking, speaking or acting below your level of consciousness”. But here’s a rub. We don’t know our level of consciousness exactly (before i3 at least). What are our guidelines? Are there only subjective ones that are conscience, intuition and inspirations? What about objective ones? As I know for example in Ancient Egypt were Pharaoh and priests that conduct right course down to the people. What about nowadays?
Hi Alexey
We are responsible for our own development but we are given signposts. These can come in the form of religious teachings and philosophical axioms. We have to find our own moral compass. For a student of esoterics, we know there are seven principle laws that govern our lives. Even if you knew your level of consciousness, that would still not save you from ‘sinning’. Take the life of Annie Besant. She was an initiate, yet towards the end of her life she was behaving like a tyrant. We have to be ever watchful of our thoughts and actions.A Pharaoh may tell you what to do and even if you follow the instructions, you can still ‘sin’ with your thoughts and emotions.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas. Now I just get to your presentations about the Laws of Life.