We have started our journey to look into the expansive topic of Good & Evil. In the last presentation, we looked at how society perceives what it deems to be good or evil and how this changes over time. In an endeavour to bring the concepts of good and evil into an objective framework, I outlined three different instigators that could be determined as being evil. The last of these was the Black Magician. Today, I wish to continue this discussion further.
Black Magicians
So what exactly is a Black Magician? Do they have to take a course? Get a certificate? Maybe, belong to a club? The definition I wish to stick to is that a Black Magician is a human monad that has renounced their own evolution and their humanity at the same time. How do you go about renouncing your humanity? To answer that question you have to answer the question, what makes us human in the first place? Any ideas? What differentiates a human being from an animal? Both levels of evolution have mental bodies. You may say the humans’ mental body’s are more active than animal ones. Judging by the behaviour of some humans, I am not sure if that is even true. What makes a human, a human is the possession of a causal body. This was a gift from our friends the Solar Devas. Being given this body in a single hit, allowed us to immediately begin storing our memories in a way that rapidly facilitates our evolution. On the Moon Chain, we had to painstakingly build these bodies ourselves. It takes a long time. I know, I have digressed into my favourite topic of Chains, Globes and Rounds. I just can’t help it. I am a natural-born historian. To know where you are now and what could possibly happen in the future, you need to know where you have been and what happened there. Hence my fascination with the previous incarnations of our globe.
We now agree that to be human is to have a causal body and traditionally, this structure has been designated the title of ‘soul’. So, we have a soul. This soul is not us. We are the monad embedded in a 43:1 atom remember. Nevertheless, the possession of this envelope is what defines us at present. When I say a black magician has renounced their humanity, I am saying they have severed their connection with their soul. How do they achieve this? When a soul walks the Left-Hand-Path, they have reached a level of evolution that can be described as ‘666’. They are now highly intelligent and capable monads. Unfortunately, they have contaminated their Lower Causal Body to such an extent that their guardian angel can not allow them to reunify with their Higher Causal Body. Their soul, if you will. The process is completed when the black magician renounces their own evolution and their humanity, by making it clear to their guardian angel that they no longer require their services. A symbiotic relationship that has existed for over 16 million years is terminated.
The guardian angel has no option but to respect the right to free-will of the monad. This is an immutable law. Disrespect it at your peril. The only option now left open to the guardian angels, all 13 of them, is to dissolve the causal body. The one that has been painstakingly constructed over millions of years. The black magician is no longer a member of the Human Kingdom. It has effectively returned to the Animal Kingdom. Why? Because it no longer has a causal body. Now, do you get where the title ‘The Beast’ comes from? There is a point of view that the Book of Revelations is just a collection of unintelligible mumbo jumbo; a lot of it is, but buried within its passages are these nuggets of information that some, studying esoteric lore, can decode accurately. So please stop looking at your scalp in the mirror to see if you have the number ’666’ tattooed somewhere. When you get to the exalted rank of ‘666’ just make sure you do not turn ‘left’.
Having destroyed their higher causal body, the black magician has a problem. It can no longer incarnate into the Human Kingdom. Despite the best intentions of Hollywood to imply that this is possible, it simply is not. I will explain further. They can not incarnate into the Animal Kingdom either, as they no longer have a group-soul. Boohoo. What to do? Well, black magicians can actually manifest for short periods of time on the Physical Plane. To do this, they need devotees incarnated on the Physical Plane to provided sufficient negative energy for them to do so. Where does this energy come from? It materialises when satanic rituals and sacrifices are carried out. If elemental activity is generated when someone is terrified, you can take this negative matter and mould it into a shape and use it to materialise. This raises an uncomfortable question. Why do so many religions require blood sacrifices? Even today this occurs. In the past, there was a production line of slaughter that was carried out daily, on altars, to somehow feed ‘God’ or the ‘Gods’. What God would need feeding? I hope by now you realise that no God does. Only a black magician does. Now go back and ask the uncomfortable question, who are these religions worshipping? Come to think of it, why do they need to worship any entity at all? I answered this question in my last presentation.
So a gathering of demented buffoons has generated a lot of negative energy. The energy on the Etheric subplanes can be temporarily formed into an etheric body that is visible. I mentioned this when I talked about the modus operandi of some mediums. It is even possible to solidify this negative energy into solid matter. This is only temporary, fortunately. Another option, for a black magician to gain access back into the Physical World, is to temporarily possess the physical-etheric body of a sleeping or inebriated person. They do this to satisfy their carnal desires. They can even temporarily possess the physical-etheric bodies of animals to terrorise or prey on humans. I wonder if the is why some big cats suddenly become man-eaters? I am not saying this is the explanation. I am just suggesting it could be an explanation.
The black magician is unable to reincarnate for the reasons already stated. That cycle no longer has any meaning or value for it. This affords them the opportunity to live in the subtle worlds, the Etheric, the Emotional and the Mental, for billions of years. To do this, they just have to keep gaining access to negative sources of energy. We, as Humanity, happily supply them with it. However, all ‘bad’ things must come to an end. When the Solar System finishes its own cycle of incarnation, there is a reckoning to be had. I discuss what this is shortly.

Let’s go back to how the black magicians sustain themselves. They must steal energy from others to prevent their bodies from decaying. Why? Because, when they severed their connection to their causal bodies, they also severed the Life Thread that supplies energy to all life. This energy comes from the SOURCE. It is free. The only thing you have to do to receive it is to obey the law. Telling your guardian angel to bugger off is deemed as being a serious offence, punishable by…we will get to that in a moment.
Most of the energy the black magician needs comes from their satanic followers, but they can deceive and manipulate anyone. This includes religious, spiritual and New-Age people. That may come as a shock to some. Surely, if you are sitting there, meditating deeply and communicating to the elders of Epsilon 5, who are telling you how to live your life, surely there can not be any harm in that? Think again and if you want to know why, review my previous presentations on the matter.
In examining the sad story of these misguided individuals, you are left wondering why do they do this in the first place? It is not because they are stupid. Remember, they have achieved the ‘666’. It is not because they are ignorant. They know exactly what they are doing or they could not achieve their ends. No, the black magician walks the Left-Hand-Path because they believe it is a short-cut to them becoming gods. Yes, as bizarre as this may seem, they actually believe they can acquire God-like power. Of course, this is all based on a focus on themselves and their ego, but that is precisely what leads to the Left-Hand-Path in the first place. Unbridled ego and selfishness. History is littered with these fools.
If you are not a god, what is the next best thing in the subtle worlds where you dwell? You abuse your power and mislead humans into believing you are a god or a spiritual master. This is why I continually rail against walking around the Emotional Plane unchaperoned. A black magician has a 5-dimensional body. This allows them to perform ‘miracles’ on the Emotional Plane, which is 4-dimensional and the Physical-Etheric Plane, which is 3-dimensional. Remember, an individual only becomes a black magician when they are at the 4. Compassionate, level of consciousness. At this stage, they are very close to enlightenment. Rather than joining the collective consciousness of the Causal Plane and becoming an accepted disciple of a master, they chose to live on the Emotional Plane. Here, they can fully express their individuality and abuse their powers to suit their own purposes.
It is mainly humans of the 1st-Ray type, the ray of Will-Power, that become black magicians. The 1-Ray type is a naturally powerful and strong-willed individual. When they decide to walk the Left-Hand-Path, their selfishness and hatred become unimaginable. They completely distort the makeup of their subtle bodies and they only know how to use the destructive aspects of their will. They have become completely devoid of love and compassion. Aspiring black magicians vitalise the chakras of their etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Their aim is to develop mastery of the energies they find in these bodies. It should be noted that causal consciousness remains inaccessible to them. They have not taken the (i3). They are fully functional in their Mental Body. All four molecular levels are active. They are objectively conscious here. They can now use their mental energies to control mental, emotional, and etheric matter.
When a monad reaches Enlightenment (i3) and those monads who have progressed further, they have all the abilities the black magician has. In addition, they have access to and the ability to use causal energy to control physical matter. For this reason, such individuals are often referred to as ‘White Magicians’. What is the difference between these two groups of magicians? The white magician only uses evolutionary, by that I mean ascending energies. Black magicians only use involutionary or descending energies. Now we all know about those pesky Elemental Essences. They may not be able to do anything by themselves, but put an idea into their bonnets and they will happily cause havoc. Evolutionary energies are found associated with Tertiary Matter, which itself is now ascending on its evolutionary journey back to the SOURCE.
In esoteric literature, you find mention of the ‘war in heaven’. What is this referring to? Apparently, the planetary hierarchy, for this, read 5th and 6th Kingdoms, banished the black magicians from the Mental World. Their activities are now limited to the Emotional and Physical-Etheric Worlds. This may allow the Hierarchy to sleep better at nights, but it is little comfort to us. This is why I point out you have to be very careful who you talk to on the Emotional Plane. The neighbourhood may be a lot rougher than you think.
It is comforting to know that the Planetary Hierarchy is more powerful than black magicians. Why? Because they can call on powers that are well above their pay grade. Unfortunately, so can the black magicians, but that is one rabbit hole I do not wish to enter here. The Hierarchy are hamstrung in one major way. They must obey the Laws of Life. The black magicians do not have to do this. So, it ends up that these two opposing forces are evenly matched.
It should be noted that black magicians are not just a bunch of egotistical rebels. They have a structure and organisation like the Mafia, to preserve power. They are under constant surveillance by the Planetary Hierarchy. Their actives are restricted to being the agents of bad karma. Think about that for a moment. Remember back to my equation.
Bad karma, equals beneficial evil, minus proving motivation, through resistance, to move onwards and upwards through pivotal challenges.
Strange to think of evil as beneficial. It may be for us, who need reminding that we need to keep working at raising our consciousness. However, I do not think the forces of evil are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. I have had debates with esotericists who claim that these forces of evil are only their for our benefit. They are not. They are there for their own benefit. It is just that the Lords of Karma and the Agents of Destiny are not going to look a ‘gift horse’ in the mouth. We have to remember, the amount of influence these ‘agents of bad karma’ have over us, is our choice. The more bad karma we have, the more influence they have. Another simple equation. They are masters of subtle manipulation. They control people without them knowing it. They are the true evil genii or evil geniuses if you will. These are the Jinn and Genies of mythology.
Cosmic Evil
When the Solar System comes to the end of its life, it goes through a process of dissolution. This involves every molecular state, from subplane 7 to subplane 2, dissolving back into their atomic state. Remember, when I say ‘atomic’, I am talking about the 1-subplane at the top of each Plane of Matter. For the Emotional Plane, that would be 48:1. All the molecular subplanes below this one on the Emotional Plane, are made of clusters of this primary atom of the plane.
Can you see where the problem is going to arise? The subtle bodies of the black magician, as well as humans, are only composed of molecular matter. They dissolve when the solar system, itself, dissolves. Just like the way we sleep in our causal bodies between incarnations, the Solar System also has a lengthy period of sleep. Everything within the system goes to sleep until a new solar system is formed. During this time of sleep, the black magician is not able to practice their black arts. During their period of sleep, it is said they realise the error of their ways and reenter the evolutionary cycle in the next solar system. However, there is a catch. Unlike humans who store their memories in their causal bodies, this includes the permanent atoms 48:1 and 49:1, and the permanent molecule 47:4, the black magician has no causal body. This causal body can go into the extended sleep of the solar pralaya, under the guardianship of the Solar Angel. When the new solar system comes back into being, the black magician’s monad is still there. Why? Because it is immortal. However, it has absolutely no memory of its entire journey through the Solar System, from the time it was in the Mineral Kingdom. Just wrap your head around that for a moment. Everything gone! The monad now needs to work its way back through all these three lower Kingdoms of Nature, one by one. That is an awfully long time. What a waste, just because they thought the quickest way to become a god was to aggrandise their own ego’s. So they start the long haul of acquiring a new Etheric, then a new Emotional and finally a new Mental body. It is safe to say, becoming a black magician, sets one’s evolution back billions of years.
It is part of esoteric lore, that at the end of the last solar system, six black magicians found a ‘back door’ that enabled them to escape destruction. They were somehow able to jump from the Mental Plane (47) to the Cosmic Mental Plane (29-35). Why should this worry us? Because these cosmic black magicians have now had billions upon billions of years to perfect their black arts. They are able to direct their energies towards their compatriots on Earth. This is why the Black Lodge is more powerful than it would have been. All because of a bunch of six rebellious ex-humans.
It may not surprise you that no information has been released by the Hierarchy, regarding how or why this was possible. We have not got a clue why these individuals managed to end up straying so far from the Right-Hand-Path. One thing you can rest assured though, it is all part of the Divine Plan.
Hello Kazim!
There are three comments/questions if you don’t mind.
1. Information about the escape of six black magicians discouraged me at first. Evil has gone very high! And only your words about divine plan put everything in its place. These black magician couldn’t escape on their own. They were let out by somebody through the back door (I’m not sure of course). There is the question: How can they do affect to earth affairs from 25-32 plan if they haven’t got neither triadic structure nor permanent atoms/molecules.
2. You write that black magicians do not obey The Laws of Life. Do you mean all of them or part? I think The Law of Freedom they have to obey otherwise they don’t need to tempt us to do what they want. They don’t do it by force do they? Could you please comment.
3. The black magicians are going to tempt and test us very hard before i3?
Hi Alexey
I will answer your questions as best I can in the order they were written.
1. These black magicians can affect us from higher cosmic planes in exactly the same way that Sanat Kumara, the Lord of our Planet can, by directing energy towards us. These beings are conscious and consciousness has to have a material component. They can focus their energy into our Solar System and energise those black magicians that are on the Emotional Plane.
Sanat Kumara focuses 1st Ray energy at our Globe and works through the Hierarchy. These black magicians focus Fohat is some way, that gives energy to the magicians in our solar system to work more effectively with Involutionary energy. Remember, White Magicians only work with Evolutionary energy.
I am not sure if someone let these magicians out or they figured a way to escape. This is obviously not talked about for obvious reasons.
2. Black Magicians break all the Laws of Life, especially the Laws of Freedom. They would like nothing more than to completely control your freedom. What they can not escape are the Laws of Nature. But it is how they use these Laws of Nature that define who they are. As I mentioned above, the only work with Involutionary energies.
3. Black Magicians can only tempt us if we work through our egos, rather than forgetting ourselves and working for the common good. Their hold over us is a result of us surrendering to our own selfish nature.
If we think we can develop ourselves rather than waiting too be accepted as a Disciple. Then we are likely to be fooled by the Let-Hand Path into thinking that what we are ‘discovering’ is the ‘Truth’. Rudolf Steiner was a good example of such a person. We can not know anything that is above our level of consciousness. We are not able to speculate what exists in the super-sensible realms.
This is why Laurency is so adamant we should go into the Emotional Plane unaccompanied. We are bound to drown in our own fantasies and be misled by malicious entities, who are eager to flatter our egos and plant the seeds of misinformation.
Thanks a lot for your answers, Kazim.