Onwards with our investigations into Good & Evil. In my last presentation, I discussed the importance of Cosmic Energy Cycles in our lives. I illustrated how humanity has tracked these cycles. Whether you subscribe to the concept of a Yuga cycle, a Zodiacal cycle or the Mayan calendar, what you are trying to do is to predict the external influences that may be affecting you and the planet you live on. It is fair to say that if you knew nothing about these cycles, your life would not be in any greater danger than if you did. But there is merit in the saying, “to be forwarded, is to be forearmed”. If there is one major takeaway from acknowledging that there are forces greater than ourselves that govern our lives, is that there is a higher purpose to our lives than just us. These cycles are not there for our benefit. They are there because great foci of consciousness/energy/matter exist in our cosmos and how they happen to be feeling seems to affect us.
I then went on to look at the topic of demons. This word can easily be misconstrued, yet as I showed, even our worst imaginings may not do justice to the mischief that these Nature Spirits can get up to. In talking about demons, I mentioned that in the past, humanity has had relationships with such entities that have lead to these beings being regarded as God. This is the topic I wish to expand on at the start of this presentation; False Gods & false God concepts.
False Gods & False God Concepts
I wish to start by reading to you a passage from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (1,4,10). In these words is an immense amount of wisdom that spells out in no uncertain terms what the consequences are of worshipping a God, any God.
“[He who] knows that he is Brahman (God), becomes all this, and even the Devas cannot prevent it, for He himself is their Self.”
“Now if a man worships another deity, thinking the deity is one and he is another, he does not know.”
“He is like a beast for the Devas. For verily, as many beasts nourish a man, thus does every man nourish the Devas.”
Ok, so what is this passage getting at? Something very profound. What the author of this text is telling us is that if you regard God as a separate deity from yourself, then you become a victim. Yet think what all religions do, they separate you from the SOURCE. They say God is there and you are here and you are evil. These religions drive a wedge between your persona and your monad. Between you and yourself.
When you pray to God, worship God or even consider God to be an external being, you have already created a gulf between yourself and the Creator. When I use the term Creator here I am not talking about the creator of you. You always existed. Remember, you are immortal. You come from the Anti-Verse, which has always existed and always will. The term ‘Creator’ is in the context of a fully awake monad, facilitating the consciousness development of other monads.
So, this passage is saying that until that gulf is bridged between you and the Creator, there can be no communication. A person ignorant of this fact is at risk of falling prey to malicious Emotional World entities that include Black Magicians and Nature Spirits. Here is the rub; in worshipping false gods and making requests (prayers) of them, we are becoming food for them. Prayer is a thought-form. It has energy. These malevolent beings need that energy to sustain themselves. They quite literally feed off our praises, our reverence and our emotions. The scary part is that once they take hold, they do not easily let go. They do not want to lose their food source. So what do they do? They impede your progress by miring you in materialism and vanity. The selfie-culture on steroids.
Reflect on what this passage is telling us the next you pray to your pet deity, for that deity is a pet. Or are you its pet? Either way, it is not the SOURCE, not the ABSOLUTE. It is a roadblock on your path to enlightenment.
So let’s draw up some conclusions. The theological concept of God being separate is false.
God is one and God is Everything.
If you accept this premise, the obvious conclusion you can draw is that we are one and we are God. That famous Silver Chord I keep talking about that comes all the way down to the 49th plane of matter, is the only way back to Plane-1 and the ABSOLUTE. It should however be noted that the home of the ABSOLUTE is outside and beyond the Universe. This leads to another axiom.
“The only way to know God is to know yourself”.
This is why I have repeatedly mentioned that the purpose of this Universe is to expand a monad’s consciousness. By knowing yourself, you perfect yourself and this brings you closer to God. Having said that, if you are already part of God, being close or far is not really the issue. It is about understanding and taking a greater part in the creative processes that expand and sustain our Universe. It is the expansion of our consciousness that leads to this.
So, knowing God is the process of gradually unfolding your consciousness. In this process, you come to know you are and always were one with the SOURCE. If you accept the validity of what has just been said, then what is happening when you are ‘having a relationship with God’? For instance, you are hearing voices. If this is the case, then you are most likely communicating with an Emotional World entity; a false god.
In our lexicon, we have the words God and Satan. These words are symbolic and were derived in ancient times. So what do they really mean? God symbolises the omnipotence and omniscient totality of cosmic consciousness. It can therefore be said that God refers to the entire hierarchy of beings who possess Cosmic Consciousness. What exactly does Cosmic Consciousness mean? You can see from this table that the 49 planes of matter are divided into seven Cosmic Kingdoms.

You may remember me telling you that our physical body is not part of ourself. It is not a principle body. That starts from the Etheric Body and works its way up to the Causal Body, which itself is just an extension of the Mental Body. Well, the same thing applies on a cosmic level. The Cosmic Physical Plane is not a principle to the rest of the 42 planes of matter. What, I hear you say! You mean we are somehow fake? Not exactly. More importantly, a monad is going to go nowhere quickly, until it embeds itself in this lowest of all cosmic kingdoms and well and truly immerses itself in matter. This is where we wake up. The next six Kingdoms is where we expand what we have just woken up. So for the purposes of this discussion, Cosmic Consciousness occurs when a monad enters the next cosmic kingdom, 42 to 36 and goes up all the way to the 1st Plane of matter.
The term Satan refers to the Black Lodge in its entirety. I have previously posted out that the term ‘Satan’ itself is a corruption of the name Sanat Kumara. This is the name of the Lord of the Planet, a greatly expanded consciousness who has unfortunately decided to take on the guidance of our consciousness development. Anyway, it was a masterstroke of the Black Lodge to corrupt this name and turn it into the symbol of all that is evil, in the same way, the Nazi’s corrupted the symbol of the Swastika.
Satan & Lucifer
Sticking with the concept of Satan, I wish now to discuss another related word that has also become synonymous with that of Satan. It is Lucifer of course. People mistakenly assume that these two words mean one and the same thing. The word ‘Lucifer’ itself is derived from ‘Lucem Ferre’. This translates to ‘Bringer of Light’. Now, considering this word is so popular in our lexicon you would think that it gets a serious mention in religious literature. It turns out that the name of ‘Lucifer’ is only mentioned once in the King James Version of the Bible. In Isaiah (14:12-14) it reads;
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the Morning”.
The first thing to notice is that this verse in the King James version has clearly been doctored. In Hebrew the verse reads;
“heleyl, ben shachar”
This translates to “shining one, son of dawn”.
Before John Milton (1667) published his book ‘Paradise Lost’, Lucifer was never associated with the Devil. In fact, one pope called himself Lucifer and a 4th Century Christian sect named itself the Luciferians. This beg the question then, who exactly was Lucifer? This word or name has always been associated with the planet Venus. Venus is known as the ‘morning star’. In Revelations (22:16), Christ says;
“I am the root and offering of David, and the bright and morning star”.
What is being inferred here? The character of Christ is letting you, the reader, know that he is of the physical bloodline of David. He is also saying that he is the son of Lucifer-Venus. Here the connection is spiritual. So why is Christ associating himself with a planet? The reason is that Lucifer-Venus refers to the Planetary Government. They collectively make up Christ’s forefathers. This is going to take some unpacking but think of Christ, the World Teacher and the Planetary Hierarchy as being the true ‘Apostolic succession’.
If you look at us generally as the Human Race, we are not exactly the brightest bunch on the block. In fact, if you go back far enough, we were a collection of knuckle scraping apemen. So how did we come to move our game forward? We clearly needed to be governed and that government came from Venus. Why? Because Venus is the oldest planet in our Solar System. This may not equate with what astronomers proclaim today but what do they know, right! As a planet, Venus is clearly uncomfortably hot but Venusians are no longer operating in their physical bodies. As a collective, most Venusians are nearing Enlightenment. They, themselves, have a government, but as so many of them were advanced, it was decided they could afford to loan some of their brethren to come over to Earth. This they did 21.7 million years ago. Their initial task was to refine the ape-men wandering around the planet. They took them to a stage where they could be suitable for human monads to incarnate into them. Approximately 18 million years ago after this initial stage was complete, the Planetary Government descended to the Etheric Plane.
From this vantage point, the Planetary Hierarchy and their human disciples incarnated among humans to teach them how to survive and evolve. Humanity today thinks we discovered how to use fire or navigate the oceans. We did nothing of the sort. This was all taught patiently to us by our elder brethren. It is they that developed the technology we used. It is they that gave us our original spiritual principles, the knowledge of medicines and the development of the arts. They brought ‘light’ to the Earth and for this reason, they were known to Humanity as the ‘Bringers of Light’. The name that described this was ‘Lucifer’.
Now recall what I told you about the followers of the Left-Hand-Path and what they did during the Atlantian period. They banished the Hierarchy. The Black Magicians on the Emotional Plane pulled off a masterstroke. They convinced people that ‘Lucifer’, the collective God of this planet, was evil. I have already mentioned that Satan is a corruption of the planetary ruler’s name, Sanat Kumara. Here comes one of my quick asides. Santa in Santa Claus is a corruption of ‘Satan’. This idea was again conceived by black magicians to detract from the original Christmas message by promoting gross materialism. Cunning folks these black magicians. We fall for their tricks every time.

The White Brotherhood
We seem to be duped at every turn but fear not, we are not totally abandoned. There is a collection of advance beings that are known in esoteric literature as the White Brotherhood. The term ‘white’ used in this context refers to the quality of the light these advanced souls emit. They are the executors of the Divine Plan. What is the Divine Plan I hear you ask? It is the development of consciousness for all life forms that dwell on this planet. Let’s expand out who exactly belongs to this ‘Brotherhood’. The Planetary Hierarchy we already know about. Above them come the Planetary Government, above them is the Solar Systemic Government. We are into a real bureaucracy here. Wait, this carries on. At the top of this pile sits the ruler of the Solar System and then there is the Seven Systems Government. I think I need to break this down and explain who and what I am talking about here. Starting from the top you have the:
Seven Systems Government: Think of this as a grand alliance. Our Solar System is part of a federation of six other solar systems. These include the suns of Alcyone-Pleiades, Antares, Orion, Sirius, Draco and Ursa Minor. Collectively these solar systems are nothing more than the chakras of a much greater level of consciousness known as ‘of whom nought may be said’. I guess that stops the conversation there, but the star systems themselves comprise advanced levels of consciousness that collectively form a government.
The Solar Ruler: Our Solar Logos is a member of the Seven Systems Government. Our Solar Logos is also our local-area God. The Persians call this entity Ahura Mazda. It should be noted that our solar ruler is not the Solar Being, whose body is the physical Sun we see in our sky. This entity belongs to an evolutionary path of its own.
The Solar Government: This body governs the Solar System, although the details of its function are unknown to us. It receives directions from the Seven-System Government and gives direction to all the planetary governments. Do you notice that no matter how exalted you seem to be, you always seem to be taking instructions from someone higher. Some senior members of our Solar Government are junior members of the Seven-Systems Government. In ancient times, the Solar Government was collectively called the Solar Logos. I have mentioned that there are seven evolutionary pathways in our solar system. We know of only two, our own and the devas. Well, at the top table in our solar system sit the heads of all seven of these evolutionary paths.
The Planetary Ruler: Our planetary ruler is a member of the Solar Government and is the head of the Planetary Government. Think of this monad as the God of Earth. This individual goes by the name of Sanat Kumara. He is also known as the Ancient of Days, the King of Jerusalem, the Lord of the World and God. Actually, if I want to be pedantic, Sanatana Kumar is not the head honcho of our planet. That would be the Planetary Logos, which again is comprised of a group of seven heads of each lifestream. Sanat Kumara would be in the third tier of the pecking order but that is more detail than is needed right now. I am trying to give a sense of a chain of command. No advanced being likes to be called God, because they know they are part of a collective and a chain at the same time. As with the Sun, the Planetary Being, whose physical body is the Earth is not the planetary ruler.
I want to leave it there for the time being. We are now entering the realms of the team that manage our show, our Planetary Government. This team directly impacts us and I think it is useful to known what our board of directors get up to.