In our journey so far through the labyrinth of Good and Evil, we have looked at Black Magicians and False Gods. These two groups often coalesce into one. A black magician may masquerade as a false god. This role can also be taken by nature spirits. There are individuals that should, have been and still are, regarded in great awe. They are the hierarchy of monads that have created the environment we inhabit and have also sponsored our evolution. We could rightly think of them as gods for the influence they have over us. However, they would not warm to the notion that they are gods. They are just part of a chain of consciousness that flows all the way back to the ABSOLUTE. No part of this chain seeks to aggrandise themselves. They do not crave worship and they do not expect us to fall on our faces before them, where they suddenly able to turn up for a cup of tea. If any supposed deity demands this of anyone, then see them for that they are, ego maniac.
In the last presentation I started to highlight the chain of command that starts from the 7-System Government and works its way down into our Solar System and eventually ends up with a team of monads that are responsible for running this planet. I wish to review who this team are in this presentation, but before I do, I wish to present a schematic of all the governing structures in the entire Cosmos. On the Y-axis you see the ever increasing scale over which a government operates. The X-axis shows the Planes of Matter and the Kingdoms of Nature. You can see that the Hierarchy may be big news for us, but in the grand scheme of things, they are on the bottom rung of the ladder. Visit my website and examine this table more closely and note levels of consciousness each government and ruler operate at.

The Planetary Government
The main function fo the Planetary Government is exactly what it says on the tin, it is to govern this planet. This government does not make things up as it goes along. It receives directions from the Solar Government and then transfers these direction, in an appropriate form, to the Planetary Hierarchy. So here we see two teams. Think of the Planetary Government as an oversight board, it comprises the heads of all the seven lifestreams evolving on Earth at present. The Planetary Hierarchy is the board of executive directors that are responsible mainly for the Human stream of development.
The exact number of members of the Planetary Government are not known. How could we know? We do not even know who or what five of the principle directors are. As I have said, we just know all seven life paths are represented. So who on this board do we know? There are seven senior members of the planetary government headed by Sanat Kumara. He is one of seven Kumaras. What is a Kumara? They can be thought of as divine kings or as the ‘Mind born sons of Brahma’. Read into that what you will but I suspect they seriously glow in the dark. Some of the kumara’s are also known as the Buddhas of Activity. The very fact that they are referred to as ‘Buddhas’ means that they are dwell on the 42nd plane of matter or higher.
These seven kumaras are also members of the Solar Government. Three of them can be considered exoteric kumaras and are the buddhas of activity. They go by the name of Sanaka, Sanatana and Sanandana. To this trio there are another three esoteric or passive kumaras, who are called Sana, Kapila and Sanat-Sujata. Five of the six seem to have names beginning with ’s’, only one has a name that begins with a ‘k’, not that I have anything against monads with names beginning with ‘k’. In fact some of the finest people I know have names beginning with ‘k’.
In bygone times, the entire planetary government was called the Planetary Logos or Shamballa. Now there is a romantic name; ‘Shamballa’. This name has since become associated with with an Etheric Kingdom in Tibet. It is said the Planetary Hierarchy operate from here. In Theosophical books, mention is made of a city that existed in what is now the Gobi Dessert. It was known as the City of the Bridge. Think of Shamballa as this city’s Etheric Double. However you wish to think of Shamballa, it certainly makes a good name for a holiday resort.
There is feature of the Planetary Government that is interesting to note. All its members are made up of individuals who evolved on other planetary systems. There is one exception and that is the Lord Buddha. On taking the (i8) and going cosmic, the Lord Buddha decided not to follow his designated evolutionary path and continue his evolution in the Sirius star system. He decided to remain associate with this globe. He feared that we, as members of the 4th Kingdom, really have the capacity to blow it. The black magicians have such a strong grip on Earth that he felt duty-bound to delay his own advancement and stick around and try to help with things down here. This is known is esoteric circles as “Buddha’s great mistake”. Read into that what you will.
The Planetary Government is divided into three departments, dealing with Energy, Consciousness and Matter. The Holy Trinity. Sanat Kumara is head of the 2nd Department, responsible for the development of consciousness of the monads on Earth.
The Planetary Hierarchy
Now we come to the Planetary Hierarchy. We have entered the Solar System, so we are on levels 43 and below. The Hierarchy are composed of beings from the 5th and 6th Kingdom. They have passed through their Human phase and now assist the Planetary Government with the development of the Human and Sub-Human Kingdoms on Earth. We can look on at this band of intrepid monads with pride, they are one of us. They are now all ex-humans. This was not the case in the past. Previously, they were all from Venus. The Lord Buddha was the head of the Human crop and his deputy now holds the title of World Teacher, a title the Buddha held before he vanished in a puff of smoke.
The Hierarchy may be in charge of this ‘nut house’ but they are few in number. I can not count the number of esoteric students who think they are on the cusp of joining this band of intrepid adapts. The reality is that they only number about 36. It is precisely because they are so few that they have to work through human and other disciples to help them execute the Divine Plan, as it refers to development on this planet. Their modus operandi is to work with groups. This is because it is more efficient use of their teaching time. Groups are more effective than the sum of the total individuals involved.
Groups work in many and varied ways. For example, groups that pray, and many do, are vectors for helping rebalance energies on the planet. Think of all the monks and nuns in various religions. Through time, they have contributed enormous amounts of healing energy to the planet. Congregations do the same, when they are not praying to their pet Nature Spirit or Black Magician.
The Hierarchy are omnipotent and omniscient concerning all things regarding Earth. They are effectively the nearest thing we know of as ‘God’. Some members, in bouts of rashness, incarnate into the planet to help humanity. You are unlikely to find them watching a bout of female mud wrestling or attending a fashion show. They tend to be especially interested in monads who are at the 4. Compassionate stage of their development. These aspiring monads are now dedicating their developmental energies towards expanding their consciousness and serving others.

In the past, esoteric schools were set up to teach the most advanced Humans about the nature of reality and also to help them develop their consciousness. The knowledge that was shared in these schools was kept secret, as the majority of Humanity could not handle such concepts. It would also make them vulnerable to the subtle manipulations of Black Magicians. Even today, I look on in dismay, when esoteric students, armed with a little knowledge, think they can start to develop ‘magic’ skills. By this, I mean they think they are White Magicians. It is true that they are able to direct their subtle energies if they focus hard enough. But do they really know what they are doing? No. Whenever I hear of such activities, I have flash-backs to the horrors of Atlantis and I think to myself, “never again”. It is only under direct instructions from a member of the Hierarchy or one of their disciples, should you ever engage in what is deemed to be ‘White Magic’. Just don’t do it.
I have not talked about it, but anyone familiar with Theosophy, knowns about Root Races. Humans today are progressing their evolution through the 4th or 5th Root races. The 4th Root Race was known as the Atlantian Root Race and the 5th the Aryan Root Race. The majority of Humanity are still in the 4th Root Race, but on a timeline, we are now in the 5th Root Race. The 5th Root Race began its concerted development about 100,000 years ago. However, it was not until about 45,000 years ago that the first esoteric school was set up in India by a monad going by the name of Vyasa. You may know him by another name, Buddha! About 40,000 years ago the Buddha incarnated again, this time as Hermes Trismegistos, in Egypt. This fellow gets around and no wonder, he was the World Teacher at the time and this was his job. Seeing himself on a roll, he incarnated again as Zoroaster is Persia about 30,000 years ago. In each one of these incarnations, the Buddha set up a mystery school and brought new concepts of the world around us, to Humanity as a whole. Setting up a mystery school is not just a matter of deciding a curriculum, choosing the wall paper of the class room and buzzing off. Disciples are taken in tow and they have to be mentored from then on in. This is a huge commitment on the part of the ‘Master’. So 30,000 years ago we had another whole series of concepts, this time relating to seeing divinity through fire. The next worthy mention of a mystery school was set up by your friend and mine, Pythagoras, 2,700 years ago. Pythagoras was not the Lord Buddha, he was gearing up for another and his last appearance in another 200 years time. It is worth noting that Pythagoras is going to be the next World Teacher after the current incumbent of the post goes cosmic.
Now this may come as a surprise to some, but no current religious, spiritual or esoteric society has any official connection with members of the Hierarchy. Many modern societies, such as the Theosophical Society, were founded by people who were in contact with members of the Hierarchy, but such connections do not exist now. Other more recent claims by esoteric groups or individuals to be in contact with all manner of individuals from the Hierarchy are being misled by Black Magicians.
I wish to digress here, another one of my asides, and point out something of interest. If you look at the communication of Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, and Bailey, another great esotericists, they claimed that they were in contact with someone. In the case of Blavatsky, it was the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood and Bailey, it was her Tibetan Master. No one was named. The names of these individuals were leaked by devotees of these two teachers. Some of their devotees were initiates themselves and consequently knew who the messengers of the Wisdom were. They made a tragic mistake letting the names be known. This has led to a plethora of glamour surrounding certain members of the Hierarchy and people claiming to be in contact with one or other or the members. Going back to Blavatsky and Bailey, they never named their sources. They were true disciples. A disciple never names their master. Others may claim this or that member of the Hierarchy to be their master, but the claim are false. These exalted beings do not peddle gossip with such folk. Only black magicians do. So use this as a yard stick. If someone claims they are receiving messages from this or that master, let alone the Inter-Galactic Council of the Klingon Federation, bid them adieu and head for the nearest exit. If you have something worthwhile saying, say it. Do not try and dress it up as a message from a Master and hope you will get more ‘sales’.
The Planetary Hierarchy has stated that new mystery schools are due to be founded, but only when the time is right. That time is not expected to be before 2,200 CE. Sorry if you have already paid your membership. Ask Santa Claus for a refund. Like the Planetary Government, the Hierarchy is divided into three main departments. These three departments are sub-divided into seven departments. Does that number ring a bell? It is our friends the seven Rays. The heads of the three main departments are junior members of the Planetary Government. All three of these august beings belong to the 6th Kingdom and are objectively conscious on the 43rd plane. These three head honchos play a really significant role in our lives and our further development. I intend to give you a bit of a résumé of who they are and the activities they are in charge of.

The Manu (1st Ray: Will-Power)
Associated with the 1st Ray is a monad that goes by the title of ‘Manu’. Think of this individual as the chief of the Human race. The Manu is the archetypal human. This is where we are all heading. The Manu is the best version of us. The title comes from the Sanskrit for ‘man’, which is also equal to the phrases ‘to think’. Whoever holds this post directs the evolution of the human form. This requires them to work closely with the devic stream. Why? If you are talking about form, then you are talking about matter and the devas are the masters and controllers of matter. You go nowhere in this direction without their assistance.
We are currently blessed with two manus, because as already mentioned, we have two Root Races present on Earth at this time. The first Manu goes by the name of Chakshusha and is the head of the 4th, the Atlantian Root Race. Vaivasvata is the name of the Manu that is in charge of the 5th Root Race. The Aryan Root Race. As the Aryan Root Race is in its ascendency, it is Vaivasvata Manu that heads the Department of the 1st Ray. The Manu is a powerful monad. Wielding 1st Ray energy, this monad controls the ray that focuses on Energy, Will-Power and Motion. This energy can be used for purposes of creation as well as destruction. Controlling and modulating this 1st Ray energy determines the destiny of races, sub-races and nations. The Manu is also able to affect geological processes associated with the Earth’s crust. This includes earthquakes, volcanos and Continental Drift, which is the rising and sinking of land masses.
Tens of thousands of years ago, the Manu gave Humanity a set of 10 laws. These have been reinterpreted as Egyptian/Christian Commandments, the Seven Deadly Sins and the Buddhist Five Precepts. The 10 laws listed in the Pratimoksha Sutra are as follows:
- Don’t kill any living creature
- Don’t steal
- Don’t break vows of chastity
- Don’t lie
- Don’t betray the secrets of others
- Don’t wish for the death of your enemies
- Don’t desire the wealth of others
- Don’t pronounce injurious and foul words
- Don’t indulge in luxury
- Don’t accept gold and silver
Now there is a list to conjure with. I just need to check this list against a list of my karmic debts? Vaivasvata Manu for 100,000 years was instrumental in creating the 5th Root Race. He physically incarnates seven times while in office. This is to set the ball rolling for each of the seven sub-races. That magic number seven again. The Manu is tied to this post for the duration of the development of the 5th Root Race, so is expected to be around for tens of thousands of years more, until the 6th Root Race is firmly established.
The title of ‘Manu’ does not just exist for an individual on the 43rd plane of mater. There is a hierarchy of even more senior ‘Manus’, who have wider spheres of responsibilities and hold those offices for longer periods of time. To explain their role, I would have to start talking about Globes, Rounds and Chains. The period a Manu holds office is defined as a Manvantara.
This is just a cursory introduction to the holder of the title of Manu as it refers to the head of a root race. In my next presentation, I wish to go on and describe the other two great offices relating to the channeling of 2nd and 3rd Ray energies.