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I wish to return to the topic of the mechanics of creation. This is a topic that would benefit from saying the same thing twice. We have discussed the stratification of the universe into 49 nine planes of matter or consciousness. When it comes to planes of consciousness or planes of matter, they amount to the same thing. On these planes ,there are 49 different types of atoms, one for each plane of existence. 

Each type of atom is indivisible on its own respective plane. Atoms on plane one are truly indivisible as they are the fundamental particle of existence. I have equated them to zero-point energy. What is the significance of this zero-point energy? The Absolute continually supplies 1-atoms into the Universe. These 1-atoms carry energy from an inexhaustible source, the Anti-verse, into positive existence. This positive existence we call the Universe. 


Why is it inexhaustible? Because there is no time or space in the Anti-verse. This means there is no beginning or end. Anything emanating from this existence is ‘infinite’. The net positive influx of these 1-atoms into the Universe also has another visible effect. It causes the Universe to expand. The Big Bang did not just happen. It is not the case that somehow from an infinitely small spect of nothingness, the universe suddenly appeared. Hylozoics speculates that there is another ‘infinite reality and this is the source of our energy and matter, hence the Universe is expanding.

As you descend each plane of matter into denser matter, 49 of these 1-atoms coil into a loop and create a 2-atom. This is then the smallest and indivisible atom on its own plane of existence. This process is repeated until you arrive at the 49th plane.  This 49-atom is the smallest atomic structure in our physical world. It is much smaller than anything scientists have managed to observe in their large colliders.  In fact, they will never observe it but that is for another day.


Atoms vibrate in multiple dimensions. Atoms on plane-49 vibrate in 3 dimensions.  Atoms on plane-48 vibrate in 4 dimensions and atoms on plane-43 vibrate in 9 dimensions. Finally, when you get back to plane-1, where it all began, atoms there vibrate in 51 dimensions. These are the most energetic atoms in the entire universe.  We can’t really imagine what it would be like to operate in 4 let alone 7 dimensions.  It is mind-boggling to think what it must be like to be conscious in 51 dimensions.  We start on plane-1 as unconscious monads and return fully conscious monads.  This cycle of evolution leads you to become omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient with all things in the universe.

Now let us look again at the origins of matter. Negative existence is the opposite of Positive existence, which we call our universe. Emptiness inside the universe is infinite density outside it and vice versa. The Anti-verse is negative from the standpoint of the positive universe. The Anti-verse is absolutely dense and completely homogeneous. It is a matrix of Primordial matter and energy.

Minuscule bubbles form to produce Primary Matter, which is empty space in the matrix. This bubble present within the matrix of the Metaverse flips inside-out.  Relative to the matrix, the bubble is empty space. In our positive universe, we now have a 1-atom. The raw material for pre-existence is not boundless nothing, rather it is boundless everything. That is why it is called Limitless Potential.

God Particle

Now you may have heard about the infamous Higgs Field or as the press call it, the God particle. Particles in our universe are in fact empty spaces in the Anti-verse.  Empty space has no mass so where does mass in our universe come from? As an atom moves, it drags its corresponding negative bubble in the Anti-verse. This creates drag and gives the illusion of mass. Larger particles have more drag and therefore greater mass. 

If you think of this as a bubble forming in two dimensions, it all seems unworkable. How can you have all these bubbles operating within larger particles and yet still be dragging around their respective bubbles in the Anti-verse? Try to visualise all the planes of matter, not is a linear fashion, but as a series of concentric bubbles. The 1-atom in the middle of this bubble connects through to the Anti-verse. This connection is negative to its own existence, through the centre of itself. Ponder that thought for a while.

The Abyss

I wish to introduce another term used in science today. It is called the Bose-Einstein Condensate. If negative existence is a sea of infinitely dense matter, at the other end of the spectrum there should be a state beyond or below matter itself. In 1995, scientists cooled Rubidium to 170 billionths of a degree above absolute zero.  At this extremely low temperature, matter became a single fluid entity. This has relevance in the world of esoterics. This state of fluidity is referred to in Kabbalism as Klipoth, the antithesis of Ain Soph. Ain Soph has limitless potential and infinite density. Gnosticism calls this state of being, where all motion ceases, the Abyss.

Atoms of gas at room temperature move at approximately 1,000 mph and slow down to 1 mph just above absolute zero. When atoms stop vibrating they share the same space. At -273°C, which is 0°Kelvin, the energy aspect of matter becomes zero.  The background radiation in the Universe prevents temperatures ever naturally falling to 0°K. It can, therefore, be concluded that the Bose-Einstein state can never actually be reached. This makes Absolute Zero an effective barrier beyond which matter can not descend. I don’t know whether that will help you sleep better at night, but at least you know the Abyss has a bottom, even if it is very cold!

Time for another recap.

We start off from a sea of primordial matter, which is infinitely dense and homogeneous. Because there is no time and space present in this matrix of negative existence, there is no beginning and no end. It just is.  

In the beginning, there was darkness over the face of the Deep”. The Absolute created infinitesimally small bubbles in this matrix, making space for “matter” to manifest.  The Spirit”, another name for the Absolute, hovered over the waters and said, “let there be light”.

A sea of fundamental atoms, 1-atoms, began to manifest on plane 1 “and he separated Light from Darkness

Another command rings out.  Let there be expanses between the waters”. Matter then proceeds to become increasingly dense on the lower 48 planes of existence. 

The Bose-Einstein condensate is incredibly dense, fluid and frictionless. This is the metaphorical Abyss.

Grades of Matter

We now have a general model for the existence of a universe. We have outlined that it has 49 planes of matter, at different densities that go to make up this universe. The next logical question to ask is how exactly is this matter graded?

There are five grades of matter. The first is un-manifested matter. It exists in the anti-verse and is known as Primordial Matter. There are then four grades of manifested matter, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary. All of these grades have three attributes.



and Matter

The energy component dominates in atoms of the more subtle planes. The matter component is more prominent in the denser, heavier atoms. The consciousness aspect of atoms increases as they pass through the four grades of matter. The transition in each phase lasts for aeons of time. I just want to state this again. Over the span of the 49 planes of existence, all three aspects, energy, consciousness and matter are always present in each atom. The importance each aspect plays changes depending on whether the atom is vibrating slowly or quickly. The quicker, the higher the energy. The slower, the greater the effect matter is having on the atom. It is the consciousness aspect, which is always there as well, that increases as an atom moves through the four phases of development. This, in a nutshell, is the whole point of the universe. It is a machine that takes Primordial atoms and puts them through a conversion course. It takes the 1-atom from being unconscious to being fully conscious. It becomes omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscience on all 49 planes.

Primary Matter

Let’s start with the first of the manifested forms of matter; Primary Matter. This is the most basic form of involved matter. It is the famous 1-atom we have been talking about previously. Each one of these 1-atoms has a vortex or spin that creates a corresponding bubble in the sea of primordial matter. Remember it is the connection of this atom to its corresponding bubble in the anti-verse that gives an atom its mass. These primary atoms can cluster together to form larger and denser atoms and molecules. The main function of this primary matter is to form the background matrix of the 49 planes of existence.  

Energy in atom 1

Although Primary matter is the basic building material of the Universe, it is severely limited in its uses. This is because it has an inactive consciousness. I know in the past I have said that everything in the universe has three components, Energy or Motion, matter and consciousness. The consciousness aspect is not missing from Primary matter, it is just not awakened yet. It is there in potential form. This inactive consciousness prevents external consciousnesses from interacting and using this matter to fashion complex material forms. This includes thought-forms and life-forms. I have used the term thought-form for the first time, as though a thought has a particular shape. Well, it does and this has staggering implications and consequences These consequences be expounded at length in further  presentations.

Age of the Universe

The descent of these primary atoms and the formation of other planes takes trillions of years. I usually use the term aeon, but here I am prepared to narrow down the definition, even if it is a very big number. Setting a time span of trillions of years is at variance with Science’s estimate of the age of the Universe. I make no apologies for this! Finally the last seven planes of existence coming into being. These are  planes 43 to 49. We are now in the realms of our solar system. On these seven planes, the primary atoms also begin to form molecules. These are not molecules as we would understand them but they are nevertheless not atomic matter any more.  They are more complex than that.

In these last seven planes of existence, the atomic form of matter makes up the highest of the subplanes. The remaining six subplanes are made up of molecular matter. The significance of this will be discussed further. Once primary matter reaches plane-49 it begins to disintegrate and make its way back to Plane-1. When I talk about disintegration, I mean that on all planes below the first plane, primary matter is combining with other primary atoms. They form more complex and denser atoms. Finally, on the last 7 planes (49:1-49:7), it also forms molecules. Going the other way, these denser atoms ‘evolve’ into lighter atoms. The primary atom eventually makes its way home to the first plane of existence. There it stands alone in its own natural environment.

Zero-point energy

The role of primary matter from an energy perspective is to distribute Zero-point energy to all other matter to keep it vitalised. It should be noted that all atoms and molecules exhibit a negative charge when descending into denser matter. They exhibit a positive charge when ascending through the planes of existence. The significance of this will become apparent when we consider our own evolution.  How we use these atoms and molecules in experiencing the various planes of existence, is unique to the seven lowest planes of matter (43-49). 

I wish to clarify the use of the term Zero-Point energy in this context. This energy is effectively the movement of these primary atoms, the 1-atoms, through all the groupings of atoms on lower planes. These planes being plane 2 to plane 49. Why do I use the word grouping? Because remember that a 2-atom is made up of 49, 1-atoms. It is these 1-atoms that are supplying the energy that sustains the universe aa they move through the planes. In other words, the atoms and molecules that may be present on that particular plane, have a continuous flow of this primary matter through them.

The Outpourings

If you thought that is a brain-extending concept, prepare for more. I am going to start using esoteric terms that are difficult to understand in people’s usual paradigm’s. I am prepared to accept that you may well say that I left planet Earth a long time ago. Anyway, here goes. The creation of Primary Matter is referred to as the 1st Outpouring. You will hear this term used over and over again, but I suspect many of the esotericists that use it, do not really understand the concepts behind it. Let’s try and give a clear grounding for this important concept. This 1st outpouring is a flow of matter into the Universe; those 1-atoms. The energy of the 3rd Logos flows through these primary atoms. This energy is delivered by the 3rd Logos. You may well ask, what is a logos and if there is a 3rd one, are there another two? The answer is yes to the second question. We have talked about three active forces that are always present in every primary atom. For the word atom also read the word monad. They are effectively interchangeable concepts. Those forces are Energy, Consciousness and Matter. These three states have also been given names like Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. The Greeks used the word Logos to describe these three aspects of divinity. Logos means word’ but it could also signify vibration or energy. So the 3rd logos is the 3rd aspect of the trinity. This concept is also present in Christianity. However, in Christianity, it is presented in a scaled-down form, which we will discuss later. The 1st Outpouring is an ongoing process and this is what causes the universe to expand.

I want to end this presentation here and recap on the significance of the 1st outpouring. This event is the first thing that happens when our universe comes into existence. It its triggered by the outpouring of primary atoms from the Anti-verse by the 3rd logos. These primary atoms circulate throughout all 49 planes found in the universe. In doing this they deliver energy from the limitless source of energy that exists in the Anti-verse. As this energy travels into the denser planes, it delivers a negative charge to the atoms and molecules it passes through. As it ascends back to plane-1, a positive charge is delivered. This outpouring is an ongoing process throughout universe. What is being delivered into the universe are the fundamental building blocks from which all the other structures are built.

In the 7th presentation we will look at the remaining three grades of matter and link all four grades of matter together.

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