In our travel through the topic of Good & Evil, we got to a point when I started to describe the chain of command that runs from our Planetary Hierarchy all the way back to the Ruler of the Cosmos. That is a long chain and to help in the visualisation of this chain I prepared a table. I have briefly discussed the structure of the Solar and the Planetary governments. I have not discussed their functions other than to say that they are executors of the DIVINE PLAN. I then entered our solar system and began to talk about the great offices that exist to help and guide our evolution. To date, I have described the first of these offices, that of the Manu, the Maha Chohan of the 1st Ray of Will-Power. I wish now to continue and speak about the other two great offices, that of the World Teacher and that of the Lord of Civilisation. The latter post usually goes by the name of Maha Chohan, while the other two are called the Manu and the Bodhisattva. Maha Chohan simply means ‘Great Lord’.

The World Teacher, 2nd Ray: Love-Wisdom
The monad that heads the 2nd Ray in our solar system has a name and a function. The important thing to note is that this individual only holds this position in the Hierarchy for a prescribed length of time. This individual monad eventually evolves further along its own evolutionary path, which involves going cosmic and leaving the solar system for good. To get to the rank of World Teacher, the monad has to take the (i7) and objectively focus its consciousness in its 43:1 atom. Prior to this, the monad was always present in the 43:1 atom but was there in a lower state of consciousness. It is only in its final triadic structure, that the monad gains subjective consciousness in its monadic permanent atom. It then moves from the triadic structure into its 43:1 atom, objectively.

The first monad, who was part of our Human lifestream to achieve this, was the Lord Buddha. Before the momentous achievement by this monad, the post of World Teacher had been held by a succession of monads that had their focus of evolution on Venus. As this planet is further along its evolutionary path, there were monads there that volunteered to move their centres of operation onto the Earth Planetary Chain. As the Lord Buddha was the first of our lifestream to graduate, he held the post of World Teacher for a long time. I chronicled some of this in my last presentation when I spoke about some of the mystery schools he set up at the start of the 5th Root Race.
In his last incarnation as the World Teacher, the Lord Buddha took the (i8) and completed his journey through the Cosmic Physical Plane. It is interesting to note that he had to take this final exam down on the 49th Plane of Matter. He simply could not float around on the 43rd plane, take the exam and waft off into the Cosmos. This should tell us that the Physical plane is not to be ignored, nor is it to be denigrated, as so many esotericists do. They think of it as some kind of hindrance. It is not. It is a vital crucible for the incubation of our consciousness.
I have mentioned repeatedly that there is a chain of command that stretches from the SOURCE all the way down to us and below. Therefore, if the Lord Buddha moved up a gear, he could only do so because there was someone who could fill his shoes. That someone had been his loyal deputy through countless incarnations. This monad’s last name on Earth was the Lord Maitreya. He took the (i7) and ascended to the rank and title of World Teacher. In the Eastern tradition, the name associated with that of the World Teacher is Bodhisattva. We in the West call this same individual The Christ. The problem with using this name is that it has too many Christian overtones. The term World Teacher is a-religious. It influences all consciousness development for all monadic life forms on our planet. This is not a religious or spiritual function. It is a consciousness development function. I wish to emphasise that distinction. You do not have to be spiritually inclined or part of a religions movement to come under the influence of the 2nd Ray. It is free to all. Having said that, the 2nd Ray does influence religious currents as well.
If I go beyond my beloved topic of Chains, Rounds and Globes, there are three solar cycles that our Solar Logos itself is evolving through. Guess what it is governed by, the Holy Trinity. The first cycle involved the Solar Logos mastering Matter. The second, our current solar cycle, involves mastering Consciousness and the final cycle involves mastering Energy. As we are in the Consciousness cycle of the Solar Logos’s own evolutionary cycle, consciousness is the big deal at the moment. For this reason, the World Teacher, the head of the 2nd Ray in our planetary chain, is not only the head of the 2nd Department but the head of the entire Planetary Hierarchy.
If you look at the diagram of rays, you see three even and four odd numbers. The World Teacher, as head of the 2nd Ray, also oversees the functions fo the 4th Ray, that of Harmony and the 6th Ray, that of Devotion. These departments have their own rulers but they answer to the head of the 2nd Department. In this manner, the World Teacher uses the 2nd Ray energy of Love-Wisdom to fulfil his primary responsibilities. That of the consciousness and spiritual development of Humanity.

How do you think that the World Teacher brings about the development of 2nd Ray principles in Humanity? This happens through a process of inspiration that stimulates and wakens the divine potential within each of us. This happens in a series of graded steps that starts with religions, moves on to spirituality and ends up with the study of esoterics. Each of these three stages has one common goal, to teach us all about the Meaning of Life.
As I have mentioned, the head of the 2nd Department works closely with the heads of the 4th and 6th Departments. The head of the 6th Department is a monad that has a consciousness level that has reached the 44th Plane of Matter. Adepts at this level are known as Chohans or Lords. The 6th Ray Chohan is a name you may recognise, but not exactly. It is the Lord Jeshu. You may remember that I mentioned that the last appearance of the World Teacher on this planet happened 105 years before the arrival concocted in the New Testament. Nevertheless, this Chohan does work closely with all religions, as this ray deals with all forms of devotion. So you can say that Jeshu is guiding and inspiring the Church. But then he is also inspiring all other religions in equal manner. I can not emphasise strongly enough that the World Teacher knowns every seeker ‘on the path’ not just Christians.
As an aside, the word ‘Maitreya’ is derived from the Sanskrit ‘maitri’, which means ‘loving-kindness’ or put another way, ‘friendship’. The last two incarnations of the Lord Maitreya were as the Hindu avatar Lord Krishna, who discarnated in 3,101 BCE and finally Jeshu, who discarnated in 72 BCE. Fancy dying before you were even supposed to have been born. How inconsiderate. I should point out that the Jeshu incarnation was not really an incarnation at all. You notice I say that Maitreya heads the 2nd Department and Jeshu heads the 4th. If this is the case, how can Maitreya be Jeshu? Maitreya took over the body of Jeshu for three years to complete what he came to do. What that was we have not got a clue, as there are no existing texts of this event. Cycling back to previous presentations I have given, you know how Maitreya pulled off the trick of taking over Jeshu’s body.
Now, if there has been one recurring theme of in the Piscean Age it has been that a Saviour is supposed to be turning up and putting all things to right. For the Jews, this has not happened yet, for the Hindus and Buddhists, the returning saviour will be called Maitreya, the Christians say it will be Christ and the Muslims say it will be Imam Mahdi. Now here is the rub, if the World Teacher is rash enough to set foot physically on the planet, wherever he goes and whoever he claims to be, everyone will cry ‘fake news’! My advice would be to stay firmly on the Etheric Plane and work through intermediaries. They can call themselves whatever they like.
What all religions have in common, is that they expect the coming messiah to establish peace, truth and righteousness on Earth – but how? This is not going to happen through the performance of miracles. It should be noted that convincing others of your superior knowledge or general demeanour are the trick performed by black magicians and demons, not avatars. Interfering with our own free will, to push a reality onto us, is working against the Laws of Life. I will explain more on this topic in my next series of presentations. A new way of thinking is not going to be brought about by mysticism either. What will open our eyes to the greater understanding of Life, The Universe and Everything, is irrefutable wisdom. Hylozoics, in its own simple way, is part of that wisdom.
The Piscean Age gave us many great religions, but they all rely on blind faith and devotion. This is very 6th-Ray energy. This is slowly being superseded by the 7th Ray, which heralds the start of the Aquarian Age. There will be a gradual replacement of emotionally-based belief systems. There will be a system of knowledge that has doors that let the student enter from any path. The student has the potential to slowly gain an all-encompassing system of knowledge. This knowledge will start to describe the full nature of reality. This knowledge will be based on esoteric knowledge that set about explaining the Laws of Life. Just think, in this matter, you are ahead of the curve.
Knowledge is all well and good, but what purpose does that knowledge serve? In my description of the chain of command that extends into the heavens, there is one overriding objective. Consciousness development. That does not just mean your consciousness development, but helping other monads expand theirs as well. This would involve those monads with expanded consciousness, actively collaborating with the Planetary and Devic Hierarchies. No monad progresses without filling the space they have vacated with another monad. There is no race to the top. We all climb Jacob’s Ladder together.
I wish to close the section on the head of the 2nd Department by recapping the holders of the office of the World Teacher. The Lord Buddha held the title of the World Teacher until he passed the 8th ignition (i8) under the Bodhi Tree over 2,500 years ago. The previous incarnations of this august being included Vyasa in India, Thoth-Hermes in Egypt, the first Zoroaster in Persia and Orpheus in Greece. At the end of the zodiacal Age of Aquarius, the Lord Christ-Maitreya is due to also take the 8th initiation and become a buddha. His deputy is known in esoteric circles as the Master KH. We know of this individual for the reasons I stated in the last prevention. This adept’s identity was revealed as being Koot Hoomi, the last persona this monad took on Earth. This information should not have been given out. As it has been, I can share it with you. I am not exactly revealing any state secrets. The Master KH was also Pythagoras and is the author of the whole Hylozoic knowledge system. Master KH is slated to be the next World Teacher.
Before I go onto the last of the three great departments of the Hierarchy, I feel I can clarify something by showing a simple schematic. The three principle departments of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rays have a layer of seven sub-departments below them. One of them, the 3rd Department, has direct influence over the remaining four departments, 4, 5, 6 and 7. It also has a sub-department below it that also functions on the 3rd Ray. The same is true for the 1st and 2nd Departments. I also mentioned that there is a close link between the 2nd Department and the 4th and 6th departments. This is because these departments are deemed to be passive, whereas the four odd-numbered departments are considered active. I will say no more on this but I just thought I should point it out and present it diagrammatically for clarity.

As another aside, when students talk about ashrams and the fact that we all belong to one, this may seem a special achievement. This is not the case. The position of the ashram exists at the sub-departmental level of the Hierarchy. You see them, one to seven. We automatically fall into one of these ashrams whether we like it or not, simply because our monad resonates to one particular ray more than any other. This centre is our home. The Chohans head these ashrams, so for instance, the Chohan of the 2nd-Department ashram is the Master K.H., the 6th Department, the Master J. The objective of all monads in the 4th Kingdom is to approach their respective ashrams consciously. They then become part of the active life of that Ashram and become co-workers in the advancement of all life on this planet.
The Maha Chohan 3rd Ray: Intelligent Activity
Now we come to the last of the big three, the office of the Maha Chohan. The title means ‘Great Lord’, which simply implies that this monad has passed the 7th initiation (i7). I also guess another reason that this head of department gets the name of the ‘Great Lord’ is that he specifically presides over a group of four other lords. We are told the current holder of this office is the Lord Rakoczi.
In esoteric literature, the rays 4,5,6 and 7 are all supposed to be derived from Ray 3. However, when it comes to chains of command, I have already mentioned that the 4th and 6th departments resonate to the principle energies set up by the 2nd Ray. They are all passive rays. In this vein, the Maha Chohan is not only the head of the 3rd Department but also oversees the 5th Department of Science and the 7th Department of Organisation.
The main job description for the Maha Chohan is to oversee the development of politics, economics, social development, culture, education, science and the arts. You can see from this list that we are talking about just about everything that contributes to creating a civilised world. Add to this list that the Maha Chohan also teaches Humanity about the true nature of reality. This reality has a bias. It slants its gaze through the lens of a scientific and a philosophical perspective, rather than a spiritual or religious one. That would be the role of the 6th Ray.
How does the Maha Chohan go about creating ‘civilisation’ on Earth? He does so by inspiring and guiding world leaders, politicians and other influential people. This is done to achieve a general uplift of life on Earth. To fully understand the scope of the activities of the Maha Chohan, you just have to study the influences that pass through the 3rd Ray.
The current Maha Chohan is known by his last public incarnation. He went by the name Francis Rakoczi and was also known as the name St. Germain. His previous incarnations included that personas known as Proclus, Roger Bacon and Francis Bacon (Shakespeare). Rakoczi only became the Maha Chohan in 1925 but will hold this office for many thousands of years. It is interesting to note that he was a consequential figure during the run-up to taking the office. You don’t get to be the head honcho without sporting a good résumé.
That nearly brings me to the end of the extended topic of Good and Evil. In my next presentation, I wish to look at the Deva Hierarchy. It is very easy to focus exclusively on us and forget about them.
Thank you for sharing. Also thanks to my higher consciousness for guiding me here. Your article helped me clarify some of the more sophisticated theosophical ideas to my friend. Through the process of paraphrasing, I have also gained significant insight into our evolutionary path and I have become more determined when it comes to my sadhana. Thank you. Namo Amitabha Buddha.
Dear Ethan,I am glad you found the presentation useful. There are plenty more to come. I have the whole of June 2023 in the can and am now pondering my next topic.