In our journey through Life, the Universe and Everything, we have discussed a wide range of topics. Equally important, a framework of nomenclature and concepts have been outlined, so that whatever was being described, a coherent and structured lexicon could be used to describe the concepts at hand. Underpinning all these concepts are a number of universal laws that are the guardrails that prescribe the way Matter, Consciousness and Motion interact. These are the Laws of Life.
Laws of Life
In a more rebellious moment, you may call out “why do we need laws anyway”? Children feel the same way about the ground rules surrounding bedtime. The Universe needs a set of laws to govern it for precisely, the same reason children need guidelines around their sleep patterns. If you have viewed my earlier presentations, you now know why sleep is so important. How you convey that necessity to a child, I leave for you to work out.
Simply put, without laws our world and the Universe, in general, would be in chaos. Some smart Alecs amongst you may retort that the Anti-Verse is in chaos and it has Infinite Potential. This may be true, but Primordial Matter in this Anti-Verse is unconscious. The objective of the Universe is to take a monad from potential consciousness to ‘Absolute’ consciousness.

So, we can not escape the reality that laws govern everything in the Universe. To make this a manageable exercise I wish to focus on the seven principle laws that are most important to Humanity’s development. These seven laws are:
- The Law of Freedom. We express ourselves how we choose.
- The Law of Unity. All monads belong to various collectives, whether they be a family, a nation or the planet. This means they must take responsibility for their position within any collective they belong to.
- The Law of Development. The law guides everything and everyone towards absolute perfection.
- The Law of the Self. This law states that each of us is responsible for our own development and the rate at which we develop. Think about that for a moment. This law has very profound implications in our own development in the 4th, the Earth Chain. There has been a very helpful addition to our development. Remember, the Causal Envelope and where it came from?
- The Law of Destiny. This law ensures we acquire all the experience and abilities that are required to complete each stage of our development.
- The Law of Karma. This law is a balance to the Laws of Freedom. It teaches us not to abuse our freedom in ways that are detrimental to others.
- The Law of Attraction. This law states that energy follows attention and attraction. The net result is that whatever you focus on, is reinforced by the application of your attention in that direction.
Ok, so we have these seven Laws of Life. What is the advantage of the knowledge of their existence? The value of knowing about these laws, how they operate and the consequences for not adhering to them, expedites our:
- Rate of development.
- Reduces the number of incarnations we need to pass through the Human Kingdom.
- Reduces the amount of suffering. Think of it as bad karma that we need to experiences.
I wish now to expand on each of these seven laws.
The Law of Freedom
This law most people would resonate to, simply from the title. Some countries even wrote it into their constitution, but what does it really mean? The Law of Freedom states that we have the right to live, think, feel, say and do whatever we want. There is a very important caveat though. We can do all the aforementioned things as long as we do not infringe the freedoms of others. That raises some interning questions. One that comes to mind is the intolerance of another person’s point of view. When one is intolerant of another point of view, then you are guilty of violating their freedom. This has consequences. You see, things are not as simple as it appears at first glance.
We all have a right to our own opinions, but expressing them insensitively, maliciously or publicly, can cause disharmony. Now you have gone and broken the Law of Unity. See, I told you things are more complex than we think. Gossip speaks lies, discord and contempt. This leads to disharmony and hatred. Everyone has a right to privacy and violating this is a violation of their freedom. This is something that we have completely forgotten in our rush to ‘reveal all’ in our tabloid press.
The Law of Freedom guarantees the right to individuality and self-identity. This, however, also allows others to have opinions about us. This has to be mastered or we drown in our own insecurities. We have to accept that with freedom comes responsibility. If we do not accept this responsibility then the Laws of Karma kick in and a whole new bundle of hurt unfolds.
If you want to think of it in a single sentence, then anyone who violates freedom, violates life. The consequences of our behaviour can follow us into another incarnation. If we do not stand up for our freedom or the freedom of others in this lifetime, we may find our freedoms restricted in a future life. It should be noted that whoever restricts the freedom of others are definitely going to face restrictions on their freedoms in the future.
Why is freedom such an important prerequisite for human development? It is because freedom allows for the development of Free Will. This free will is not always there. In fact in lower kingdoms, there is no free will at all. In the case of Humanity, at our lower levels of development, especially at the 1. Young stage of our development, we have very little free will. At this stage, our lives are driven by impulses from our subtle bodies. Those pesky Elemental Essences. As we develop our Will-Power, we begin to slowly free ourselves from the automated responses that have governed our lives up to this point.
As we develop our consciousness, we acquire freedom from ignorance. Initially, that freedom is from emotional illusions. This eventually also leads to freedom from mental fiction. Look at the words illusion and fiction and notice which worlds of endeavour they relate to. I keep referring to the Emotional Plane as a world of fantasy. Nothing is as it seems, it is as we wish it to be. On the Mental Plane, illusions turn to fiction. We no longer ‘see’ our fantasies materialising before us. We now ‘construct’ in our own imaginations what we wish to be there. This is no longer a consensus environment. We are solely its author and it is our subjective reality.
I mentioned at the beginning that there was a need for laws to prevent chaos. But those laws themselves have limits. For this reason, freedom has limits. If it did not, we would again descend into chaos. We do need freedom in our lives. Without it, we would become mechanical and soulless. We can see this, not only in totalitarian regimes but also in how cultural norms can suppress our ability to express ourselves.
We are dealing with the freedom of an individual but we are also dealing with power. The power to affect others. For this reason, power should always be structured. This is the way it happens in the hierarchies that govern us. They always work as a collective. It is the Black Magician that do things unilaterally. I have given a cursory explanation fo the Laws of Freedom. I wish now to move onto the next law in the list; the Law of Unity.
The Law of Unity
If there ever was a law that was the foundation of life, it is the Law of Unity. It is a fundamental law. Harmony and cooperation are the foundation structures of all the higher Kingdoms of Nature. It is often said, but it is worth repeating, Love, the Energy of Unity, is the most powerful force on Earth. It can solve most problems if we let it. It should be stated here that ‘love’ is not a sentimental emotion. Love originates from the Unity Plane (46). It flows down through the inter-connected subtle bodies until it reaches the heart chakra in our etheric body and activates it.
Love is a very powerful force. It overcomes our egotistical and selfish tendencies. However, it can only do this if this force of love is unconditional and shared with all. It will not perform its transformational magic if it is only directed towards family, friends and your countryfolk. Why? Because this is intrinsically selfish. It can truly be said that love knows no limit. It is Humanity that constrains it. When we limit love, we put up barriers. This leads to division and this is the opposite of Unity, the very law we are discussing.
The general concept of unity is all well and good. However, you need to understand from where it springs. Advocates of Advaita, the non-duality branch of Hinduism, expresses unity without understanding how it works. They believe that the Self ceases to exist when it is absorbed into a sea of ‘oneness’. I guess you could call this the grand collective. Alas, this is a distorted view, but nevertheless an effective way of lessening one’s ego.
It can not be stressed strongly enough that the Self can never be ‘lost’. Unity does not restrict individuality. So, what does an understanding of Unity do for us in our lives? It provides more freedom for the collective, reducing ignorance. It endows us with a greater understanding of not only life but the reality of Nature as well. Refusing unity excludes you from life. Just go and ask a Black Magician. They have refused the very Life Thread that energises and connects us all back to the SOURCE.
So, get with the PLAN. Nobody, ultimately escapes the clutches of ‘Unity’. However, if you act against it, you butt up against the Law of Karma and your debt levels sky-rocket. The bottom line is living for each other, achieves more than living selfishly. It is a truism that giving freely aways returns more than we give. Now you may retort, “I gave freely in this situation or that and I got nothing back but heartache”. How many mothers lament this. The reality is that when giving freely, we should not expect repayment from others. That is not giving freely. Where we reap our dividends is that we receive more from our guardian angel, from our Master, who eventually will contact us and from the knowledge and wisdom stored in our causal envelope.
If you look at our universe from the perspective of the ABSOLUTE, all life in the Universe is a single collective. So what is the payoff for all this Unity? When the world finally transitions from the majority view of duality and isolationism to one of Unity and group focused endeavour, the whole vibration of the Earth will uplift. This transition will make this home of ours a much better place to live in. It also allows us to expand our consciousness further.
The Law of Development
This is another one of those inescapable laws. The development of our consciousness is inevitable. It is an inescapable law of life. I have often stated that the whole point of creating the Universe is to give a monad a space in which to develop its consciousness. This is the very meaning of life itself. Every monad has an inherent instinct to evolve and develop its consciousness. Prior to reaching the Human Kingdom, the instinct towards development works instinctively. Once the monad reaches the 4th Kingdom of Nature, especially as a Human, things get complicated. That evolutionary instinct that was a driving force up until this point is now confined to your subconscious. It is too easily drowned out by the unruly behaviour of your conscious mind.
Think of life as a series of opportunities. These opportunities may be small but they are significant. Every time we meet someone, we have the opportunity to be kind and helpful. When we show our guardian angel that we can do this consistently, we get bigger opportunities. It must be remembered that people act at their level of development, so it is important for us not to judge or take the moral high ground. I known this is very difficult but keep trying.
We can see the Law of Development functioning in our own societies. Materialism, indulgence and vanity are natural behavioural traits for peoples about to progress from the 2. Community to the 3. Cultured phase of personal development. We are witnessing that a growing number of people in the Western World are at this stage in their development. Back to those selfies. If we truly wish to develop our consciousness, we need to free ourselves from unnecessary wants and desires. To gain this sought-after freedom, we must renounce our lower levels of consciousness in stages. It is worth repeating what these stages are:

- Young Souls – at this stage of development, the monad is focused in its 49:1 permanent atom. Its focus is on adding new dimensionality to its physical existence. This soul is just starting to develop its emotionality so utilises only the lowest molecules in this envelope.
- Community Souls – The monad now has moved its focus to the 48:1 permanent atom. This gives it objective access to the contents of this envelope. The concentration of lower vibrating Elemental Essences are reduced and higher vibrating molecules are attracted into the envelope.
- Cultured Souls – Although still focused in the 48:1 permanent atom, the monad begins to develop its mental consciousness. This is the start of the liberation from the illusions of emotionality.
- Compassionate Soul – the monad has now taken the (i2) and moved its focus into the 47:4 permanent molecule. The monad is now able to start to constructively activate its Causal Consciousness. We populate our mental world with all manner of mental fictions that we concoct. Beginning to open a pathway to causal consciousness liberates us from the limitations of the intellectual mind.
- Enlightened Soul – The last stop in the Human Kingdom is to make the (i3) and migrate the monadic consciousness to the 47:1 permanent atom. Objective consciousness exists now in all the three lower planes of matter, at least the molecular levels. The monad now starts to develop Unity Consciousness as a precursor to it entering the 5th Kingdom of Nature and moving its focus to the 46:1 permanent atom.
Development of consciousness is a slow process. It takes a monad a whole chain cycle to move though a kingdom of nature. That is billions upon billions of years of evolution. Do not expect any giant leaps forward because it has been reported that some avatar has turned up that will change everything. Souls develop slowly, converting experiences into usable knowledge, wisdom and abilities.

The Persona that runs the three envelopes of incarnation is a collection of causal molecules that surround the three lower envelopes of incarnation, the Mental, the Emotional and the Physical-Etheric. The Persona is influenced by past traits and habits and all the karma that goes with them. The Persona also has a prescribed destiny to follow, if it manages to follow that pre-charted course. The net results of these variables are that development can leap forwards and backwards in any particular incarnation. If we are carrying a heavy karmic burden, it may prevent us from reaching our true potential, the potential of our soul in that incarnation. It can be summarised as follows; the rate of development corresponds to the level of development but is also conditioned by individual character.
If your objective is to rush through the Human Kingdom as quickly as possible, then you have a lot to learn. The motives guiding you are selfish rather than altruistic. However, this is just a developmental stage, that of the 3. Cultured phase. It should be noted that the desire to be ‘one with God’ is not a good enough reason to graduate from the Human Kingdom either. The monad has to actually demonstrate the readiness to enter the Unity Kingdom (46). The process to achieve this is to weaken the grip of our ego’s, to allow us to migrate from the 1st to the 2nd triad and in this manner to enter collective consciousness.
We have managed to cover three of the seven principle Laws of Life that Govern us. In the next presentation, we shall continue with The Law of Self, the Law of Destiny, the Law of Karma and the Law of Attraction.
Dear Kazim,
I am back with a question, related to this sentence you wrote:
Where we reap our dividends is that we receive more from our guardian angel, from our Master, who eventually will contact us and from the knowledge and wisdom stored in our causal envelope.
– Why do we reap more? Is it a way to speed up our evolution?
Thank you
The statement I write Roberto is related to the Law of Grace. If you give freely and live for others rather than yourself, then knowledge and understanding will be given to you. If you tread the path of knowledge, you can slowly work up your understanding of things, but a life of service can achieve exactly the same outcomes. Working towards conformity to any law of life is bound to speed up your evolution.
there is something that I would call “strange” because I do not know what it is, even though I feel it inside.
The sentence you have just written – “If you give freely and live for others rather than yourself” – explains, as far as I can comprehend, my feelings.
Recent happenings in my life have lead me to think about the great and unfair difference existing between my comfortable and “easy” life and many others’ unlucky existence.
Now, even though I know Karma should be lived by everyone in order to fulfill the global design laying behind the scenes, I simply can not resist the willingness to help who is in danger or in hard times.
I feel the impression to see others from their inside, as if I were inside them.
This is leading to some misunderstandings between me and my family, my wife told me I do this because I feel a sort of “Messiah complex”, which could also be the case.
To summarize, I feel more and more that I would like to go on like this forever.
Amen to that Roberto