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In the last presentation, I started to look at the Laws of Life and covered the Law of Freedom, the Law of Unity and the Law of Development. We need laws to develop order from chaos. We need laws to help us expand our consciousness. We need laws to govern how we interact with our environment and each other. For this reason, it is worth spending time to understand the most imports laws that affect us, humans, as we traverse the 4th Kingdom of Nature.

Before I start to elucidate the remaining for laws, I wish to quickly recap the first three. The Law of Freedom governs how you live your life and interact with others. It is a universal law that we have the divine right to do whatever we want. The kicker is that we can not stop anyone doing what they want either. Clearly, there is a conflict here that needs careful adjustments to how you conduct yourself in your pursuit of freedom. 

The Law of Unity basically says we are all one, whether we like the idea or not. We can choose not to like it and eventually end up becoming a Black Magician, but I would suggest this is, ultimately, a fruitless course of action. Why? Because the Law of Unity reminds us that at the end of the day we make up one giant collective. Even the black magician has to return to the fold, even if it means that he has to recycle through the Mineral Kingdom again to do it.

The Law of Development is unambiguous in its intent. All of life must and will strive for perfection. If it is a forgone conclusion, can we just sit back and await the final outcome? Alas, nothing is ever as simple as that. The impetus to develop has to come from us, but there is an inescapable pull that allows us to expand our consciousness, subjectively, half a plane ahead of where we are objectively consciousness. This law operates in all the kingdoms of Nature. Every monad gets called home.

The Law of Self

The Law of Self on the surface is a tough law. It says we are all responsible for our own development. And here we were thinking that a phalanx of angels was going to waltz over the horizon and blaze a path for us. Well, in reality, they do, but we still have to walk the path. We have to get the T-shirt, buy the video and lick our wounds. This is the result of all scrapes we are bound to get ourselves into as we develop our consciousness. The trick to developing yourself is to show willing. The more effort you put in, the smoother that path before you becomes.

We incarnate to have experiences and learn from them. In the process, we acquire qualities, abilities and knowledge about life and the nature of reality. All these factors contribute to the development of consciousness, which is the sole purpose of  existence. Ponder that thought. People often muse, “what is it all about”? Well, here is your answer. Your monad starts off unconscious, but with the potential to be conscious. The unfoldment of that consciousness eventually spans the width of the whole Universe. Not a bad achievement for the smallest particle in the Cosmos.

In the lower kingdoms, we are guided by the common instinct of the Group Soul. I have not really elucidated how this process works. I spoke about it from a Matter perspective, where envelopes were shared with the group, but over time, they are acquired by the monad for themselves. The guidance of the group soul is controlled by devas, who else do you think would be involved?

In the Human Kingdom, we have individual souls. For soul, read individual Mental bodies. More importantly, we have the highest three sub-divisions of the mental body handed to us on a plate. We do not need to make these as the human streams had to do in previous chains. Lucky us. The downside of having your own ‘soul’, rather than a group soul, is that you have to find your way through life. But I hear you cry, what about our guardian angel, surely they help? Yes, they do, but only in the planning of the environment of our incarnations. Remember that Law of Freedom. Your guardian angel can not interfere with your choices. There may be a judicious selection of opportunities on offer for you to choose from, but at the end of the day, you buy the T-shirt and you have to wear it.

We slowly build up a library of knowledge and experiences. We use this gained knowledge to orientate ourselves and discover our place in the greater scheme of things. This may seem like a dim possibility for most of humanity, but remember the Law of Development. We all have to develop, no matter how many blind alleys we choose to go down in the process. It is only in the later stages of the Human Kingdom that we actively set about acquiring the knowledge that is needed to develop the highest qualities. We need these refined qualities to aid our entry into the 5th Kingdom.

There is no escaping the fact that the Law of Self is all about us acquiring all the knowledge, wisdom, abilities and experiences need to develop ourselves. Why is this so important? Why not just spoon-feed us or allow us to say a few “hail Mary’s” and then get the prize? The reason is that we must become self-reliant, independent thinkers. Remember, the Sanskrit root for our name is the ‘thinker’. We must wean away from our reliance on scripture and experts, to provide us with the answers. Standing on your own two feet may have been a skill you thought you achieved when you were a toddler. Metaphorically, how many of us stand independently by our own thoughts and ideas. Now, I know I have said that we can not have original thoughts, they start in the 5th Kingdom. We can, however, synthesise a coherent framework that allows us to better understand the world in which we live and operate. Welcome to Hylozoics. So, yes, we must stand on our own two feet and liberate ourselves from the need to be ‘saved’ by a messiah. It should be noted that advanced beings respect the Law of Self and rarely intervene in our daily lives. Take with a pinch of salt, the pronouncements from people, that God told them to do this or that. God is far too busy organising his stamp collection to bother telling us what clothes to put on.

Notwithstanding what I have just said, there are possibilities for us to receive guidance. This only happens when we have proved ourselves sufficiently enough. Then and only then does the Planetary Hierarchy seek to guide us through the final stages of the Human Kingdom. In fact, this guidance is obligatory. All true knowledge comes from higher levels of consciousness. If we think we can walk around the Emotional Plane gaining wisdom, we really will get ourselves into a pickle. If we think we can manage the whole process by ourselves, we become a black magician.

The journey we are on through the Human Kingdom is one of self-realisation. We move from ignorance to omniscience. We rise from impotence to omnipotence and we leave the shackles of bondage behind to liberate ourselves from the cycle of rebirth. The pace we proceed at is decided by ourselves. However, if we fail to keep up with the group, we tend to get nudged in the right direction by agents of Destiny and Karma. If we really cock things up, we may have to be put into limbo to wait for another lifestream. We then get the opportunity to continue our development.

It is is all well and good to discover the truth about ourselves, but knowledge alone is passive and useless. For it to have any value, it must be applied in daily life to become active and useful. Experience is the only path to wisdom and understanding. Wisdom can only be gained down here on Earth rather than floating around in a subjective bubble of our own imaginings on the Mental Plane. Through time, great minds have philosophised about this and speculated about that, but where has it got them? Most mental gymnastics does little to further our evolution. It is only when knowledge is applied that we have the opportunity to realise things for ourselves. This turns mere knowledge into timeless wisdom.

It should be noted that applied knowledge activates higher levels of consciousness. It is a truism that experience is the greatest teacher of all. This is where the lesson is really learnt. Self-analysis, introspection by another name, allows us to ascertain our strengths and weaknesses and from this our true level of development. It is the process of introspection that gives attention, and by attention, I mean energy to develop positive attribute. So, I hope by now you have a clearer understanding of what the Law of Self is all about and that it really is about you and how you tackle life. On to the next law.

Law of Destiny

Our lives seem to ride on a wave of coincidences that pop up out of nowhere. Wherever they come from, these influences we call our destiny. The Law of Destiny is a real force in our lives and determines what influences enter into our life-path. The purpose of this destiny is to ensure that we encounter the experiences that are required for our continued development. So how should we view Destiny? Destiny is essentially a series of opportunities that enable us to learn lessons. In this manner, we acquire new abilities. We are also able to develop our conscious capacities and help others at the same time.

It is often the case that people confuse Destiny with Fate. What is fate? Fate is a fixed timeline of events that is inevitable and unchangeable. Is this what destiny is all about too? I propose that destiny and fate have different meanings and outcomes.

Fate is usually regarded by people as beings a series of events that are set in stone. Fate is also often seen as a series of negative outcomes. The action of fate is to determine and order the course of events. The consequence of this is that events linked to fate are ‘meant to be’. They are invariably set in motion by external forces.

Destiny, on the other hand, is less fatalistic and can be considered more of a likely outcome than absolute certainty. Destiny is also seen in a more positive light with helpful outcomes. So, destiny can be thought of a force that guides us towards specific goals. It is not served up to us on a plate. We are required to actively participate in the unfoldment of that outcome.   

Is there a way to compare and contrast Destiny and Fate in a sentence? Simply put, Destiny is opportunity and Fate is karma. We control our destiny but have no control over our fate. This means that destiny can not be forced on us, that is what fate delivers. The reason that destiny has the ability to have positive outcomes is because it allows us to turn a situation to our advantage. In this manner, we accomplish things through our own efforts. The net result of this mode of action is that destiny is designed to give us the best opportunities for developing our consciousness. Isn’t that what life is all about?

Destiny should be regarded as an outline, not a script. It should not be seen as a set of outcomes that detract from our free will. The basic outlines of our lives are planned. In this way, it can be said that our lives are pre-destined. This planning occurs before we take incarnation. Depending on our level of consciousness development, this is either done by our guardian angel solely or in collaboration with ourselves. It should be noted that the Lords of Karma and Agents of Destiny get a big say in any planning. 

Whatever the route plan ends up being, it is there to give us the right growth opportunities. Even after all this careful planning, we are not required to follow the route chosen. Perhaps a more fitting example of our destiny, as it unfolds through our life-plan, is that of a maze. Our challenge is to find our way through that maze and complete it. This is an exciting journey. We do not know where we are going or where we will end up. To traverse this maze, we need to proceed using our best judgment. We will make wrong turns that lead to dead ends. If we make the right turn, we find our journey progresses.

Do not make the mistake that what is deemed to be ‘right’ can always be measured in physical terms. Often, the best outcomes are related to the further development of our consciousness. Consider this possibility. We may make the wrong decision. Is all lost? No, not if we earn from that mistake. It may end up that this mistake was actually the right path to take. 

As we walk our path, it is not that difficult to deviate from it. When this happens we usually get coaxed back onto it. However, the further we stray from that path, the harder the lesson is going to be to get us back on the straight and narrow. The conclusion to draw from this is that every choice we make affects our future and our destiny. Another sobering thing to be aware of is that whatever you are experiencing right now, is the destiny and karma that was laid down by your past choices.

As an aside, yes it is time for another one of those, I mentioned previously that we enter our life’s maze without really knowing where we are going. This does not have to be the case. This is where a carefully drawn up astrology or numerology chart can come in very useful. I personally work along the numerology line. I can look at persons name and date of birth and draw up an outline of what the soul has come into an incarnation to try and achieve. Not only that but what the principle challenges are going to be. Through many charts that I have cast, the feedback that I have got is that having a map of where your life be going, is better than proceeding blindly. It also can indicate, why, when walking down a particular passage in the maze, you appear to be getting nowhere. When you see your map, you know why. Suddenly, what was viewed is just fate, can be seen in the context of destiny.

Collectively, human destiny is largely decided by the Planetary Hierarchy. The big hitters in this game are the Manu and the Maha Chohan. On a personal level, our destiny is largely decided by our guardian angels. Our destiny is obviously prescribed by the bigger events we may be living through. The role of our guardian angels is to stand in for what is deemed to be our ‘higher self’. This occurs until we become fully conscious in our causal bodies and enter into the 5th Kingdom of Nature. As we evolve, we take greater charge of our destiny and there comes a time where our guardian angel can only guide us if we let it. My advice to you is, let it.

Contrary to many popular beliefs within the esoteric community, the greater evolution of the Cosmos does not work to a predetermined plan. Only the final goal is laid down and that is set by the Law of Development. Can you remember what that was? The Law of Development states that we all have to develop, whether we like it or not. The only pre-determined outcome, as per law, is that all monads are compelled towards acquiring omniscience of the whole Cosmos. It is the process of evolution itself that creates the conditions and possibilities for growth. Although the conditions are universal, they vary, depending on the character of the beings involved. It may be a 1-Atom, a planet or a solar system.

An important take-home point about the Law of Destiny is that the past limits the possibilities of the future. If the plan was rigid, it would fall foul of another universal law, that of Freedom. You could say that Destiny is the mechanism that allows evolution to feel its way forward along every conceivable path. This allows every single monad and all monads together, to find the most purposeful path for themselves.

I am now left with the last two Laws of Life to describe to you. The Law of Karma is going to take more than one shot. See you in the next presentation.

4 thoughts on “63. LAWS OF LIFE II”

  1. Hello Kazim!

    Isn’t it cheating to know the destiny using astrology and numerology (before i3 at least)? Nowadays there are a small number of i3-individuals who can know this topic properly. And I think there is a reason for that. What about Augueidos who can give the hints sometimes? Maybe is it safe to use this channel? Could you comment please.

    1. Hi Alexey

      Knowing your destiny is not living it. It is useful to arrive in a town with a map to guide you. This is what I give someone when I do a numerology reading for them. Astrology does the same thing. It does not tell you what is going to happen. It just tells you what path you are currently on and what you should be looking out for. No monad, no matter how exalted, knows the future. What they can do is predict the future by having a good idea of what happened in the past. An (i3), knows the past from a material point of view, but not a consciousness point of view. So they know something happened but not what prompted it. An (i4) would. An (i5) would know the flows of energy that brought the whole situation into being. Each one of these monads can see things more clearly than the next.

      Our horoscopes are not determined by the planets but by the Rays. These rays flow through planets and that is where the association lies. However, the effects of those rays on you is determined by the ray-orientation of each envelope of incarnation. What astrologer knows that? An (i3), yes, but how many of them are there. The masters of astrology were the Chaldeans. I am not talking about 5,000 years ago, I am talking about 35,000 years ago. When they decide to reincarnate, then we will really have a gold-plated astrological system at our disposal.

      Your guardian angel does have the map of your life. They helped to design it. They are not the only contributors. There are also the Lords of Karma and the Agents of Destiny. If you have an open channel to your guardian angel, lucky you.

      1. I understand a little how astrology works (thanks to Alice Bailey). I don’t quite understand numerology. How can my names (I have more then one) talk about my destiny? Pythagoras knows for sure ).
        With date of birthday I can do it more clearly. When I was born certain energies were at work, but this is already close to astrology.
        But anyway this is my problem, not yours). Thanks for answer.

        1. Numerology states that all vibrations can be expressed as numbers. When your parents give you a name, they are inspired, usually by your guardian angel, to give you a certain vibrational birth force. So, taking your name and converting it into numbers, you can then examine those energies numerically.

          I just did three numerology reports for Russians. One is famous occultist. The person commissioning me to do them is a genuine Russian Oligarch. The trouble I had was converting Russian names, written in Cyrillic, into a Latin script. Once this was achieved, the next challenge to realise was that you had to include the patronymic name as well, something most people leave out. Then I had to work out that the order these names are written in, is not the same as we do in the West. Anyway, once done I got good feed back.

          I also use another system that just relied on the date of birth. This gives a good idea of a person’s personality.

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