In our joinery into personal development, we discovered that there are methods that you can use to speed up your consciousness development. The first two techniques were to become aware of your thinking and your surroundings. The second was to develop your will-power. This enables you to sustain your focus on whatever objective you are trying to achieve. Now, it could be argued that this is what anyone would do if they wanted to be successful in life. This is true. But I am not talking about being successful in life, I am talking about being successful in death. Let me clarify my meaning. There are plenty of self-help guides out there that purport to show you how you can become a successful ‘millionaire’. Try stuffing your money back into your causal envelope at the end of your incarnation. Awareness and will-power need to be directed in the pursuit of expanding your consciousness, not the size of your bank account.
Let’s assume you have started the process of expanding your awareness and focusing your will, where should you be taking this increased awareness in your life? You should be moving toward a life of service. What I was at pains to point out, was that a life of service does not just involve the usual suspects of socials work and teaching. It involves whatever you chose to do, as long as you do it to the best of your ability and you do it with your heart. That love should not just be for your ego but humanity in general. Now we are getting somewhere.
In your attempts to climb the mountain of ‘truth’, you are going to have to work on the one tool you have at your disposal. That tool is you. It is for this reason that the oracle at Delphi admonished the seeker after the truth to “know thyself”. The vehicles for consciousness expansion at present are your five envelopes of incarnation. Your Physical, your Etheric, your Emotional, your Mental and your Lower Causal bodies. Your permanent atoms and molecule are stuffed full of traits and habits that you need to get on top of. You need to strengthen the good ones and dissipate the bad ones.
So let’s cycle back to the first discipline I mentioned at the start of this presentation, that of Constant Awareness.
Constant Awareness
Some of us are aware, many are not, that we do not perceive the world clearly. Why is this the case? The reason is that our thoughts and emotions are continually getting in the way of how we perceive the world around us. These two envelopes of incarnation colour our perception of the people and events we witness. This has to be acknowledged as one of the major limitations of the Human Race. Why is overcoming this handicap vital for our personal and collective advancement? The reason is that if we are unable to clearly define the problems of life, we are never going to be able to solve them.
Constant Awareness
Some of us are aware, many are not, that we do not perceive the world clearly. Why is this the case? The reason is that our thoughts and emotions are continually getting in the way of how we perceive the world around us. These two envelopes of incarnation colour our perception of the people and events we witness. This has to be acknowledged as one of the major limitations of the Human Race. Why is overcoming this handicap vital for our personal and collective advancement? The reason is that if we are unable to clearly define the problems of life, we are never going to be able to solve them.
Constant Awareness
Some of us are aware, many are not, that we do not perceive the world clearly. Why is this the case? The reason is that our thoughts and emotions are continually getting in the way of how we perceive the world around us. These two envelopes of incarnation colour our perception of the people and events we witness. This has to be acknowledged as one of the major limitations of the Human Race. Why is overcoming this handicap vital for our personal and collective advancement? The reason is that if we are unable to clearly define the problems of life, we are never going to be able to solve them.
Lee Bladon, in his excellent book, The Science of Spirituality, laid out a challenge for his readers. He presented some text, which I show here and he asked the reader to determine how many ‘F’s were in the paragraph.

If you wish to try this exercise, go to my website at and see how many ‘F’s you can spot. Most people guess there are 3, when in fact there are 6. Knowing the answer now, you may smugly think “I will easily find those 6 ‘F’s”. Give it a try, you may just be surprised at how difficult it is. The point of this exercise is to reveal to the reader just how much information the mind actually misses. This is even the case when we are expressly looking for something. What does this all go to reveal? Well, if you can miss things when you are looking for them, imagine how ineffective your mind is when you don’t know what you are looking for.
We miss so much because we are not looking to see the detail. From a survival perspective, this is what it takes for Homosapiens to still be around after hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. When you look at a field, you want to see the tiger lurking behind a bush. Appreciating the pretty berries on the bush is not going to aid in your survival. But returning to our present dilemma, how often are we wrong when we think we are right? How often are we prepared to accept fiction when the truth is staring us in the face?
Delusions plague our lives. Let’s take the example of our emotions. We really are into the realms of fantasy now. We look at the world around us through a fog of emotional illusions. Let me use an example. If a driver cuts you up on the road, you may get angry. There are two possible reasons for what has just happened. The first is that the driver of the other car deliberately and with malicious aforethought, decided to swerve in front of you. The other possibility is that the driver was steering and texting at the same time, an all too common occurrence today and simply did not see you as they pulled into your lane. If this was the case and there was no malicious intent, why are you so angry about the whole episode? I laugh when I think about this. The reason you may get angry is that our minds have a tendency to ‘miss out’ but our emotions have a tendency to ‘add in’. Our emotions may add to the event that the driver was stupid, of the opposite sex, inconsiderate, votes for the ‘other’ party, is blind and reckless. I think you get the idea now. It is almost impossible for most of us to see events as they really are. This is the reason that eye-witness accounts of an incident may vary so wildly. We have to accept to ourselves that we do not have the Mental and Emotional bodies to perceive the world clearly.
Controlling our Various Bodies
We should all be on the same page now with regards to how our subtle bodies function. It is the molecular content of our subtle bodies, those pesky Elemental Essences, that determine how we use our attention. Do we live in hope or do we live in fear? This will determine the content of our envelopes and what we are going to resonate with. To ensure that ‘hope’ is going to be the direction of our lives, we need to control our focus and attention. It is vital for our further evolution. If our attention is not attending to something important, it loses focus. This is when we lose control of our lives.
In the Bhagavad Gita, there is a description of a meeting between Arjuna, a prince and his guardian angel, Krishna. It should be noted that the ‘Krishna’ here is a deva and not the avatar Krishna who incarnated about 6,000 years ago. The story that is recounted is of Arjuna on a battlefield. This has spawned many a painting and movie. The thing is that this imagery is not of a battlefield of soldiers but the battlefield of the mind.
The imagery in this passage is of the Prince riding a chariot pulled by five horses. Note the number ‘5’. Does this ring any bells? Those five horses represent our five senses, which happen to be pulling in all directions. The reins that connect Arjuna to his horses represent the mind. So who is Arjuna? The Monad of course. The star of this whole series of presentations. The passenger, Krishna, in the carriage is the monad’s guardian angel. This is the 13th solar angel that comprises our casual lotus.
The purpose of the story is to encourage us to use our minds to control our sensual desires. This gets back to the central theme of this series of presentations on Personal Development. Focused awareness and will-power need to be developed. When it is, the prize is that we come to know our personal god, our guardian angel. This is the magnificent deva that resides in our superconscious mental body. To achieve wholeness, we need to integrate those five subtle bodies I have listed previously. They can collectively be thought of as our persona.
Each envelope is composed of Matter. It contains Energy within that matter and this develops Consciousness. We have to learn to control these three aspects of ourselves. There is a pecking order when it comes to these subtle bodies. Emotional consciousness can only be controlled by Mental consciousness. Mental consciousness in turn is controlled by Causal consciousness. This chain of command may be getting ahead of ourselves. The main challenge for most of Humanity is to get our minds to control our emotions and desires. I am not suggesting that we go to extremes and ignore or kill our emotions and desires. We do not want to kill the life out of ourselves. What we need to do is to control our emotions and desires and not allow them to control us.
To get to this happy state of affairs, we need to break down the automated behavioural patterns and reactions that have bedevilled us through our entire journey in the 4th Kingdom. Our traits and habits need to be integrated and balanced within our persona. The automated responses of our emotional body give rise to all sorts of feelings about ourselves and others. I represented this in the parable of the Car Driver. We have to learn to disregard these emotional reactions. I have always admitted that this process is very difficult. There are no quick fixes but it is vitally important for us to be successful in ridding ourselves of our uncontrolled emotional reactions. We have a choice. We can ignore them and they slowly wither on the vine, or we can reinforce them by giving them our attention. The bottom line is that to achieve higher consciousness, we have to rid ourselves of our automated patterns of behaviour. It is an absolute prerequisite.
We will never be free to rule our lives until we determine the contents of our mind. This involves controlling our attention. We must desist from letting our mind wander aimlessly. We all have a tendency to latch onto any thought that just happens to be passing through our subtle bodies. This reinforcement of thoughts and emotions that are not even ours, does not further our cause. We live under the curse of our subconscious mind continually feeding our waking consciousness with a stream of thoughts that we think are our own. This is not all a one-way street, though. Our waking consciousness is responsible for continually feeding our subconscious mind with bad habits, illusions and fiction. We reap what we sow. This ends up in an unholy merry-go-round, where negative thoughts and fictitious concepts are continually recycled between our conscious and subconscious minds. The net result is that we end up reinforcing our weaknesses.
This gets back to the advice I mentioned at the start of this presentation. To break this vicious cycle between the two lower aspects of our minds, we need to be persistently aware of our thoughts and feelings. Even then, it is very difficult for these feeling to keep popping up from seemingly nowhere. But let’s be hopeful and say in the future we are only going to give our attention to and reinforce positive influences in our lives. We will discard the negative ones. If we actively strive towards this, the negative influences will grow so weak that they will be unable to send impulses back up to our waking consciousness.
Developing Consciousness
It should be clear by now that if we wish to develop our consciousness, we need to move our attention away from the activities of our subtle bodies. These activities being our senses, our emotions and our thoughts. But isn’t that all that we are at the moment? Yes, it is but that is not all of us. I have been focusing on the battle between our waking consciousness and our subconscious minds. To develop our consciousness further, we need to start to focus our attention on our ‘soul’. I have defined our souls to be the higher part of our mental bodies that reside in the two highest molecular (47:2,3) and one atomic (47:1) level. This has been alternately called the Higher Mental or Causal body. This body is found in our 2nd Triad.
To make real headway in our journey towards our soul, we need to free ourselves from over-identification with our physical bodies. This is easier said than done and takes a very long time to achieve. But it is possible and starts by refusing to pay attention to the lowest negative impulses that emanate from our subtle bodies. When we succeed in doing this, we stave our lowest vibrating Elemental Essences of energy and they lose their vitality and become redundant. We now have the possibility of replacing these unwanted elemental essences with higher vibrating ones.
There is more than one string attached to our violin. Besides watching our automated patterns, emanating from our subconscious, we can also add to the strings of our instrument, by dedicating ourselves to serving humanity. We do this, not for personal gain, but because it is the only way we are going to move our game forward. There is a saying “God helps those that help themselves”. I wish to paraphrase this further and say that “God helps those that help themselves by helping others”.
We should not get obsessed, as many do, about how far we are along the path or how many incarnations we have left. Whenever I am asked the question about incarnations, I just say ‘a lot’. What matters to us, right here and now, is to make the best of this incarnation. Rushing to achieve enlightenment is not going to get us anywhere fast. The challenge is to forget ourselves. In this way, we free ourselves. It can not be overemphasised enough that by helping yourself, you help no one. By helping others, you help yourself. This sounds so obvious now that we have come to the end of this series of presentations. However, how many of us can truly say we are achieving this goal effectively in our lives on a daily basis?
As we progress, as we all must, according to the Law of Development, we must be mindful not to develop ‘spiritual egos’. This is easier said than done. It is difficult to fight the ego head-on. Why? Because while the monad is centred in the 1st Triad we are the ‘ego’. This is akin to punching yourself in the face. There is only one way to transcend the ego. ‘You’ have to transcend it. This involves moving up to the 2nd Triad and becoming your soul. How do we do this? We need to:
- Disassociate ourselves from our egos. We achieve this best by putting the needs of others before ourselves.
- Identify ourselves with our soul by the practices of mediation, contemplation, visualisation, aspiration to unity and the development of virtuous qualities.
“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven” Mathew (18:3). What is Mathew getting at here? Young children are not proud or egotistical. They don’t suppose they know everything. They are also eager to learn. What is more, they do not take life seriously. Neither do they worry about the future. What they do is live in the ‘moment’. Take note of these virtues, for these are the attitudes we need to adopt if we are to enter the 5th, the Kingdom of Heaven.
In the Gospels, Christ is purported to have said:
“no one can see the Kingdom of God without being born again” (John 3:3). He was referring to the 4th initiation, which requires us to dissolve our Causal envelope and be born again into the 5th Kingdom. This is the most terrifying initiation you are ever likely to undertake.
Spiritual Masters
There are many monads incarnate today who are disciples of the Planetary Hierarchy, without even knowing it. Laurency has indicated to us that once a disciple is accepted, they will always remain a disciple. However, they will only be aware of it in three incarnations. That is all. Otherwise, they have to rely on their intuition and inspiration to guide them through incarnations where they are unconscious disciples. This is a test, as I have mentioned before. Disciples have to prove to the Hierarchy that they are committed to working for the betterment of Humanity, not just themselves.
What does knowledge of this imply in our daily lives? Spiritual aspirants have no need for physical masters or gurus. Their guidance comes from their own intuition (47:3) and inspiration (47:2). It should be noted that an authentic Master (i5), would never prematurely activate a chakra in a disciple to accelerate their development. Certain yoga practices do develop Emotional World consciousness. But as I have discussed at length, this is unreliable vision and hinders the development of our consciousness. Yoga is not able to develop Mental or Causal consciousness. The conclusion is that no form of yoga is going to lead you to enlightenment. Chakras activate naturally and require no conscious effort.
Tantra is based on the misconception that stimulation of the sexual organs, activates the Kundalini. This energy emanates from the base of the spine, where the 1st chakra resides. The assumption in the practice of tantra is that it leads to higher states of consciousness, enlightenment or ‘ascension’. All that stimulating your sexual organs achieves, is build up energy in your Sacral chakra, which lies above the 1st chakra. When this sacral energy reaches a critical point, it is released up the spine and exits the Crown chakra. The bottom line is that it is not possible to reach enlightenment through sex. If it was, life would be so much more entertaining.
If perchance, an individual is successful in prematurely activating their kundalini, it would destroy their Etheric Web. This membrane is specifically there to protect us. The individual is now left defenceless against the negative influences that are to be found in the Emotional World. This usually results in insanity. Don’t play with fire!
I wish to finish by saying that authentic masters do not turn the knowledge they possess, into money-making spiritual franchises. They do not channel information, nor do they allow entities to possess them. Seek truth humbly and all will be revealed. It will happen in its own time and in its own manner.
St. Antony said that the “Book of God’s Remembrance is written all around us. We but have to open our eyes to see it”.
With those thoughts ringing in our minds, I draw my series on Life, The Universe and Everything to a close. I hope you have found the information presented about Hylozoics, illuminating. This is not the end, but the end of the beginning. When I summon up the courage, I will start to recount the ‘Further Adventures of the Monad’. I recorded this presentation in February but it will air in August. By then hopefully, the next series will be ready to follow this one.
Hi Kazim
Frank here, not sure who Martin is. You’ve hit the nail on the head when you said that reality is a thought (or dream?) projected from the absolute/metverse. I can recommend the following books that may give you an insight for future presentations.
Stalking the wild pendulam by Itzhak Bentov
Anything by Bernard Kastrup but in particular – Dreamed up reality, More than Allegory , Why Materialism is baloney
Hi Frank
Sorry for misnaming you. One of the many signs of early onset dementia!
Thank you for these two recommendations. I have been able to find the first on an on-line library and got the second from Kindle. I will read them avidly.
All the best
Hi Kazim
An excellent response! So, what you are saying is that it is impossible for science to provide evidence for hylozoics. This is unfortunate, as most people will not take things on face value and are not prepared to make the effort to expand their consciousness.
I have been meditating for several years but unfortunately have not come any closer to discovering any evidence of proof of hylozics, maybe I’m just not destined to meet my guardian angel or have my doubts belayed. I suppose I’m trying to justify my interest in hylozics but cannot shake the feeling that it is futile gesture. Any tips? Have you had any personal experience that you could share that confirms your beliefs?
Dear Martin
You are correct about most people not being prepared to expand their consciousness. This does not really matter. As Laurency says, if you are happy to go long with the jog-trot of Humanity, it will take you approximately 182,000 incarnations to move through the 4th Kingdom. If you want to speed things up and help the rest of Humanity to get there faster, then you have to make an effort.
The interesting thing about Hylozoics is that it makes no sense to people who have not been exposed to it in some way before. This is the gospel according to Laurency. I am rather hoping that you have to start somewhere, so if you are prepared to study what is being said, it may begin to make sense to you for the first time. Maybe this is wishful thinking on my part.
What Laurency tells us is that if we see knowledge, what is it for? Is it a selfish act? I can make the excuse that I seek it to help others find it as well. But what if you are the type who just likes to acquire knowledge, for knowledge’s sake, and then just gloat over it? Clearly, you are not going to impress your guardian angel that way.
The solution is to live a life of service and forget about yourself. In this way the Law of Divine Grace will apply and knowledge will be given to you. I am not suggesting you take up residence in a leper colony.
The reality is that we usually do a combination of both. We seek knowledge and then share it, while serving others in whatever capacity we interact with the world.
I have meditated for a few years now and all it involves is me sitting cross-legged and chanting a few mantras for 40 minutes. I am hopelessly lazy in actually trying to quietening my mind. What I have found much more productive is to contemplate something, rather than trying to meditate. What this has resulted in is that answers to my pondering just drop into my head.
What I have done, from the start of this year, is tune up my body. I have taken my BMI from 23.6 to 19.1. I have also gone vegan. I practice intermittent fasting. My logic is that as I am 60 now, I need to really control how I feed my body if I want the war chariot to carry me into battle for the next 20 years or so. Going vegan was just a logical outcome from this.
So starting from the base, I am purifying the vessel. Now the challenge is going to be filling the vessel with something meaningful and then sharing its contents with other.
Hi Kazim
I just wanted to thank you for a thought provoking and well presented series, it must have taken alot of your time. Having watched all the videos and re-visiting Laurency’s and Lee Bladons books I’m wondering if the hylozoic view of the world needs a more modern interpretation. The newer ideas in quantum physics could be used to help in this. I only suggest this as most of these concepts must be taken on face value with no proof of fact, much like most religions. I am aware that Laurency advised against speculation but I think a new approach would make hylozoics more accessable to people. What are your thoughts on this? Anyway, thank you again, I’m looking forward to the further adventures of the monad.
Hi Frank
I hear what you area saying and Bladon did write a chapter where he compared current scientific theories with world views propounded by various religions.
The first issue that comes to hand in the case of quantum mechanics is that even the inventors of it say they don’t really understand it. Based on this fact, what chance do I have for presenting a coherent argument for any concept?
The second issue is even if you go into the realms of sub-atomic particles, you are still within the Cosmic Physical Plane. What about the other six cosmic planes? If you look at our knowledge, afforded to us by the Hierarchy, practically everything we know about anything, falls within the remit of the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. Into which kingdom do you think the machinations of quantum mechanics fall? I have not got a clue.
I feel you are on safe ground if you draw analogies on concepts like the Big Bang Theory, with the coming into existence of a universe sponsored by an Absolute. But to make it from String Theory to a Hylozoic principle would be very challenging for me to do.
We have to be honest with ourselves and admit that Hylozoics is not for emotionally centred people. It is also more challenging for people who are resonating on Rays 2, 4 and 6. Hylozoics is really for Ray 5 people. This is obviously not an absolute statement but I hope you get where I am coming from.
I think it is easier to relate Gnostic principles to conventional religions, if you wish to reach out to people who are beginning to question their current World view. What has surprised me is the reluctance for students of esoterics, schooled in the Bailey books, to even try and contemplate on the constructs put forward by Laurency. What makes Hylozoics unique is its focus on the matter principle being co-equal to consciousness and energy. Most students of esoterics just can’t accept this.
If you have any direct examples of where you think quantum mechanics and Hylozoics can be linked, please share them with me and I will contemplate further.
Hi Kazim
I agree, it is difficult to relate the complexities of quantum theory to hylozoics and as you say, even if this could be done, with our current understanding, it would only be relevant to the physical realm.
That leads me crux of the matter, all the hylozoic theories are just that, theories. There is no proof that any of it is true (much like string theory). Intuitively, some of them resonate for me but to be honest, it is difficult to except most as true.
I strongly suspect, as Laurency states, that the hylozoic principles are the basis of a much deeper understanding of reality. In Bladon’s book, the monad is described as a negative bubble in the metaverse. This seems to be a more precise definition of a monad than perceiving it as physical matter but this far from a satisfactory explanation of the true nature of the monad. How does this concept of an “atom” become an omniscient being?
Most of religions are on the decline in the western world due to outdated and often nonsensical concepts. Science and materialism have sidelined religion for many people – in the UK only 5% of the population attend a Christian institution.
From a personal level, and maybe to make hylozoics more relatable, I think some sort of proof or modification is required. This maybe provided by new scientific theories and methods, rigorous philosophical debate or even a new “Laurency”. Until this is the case, relying on the words of so called ascended masters is no better than having faith in medieval religious ideas.
I hope you do not think I am belittling your presentations, which I enjoyed immensely but blind faith is not enough for me to accept hylozoics as truth.
Hi Martin
Laurency clearly states that all theories are hypotheses and can only be tested by you expanding your consciousness to a point where you can objectively ascertain what reality is. Now here is the rub. How can science provide proof of anything outside plane-49? It can’t. So you are left with no alternative to find other methods of investigation to go further.
Laurency does state that in not too short a time, science will begin to realise the existence of the etheric spheres of existence. What is more, we have within our own capacity, the ability to view the etheric planes with our physical eyes. We do not need to activate our Navel chakra.
Rigorous debate is going to get us no where, because our philosophical machinations can never know the truth. We are given all we know. We can not come to any startling conclusions ourselves, beyond what is already presented to us, by those monads on the 46th plane that dream up all we know. We can, however, reflect on what we have been given and try to order it is such a way that we provide tenable explanations as to the what we see around us and even things we can not see. I think I will present these views in a presentation in due course.
Now to the concept of the monad being a negative bubble in the metaverse. I feel another presentation coming up even as I think about this! LOL Ok, here is my take on it. You are right, the monad comes from the Anti-Verse and as the word says, it is a monad, which in the Anti-Verse is called a Primordial Atom. This by the way is the theme I discuss in a presentation that airs on the 16th of this month. When it comes into the Universe, it is a space in the fabric of the Anti-Verse but that does not make it non-material. However, the whole universe is just a thought projection from the mind of the Absolute. So, yes, we are a figment of that omniscient imagination but our reality exists in the Anti-Verse, so there is matter involved somewhere. What the process of creation achieves, is that it allows space for the monad to be worked upon by a range of higher monads, until it wakes up and begins to discover its own God-potential.
My next script was going to be on the Absolute. You have given me the theme of how I will present this information. Thank you!
Science, unfortunately, is no more correct than any theological prognostication. There is no such thing as a scientific fact. There are only hypotheses that stand for about 15 years. Hypotheses that stand longer have become dogmas and how does that further our knowledge of the world around us?
So to conclude, we do have to rely on what information is given to us. There is absolutely nothing out there that we have come up with ourselves. We think that this genius or that came up with this or that theorem, but all these ideas were causal. All they did was bring those ideas into a mental configuration. The ideas did not even originate on the causal plane, they came from the Unity Plane (46).
What is the solution to this problem? Expand your consciousness through mediation and then be prepared to be amazed at what you discover. If you are waiting for science to come up with the answers you desire, you may be waiting a very long time. In fact, expanding your consciousness is going to take a long time, but at least you are in charge of the process from your end. Your guardian angel is prepared to meet you half way but you have to start the journey by yourself.