Welcome back to the further Adventures of the Monad. Are you ready for the next set of adventures? I intend to make these presentations shorter because (a) it is going to take less effort on my part and (b) you are less likely to lose the will to live if I keep a presentation to about 10 minutes.
After 77 presentations, I wish now to continue my discussions on topics relating to esoteric matters. The reason for the first 69 presentations, with the 8 recaps, was to lay a foundation, a matrix of ideas, that I could then go further and explore. I have found that whenever I discuss esoteric subjects, in order to explain one theme I need to go back and explain another. This allows the current theme to have a foundation. This can make any discussion very convoluted. For this reason, I decided to lay out a framework that tied together all the basic ideas relating to Life, The Universe and Everything. Now when I raise a topic and people the question, where did I suddenly come up with this or that proposition, I can say, go back and review what has already been laid out. There you will find a coherent framework that is set within a Life and World view, propounded, by the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras. This is the only esoteric framework that links matter, motion and consciousness into one coherent whole. It also does not prioritise one of these fundamental elements over another but states that all three must always be present in any manifestation within the Universe.
So what does having this framework in my back pocket afford me? It allows me to explore my World View, which is objective and my Life View, which is subjective. To understand anything, you first need to set out a hypothesis that outlines what you think you are perceiving. You then have to test that hypothesis and see if you are correct. When you observe a chair, you can go and touch it to convince yourself that it is actually there. You can then sit on it and confirm that it is indeed a chair. When it comes to your subjective hypotheses, you need a framework, like Hylozoics, to build up a model of what you think is going on. However, until you can objectively test that model, all you have is your hypothesis. This is something that should be accepted by all students of the ‘Truth’. You may hold a concept very dearly and tightly to your heart, but what proof do you have of its authenticity? Hylozoics states that you build a coherent model and test it within the limits of your understanding of the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Life. Later, you hopefully gain the objective clarity to determine if you were correct or not. How do you gain this clarity? By developing your consciousness. This allows you to, objectively perceive ever higher planes of matter.
What I have just said would be Greek to most people, but to you, it is all crystal clear, isn’t it? After all, with 69 presentations and 8 recaps in your memory banks, I have said nothing new. If, however you are confused, please revisit the framework I have already laid out. An alternative is to post a question on my YouTube channel or on my website, links to which are in the description box below. I answer all questions that are posed.
So, why is Hylozoics a system of thought that appeals to me? The reason is, I am a scientist by training and I resonate with numbers. Pythagoras is the father of mathematics, so it is no accident that when he set out to describe the world and universe around him, he used a mathematical nomenclature to do so. Why, to a scientist, is this the preferred method? Because it avoids ambiguity. Let me give you an example. Esoterics generally loves flowery words and opaque concepts. This was a way to obscure the truths they were revealing so that it would only make sense to those who had a framework to decode the message. They could understand the ideas being conveyed. Knowledge is power, and knowledge in the hands of those who work for self, rather than working for all, would misuse the knowledge. Take a concept found in Christianity of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. What does this represent? For starters, it is a trinity and somehow this trinity is connected. Christianity is riven with disputes over this one concept, going all the way back to the First Council of Nicaea (CE. 324). I don’t wish to go into the theological debates over this. I just wish to highlight the Gnostic background to this concept.
The Christian creed, proposed at Nicaea and reiterated at the second ecumenical council, was that the Father and the Son were both divine. The Gnostics were not talking about God and Christ. They were talking about the triad structure that is built up by the monad, with a lot of help from devas, as it evolves through the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. The Holy Ghost represents the First Triad, The Son, represents the Second Triad and the Father represents the Third Triad. Understanding this concept in terms of three triad levels of consciousness development is much more precise than thinking of three individuals, even if they are all supposed to all be one. Obviously, you have to know this is what is being meant in the first place. Now I come to the real value of numbers. When you are trying to describe where a monad came from and where it is trying to go, rather than getting lost in reams of words, why not just state where that monad is, using a mathematical code. So when you talk about Christ the Son, you are talking about consciousness on plane 46. Why plane 46 and not plane 45 or plane 47? Because, just as the triads are divided into Motion/Energy, Consciousness and Matter, each triad level itself is divided into these three divisions. Plane 45 is heavily biased towards Energy, plane 46 towards consciousness and plane 47, towards matter. Because we are using numbers to define where we are, when we then use a conceptual term, like consciousness, we know exactly where to place that idea. This is the clarity afforded by looking at the world around us through a Hylozoic lens.

I wish to finish up this presentation by looking at the information contained within Hylozoics and esoterically derived knowledge in general. Where does it come from? Laurency, remember him, stipulates that only knowledge given to us by the Hierarchy can be considered to be correct. You may have an aunt, who is in direct communication with lizard people from Betelgeuse, but alas, she is only being misled by mischievous discarnate entities on the Emotional Plane. The one place the Hierarchy does not hang out is on the Emotional Plane. This is a plane of fantasies and illusions. So where do you go looking for the correct Life and World view? In 1888, H.P Blavatsky, published her magnum opus, the Secret Doctrine, in two volumes. Think of this book as being written in Greek. In the 20th century, the level-45 Master behind the information contained in the Secret Doctrine decided to have another go. Through his amanuensis, Alice Bailey, he wrote a series of books, the most notable of which, is called Cosmic Fire. Consider this book to be the Latin translation of the Greek text in The Secret Doctrine. We are moving in the right direction but how many people speak Latin? Then along comes our friend Laurency and presents the first three levels, out of seven, of teachings that were available to students of a mystery school founded by Pythagoras. Suddenly you have a book written in English. What a relief. Not only is this book understandable, but it presents its ideas within a number-derived framework. This allows the student to place concepts precisely and not get confused by alternative positions where that idea could be posted. Sheer genius. What makes Hylozoics the preferred framework to adopt, is that it is grounded in matter, consciousness and motion. It is also within a Western framework of logic. This makes it easier for someone who is exposed to the Western scientific method, to get their heads around the principles being proposed. Blavatsky had a problem. She was trying to introduce ideas to a Western audience and the only nomenclature she had was based, not in ‘Greek’, as it ended up sounding like, but in Sanskrit. No wonder the reader is bamboozled. Hylozoics gets around this by, firstly, using numbers where possible and then using descriptive terms in English. So the Bodhisattva becomes the World Teacher, better known to you and me, as Christ/Maitreya.
Well, I have made a start. I am pondering if I wish to carry on with the triadic structure, briefly outlined, or go right back to the beginning of the Universe and outline some of my thoughts on this topic. Find out next week!