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Finally, we come to the top of the ladder as far as the evolution of matter is concerned. We have been on a long journey. We entered the Universe, from the Anti-Verse as a spinning mass of potential, but unconscious matter. We circulated around all the planes of matter when they were finally all built out, all 49 of them, three times. We then got a massive jolt from the Second Logos and found ourselves conscious. Conscious we may have been, but we were only passively conscious. This meant we could be acted upon by other consciousnesses and we would obey instructions, robotically. The pay-off for us was that we were being stimulated by consciousness fields far in access of our own. This was waking us up further. Our journey into secondary matter started at the top of the Cosmic Physical Plane (43), actually Plane-44 and headed down towards Plane-48. Once we got to Plane-48, we were vibrating in the densest matter we had experienced so far.  Another transformation suddenly overcame us and we finally became actively conscious. We were now Tertiary matter and we started our evolutionary journey into the lowest of all the planes of matter, Plane-49. What had changed from the state we are in before? The transformation, and it was a major one, was that we now had a memory. We were still not able to control our own destiny, but we could be taught how to perform tasks and we were then in a position to initiate those tasks if conditions were suitable. 

Where to next? A tertiary monad starts from the 49th plane of matter and slowly evolved its way back up to Plane-43. When it gets there, it is time for another thunderbolt from the Gods. This time that ‘God’ is the First Logos, also known as ‘Shiva’ in Hindu mythology. The monad now is woken up to be, not just conscious, but to be self-conscious. What does being self-conscious actually mean? You may say, “I am self-conscious”. “I know I exist”. This is true, but what if I told you a rock was self-conscious as well? You may look askance at me and think, “what is he prattling on about”? Think about it, you were previously a tertiary monad. You may have been conscious but initiated nothing yourself. You were still being programmed by more conscious monads. You could remember this programming but you had no scope to change it. How do you go from that to being a sentient human being? That is quite a jump. The reality is, the journey to becoming ‘us’ is still a very long journey and one that started for us a very long time ago. In fact, it started at the formation of our Solar System. You may then say, well that is 4.5 billion years ago, right? Well, actually, no! The cosmology propounded today by astronomers is hopelessly off the mark. If you understand the concepts of the 49 planes of matter and how long it takes them to come into formation, 4.5 billion years just does not cut it. As a rough guide, H.P Blavatsky, in her magnum opus the Secret Doctrine, stated that the duration of our Universe would be approximately 315 trillion years! I do not believe for a moment that this is an accurate figure, for that is a closely guarded secret, known only to those who regulate that time. However, in giving this information to us, the Hierarchy is letting us know that evolution is a long, drawn-out process.

Getting back to our journey into Quaternary matter, I mentioned we began at the start of this Solar System. What is more, at that time, we were at a level of consciousness commensurate with that found in the Mineral Kingdom. To understand how that is and how it works, re-visit my earlier presentations related to the Group Soul and how that develops. The concepts of schemes, chains, rounds and globes, as you all well know, if one of my favourite topics. We are currently circulating around the Earth Chain. Three chains prior to this, we are circulating around another body of our planetary logos, who itself was evolving. At this stage in its development, there were all the stages of development we find in our chain today. That chain looked and functioned very differently from our own and I don’t want to get drawn into its mechanics. What I wish to draw your attention to is the fact that at this time, we as monads, were functioning as quaternary matter, but were at the first stage of our development. This stage is known as the Mineral Kingdom.

So, how is a mineral monad self-conscious? That is a very good question. The answer is that at this stage in the evolutionary path of a monad, it is aware of an inner and an outer. That is all. It can feel pressure. It is slowly, very slowing, becoming self-aware. Something interesting happens when a monad reaches the final material level of its evolution, that of becoming quaternary matter. It starts off on Plane-43 and remains there. What, I hear you say. “but I thought you said we, as humans, evolve through all of the Cosmic Physical Kingdom, from Plane-49 to Plane-43 and beyond. We do, but we do so in a very special way. Once we ascend to the peerage and become quaternary matter, we are so energetic now, that we are no longer able to physically descend back into the Cosmic Physical Plane. How then are we to evolve? This is achieved by the services of the Devic Kingdom. They are the masters of matter. We, one day, will become the masters of consciousness. They construct a series of nine triadic envelopes that will serve as homes for us to store the knowledge that we gain, as we evolve our consciousness through the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. Note, that I use the phrase, “we evolve our consciousness”. If you have been paying attention to the fundamental axiom of Hylozoics, you can not have ‘consciousness’ by itself. This is true, but you can project it and that is exactly what we do. We project our consciousness into triadic structures that are composed of primary, secondary and tertiary matter. The inter-relationship between these four grades of matter is going to be the topic of the next presentation. For the time being, I just wish to point out that to continue our evolutionary ascent back up ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ we need to cooperate with all the three lower grades of matter and through the structures they provide for us. We are thus able to evolve, first through the Mineral Kingdom, then through the Plant Kingdom, on to the Animal Kingdom and we finally arrive where we are today, in the Human Kingdom. We have further to go, all the way up to the 6th Solar Kingdom, before we graduate from the Cosmic Physical Kingdom and begin our cosmic adventures.

The take-home from this presentation is that matter progresses through 4 major phases. It starts off being potentially conscious. It then evolves to being passively conscious. It then becomes actively conscious, with a memory. Finally, it graduates to become quaternary matter. It is now on a journey to becoming self-activating and self-conscious. It is not quite there when it first transforms into quaternary matter, but it has the foundations now to continue its evolution until it finally reaches the 4th, the Human Kingdom. Clearly, the Human Kingdom is not the end of the journey, but it is the end of the ‘evolutionary’ journey. Beyond the 4th Kingdom is ‘expansion’ not evolution, but a discussion of that is many presentations ahead. Until the next time.

8 thoughts on “78. QUATERNARY MATTER”

  1. Hi Kazim!

    Are Devas who inhabit the Cosmic Physical Plane 44-49 physically on the plane 43:1 or they only focus their consciousness here as human monads do?

    1. Hi Alexey

      You ask a good question. I do not have a specific answer given to us by the Hierarchy. However, using our Hylozoic framework, let us work up a possible answer. Why do monads, when they reach quaternary matter, need to park themselves on Plane-43? It must be to do with their energy status. Remember, these monads include minerals, plants and animals. Devas are drawn from the ranks of these three lower kingdoms of nature, just like we are. So, if the rule apply to them, they must also apply to the devas. Hope that satisfies you.

  2. Another thing that could be said is that the bodies of plants, animals and humans are made of minerals and that the minerals that make up those bodies are Monads of Quarternary matter at higher and higher stages of development. If this is a fact then it would help explain the consciousness of rocks to those who have trouble comprehending.

    1. From what I understand, minerals do make up the substructure of higher monads on planes 49:5-7. However, the minerals themselves are composed of Tertiary Matter, the mineral is only one monad in a mass of tertiary monads. All are evolving.

      Getting drawn into the higher vibrating environment of other monads is beneficial to plants, when eaten by animals or us. This is not the case for animals when eaten by us, unfortunately.

        1. If I understand you correctly, you are saying a good way to explain how a rock may be conscious, is that it dwell within the body of something that is. That is a difficult argument to make. We are full of micro-plastics. Because we are conscious, does that make the micro-plastic conscious as well? Because one thing is conscious and is made up of other things, does not make those things conscious as well. That would be a difficult sell.

          Hylozoics starts from a different premise that states that regardless what anything is, it is composed of monads and monads exist in four stages of higher consciousness, starting from potentially consciousness and finally arriving at being self-conscious. If you do not accept the basic concept of what a monad is, it is unlikely that any other explanation is going to fly.

        2. Can you help me understand how the antiverse full of only primordial matter with only potential consciousness can have a monad that has a thought that creates a universe?

          1. The clue to this comes from a number of scriptures but let’s stick to the Bible. The Old Testament alludes to God hovering over the “deep”. Let’s postulate that the “deep” is Primordial Matter, present in the Ante-Verse. Notice I have changed the spelling from “Anti” to “Ante”. My mistake. The Primordial Matter has infinite density and infinite elasticity. This means there is no space present and it is always present, so there is no time. God somehow hovers over this matter. This means there is a separation between unconscious primordial matter and a fully realised monad, which is what the Absolute is. This space is probably created by the consciousness field of the Absolute. This is what creates the space that Primordial Matter migrates into so as it evolves. Quite how this all works will have to wait to be determined when we can objectively observe the Ante-Verse. The Absolute can. This is where its reality lies. The Universe is a figment of its imagination.

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