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 There are four basic classes of matter in the Universe. I have described two of them so far, Primary matter and Secondary matter. Primary matter is the foundation of the entire universe and is found everywhere and in everything. It is also exclusive to Intergalactic Space. Once you enter a cosmos, then you enter the world of the lower planes of matter, from Plane-2 to Plane-49. The lowest seven of these planes now include Secondary matter. We discussed how this matter had undergone a transformation that rendered it passively conscious. This is a huge change, as this allows other, further evolved monads, for the first time, to be able to interact with matter. Primary matter exists by itself only on the 1st Plane and can only be controlled by the most evolved monads in the Universe. Once you enter interstellar space, these 1-Atoms are aggregated into larger structures, 49 units at a time. This not only create new planes of matter, but it also creates new opportunities for consciousness  to develop on these planes. However, the transformation that occurs from Primary to Secondary matter does not occur until you enter the Cosmic Physical Plane, which starts on Plane-43 and heads down to Plane-49. This transformation is overseen by an august being known as the Second Logos.

As evolution starts from above, not below, the Universe is stuffed full of extremely evolved monads that are building out the planes of matter below themselves. How did they get there in the first place? They must have evolved, to whatever consciousness level they manifest, in a previous universe. They had teleported into the new universe when their respective level is created by beings above them and they start to work. What they end up building is a ‘ladder’, Jacob’s ladder, if you will. This ladder serves as a stairway, quite literally, to Heaven. This stairway is now available to newly evolving monads to ascend the ladder from the bottom up. 

This is where Secondary matter makes its entry, as this is an ‘evolution’ of the Primary matter that formed the foundation of all that exists. Why do we need this secondary matter? Because it forms a matrix of conditionality’s that allow higher classes of monads to evolve. This leads nicely into the formation of this new class of monad, the Tertiary Atom or monad. This monad is part of the Second logos’ transformational process. Our secondary monad has entered the Cosmic Physical Plane and begins to descend towards Plane-49. Why? Because it wants to evolve further, driven on by the Law of Development. To achieve this objective, it has to enter denser and slower vibrating environments. This journey ends for the Secondary atom on Plane-48. When it enters the highest subplane of Plane-49, it transforms into a Tertiary atom and for the first time becomes actively conscious. This is a momentous event. How does it impact how the Tertiary atom behaves? It allows the monad, for the first time, to carry out instructions by itself. The Secondary monad had to be programmed and it just robotically did what it was told. The Tertiary atom still needs to be programmed but now is able to carry out those instructions by itself, afterwards. It does not need to be held within the consciousness stream of a higher monad to carry on doing what it has been instructed to do. This has a host of creative possibilities afforded to any monad designing vehicles for other monad’s to evolve through.  I will expand on this shortly. So where are tertiary atoms found on Plane-49? The answer is just about everywhere. The whole of Plane-49 is composed of tertiary matter. Getting back to our model of how atoms on every new plane are composed of some repeating unit of 49 smaller atoms from the plane above, the tertiary atom, must be composed of the secondary atom from Plane-49, or are they? This is where I need you to think back to how each new atomic plane is formed. Each new cluster of 49 primary atoms goes towards creating the next plane of matter. These clusters are all primary atoms that have had their energy levels shielded by the effect of being inside ever-larger clusters of monads. If a secondary atom is functioning on Plane-48, it is still just a single monad. It is as small and cute as any primary monad, it just has gone from being potentially conscious to being passively conscious. The rest of the atomic structure of that particular plane of matter is still composed of primary atoms. So, in the case of our tertiary atom, it sits in a cluster, if it is on the 49:1 plane, of 1.35 x 1081 primary atoms. What makes this cluster different, is that embedded in it there is one monad that is now actively conscious. This makes its effect on all those little primary atoms quite intense. They are suddenly in the consciousness field of a much more evolved monad. This is beneficial to both parties. The primary atoms are being energetically stimulated, which is helping them to wake up. The tertiary atom has a vehicle at its disposal to continue its evolution, for now, it is evolving. It is no longer involving like the secondary atom was.

So, what exactly is our newly minted tertiary monad capable of? Well, like our secondary monad, not a lot. At least, not a lot until it is programmed by a more evolved monad. Active consciousness for a tertiary monad means that when it is instructed to do something, it does so faithfully because it remembers how to do it. This memory is crucial. The secondary atoms do not have any memory. Once you come below the atomic leave on a plane of matter in the Cosmic Physical Kingdom, you form molecular structures. On the lowest of these, 49:7, you have the physical matter we see all around us. Let us take an example of a muscle cell, contained within a muscle fibre. The cells are composed of atoms that cohesively function as  muscle cells. What does a muscle cell do? It contracts and relaxes. In doing this, it coordinates with other muscle cells that go on to bring about an action. As an example, you may be hitting a tennis ball with a racket. When you start to play tennis, you are clumsy at striking the ball. But as you practice, you become more proficient. What you are doing is creating, what is termed muscle memory. How can a muscle have a memory? I thought memory was supposed to exist in our brain cells, not in our forearms? Yet we use this term glibly and don’t give it a second thought. Now you can begin to see that because our muscles are made of clusters of monads that have a controlling monad that is now actively conscious, those clusters can be trained to carry out repeated tasks to the point that when you become proficient, you do not have to think about hitting a ball, it just happens. Your arm knows what to do. Thank you tertiary matter! This also explains why footballers miss penalties. Rather than relying on their muscle memory to kick the ball, they overthink what they are doing and start to reprogram their muscles. What do you find when you are starting from the beginning? You are not good at what you are doing. Hence, they miss an opening that is 24-feet wide!

I have outlined what tertiary matter is and what differentiates it from the two classes of matter that precede it. When I have finished describing all the classes of matter, I intend to then relate how all these classes interact with one another, what structures they find themselves in and how this benefits the total evolutionary processes that occur within the realms of the Cosmic Physical Plane. Does tertiary  matter only exist on Plane-49? The answer is no. Tertiary matter is evolving and in doing so, it moves back up the ladder of planes towards the top of the Cosmic Physical Plane, Plane-43. What happens when it gets back to this plane? You will find out in the next presentation.

3 thoughts on “77. TERTIARY MATTER”

  1. Hi Kazim,
    I find this new series of posts really clear. I also think that examples like the one about the tennis player help a lot.
    Thank you again for your efforts in spreading your knowledge. I really think that one day all these concepts will become the basis for future education of people.


    1. Hi Roberto

      I am glad you are enjoying my latest output. I am writing the scripts from memory. I am not referring to any documents or books. I am communicating what I know, the way I know know it and in the manner I want to say it. I will wander across topics that I find interesting and hope that others find what I am communicating interesting as well.



  2. Hi Kazim,
    I find this new series of posts really clear. I also think that examples like the one about the tennis player help a lot.
    Thank you again for your efforts in spreading your knowledge. I really think that one day all these concepts will become the basis for future education of people.


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