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I ended my last presentation by introducing the central role the triad envelope plays in our evolution through the 4th Kingdom of Nature. This diagram represents our present and our future. I will get to that in due course. I, however, wish to start by looking at  our past. When I say past, I really mean ‘past’. This visual representation of what is essentially an organisation of tertiary matter, is our house, but it was also our home in the past. What am I getting at? What you see presented before you came into being, not when we causalised into the 4th Kingdom, but when we entered the 1st Kingdom of Nature. Yes, this structure is that old. Does this mean that all the divisions you see in it at present were all present and correct at its inception? The answer is ‘no’. But by the very same token, neither is what you see built out now, is as it is represented in the diagram. Think of the triad structure more as an intention rather than an actuality. The template is there and the atoms are ready to be activated. However, it is up tp us, from the ground up, to painstakingly build each envelope and move from one permanent atom or molecule to another.

So, starting with the lowest triad, the Physical, when a monad receives the outpourings of the 1st Logos, it becomes more than just an actively conscious being. It moves from the realms of tertiary matter, where it was assigned tasks by more conscious monads, to work its way up to being self-conscious, as we are now. Tertiary matter dwells within the 6 lowest kingdoms out of 12, from Plane-44 down to Plane-49. On these planes, it essentially performs the same function. It provides an envelope for other monads to dwell within and perform whatever function flows out from this organisation. The envelope could be a nucleus, the envelope of a molecule, a cell in a body or the etheric, emotional or mental body around us. This predilection to assembling envelopes continues all the way up to the 44th plane. Beyond that, the tertiary monad gets ‘knighted’ and becomes a quaternary monad. It then parachutes back down to the 49th plane into the Mineral Kingdom, to continue its evolutionary cycle. This is where you find us at the start of our next journey.

The explanation I have given sounds simple but it is anything but. To get from the 43rd plane of matter back to the 49th, a monad involvates back down each plane. This process takes a long time and is linked to actions of the Globes and Rounds that precede the appearance of the 49th globe in any chain. For your interest, we are on the 4th globe, having completed three previous Rounds on the 4th Chain of our Planetary Logos’ scheme. This scheme is its evolutionary path. I will restrain myself and not go down that rabbit hole in this series of presentations.

On entering the Mineral Kingdom, the monad begins to have its consciousness slowly activated. This takes aeons of time; to throw a stick at it, maybe 45 billion years. That is a lot longer than current science thinks the whole Universe has been in existence. We went through this process ourselves, but not on this planetary chain. Let’s look at our chain. A monad arrives right down at ground zero, 49:7, the lowest plane of matter. What is it here to do? It starts to distinguish between differences in temperature and pressure. It is also vibrating strongly enough to get the first apprehensions of an inner and an outer. What does that achieve? It begins the long process of developing an objective consciousness. What is an objective consciousness? One that can perceive, through five senses, what is around it. What can do that? Animals can. So in developing objective consciousness, the mineral monad is on its way towards the Animal Kingdom. Even in the Animal Kingdom, five senses are not perceived in their entirety. Think of a cave cricket. It is blind. One sense missing, not developed yet.  The mineral monad gradually learns to apprehend external reality.  What is happening is that the monad is exposed to a repetition of stimuli. After innumerable experiences, its responses are organised into what we call ‘nature’. There is an instinctive striving by the monad to adapt and this slowly increases its consciousness. Minerals are absorbed by plants, not to mention animals and humans. In all three grades of monad, the mineral monad experiences a process of vitalisation. The monad learns to receive and adapt to this etheric stimulus. This is a precursor to it eventually entering the Plant Kingdom. 

All this action was taking place in the material envelope on the 1st Triad. After passing through a complete chain, the monad is migrated to the next chain by much higher conscious entities. It enters this chain and begins  the process of slowly condensing into what will eventually become a plant. Needless to say, this process takes an exceedingly long period of time, with periods of rest called pralayas, which themselves are exceedingly long. A monad in the 2nd Kingdom of Matter now has a fully functional material envelope, all the way up to the 49:5 level. It is still, however, only subjectively aware of its physical existence. It is as if the plants are dreaming. Plants now start to develop the etheric envelope as well (49:2 to 49:4). Note that the 49:1 permanent atom does not feature in this equation. Monads only become aware of their atomic structure when they reach the 5th Kingdom of Nature. The monad is still focused in the 49:1 permanent atom. However, the plant monad begins to slowly build out its emotional envelope, activating the lowest molecules present there (48:7). When I say it begins to build out, I hope you realise by now that I am talking about our friends the devas doing all the heavy lifting. Many books have been written about how our potted house plants are sensitive to our feelings. Well, you can’t be emotionally sensitive unless you have a functional emotional body. But they don’t have a functional emotional body yet, so how are they sensing? It is their etheric body that is thrilling to surrounding stimuli and the nascent emotional body is recording it.

We have now evolved our monad through two Kingdoms of Nature and two triad envelopes have been activated by the time a plant comes along. However, all this activity has been conducted in a subjective environment. Neither minerals nor plants are able yet to objectively perceive their surroundings. This may sound strange at first, but if you think about it, what tools does a rock or a plant have at its disposal to objectively sense its surrounding and how would it process the data received? This is where the next major step in the evolution of consciousness takes place. You may have noticed that some plants exhibit distinctively animal-like qualities. The Venus Fly Trap is one example. This indicates that plants are elevating their game. Along comes another chain and the monads arrive here ready to begin to consolidate their gains and expand on them. The major change that happens in the Animal Kingdom is that the animal monad is now objectively aware of its physical environment, 49:5 to 49:7 (gas, liquid, mineral). It has sense organs to perceive these states. The etheric spheres, 49:2 to 49:4 are subjectively perceived in their entirety, whereas in plants, it was only partial. It should be noted that the animal monad is still located in the 49:1 permeant atom, found in the Physical envelope. It is now also partially aware, at a subjective level, of its emotional environment. Also, note another major advancement that could easily go unnoticed. Subjective perception has begun to appear within a mental envelope. The animal monad is opening its account in the Mental envelope and completing the activation of all the envelopes of the 1st Triad. Without a mental body, how is an animal going to process the physical world around it? You can see that objective perception requires a monad to evolve to the point of beginning to have access to the mental world, before it can be objectively conscious anywhere. Note, however, that the monad perceives the external world around it objectively through its senses, but its thoughts and emotions are only registered in its ‘mind’, not actually seen. This is not to say that emotions or thoughts are not materially real. It is just that further development of the monad’s consciousness has to occur before objective perception in these envelopes can be achieved.

When does this perception arrive? When the monad raises the bar again and migrates into the 4th, the Human Kingdom. That is going to be the topic of my next presentation.

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