AM-81 Introduction to the Triad

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After a quick detour into what constitutes a plane of matter and what constitutes a world, I wish now to return, as promised, to fathom how we, as a quaternary monad, exist on the 43rd plane, yet we currently function on planes 47 to 49. I have already mentioned that monads contain immense amounts of energy. This energy comes from the Anti-Verse and is continually supplied to us from there. Now I am going to ask you to get your head around something quite esoteric, in a metaphorical sense. A monad is too energetic to exist anywhere else but on the 1st Plane of Matter, yet we have 48 planes of matter below this 1st Plane. How can something that is too energetic to leave its natural habitat, leave it and form new planes? This is achieved by individual primary atoms clustering into a unit of 49 monads and this creates another atom, a 2-Atom that is larger, denser and less energetic than the Primary Atom. These 2-Atoms can form another cluster of 49 atoms and this results in another plane of matter coming into existence, Plane-3. Carrying on this clustering results in a 49-Atom at the bottom of this material ladder that has 1.35×1081 individual monads contained within its structure. So at the very bottom of the planes of matter, you have a monad that is locked up in a very large cluster, yet still on the 1st Plane of Matter. That is challenging to grasp but important to model in your mind because of what I am about to talk about next.

A monad is capable of being in two places at once. Quantum theorists and experimental physicists have come to this conclusion as well. They are of course dealing with much larger structures than a 49-Atom, let alone a monad, but the underlying theory is the same. When we say that after its evolution through tertiary matter, the monad transforms into quaternary matter at the 3rd Outpouring by the 1st Logos, where does this happen? It happens on Plane-43. This is the root plane for the Cosmic Physical Kingdom but never enters it. Of course, it can’t, it is a higher plane. What I am getting at, is that a monad functioning here is not able to enter the six planes of matter below, directly. If this is the case, how is the monad to continue its evolution? It may be on the path to self-consciousness but it starts off being unconscious of itself. After all, it has just entered the Mineral Kingdom and clearly, there is a long way to go from here. The waking up process requires a home for the monad to occupy, but it has to be a virtual home. It can’t be there directly, but it can focus its consciousness, what there is of it to start with, into a structure called a permanent atom. Is this any different to ‘not really being there’ on the 43rd plane as well? Not really, but somehow we tend to model the quaternary monad as being embedded in the 43-atom and then not being present in the planes below this one. The salient point to grasp is that the monad is effectively present in three places at once, the 1st Plane, the 43 Plane and whatever plane it happens to be evolving through in the six kingdoms that comprise the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. There are also structures called permanent molecules. I describe the similarities and differences between permanent atoms and molecules shortly. What is this permanent atom/molecule actually composed of? Well, ultimately, of primary atoms, but each cluster of these Plane-49 atoms is controlled by one tertiary monad. 

We now have a very special unit of matter, because this unit does not dissolve between incarnations. Why is this important? In previous presentations, I have mentioned that our envelopes of incarnation, the Physical/Etheric, the Emotional and the Mental, all dissolve after each incarnation. These envelopes send their component parts into the general pool of matter on that plane for reuse. Whatever, those envelopes were doing, and I will get to that eventually, if they are dissolved, isn’t all that was experienced and learnt, lost? It would be if it was not for these permanent atoms and permanent molecules. Because tertiary matter has a memory, these permanent structures, which are essentially tertiary matter, store your memories. This is where the memories of your past lives are stored. This is where all your complexes and neuroses are stored. This is, what is called by psychologists, your subconscious. What these memories are doing here and not residing somewhere else in your series of envelopes, is something that I will deal with in due course. For the time being, I just want to reiterate that your permanent atoms and molecules are tertiary matter that does not dissolve and for a very good reason. They are your memory of everything you have experienced since you migrated into quaternary matter. Yes, this does mean that your memories of your passage through the Mineral, Plant and Animal Kingdoms are all stored here as well. That is a lot of data and these structures must be phenomenal in their construction and function.

Where have we got to so far? We have a quaternary monad sitting in a permanent atom on the 43rd Plane and there are six planes of matter below it. Each plane has a permanent atom on it and is ready to function as a temporary home for our evolving monad. Wait a minute, I mentioned that there were permanent molecules as well as permanent atoms. Where are they?  This is where we come to the most important of structures in our passage through the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. We now need to discuss the Triad? What is this and how is it composed? The triad is a physical structure that is constructed by devas that allow a quaternary monad to function in an environment, where otherwise, it would not be able to go. So what exactly is a triad composed of? Well, as it says on the tin, a triad is a permanent triplet of evolutionary atoms. What do we mean by evolutionary matter? Tertiary matter of course. This structure accompanies a monad through its entire evolution from the Mineral Kingdom to the 6th Kingdom of Nature. Who builds this triad structure? The devas, who else?

As the name implies, the triad is composed of three units. The first triad consists of a mental molecule (47:4), an emotional atom (48:1) and a physical atom (49:1). This is where you see the appearance of the permanent molecule. At the top of each plane of matter,  you have the atomic structure. The subsequent six subplanes are molecular. Each subunit of the triad comprises three separate envelopes; tertiary matter again. This means you are going to have nine subunits in total. This implies that two of the six planes of matter have to have permanent structures on them, but they can’t be atomic, as atom structures can only exist at the top of a plane of matter. This means that there has to be a permanent structure to store our memories that are molecular, not atomic. That is why you have the mental molecule (47:4). On the second triad, you have the spiritual molecule (45:4), the Unity atom (46:1) and the Mental atom (47:1). Finally, we come to the Third Triad. This consists of the Lower Monadic permanent molecule (43:4), the Divine permanent atom (44:1) and the Spiritual atom (45:1).

Evolution in our Solar System is evolution through the triads. It is important to note that the monad activates its triads from below, not above. We have to climb this ladder. We may get help, but every step of the way is taken by us. How the triad units relate to one another and how they evolved through the four Kingdoms of Nature are going to be the topics of my next presentation.

4 thoughts on “AM-81 Introduction to the Triad”

  1. Hello Kazim,
    your sentence “a 2-Atom that is larger, denser and less energetic than the Primary Atom.” makes me think about the principle of energy conservation.
    Where and how is energy released during the passage from 1-atom to 2-atom, as the latter is less energetic than the former?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Roberto

      This is tricky one to answer. The monad gets its energy from the Anti-Verse. The supply is unlimited so the monad never runs out. When the monad units with 48 other monads and creates a 2-Atom, it effectively creates an envelope around itself that shields it energy and dulls it. In truth the monad has never left the 1 Plane of matter, so it has never had to lose any energy. The energy appears less on the 2nd plane of matter because a new structure has been formed on a new plane of matter. Rather like doing a statistical analysis, you have lost one degree freedom. You have also lost one dimension. That is the best way I can think of to explain it. Energy has been conserved, as it was never lost. It is just veiled. Hope that makes sense. K

  2. Hello Kazim,
    your sentence “a 2-Atom that is larger, denser and less energetic than the Primary Atom.” makes me think about the principle of energy conservation.
    Where and how is energy released during the passage from 1-atom to 2-atom, as the latter is less energetic than the former?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Roberto

      I checked through my past presentations and saw this question, sorry for not spotting it earlier.

      Is the energy released or is it just shielded. Technically, the monad never leaves plane one, so it must conserve its energy. But there may also be a release of energy and this may help in the formation of the subplanes. I am not sure.

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