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In our look at the triad structure with all its envelopes, we have come to realise that we have six permanent atoms and another three permanent molecules. They sit in envelopes but are they all active? The answer is ‘no’. Is this surprising? Not really, especially if you look again at the structure of this triad and realise what a big jump it is to go from one level on a triad to the next. The first triad is associated with matter. Yet, when you look at the triad, it has two envelopes that are not related to matter. One says ‘Emotional’ and the other says ‘Mental’. But wait a minute, everything is composed to matter, so whether it says matter on the tin or not, it has to be composed of matter. Right? Yes, that is correct. So, here are the attributes of the full triad structure that we must grasp. 

There are two gradients running in this matrix. If you look at the triads, there are three of them. They each have a designation. The lowest is called the Material Triad, the next Triad is called the Consciousness Triad and the final Triad is called Motion or Energy Triad. In Christian spiritual teachings, these three Triads were referred to as Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost designation is a bit confusing. Let me explain why it got this title and not what it had originally, which was ‘Mother’. The Church Fathers sought to downplay the importance of the feminine principle in every way they could. They made an exception for the icon of Mary because she was too deeply entrenched in the minds of their congregations, in the form of a mother goddess, Isis, Ishtar, etc. Changing the name to Holy Ghost was not necessarily being inaccurate, except who knows what the ‘Holy Ghost’ really means. From the Christin perspective, I have not got a clue what the Holy Ghost truly means.  But from an esoteric perspective, I do! You would expect that, wouldn’t you! The Holy Ghost is your Solar or Guardian Angel. Devas are the controllers and masters of the Matter principle. This links in well with the fact that the First Triad is linked to matter.

The Second Triad is linked to the Consciousness principle. In Christian terminology, this is called the ‘Son’. At the centre of this triad, you have Plane-46, which is called the Unity or Essential plane. Its defining attributes are Love and Wisdom. The principle of Christ is founded on the Love principle.  Here we have the Son and the Son represents love in the form of Christ. Who is Christ? We know him as the Lord Maitreya, the first disciple of the Lord Buddha. He is the current reigning Bodhisattva or World Teacher. He does not dwell on the 46th plane. He is much too exalted for that. He dwells on the 43rd plane. He is effectively outside the triad structure but has not dissolved it yet. This allows him to venture into the lower worlds of the Solar System if he chooses to do so. Here is a question for you. If Christ represents ‘Love’, who or what represents ‘Wisdom’. It is the Lord Buddha. He use to be the World Teacher, head of the 2nd Ray and an all-around good guy. This monad has been responsible for the consciousness evolution of Humanity for a very long time, much longer than Christ/Maitreya will be. Lucky Christ. If you examine the exoteric religions of Christianity and Buddhism, you may be aware that Christianity focuses on the monad’s evolution through the ‘love’ principle. Buddhism, on the other hand, focuses on wisdom. I digress here, but I thought it was something worth pointing out. So, the Christ principle of ‘Love’ is found on the Second Triad and this is also known as the Son.

What lies above the Son? The Father of course. Do you get the imagery? Father, Son and Holy Ghost, or as it should be Father, Son and Mother. After all, it is your mother that brings you into physical incarnation. This vertical classification can also be designated as Spirit, Soul and Persona. The difference between the  ‘soul’ and the ‘spirit’ is not arbitrary. They represent two completely separate triads. When you see them used in biblical texts, realise that the writers of these texts are drawing your attention towards two separate triadic levels. The authors of the New Testament were Gnostics and this is their symbology. As an interesting aside, biblical teaching says that the Church is the custodian of your soul. But if in theological understanding the ‘spirit’ is above the ‘soul’, then the Church does not have total control over all of you. So guess what? At one of their many conferences, the Church decided that the ‘spirit’ was subservient to the ‘soul’, so they had you hook, line and sinker.

Looking at the vertical gradient of the triad from a Hylozoic perspective, you have Energy/Motion, Consciousness and Matter. These attributes are found in every monad. What changes, as the monad evolves, is that the relative importance of these three attributes, change as well. This brings me to the horizontal gradient found on each of the three triads. Just as you have a focus on one of the three aspects of all creation, vertically, you also have gradient running horizontally from left, which exemplifies the Energy/Motion aspect, through Consciousness, which is found in the middle of each triad plane, finally to Matter on the right. This can be seen on the 1st plane, as our physical/etheric envelopes are the most material and our mental envelopes are the most energetic. On the Second Triad, the Causal envelope is the most material. This is ironic because to us, our causal envelope appears to be the most refined. This just goes to show that what may seem set in tablets of stone on one plane of matter, may not and usually does not, apply on the next. The Unity Plane, 46, represents the consciousness aspect on the Second Triad, with Plane-45, the Lower Spiritual, representing Energy/Motion.

What does this gradient imply for a monad situated in one of the three envelopes on any plane? It means that for a monad in the Causal envelope, its speciality is Matter. This makes sense if you think of Platonic Solids, which represent causal thought. An entire book appears on the Causal plane as a geometric shape. Remember also that the Causal Body is really an extension of the Mental body and this body is firmly rooted in the 1st Triad, even if it is the least material of the three envelopes found there. Once you enter the Fifth Kingdom, matter becomes a lot less important. You are stepping into Unity Consciousness. Although your monad remains a discrete entity, you become one with all the other monads in your group. You can not be them physically, but you can be them ‘consciously’. Matter has now receded into the background, whereas on the First Triad, it was front and centre in your whole existence. 

As your consciousness expands further, the monad takes the (i5) and migrates its attention into the 45:4 permanent molecule. It has now reached the furthest left on the Second Triad gradient. It has also gained another dimension around itself. Now, Motion and Energy are the main game in town. What does that feel like? I have not got a clue. I don’t even know what it is like to be fully Human yet. I am still an Animal/Human hybrid. What I can say, is that when energy manipulation is your main focus, what you are focusing on is matter. A master operating from the 45th world of matter controls the material goings-on, on the planes below him. The devas don’t rock his boat, he rocks them, giving them instruction on which way to steer the tiller.

I was intending this presentation to follow on from our journey through the lower Kingdoms of Nature and explain what added benefits we to be gained from possessing a causal envelope. I guess that will have to wait until the next presentation. 

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