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In my last presentation, I took a slight detour into the structure and orientation of the triad envelopes that allow us to evolve our consciousness in the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. The take-home from that presentation was that there are three fundamental aspects to being a monad. You have to be composed of matter, you are in motion and you gain consciousness as a result. These three attributes are present in our nine triad envelopes. Some envelopes are more inclined towards expressing our physical attitude, 49, 47 and 45 to be precise. Others are skewed towards expressing our conscious nature, 48, 46 and 44. Finally, we have our energy/motion attribute. This is most clearly defined in envelopes 47, 45 and 43. 

I wish you to notice that I have mentioned two of the last three envelopes twice. Why? Because they occur on two triadic planes at once. In their lower manifestation, they are molecular and in the triad above they go atomic. This is something I wish to come back to, but for the present, I wish to just say that you can see from my definitions, we have two gradients running perpendicular to one another. What is found within a triad level, is again found between them.

Now, let me come back to the significance of where an envelope sits on a triad. I said that envelope 48 was the envelope on the first triad that was focused more on consciousness matters. But surely that should be the lower mental envelope, 47. Isn’t mentalism associated with consciousness? It appears not. You come alive when you feel your emotions. It is as if you are suddenly conscious of yourself. So what is going on in our mental envelope? To answer that question we have to ask, “how does motion/energy express itself? The answer is through will-power. So, having a mental thought is more than just having a bright idea. You are creating an elemental structure that you are then firing towards your intended target. This may be an issue or a person, but on the mental plane, it is very much like loading a gun and then pulling the trigger. The force of, and the likelihood of, your idea achieving a result, is very much linked to the energy you put behind it. This is what will-power is all about.

If the energy/motion side of the triad, horizontally, or vertically, is about expressing a higher frequency of energies, where is this taking us? Ultimately, it takes us to the next triad, In other words, we climb between the triad levels with the force of our will. When we get to the next level, where do we find ourselves? We are back into matter-focused attributes of our three-fold nature. This illustrates how matter and energy are so closely intertwined and how consciousness is born out of their interaction.

I have not even started this presentation yet! So, let us being now. As an evolving monad, we have migrated from the 1st to the 4th Kingdom of Nature and what is special here, is that we now possess an envelope that is capable of storing our individual memories. This is a great advancement in our evolutionary journey. We are self-aware for the first time and we are able to store up our achievements. But there is a price we pay for this and it is a very heavy one. For the first time and the last time, we are alone. What do I mean? In the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Kingdoms of Nature, we were part of a group soul. Our experiences were shared with other monads, co-evolving alongside us. This happened in all three kingdoms. We also shared the experiences of our co-monads. Ever wondered how termites, bees or a flight of geese seem to be functioning as a single unit? It is because they are a single unit. They just happened to be manifesting as separate organisms. Their consciousness fields, however, are operating as a single unit. To become self-aware, we have first to come to know ourselves. To know ourselves, we have to separate ourselves off from other monads. In the process, we come to know the ‘I’ in our personality. This does not develop immediately. If you look at younger societies, they first focus on a family unit. They don’t see themselves as individuals, they see themselves as ‘we’. I call these the 1. Young Souls. They then move into larger groupings and I call these monads 2. Community Souls. They are more independent than the Young Souls, but they exhibit a very strong ‘group think’. The Young Soul see their identity within a family group. The Community Soul thinks in terms of ‘us’. Our clan, our village; this defines the ‘us’. By the time we reach the 3. Cultured phases of our development, we define ourselves through culture. We may be dislocated from others around us but are still be able to function as a coherent unit. What has happened in this process? We have come to define our ‘I’ ness. We see ourselves as being separate from all other human beings. We see ourselves as unique. I have interacted with Young Souls, who when asked what their names were, just gave me the name of their village or clan, not a personal name. Interestingly, the Community soul is more likely to identify with a family name than a clan, even if now they function more like a clan than the family orientated Young soul. If you asked a New York investment banker what his name is, he may not even consider it important to give you his surname. He stands in splendid isolation from the rest of humanity, as he sets out to screw the rest of us.

This is not the end of the story. From the 3. Cultured Soul, we evolve into the 4. Compassionate Soul. We now realise that we have our own unique identity, but we also realise that we share our humanity with others and we seek to expand our consciousness to include them in our calculations. We are going back to the ‘us’, rather than being locked in our selfish ‘I’. What I wish to make clear is that there is nothing wrong with being a New York investment banker. There is not much right in it either. It is just a stage we all have to go through. It is a process by which we come to know ourselves. To realise we are unique. To achieve this, we need to separate ourselves off from our fellow monads. To see ourselves as being different. This has been a very easy exercise for us Human monads, as we are intrinsically ‘repulsive’, as I have mentioned before. 

So, to define the gift of our causal body is to say we come to know that we exist, separate from others, that we are an ‘I’. This is the defining of us as a monad. The price we pay for this realisation is becoming separated from our co-evolving monads. Our consciousness has gone from being shared amongst all the other monads of our clan unit, be it a stand of trees, or a herd of bison, to just being contained within our three lower triad envelopes. But there is the other half of our mental envelope. It exists on the second triad and it is what made this whole evolutionary process and separation possible. When we gain 5. Enlightenment, we actually move our monad from the 47:4 permanent molecule, that we inhabited as a 4. Compassionate human, to the 47:1 permanent atom. We are still confined within our own personal series of envelopes, but we voluntarily engage with the rest of humanity, subsuming our needs for the greater good. We realise that we may be separate monads. We know this, as materially, no monad touches another. Yet there is a part of us that extends beyond us and that is our consciousness field. That field can coalesce with other monads consciousness fields and that is the next great step a monad takes, as it leaves it isolation and returns to group consciousness. However, this time it knows who it is but still shares what it knows with its soul group. Notice that when I mentioned how we function in the first three Kingdoms of Nature, I said we were part of a group soul. Now I am saying we evolve towards existing in ever-larger soul groups. The term ‘soul’ refers to our causal envelope, not us. We take this envelope and merge it with other souls and form a group.

I could take this story further and discuss where we go from here, but I wish now to return to envelopes, as they are constituted in the 4th Kingdom and discuss how they interact. See you next time.

4 thoughts on “AM-85 WHO AM I?”

  1. Hello Kazim

    You talk about consciousness field. Does this field compose from primary matter linked somehow to our quaternary monad?

    1. Primary matter is composed of three components. Matter, Motion and Consciousness. Therefore, what differentiates primary matter from quaternary matter is the degree to which the matter is conscious. There is no component to consciousness. It is a fundamental attribute of every monad.

      1. It’s interesting that we talk about matter that has three components: Matter, Motion and Consciousness. But we don’t talk about for example Consciousness that has three components: Consciousness, Matter and Motion 🙂 Matter turns out to be more important to us!

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