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A lot of attention is paid by people to the concept of the third eye and what it might represent. We shall see that this topic is more about the direction of vision than the organ of vision, whatever that organ is deemed to be. There are three ways to focus your thought. There is concentration, which leads to mediation and finally ends up initiating contemplation. Contemplation can be thought of as a state of steady vision. It is focused narrowly towards a specific object.

When it comes to our solar devas, they are capable of looking in three directions simultaneously. The first direction the solar deva looks in is towards the 3rd triad, worlds 43 to 45 and all the beings that dwell there, especially the Protogonoi, who is their prototype. As we humans eventually aspire towards the 2nd triad, they aspire towards the 3rd triad. 

The second direction of view is into the 2nd triad and the 5th Kingdom, where they dwell, World 46:1-7. This includes the apex of the 4th Kingdom, the causal world, 47:1-3. These two directions of view constitute the solar devas’ spiritual world and the world they aspire towards. In a similar manner, an aspirant sets as its goal the ability to master its envelopes of incarnation. 

There is a ladder of escalating perception. An aspirant, functioning from their 47:4 permanent molecule has the ability to start to function with causal consciousness. Once this causal consciousness is fully developed, the monad can start to aspire to World 46, the world of unity. Now the monad can begin the process of contacting the 3rd triad, through the Protogonoi. On the 3rd triad are the last three centres, 43:4, 44:1 and 45:1. It may not have escaped your attention that if this working hypothesis is correct, we aspire towards Unity consciousness (46) and this only happens when we reach the level of the aspirant. How then is it possible for any of us to be in contact with Christ/Maitreya, who is above the 3rd triad on the 43:1 plane of matter? Something to contemplate.

This brings us to the third direction a solar deva may look. It objectively views worlds 46-49. What is the purpose of this particular direction of view? It has been to help humanity in their struggles between their lower and higher causal envelopes. The higher envelope has for most of us been the exclusive domain of our solar angels. Our evolution through the 4th Kingdom has brought us to the point where we have the potential to be aware of the forces emanating from our causal envelopes. This is the result of the contemplation of our guardian angel.

Lars tells us that there is a definite relationship between these three directions of contemplation. They are linked to three major envelope centres. The first of these is the eyebrow, heart and throat chakras. This later develops into a triangle involving the crown, heart and throat centres. There is no set formula for awakening these centres. Their sequence and mode of activation in for the monad to work out themselves. One thing to note is that only a 3rd self is able to use the eyebrow chakra fully to do magical work.

By using the third eye, solar devas and a 2nd-self humans set out to accomplish three activities. The first is vision. As our physical eyes register physical forms, our brow chakra allows us to contact the consciousness of those forms. The second activity of the third eye is to be the centre of control of magical work. All white magic is constructive through the use of intelligent will. Notice here the use of the word “will”. Where do we find “will” in full force on the 2nd triad? It is in World 45. You can see here a chain developing. When you talk about the Divine Plan, neither 46-self devas nor causal self (47) human knows directly what the plan is. That is executed by a monad at the other end of the 2nd triad, a 45 self, the realm of the masters. All the 47 and 46 selves have to do is get themselves into alignment and the intelligent will of the masters is enacted in the three worlds of Humanity, 47-49. It is through the focus of the third eye, as well as the physical eyes that this force flows to achieve its outcome. The third activity accomplished through the third eye is destruction. Energy flowing through this centre can have a disintegrating and destructive effect. Again, focused by intelligent will from World 45, it can drive out physical matter and do purifying work.

Our chakras are not just found in our etheric envelopes. They have corresponding foci in our emotional and mental envelopes. Therefore it is through the corresponding brow centres found on the emotional and mental planes that the monad sees these worlds. This is not to be confused with clairvoyance, which uses the navel chakra as its focal point and leads to all manner of fantasies. With the brow chakra, we are not talking about objective vision, but objective causal consciousness focused through these centres. This affords the viewer a causal perception of this world. This is reality as it appears in matter.

Let’s summarise what these three actives of the second self, performed through the third eye, relate to the three triads. Seeing light within all forms through the third eye corresponds to the physical eye in the 1st triad. The control of magnetic energy and the attractive force in the spiritual eye corresponds to the 2nd triad. It is the attractive force, which is the hallmark of the 46th World, directed through the eyebrow centre that is the dominant factor in white magic.  The whole 2nd triad is the “eye” of the 3rd triad. It allows the 3rd triad to work through this intermediary triad to view the lowest triad.

The force of destruction, linked to the 3rd direction of view is similar to the concept of Shiva, who is known as the destroyer and is linked to 1st ray energy and  also the third triad. It is therefore through “destruction” that the monad releases itself from the lower two triads. The lower triad centres are “burnt out”, vaporised if you will. The mythological portrayal of Shiva as this terrifying force of destruction is just an allegory of how a monad releases itself from the Cosmic Physical Kingdom and their triadic structure that has allowed it to function in this kingdom. This destruction ends the cycle of creative magical work.

The third eye has a major role to play in our development. It begins to function when we develop our consciousness, bringing it into the right alignment. This allows the inflow of energies from the 2nd triad. The next stage is that magnetic forces make themselves felt, controlling the elementals of the lower envelopes. The persona, in charge of the 1st triad, is no longer in control. The casual self now dominates its envelopes of incarnation. It now can focus its attention through its chakras into its etheric envelope. A chain of command is now set up. The monad, focused in the crown chakra, directs its attention in the region of the third eye and enacts its will. This energy can be channelled into the etheric envelope and through any chakra that magic needs to be performed. This goes down as low as the heart chakra but not lower. If the energy descends below the heart into the lower three centres, white magic ceases to be performed. Why? The three lowest chakras are under the control of the persona, not the casual self.

By definition, all white magic is an intelligent process. Why so? Because it is initiated from the causal part of the mental envelope and uses mental consciousness. To yield results in white magic, the impulse of will from the casual body must be perceived by the mental body and transmitted to the etheric envelope. When the monad is fully in charge of copying this mental thought form and impressing it in the etheric envelope, it fully takes charge of making a form out of magic. Just as mental elementals are activated to make a thought form, a magician has to be able to see the form they are making on the physical plane. How exactly is this form made? There are three stages again. In the first stage, the monad enters the centre of the causal envelope and from there contacts the crown chakra of the etheric envelope. This is done through contemplation. A completed work is envisioned, not the process leading up to the goal, there are no time and space elements involved.  The second stage is the mental response to the casual impulse, which then synthesises the thought form. How good this thought form is, depends on the contents of the mental envelope. If the mental envelope mirrors the causal envelope, a faithful reproduction is made. Beginners tend to end up with distortions in the final product. By the way, this is the way all the great works of art and culture are bought into existence. This may explain why the geniuses involved are often critical of their endeavours. They know what the causal prototype looks like. They have not been able to manifest it accurately down here.

Now you know why mystery schools made such a big deal about being able to focus consciousness, to visualise, to build thought forms and to accurately grasp casual intent. This is why the white magician starts by trying to visualise themselves as a perfected human. Control is gradually gained over the envelopes of incarnation and it is from there that an interest in performing white magic should begin to manifest itself, not before this time!

Finally, the third step in form-making takes place. The brain, mental and causal envelopes align. The plan is sensed. The thought form exists as a result of the previous two actives but exists in the brain only. It must now exit into the physical world. This double alignment, the mental with the causal and the mental with the brain, results in making a focal centre in the head of the magician. Energy flows through this centre into three distributing agents working in parallel. The right eye is for the energy from the 3rd triad, the left eye for the energy from the 2nd triad and the hands for the energy from the 1st triad. These are all technical details and only of use to experienced practitioners of magic, but the symbolic aspects of their three channels are worth pondering over.

In the next presentation, we look at how magical work is preformed in the physical world.

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