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Welcome back to the further adventures of the Monad. Our monad has been on an exciting journey so far. It started from an environment, the Anti-Verse, where it had no consciousness but infinite potential. It then found itself suddenly transferred into the fertile imagination of another monad, called an Absolute. To exist in this virtual reality, it was turned inside-out. Before it was in an infinitely dense mass of primordial matter. Now in a new environment, called a universe, it was just an empty bubble. But all was not lost. Our monad may have been inverted but it was still linked to its true home. It was linked to an infinite supply of energy and found itself spinning in this new virtual world. The upshot of all this activity was that suddenly a field had been generated around it. Why is that important? Answering that question is going to be the topic of this presentation.

In the Anti-Verse, the primordial atom is cheek-by-jowl with all its neighbours. In the Universe, with the advent of this magnetic field, the monad is no longer able to get anywhere near its neighbours. Is this a problem? Let’s go back into the Anti-Verse for a minute. If you are part of an undifferentiated mass of matter, primordial matter, you are physically connected to all other matter that exists. You are One. When you are in a universe, this connection is lost. In its place, you find you have a magnetic field that does interact with all the other magnetic fields around you. The monad is still connected, just in a different way. Clearly, there must be a reason for this change in circumstance. The reason lies in what this magnetic field actually is. On the 1st Plane of matter, this field is there but it has not been activated to any function. Its final objective is to make the monad conscious of itself and the world around it. So we can say that the ‘Holy Trinity’ of existence in the Universe is present in a monad that has just entered Plane-1. Of those three aspects, consciousness is only potentially developed. The field is there but it is doing nothing specific in  itself.

Clearly, just generating a magnetic field around an object is not going to make it a self-activating, sentient being, but this is exactly what is going to eventually happen. How? This monad, with its magnetic field, now begins a journey. A very long journey. During the course of this journey, it is going to find itself part of much greater structures than itself. Those structures are called atoms and those atoms can be arranged to form envelopes of being. What is important to realise is that wherever you have an envelope, there is always one controlling monad in charge of that envelope. On the higher planes of matter, these controlling monads are virtually omnipotent and omniscient on the plane of matter they exist on. They are also fully plugged into all the planes of matter below them in frequency. This amazing amount of creative energy slowly begins to work on the magnetic field of our newly minted monad. 

At present, our monad is just making up the filler in whatever structure it finds itself. The benefit for it is that it is in a highly energised environment. By energised, I mean both energetically ask well as magnetically. The consciousness fields of the controlling monads on the highest planes of matter are truly stupendous. It takes such awe-inspiring levels of consciousness to make but a small dent on our incipiently conscious monad. By being part of an aggregate of other matter, the monad can begin to journey into the lower planes of matter, helping to create them.  It is still unconscious though. Over unbelievably long periods of time, aeons and aeons, our monad works its way from Plane-1 down to Plane-49. Having said that, when Plane-1 first comes into existence, there isn’t even a Plane-2. This itself is formed after a very long period of time. Eventually, the entire Universe is fleshed out and you finally have all the planes of matter in existence. The Bible talks about God creating the ‘waters’ and then dividing the waters from the waters. Do you get the imagery now? Each plane is stuffed full of monads. Most of those monads are the humble unconscious foot soldiers that go to make up whatever structure exists on that particular plane of matter. Laurency uses the terms of involvation and evolvation to describe the passage of matter, the monad, from one plane of matter to another. These two terms should not be confused with the terms involution and evolution. These are two terms we will be discussing in great detail going forward. Involvation or evolvation does not involve a change in the conscious status of the monad, as it changes planes. It is just a physical movement.

So, we can now visualise the movement of a monad, starting from Plane-1 and making its way down to Plane-49. We know this is going to take an inordinately long period of time. The reason, firstly, is because the lower planes are not there and have to be built. Secondly, because the monad is locked up with greater structures than itself and is reliant on those envelopes either involvating or evolvating from one plane to another. That movement of these envelopes depends on the involutionary or evolutionary status of the controlling monad of that envelope. In this manner, the monad slowly makes its way from Plane-49 back up to Plane-1. Great, so now the monad is back where it started. What next?  Well, the monad begins this joinery all over again. In fact, it repeats this twice again, so that in total the monad has circulated three times around all the planes of the entire cosmos. That is one hell of a long journey. You could think of this as a journey that involves distance as well as time. However, the monad does not need to move in space at all to traverse all the planes of the Universe. It just has to hold hands with 48 other monads to descend into a denser plane of matter. In reverse, it just has to break the bonds it has within a ring of monads to find itself back on a higher plane. 

In all this movement, the thing to always bear in mind is the fact that the monad has absolutely no control over what is happening to it. It is just a lump of unconscious, but potential conscious matter. Yet it does play a vital role in allowing the stepping down of energy from the highest planes of matter, to more manageable levels. This allows other monads to evolve to greater heights. The payback for the monad is that it is exposed to the conscious environments of beings that somehow stir something inside this smallest of all structures. However, for the monad to enter the next step in its journey towards world domination it needs a boost from another great being. This being is known as the 2nd Logos to the Greeks and Vishnu to the Hindus. Back on the 1st Plane, Vishnu unleashes the mightiest of thunderbolts and our humble monad is finally woken up. It has faithfully served the plans of the Absolute and its reward now is to have its magnetic field transformed into a consciousness field. What can this newly minted conscious actually do? Well, actually, not a lot but that will be the topic of the next presentation.

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