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Our journey continues. From our start in the Anti-Verse, our intrepid monad has popped into the Universe, formed the foundation of 49 planes of matter and has circulated through the entire universe three times. At the end of this incredibly long sojourn, it received a jolt from the Second Logos and found itself passively conscious. So, where is our monad now? It is on the Cosmic Physical plane, right at the top of it. Plane 43. From here it begins a new adventure, but one that it still does not have any control over. As a Primary atom, the monad got shunted around by more highly developed monads, to meet the needs and purposes of those monads. I am afraid to say that it is business as usual. The monad may have been elevated to the rank of a secondary atom and it may be passively conscious, it still, however, can initiate nothing by itself. However, if another actively conscious monad were to give it an instruction, it is able and willing to carry it out faithfully to the letter. In fact, it is safe to categorise a secondary atom as a robot.

This atom is called by another name that begins to give it more of a personality. It is called an Elemental Essence. Note the word ‘essence’ because the term more often bandied about is Elemental. These two structure, although they exist in a hierarchy of activity, are quite different in their execution. But before I go on to discuss what what exactly an elemental essence is, I wish to focus on its objective. Now, you may well say, how can something that is passively conscious have an objective? The answer is that technically it can not. But there is underpinning all the monads existing in the Universe, the Law of Development. This states that all monads have no choice in the matter of furthering their development, inexorably. They may take many twists and turns along the way, as we shall see later in their development. But develop they must. So what is the objective of our elemental essence at this stage of its life? It is to develop to its next milestone, which is to become actively conscious. It does not know this itself, but something seems to drive it on inexorably. To achieve that, considering it starts its journey from Plane-43, it tries to descend as far into matter as possible. To achieve this, it has to involve, note the term ‘involve’ into denser planes of matter. This is an inherent drive that it may not comprehend but it is there, nevertheless. 

Now let’s focus on our solar system. Esoterics informs us that there are nine grades of secondary matter in our solar system. Why nine grades, when there are only seven planes or worlds in our system? The reason is that there are nine triad levels in our solar system. I will discuss these in greater detail in future presentations, but for the moment, I just wish to point out that secondary matter is associated with each of these levels. However, I want you to consider our solar system as an evolving being in its own right. Whatever enters this ecosystem, has an objective to develop and when it has, it move from one plane or world, to another, either involvating, involving or evolving. So it appears that, if I have my facts right, that elemental essences are only found on the lowest three worlds in our solar system, from 47 down to 49. To us monads, developing through the 4th Kingdom of Nature, it is the lowest three worlds that matter. I am now going to state that these elemental essences are found on planes 47 and 48 and not on plane 49. How can you then have three grades of elemental essences? To answer this, look at the triad envelopes. You can see that the Mental plane is divided between the 1st and 2nd triads. This means that the elementals can be categorised as Causal, Mental and Emotional. Although our solar system started with nine grades of elemental essences, there are only three left. The reason is that the other grades have involved down to Plane-48 and then ‘evolved’ further. So the higher planes of our solar system have no secondary matter on them.

Now, let’s look at what can be achieved with a passively conscious elemental essence. If it is robotic, it has to receive instructions from a programmer. That programmer is any monad that is capable of active conscious. This falls into two broad groups, Tertiary monads and Quaternary monads. For the time being, I wish to just focus on Quaternary monads. This is us by the way, but it can also be devas. If we have a thought and that thought has will power behind it, what is actually happening? Remember, everything in the Universe is based on matter, so a thought has to have a matter component. The same goes for an emotion. That matter component is our friends the elemental essences. I wish to quickly state here that the elemental essence itself is comprised of inordinately large numbers of primary atoms. They have not gone away. They are the foundation of all that is in our universe. 

If the consciousness field of our monad decides to have a thought, or experience an emotion through our will-power, we fashion a structure that is called an Elemental. This is where that second term comes into being. An elemental is an agglomeration of elemental essences. So, the monadic unit is the elemental essence, but the active thought or emotional is an elemental. This structure is initiated by us and does not form spontaneously. It also exists for as long as we keep our focus on it. The duration of its existence is also determined by the amount of energy we put into its formation. There is a myth, firmly held by many a student of esoterics, that it is these elementals and their wayward nature that somehow rule us. I wish to make it clear right from the outset, that, as stated earlier, elemental essences are robotic in their action. They can initiate nothing. You are not being ruled by your ‘demons’. It it is you who are actively creating and then sending forth those ‘demons’. The ‘demons’ themselves are blameless for whatever transpires as a result of their formation.

So, what can transpire and how does this aid the development of our elemental essence?  The objective of the elemental essence, remember, it to involve into the densest matter possible. It is trying to wake up. Though it may not know it, to achieve this, it has to experience the heaviest vibrations that can be afforded a monad and this can only occur on the lowest plane of matter, Plane-49. To get to this plane, it has slowly involved from plane 44 and now exists within two envelopes of our planetary logos, the mental and the emotional and split between three triadic levels within us and our surroundings, the emotional, mental and causal. Within the Mental and Emotional worlds that surround our planet, there are seven subplanes in each. These subplanes are characterised by the vibrational frequency of the elemental essences that fill these planes. Taking the example of the Emotional plane, we know from previous presentations, that the higher planes contain essences that vibrate to feelings such as love, compassion and duty. The lowest three planes have elemental essences that are triggered by thoughts relating to hate, fear and avarice. This does not mean that these elemental essences are somehow evil. Remember, they are just robots. They want to resonate at ever lower frequencies, because they are involving not evolving. Consequently, if you programme them with your lower conscious vibrations, you create elemental that exhibit these characteristics. The creation of  our emotional and mental worlds will be dealt with in a later presentation. For the time being I just wish to emphasise the blameless character of secondary matter. It is what it is and does what we tell it to. 

So, that is a brief description of the second of four grades of matter in our universe. Secondary level monads play a very active role in our lives and our personal evolution. I intend to continue their story in some detail in subsequent presentations. For now, we need to move to the third iteration of a monad, known as a Tertiary monad, that will be the subject of the next presentation. 

2 thoughts on “76. SECONDARY MATTER”

    1. What orchestrates a psychotic episode are your skandhas. You have acquired your subconscious memories and they are coming back to haunt you. It is not orchestrated, it is unleashed when the persona focuses on a pathway that leads back to these memories and opens Pandora’s Box.

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