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We have now outlined the relationship between the six envelopes that interact within the 1st-Self. What is the 1st-Self? It is a monad that is passing through the 4th Kingdom of Nature. It operates through four triad envelopes because these are the envelopes that have been activated so far. You see these envelopes clearly in the diagram presented but there are two other envelopes that have been highlighted. The first is the lower causal envelope. This should be thought of as a triad envelope. It encapsulates all three envelopes on the First triad but has separated itself from its parent envelope during an incarnation. The 6th and final envelope is the physical organism that constitutes a human body. This organism functions on planes 49:5 to 49:7. This equates to the realm of gases, liquids and solids.

Let’s start to look at this chain of evolving matter by going right to the bottom. What exactly is a physical body and how is it constituted? I am not talking about the birds and the bees, although this is what triggers its initiation. If, as I have stated, the physical organism is not a principal part of our being, who then is responsible for creating and managing it? You know where I am going with this! When a child is conceived, the foetus starts dividing along what seems to be a template. We link this to our genetic makeup. It is, actually, more fundamental than that. Let’s start with the fertilisation of an egg. Two people have decided, knowingly or unknowingly, to facilitate a new life forming. At this time, there is no monad assigned to the developing embryo. So what is guiding the process? Genetics of course! Wrong. It is an etheric blueprint that is common to all humans. This blueprint is built upon by a cohort of devas that are specifically assigned for such a task. They start to switch on genes that will eventually lead to the development of a functioning body.

What happens next? A guardian angel (aka solar deva) looking for a new opportunity for its charge to incarnate and continue its consciousness expansion, is searching for a developing pregnancy. Let us suppose the couple have no particular association with one another and are acting on a random impulse. They may create a viable foetus, but they have not exactly surrounded it with much love and light, to use a euphemistic expression. Consequently, the message going up to the Causal plane, saying there is a vacancy for a monad to incarnate, is not looking for a specific target. Any monad will do. In fact, the high rate of births currently, often means that monads are woken into action when ideally, they would not have chosen to do so. When I say they, I am really talking about the guardian angel. These young monads are flat-out unconscious, residing in their causal bodies. Just so you know, when a call goes up from a fertilised embryo, it has to be answered.

Let us assume another scenario. The couple combining their bodily fluids are known to one another through many lifetimes and they love each other dearly. When they conceive, the message they send up to the causal plane shoots much higher than the last couple’s, who were having a quick bonk that happened to result in a pregnancy. The message coming up from the physical plane is now much more focused. It will only register with those guardian angels that have charge of monads that are karmically linked to the couple. There would have to be a specific reason why this monad would want to incarnate through the body that has been created, as a result of an active pregnancy. In very few cases is there just one monad who would like to incarnate. There is usually quite a long cue, but the most deserving one gets the first refusal. Refusal you say! Yes, a monad does not, through the good offices of its guardian angel, have to accept this developing foetus. For more evolved souls, there may be a discussion between the guardian angel and the monad. In this discussion, a number of possible incarnation scenarios may be offered, each leading to a prescribed range of learning possibilities. It is then up, either to the guardian angel, the angel and the monad or the monad alone, to make the choice. If the monad chooses to ignore the advice of the guardian angel, it is at liberty to do so, but this is not an advisable course of action. Given the choice, a monad may instinctively choose a less arduous incarnation, but this may not be the most efficient use of the available slot for the monad to incarnate. If the monad proceeds regardless, then ‘I told you so’ is likely to be the eventual comment from the guardian angel at the end of the incarnation.

Ok, so we have a developing foetus that is under the management of a squad of baby-forming devas, but now we have a monad assigned to the foetus. What happens next? This is where things get painful. The guardian angel is designing an incarnation for its charge based on the Law of Destiny. This, ideally, lays out a path for the monad to follow through the upcoming incarnation that will maximise its learning potential. Enter the debt collectors. The Lords of Karma enter the fray and say, you can have this body but it is not going to work flawlessly. These are the restriction the monad has put on its own future development, by its past actions. This may result in the monad entering incarnation with a range of defects that may manifest through the etheric, emotional and/or mental envelopes. These defects are all preprogrammed into the developing foetus. All of this is going on while the monad has not even joined the foetus yet. In fact, it may not even have left the comfort of its causal envelope. The Lords of Karma and the Agents of Destiny have joined forces and have prescribed the boundaries this particular incarnation is going to function under.

Even with all this careful preplanning, things can still go wrong. In the translation of the genetics code, a mistake may have happened that have rendered the developing foetus incapable of providing a suitable vehicle for the monad to achieve its life objective. If this is the case, the guardian angel may choose not to accept the foetus for its charge and refuse to connect the Life-Thread to the foetus’ heart at the moment of birth. If this is the case, you have a stillborn foetus. I am outlining just one of many possible scenarios that could lead to an aborted pregnancy. The main theme that is communicated in this presentation, is that the physical organism does not develop under the direction of the monad, or to be more precise, under the direction of the monad’s guardian angel. It is constituted by a dedicated team of devas, working to a blueprint supplied by the Lords of Karma and the Agents of Destiny.

This is why the physical organism that we use, is not considered a principle of the monads triadic envelope. This organism is composed of tertiary and quaternary matter that makes up the cells and organs of the body. Missing is secondary matter, which does not descend onto plane 49. Although primary matter is the basic ingredient of all life, it is not present on the 49th plane in its native form. It can not be for reasons that have already been discussed. It would not be too inaccurate to say the process so far has been a biological one, even though there have been interventions from non-biological sources. The outcome of the processes so far are links to the karma and destiny of the incarnating monad. However, the monad and its controlling angel have had no direct input so far. That is about to dramatically change. The time has come for the developing foetus to leave the confines of its mother’s womb and enter the world. It is at this time that monad and the physical organism meet and unite. This happens at the moment of birth when the guardian angel connects the life thread to the etheric heart chakra. Up to this time, there was an etheric template around the developing foetus, but it is not the etheric envelope that has now been attached to the baby. This second etheric envelope is part of the principal bodies of the monad and a new incarnation has begun. We now have a physical body, closely linked to an etheric body that makes up the two halves of the physical envelope that the monad is going to use for its incarnation. This leads us to look at this new arrival, the etheric envelope. See you in the next presentation.

2 thoughts on “AM-87 PHYSICAL ENVELOPE”

  1. Where is the quaternary matter in our physical organism? You said earlier that there is a quaternary monad that is connected to our entire physical body. If it is a case that this quaternary monad must be on plane 43 and focus its consciousness on plan 49 on its physical body and ours (so do our monad). So there are two quaternary monad responsible for our physical body: our and second one. Is this second monad human or devic? Do you have any other suggestions where quaternary monads can be found in our physical organism? Maybe it could be some organs or systems?

    1. Technically, there is no quaternary matter on the Cosmic Physical Plane. All quaternary matter, this includes minerals, are focused into clusters of Tertiary matter. Tertiary matter itself is composed of primary matter.

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