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We have spent some time now looking at the form and function of our triad structure. I feel this is time well invested. We tend to usually focus on ourselves and just look at our current envelopes of incarnation. It is, however, worthwhile investing time to understand that our current envelopes fall into a grander scheme, eventually landing us back on plane 43, fully conscious. The first time we entered the Cosmic Physical Plane, we were primary monads cycling through the  entire cosmos. We came back and cycled down as Secondary Matter, cycled back up as Tertiary Matter and then back down again as Quaternary Matter. We then started, as minerals, on Plane-49. This is when our triad structure came into play. As Humans, evolving through the 4th Kingdom of Nature, we currently occupy four envelopes on this grid. The first three envelopes were slowly built up by us, with a lot of help by you know who, from the Mineral Kingdom upwards. These envelopes are still there, but they are joined by a fourth envelope. In the last presentation, we discussed what made this last envelope so special in defining who we are. This new envelope gave us a mechanism by which to get to know ourselves, whatever ourselves means. I wish now to look more closely at how these four envelopes interact with one another. How they carry a legacy from the past kingdoms we evolved through. How have we taken this legacy and fashioned it into a functioning unit that is allowing our monad to continue its expansion into the Solar System?

Let’s start with deciding how many envelopes we have that are interacting with one another. If you look at the triad diagram, you see four envelopes. Yet below the first triad, there stands another ‘physical’ envelope, distinct from the Physical envelope found in the triad. Why is this?  It seems at first glance that we are repeating the same dichotomy we see between the mental and causal envelopes. They are effectively just the physical body, functioning on separate planes. Is this not the case? It is and it is not. Both the mental and the causal bodies are considered to be ‘principle bodies’. By this, I mean that they are part of  ‘us’. They are part of our triad. We got the full set of nine triad envelopes as soon as we entered the hallowed state of quaternary matter, by becoming a rock! Somehow, our physical body is not considered  part of this exclusive club. The reason for this are many and I am going to elucidate upon them in a dedicated presentation. For the time being, I just wish to point out that we have a physical envelope and a physical body and they are not the same things.

Every envelope, whether it is headed up by a permanent atom or a permanent molecule, encompasses a defined number of subplanes. In the case of our physical envelope, there are four subplanes (49:1 to 49:4). What is the job of these four subplanes, or you could think of them as sub-bodies? Firstly, let’s give them a name. They are called the etheric body. To draw an analogy, think of your physical body as an animated toy and inside this toy is a set of batteries that allow this toy to function. This is the role your etheric body plays. How it does this, again, will be discussed in the future. For the time being, just hold that thought, that the etheric body is the real powerhouse of our physical body. It is not our muscles. It is not the mitochondria in our muscles and it is not the adenosine triphosphate in our mitochondria. Our ‘power’ comes from our etheric and the etheric gets it from somewhere else. The second major role the etheric plays is that it links our physical body to the next triad envelope, the Emotional. How does it do this? Ever heard of chakras? Well, now you know what they are for. They are a gateway exchange, between the physical/etheric complex that constitutes the entirety of our physical body. This answers a major question. We have a number of envelopes and they are all supposed to fit inside one another, like a Russian doll. But if each envelope is on a completely different plane of matter, how does communication occur? That pathway of communication is the chakras. This leads to an immediate recognition that if you need a chakra to act as a gateway between envelopes, then these structures must exist on all planes, not just between the etheric and the emotional body.

Ok, we now know that the emotional and etheric bodies communicate. The unanswered question is, why should they want to communicate? Here we get into the conundrum between subjective and objective reality. I have told you in previous presentations that, for most of us, our monad is lodged in our Emotional Permanent Atom (48:1). We may be directing events from this perch, but we are only subjectively aware of what is going on in our emotional bodies. I have talked about elemental essences and elementals, but have you ever seen one. No. Why? Because you experience everything going on in your emotional body, subjectively. The only way you can objectify an emotion is to ‘feel’ it in your physical body. Just look at the language we use to express our emotions. You may say you ‘feel’ happy. Feeling is a sense, not an emotion, yet the only way we can objectively come to know a ‘feeling’ is to sense it physically. Take another example. You see something spooky and it makes you feel nervous. You may describe this feeling by saying it gives you goose-bumps. The objectification of a subjective feeling can only occur in our bodies, through one of our five senses. It is only in this manner that we know we have experienced a feeling at all.

Let’s now look at the next envelope up the triad chain, the mental envelope. How does that communicate with us through our physical brain? The first thing you may  notice is that between your physical/etheric body and your mental envelope there resides your emotional body. If, as I have suggested, there is a chakra connection between each envelope, the connection from the mental envelop has to link into the emotional envelope. It is from here that any thought can then make its way through the next chakra connection, which lies between the emotional and etheric envelopes. So think about this for a moment. Your thought starts off from one of four potential subplanes in your mental body and then has to wade its way through seven subplanes in the emotional body before it can then pass through to your etheric body. Even here, it still has not made its way into your physical/chemical brain. If you walked through a coal mine, you would exit it, covered in soot. This is what happens to every thought we have. It gets covered in the ‘soot’ of our emotions and we all know what a mess our emotions can be. What is even worse, at the moment, is that our thoughts invariably do not start the chain reaction that finally manifests as a thought in your brain. We usually ‘feel’ something, that triggers an emotional response, that then sends a signal up into the mental envelope, that can only react to what it gets and responds with an appropriate thought. Now you see why we are doomed until we are able to put the horse before the cart, driving our thought processes from our mental envelope, rather than as it occurs at present, from our emotional envelope.

We now come to the causal envelope. Looking at this diagram, you can see that we have two causal envelopes. Why is this? The answer needs a presentation of its own! What I am going to say, as I come to the end of this presentation, is that in order to function on the 1st Triad, the monad needs to be contained within a semi-permanent envelope. This is known as the lower causal body. It contains secondary matter that makes up about 5 per cent of your total incarnations experiences to date. This is what the monad uses to form a personality that drives the current incarnation. At the end of an incarnation, the experiences and lessons learnt, are transmitted from the mental body, back to the lower causal body, which at the end of an incarnation reunites with the higher causal body. This returns the secondary matter to the main pool of experiences, but with added knowledge and lessons learnt from the most recent incarnation.

We have technically looked at six discrete structures. The physical organism, the etheric envelopes, the emotional envelope, the mental envelope, the lower causal envelope and finally the higher causal envelope. One topic I have not covered in this presentation, although I said I would, is how the lowest three principle envelopes carry echos of the monad’s prior evolutionary stages, mineral, plant and animal. I start to make good on this omission in the next presentation. 

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