In the last presentation, I walked you through the process by which the casual lotus was activated by the monad. Prior to this, we examined the casual envelope and noted that it has a permanent atom and two molecular levels. What the last presentation did was to open up that permanent atom, give it a name, a shape and describe, at a very rudimentary level, its function. The stages of opening of the causal lotus are now examined again specifically from the perspective of the initiations that are taken. Further initiations are also described briefly.
To open this presentation, I present a diagram that outlines the journey taken by the human monad, from the time it causalises to its entry into the 5th Kingdom. Upon entry into the Human Kingdom, let us assume a monad has a consciousness level of 200. This level is achieved because of the monad’s prior activation of its three lowest chakras in the animal kingdom. Those chakras are the Base, the Sacral and the Solar-plexus.

Great, so we have the ball rolling. We are now in the Human Kingdom and only glory lies before us; right? Well, that is the theory, but in practice, we are overwhelmed by a series of negative influences and we can drop our consciousness well below 200. This sorry state of affairs may last for several thousand incarnations.
The diagram represents the five stages of human development. In the left-hand column, you can see the planes of existence from the Physical to the Upper Spiritual. Along the bottom are the sequential activations of the chakras. Also on the x-axis in grey, you can see when the first four initiations take place. This and the other diagrams are available on my website for closer examination. I am going to represent this another way shortly. The main intention is to show the relationship between subjective and objective consciousness.
The diagonal band in the diagram represents the monad’s subjective consciousness. Everything below this band is objective. Everything above the band represents our super-consciousness. The yellow-faced icons represent your waking consciousness. The green faces are the monad’s position in the triad. This is always located in a permanent atom or molecule. It should be noted that the monad’s position in the triad is always above the level of objective consciousness. In this manner, it maintains a level of tension that drives evolution. This is a similar situation to the development of subjective consciousness half a plane ahead of objective consciousness.

As various chakras are activated, so are the petals of the causal lotus. These have been discussed in the last presentation in some detail. What I wish to point out here is that the activation of the petals of the causal lotus happens in three stages. It starts with the awakening of the petal. It then goes on to activate more fully and then finally it is fully active. This is indicated in the diagram. Of interest here is when a petal begins to unfold, to continue with the flower theme. The knowledge petal starts to activate at the boundary between the Young and the Community soul. At the boundary between the Community and Cultured soul, the first initiation (i1) takes place. The petal is fully active now. The focus of the monad has moved from the lower molecular levels of the emotional body to the higher ones. It reaches full activation when the soul becomes cultured. The Unity petal, which you could say is linked to the feelings of love, begins to become active half-way through the focus of consciousness in the emotional body. It is fully active in the Cultured soul and reaches its peak in the Compassionate soul. The Will petals begin to activate at i1, They become fully active at i2 and they reach full activation at i3. Lastly, at i2, the Central petal begins to activate. It is fully active by the 3rd initiation (i3) and reaches its zenith at the 4th initiation (i4). As this happens, the monad passes into the 5th Kingdom.

It should be noted that the process of activating the petals of the causal lotus are gradual and occur over serval incarnations per petal. The chakras, which themselves are present in all the 3 lower envelopes of incarnation, unfold the lotus in 4 phases. These have already been outlined.

When we are presented with a diagram of our chakras, they are numbered sequentially from the bottom. However, this is not the order that they are activated when the time is right. The Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus activate when we are still in the 3rd, the Animal Kingdom. This is why they are said to represent our animal nature. In the Human Kingdom, our first and biggest challenge is to try and tame and finally transmute these lower chakras.
If you had to pronounce an overriding goal for a monad in the 4th Kingdom, it is to activate atoms in its 2nd Triad and advance its consciousness into the 5th Kingdom. A major part of this process is linked to the activation and proper use of its chakras. This is linked to the activation of the causal lotus as well. Therefore energy first flows from the 2nd, the Sacral chakra, to the 5th, the Throat chakra. As this occurs, the knowledge petal is activated. This signals the monad taking the 1st initiation (i1). The triadic centre that is activated by the unfoldment is the 47:1 permanent atom in the causal body. I wish to state here that this atom is activated, not fully conscious yet.
When the Solar Plexus chakra relinquishes its hold over our emotions, energy is drawn up into the heart chakra. This signals the 2nd initiation, (i2). At this time, the 46:1 permanent atom, located in the Unity body is activated. The next transfer of energy is not focused from one chakra to another but all five lower chakras. These are synthesised into a single unit and they transfer their energy to the Brow or Ajna chakra. This occurs at the 3rd initiation (i3). This movement of energy begins to activate the 45:4 permanent molecule in the Lower Spiritual triad. Last but certainly not least, the Base chakra, also called the Kundalini, transfers energy to the Crown chakra, this happens at the 4th initiation (i4). This stimulates the permanent atom 45:1 on the Third Triad. This believe it or not is another lotus, called, you guessed it, the Spiritual Lotus. This is where the monad rests between incarnations of the planet, not just itself.
We have talked about the relationship between the four higher chakras, the petals of the causal lotus and the activation of the higher triads. The activation of the chakras must occur in the same order as the activation of the triad centres. Therefore the order does not start from the Heart (4) and work upwards. It starts at the throat (5), then goes to the Heart (4), then to the Brow (6) and finally to the Crown (7).

Spiritual Initiation
I have spoken a lot about the topic of initiation but what exactly is going on? Let’s start with a definition. Initiation means that one’s level of consciousness has risen to a higher plane and transcended the lower plane. So the next obvious question is how many initiations are there to take? The answer lies in the question of how many planes of matter are there? The answer is 49. Therefore there are 49 initiations a monad must take to return home. Where is home? Well for starters, it is on Plane 1, where its journey first began. Ultimately its home must be in the Anti-verse, but quite literally, God alone knows what that truly is.
The first four initiations occur while the monad is passing through the 4th, the Human Kingdom. This happens when we learn to master our physical/etheric, emotional, mental; and causal bodies. Our consciousness is unaware of the first two initiations. However, the third initiation is a big deal, as the ‘persona’ is transcended by the ‘soul’. That is a fancy way of saying that the higher and lower mental bodies unite.

So let me state once again where and when these transitions occur:
(i1) occurs at a consciousness level of 400. This happens when the monad transitions from the Community stage to the Cultured stage. This physically involves the move of the monad’s focus from the lower molecular levels in the Emotional body to the higher ones. Why do I talk exclusively about the emotional body? The reason is that the monad has its focus seated in the permanent 48:1 emotional atom. That is not to say that it does not have any mental activity in its higher envelope. It does. It is just that its thought-life is governed by desires, rather than reason. This changes but not yet. What the monad has achieved at (i1) has significantly greater control over its physical/etheric body. It has now largely overcome its animalistic behaviour. That is the theory anyway. Practical results may differ widely.
(i2) occurs at 500. The monad now moves from the permanent emotional atom (48:1) to the permanent mental molecule (47:4). The monad moves from its Cultured phase to its Compassionate phase. The thought-life of the monad has now changed dramatically. No longer is it ruled by the tyranny of its emotions and desires. Situations are observed, analyses and rational decisions are taken. This is not a clean-cut transition. When I say the monad is now in control of its emotions, I mean that it is largely in control of its emotional body and nature. The ‘mother-in-law’ factor does rear its head from time to time, but this is just to remind the monad of the heady days when it swam round in a pool of desires and self-pity.

(i3) occurs at 600, when the monad moves from the permanent mental molecule (47:4) to the permanent mental atom (47:1). Remember, this is located in the causal lotus. To achieve this mighty feat of transcendence, the monad has gained significant control over its persona. I wish to point out here that the persona is transcended, not discarded. After all, the persona is part of and made from the same substance as the soul. Together they make up 100 per cent of you. The acquisition of Causal Consciousness (i3), give the monad continuity of consciousness between incarnations and objective etheric, emotional, mental and causal consciousness.
(i4) is another real milestone in the evolution of the monad. After taking this initiation, the monad enters the 5th Kingdom (700). It moves its focus from the permanent Mental atom (47:1) to the permanent Unity atom (46:1). Objective Unity Consciousness is acquired. This allows the monad to have mastery over the physical/etheric, emotional and mental planes. When say mental planes, I mean all of them. I have already mentioned that the 4th initiation (i4) is the hardest a monad will ever take. The reason for this is because the persona/ego are completely discarded. I, however, have always been at pains to point out that the loss of the 1st-self does not mean a loss of your identity. However, to become a 2nd-Self and join the realms of Collective Consciousness, the monad must ditch its own personal identity, which it has so carefully crafted as it passed through the 4th, the Human Kingdom. This must be really tough. You spend all this time trying to find out who you really are, only to give this identity away. Clearly, there must be serious advantages to this course of action. Joining a Soul-Group gives the monad access to a greater body of wisdom, love and power than it could ever access by itself. One sobering point to note before you strip off and dash headlong for the exit. To enter the 5th Kingdom, you have to have completely discharged all your karma. Ponder that the next time you have a negative thought.

The book of Revelations, found in the New Testament, in chapter 20, verses 4 to 6 contains a symbolic description of the 4th initiation.
“They (enlightened people), came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” This unit of time happens to be the average time between incarnations for an Arhat. That is one name given to a monad functioning of the 4th Plane of matter. Note I say 4th plane and not the 4th Kingdom. The 4th Kingdom does not extend past the 3rd plane of matter,. This is the Mental plane. The 5th Kingdom exits on the 4th plane of matter. This is the Unity plane.
“The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended”. This refers to the fact that ‘unenlightened’ people sleep most of the time between incarnations.
“This is the first resurrection”. This statement actually refers to the entry into the 5th Kingdom. “Blessed are those that have a part in the first resurrection”.
“The second death, (the death of the casual body), has no power over them, but they will reign with him for a thousand years”. In other words, until their next incarnation.
The monad’s entire perception of reality completely changes when a new level of consciousness is acquired. In the case of Unity consciousness, all sense of separateness and duality disappears. With a rapid increase in ‘spiritual’ consciousness, the concept of matter loses all significance. I have suddenly used the term spiritual consciousness. People use this all the time to refer to some type of consciousness other than mental consciousness. I wish to clarify in my use of this term that I am referring to a level of consciousness that resides in a second envelope. This envelope is provided to the monad by the Protogonos, our second guardian angel. Here we store our spiritual knowledge, whatever that amounts to. So I am using the term spiritual consciousness as the next level above soul consciousness.
With spirit consciousness, we are entering the realms of the third triad. When we fully embed in it and move to the left in our triadic chain, we enter the lower Monadic body. Now consciousness itself becomes almost meaningless. What is left then? Energy! This is beyond what we can even imagine. However, all things will come to pass in their own time and in divine law and order.

Eight Types of Initiation
I have discussed the first four initiations in moderate detail. I present here a table that shows all eight initiations a monad takes as it passes through the Solar System. Although The number of initiations listed is eight, only seven of them are taken within the Solar System. The eight occurs when the monad leaves the Cosmic Physical Kingdom and enters the Cosmic Emotional Kingdom. This kingdom starts on the 8th plane of matter. The 4th column states where objective consciousness begins to develop and the next column lists what planes have been mastered. The 6th column lists the stages of development the monad passes through. I have focused on the ones that matter to us, as I have discussed what consciousness means and how it evolves through the Human Kingdom. The last column on the right gives titles to a monad at each level of consciousness above 400. There is no big deal to these designations but you would be surprised how obsessed students of esoterics are about where they may be on this path. Invariably they inflate their grades, but that is human nature; lower human nature.
So a quick run-through. At (i1) the monad is said to have ‘Entered the Path’. The path to what? The path to enlightenment of course. At (i2), the grand title of Probationary Disciple is given. What this basically means is that you are being watched. Forget about police surveillance cameras, the Hierarchy is watching you! They are assessing your suitability to take your 3rd initiation and become an Accepted Disciple. This is where I chuckle, as so many students of esoterics think they are already disciples. Dream on. At (i4) monad is termed an Arhat. No great shakes, it is just a name and I use it for convenience. It is assumed when you reach this stage in the game, you automatically join the hierarchy. This is not the case, as at this stage the monad can choose from one of seven paths and only one leads to a career in the ‘diplomatic’ service. In fact, very few monads take this path. They are not stupid. Could you imagine having to deal with us idiots back in the 4th Kingdom? At (i5), the rank of Master is reached. This is an exalted station and those masters that have walked and taught amongst us are members of the Hierarchy. They are very few in number. I have come across numerous individuals who claim to be ‘ascended masters’. Trust me, one thing that a master would never do is identify themselves with a persona. They just are. They are not that. So use that as a good yard-stick to gauge peoples claims to ‘specialness’. The next level I want to jump to is (i7). You see here there are three titles given. These are the three high offices of state that human monads can rise to. They are titles of positions that are held by a monad for a certain period of time. The one of interest to most is that of the World Teacher, the Bodhisattva. This is our ‘headmaster’, this monad sets our curriculum and monitors our exam results. The previous holder of this title was Siddhartha Gautama, aka the Lord Buddha. When he ascended to the 8th plane, he became a buddha and that office went to his chief disciple, the Lord Maitreya, aka the Christ.
That end my current delve into human consciousness in all its glories. In my next presentation, I wish to recap on the theme of this presentation and relate it to the story of the character Jesus as he is portrayed in the Gospels. I then go on to look at another major topic, Time and Space.