I hope the previous presentation has given you a clear understanding of the five stages of development a human monad passes through as it traverses the 4th Kingdom. To recap, when a monad passes from the 3rd, the Animal Kingdom, into the 4th, the Human Kingdom, I call it a ‘Young’ soul. It is mastering its new environment from the perspective of a causalised human being with self-awareness. Previously, it was part of a group-soul that slowly developed its own mental body before the transition to the higher kingdom. Over a nominal time span of 182,500 incarnations, the monad develops its consciousness through four more stages. It first learns to live in a Community. When this happens, there is a shift in the focus of the monad from the Permanent Physical Atom (49:1) to the Permanent Emotional Atom (48:1). Although the monad may technically reside its focus in this atom, it is objectively conscious in the lower three molecular levels of its emotional body. While still residing in the emotional atom, the monad moves to the next level of consciousness development when it begins to focus its attention in higher emotional molecules in its emotional envelope. It has now reached, what I call the Cultured level. The monad now shifts its focus again at moves it to the Permanent Mental Molecule (47:4). I call this monad a Compassionate soul. Its main focus in the emotional envelope is at the highest two molecular levels. A monad at this stage of development can be instantly recognised because the shape of its envelopes has gone from being egg-shaped, to being an inverted egg.

I have talked about the shift in focus of the monad in its three envelopes of incarnation. During this time, the monad starts any thought-form in the mental body. There are four levels of consciousness present in this body. As the monad evolves, any thought-form is generated on successively higher molecular planes. Associated with the monad’s principal focus in the physical atom, the type of thinking that it was able to achieve, is deductive. When its focus shifted to the emotional atom, it first developed associated thinking and then conceptual thinking. These I have described in detail in my previous presentation. When the focus of the monad moves to the permanent mental molecule, it develops Universal thinking. This is the stepping stone for the monad to reach the final stage of its journey through the 4th, the Human Kingdom. This stage is called Enlightenment. Thinking now is abstract rather than concrete. I wish in this presentation to start to look at the science of the whole process of enlightenment.

Developing Causal Consciousness
We have previously discussed the process of causalisation of the monad from the 3rd to the 4th kingdom. This is achieved by the provision of a causal envelope that is made available by a deva. It is known as a solar angel or augoeides. I call this being our guardian angel.
This newly minted causal body is small and contains the lowest grade of causal matter that exists on the higher mental plane (47:3). As the monad passes through the first two stages of its development, the Young and the Community stages, it adds more causal matter to its causal envelope. This causal matter is activated with its recently acquired life experiences.
As the monad experiences repeated incarnations and reaches the third level of development as a Cultured soul, it gradually replaces the lower three grades of molecules with higher ones. For an approximate visualisation, let us assume that at level 1, the balance in the envelope is 48:7, 48:6 and 48:5. At level 2, it changes to 48:6, 48:5 and 48:4. By level 3, the mix has changed to predominantly 48:5, 48:4 and start of 48:3. By the time the monad reaches the Compassionate and Enlightened stages of its development, the 48:3 and 48:2 molecules begin to be replaced with more 48:1 atoms. Note at the top we are talking about atoms and not molecules any more.
Subjective Causal Consciousness begins to develop at the beginning of the Compassionate stage. This allows for improved communication between the Soul and the Persona. This materialises as an increase in intuitive perception and an ability to think in an abstract manner. By the middle of the Compassionate stage of development, approximately 25 per cent of the causal body contains 47:1 atoms. This, remember, originally only contained 47:3 and then 47:2 molecules as the monad evolved at the start of its journey through the 4th Kingdom. At Enlightenment, the monad has increased the atomic content of its causal body to approximately 50 per cent.
Objective Causal Consciousness is achieved when the lower causal body, the Persona, merges with the Higher Causal Body. When the monad graduates from the Human Kingdom and moves its focus to the 46:1 atom, the causal body contains only 47:1 atoms.
Where have all the 47:3 and 47:2 molecules gone? There they were, doing sterling service, storing our memories and our gained knowledge and wisdom. Why should we cast them adrift? Is this not mean? Well, when the level of our acquired causal memories was stored in those molecules, they were providing us with a service, behaving like a memory drive. In this case, the drive was a spinning disc and you know how reliable they are! Moving those memories to the 47:1 atom is equivalent to upgrading your storage to a solid-state drive. The old mechanical disks are not discarded. They have had their internal mechanicals improved by working in our casual bodies. They migrate back into the general mass of causal matter that exists in the greater causal world, to continue their evolution as secondary matter. Remember they are involving into denser forms of matter, just as the human monad is evolving into more refined states of matter.

Levels of Matter
The term enlightenment is often taken to mean the final achievement of spiritual growth. This is not the end of the journey of the monad, far from it. However, in esoterics, the word enlightenment, has two applications.
- The first use applies to the illumination of the persona by the “Light of the Soul”. This occurs at the 3rd initiation. The grades of initiation are discussed in detail later.
- The second use of the term enlightenment applies to a monad that has passed the 8th initiation and reached what is known as Buddhahood. At this stage, the monad leaves the Solar System and continues its journey into the Cosmic Emotional World.
Once enlightenment is attained, it is re-attained in every future incarnation. I make this distinction because no one is born enlightened. It takes 15 to 20 years for the physical brain and persona to develop to where it can express causal consciousness. The time frame given can vary from as little as 3 years to 40 years.
Re-enlightenment is what is purported to have happened to Siddhartha Gautama, who was a 7th level initiate. This is supposed to have occurred under the Bodhi Tree. The taking and passing of the 8th initiation, as already mentioned, earns the monad the title of Buddha. The monad also acquires cosmic consciousness. Now you may say, hang on, don’t we live in a cosmic kingdom now? We do, but interestingly enough, for the rest of the cosmos, they do not recognise our, the lowest kingdom, to be part of their club. Just like the fact that our physical organism, something I have called a virtual reality suit, is not part of our envelopes of incarnation. The Cosmic Physical Plane is not deemed to be part of the higher structures of the Universe in total.
I just wish to say that I do not personally think the entity we know as the Buddha needed to acquire anything. I doubt very much that a 7th level initiate bothers to incarnate using usual channels. At this exalted level, the monad can construct a body that looks very real but is made solely from atomic matter. That is one option. The other option is that this monad took over the physicals body of a disciple and used it for the time needed to achieve its objective. I suspect the myths and legends surrounding the last incarnation of what was our World Teacher at the time, are 95 per cent pure fantasy. Sorry if I have offered any Buddhists out there, but when you understand how our envelopes develop, certain ‘stories’ just do not make sense.

Building the Triad Bridge
I have often spoken about the fact that the first and second triads are united by envelopes that span both levels. This happens with the Mental and the Spiritual envelopes. I wish now to look more closely at this connection as it exists now and what can be done to improve it.
There are dual, active connections, between the first and second triads. These link the causal body to the emotional and mental bodies. A third one needs to be built. When it is, the monad achieves enlightenment.
The three connections correspond to the 3 aspects of existence. Repeat after me; energy, consciousness and matter.
- The Life Thread, known as the Sutratma or Silver Chord, carries life-sustaining energy between the monad’s 49:1 permanent atom and all three levels of its triad. The sutratma connects to the monad through its subtle bodies via the heart chakra.
- The next connection is via what is known as the Consciousness Thread. It is also called the Antahkarana. This links the monad’s subtle bodies through the Crown Chakra. This connection is withdrawn when we fall asleep and leave our physical/etheric body. When this happens, we lose consciousness.
- The last connection is a material connection. This is an actual physical link between the 1st and 2nd triads. I just wish to clarify here that the other two connections are also physical, in that they are composed of tertiary matter. If energy is to travel, it needs a physical ‘wire’ to travel down. Even when electricity arcs, it is still ionising matter to achieve it.
I wish to draw your attention back to those three aspects of existence. It is easy to overlook them, as I reel off a list of the three methods of connection. The first, the Life Thread, is involved with providing energy to all your envelopes of incarnation. The second, the consciousness thread, is involved, as it says on the packet, with consciousness. The last is the material aspect and I expand upon it further.
Each triad has three components. If you look at the 1st and 2nd triads, the links that are being made are uniting the 49:1 atoms, with the 45:4 molecule. The 48:1 atom is linked to the 46:1 atom and the 47:4 molecule is linked to the 47:1 atom. How precisely are these permanent triadic centres linked? They are linked through the petals of your causal lotus. What is that I hear you ask? All is revealed shortly.
Now, I have mentioned previously, that as you move from right to left along the triad, you increase the vibration of the matter. This means that the centre on the right is the most matter-focused and the triad centre on the left is the most energy-focused. So the link that is established at enlightenment is at the matter end of the spectrum. The consciousness and energy links, although already present, are strengthened as the monad progresses its consciousness along the triad chain from right to left. This has all sorts of implications when a monad reincarnates, especially when it is centred in the 5th Kingdom. I do not wish to get too focused just yet.

The Next Step
One difference between the consciousness thread and the triad bridge is the bandwidth. What do I mean here? The triad bridge is a material connection between the higher and lower mental bodies. The consciousness thread is a connection between the Physical/Etheric brain and its higher envelopes of incarnation. It even extends further than this but we are getting into the realms of superconsciousness.
The triad bridge itself is completed when the monad moves from the 47:4 permanent molecule to the 47:1 permanent atom. At this time, the ego is transcended but not discarded. It is not until the monad moves to the 46:1 atom that the persona, the borrowed causal body and the guardian angel who loaned it, are all released. I alluded to it above, that when members of the 5th and the 6th kingdoms choose to incarnate and it is a choice for them, they may look like us, but their bodies are completely different.

Causal Lotus
You may have heard the term Causal Lotus, but what exactly does it mean? It is the organ of enlightenment, which is located in the Higher Causal body. It is comprised of four interlocking energy centres. These are known as the Knowledge Petal, the Unity Petal, the Will Petal and the Central Petal. This structure is much talked about and often drawn but very seldomly understood. My understanding of this structure increases each time I approach the subject.
One of the reasons I have found it difficult to grasp what the casual lotus is all about is that we talk about it in abstract terms. We call it by quaint names such as ‘flower’ and ‘petals’. Few esotericists see the causal lotus as I am about to describe it to you.
When we think of our guardian angel, we may imagine a winged being full of light and love. This is not a bad starting point. What has this deva done for us? It has given us a causal body to store our memories. This allows us to develop our consciousness, individuality, sense-of-self and our will-power. However, now I am suddenly talking about a causal lotus and this somehow is linked to this causal envelope. What is the link? The envelope itself is made of tertiary matter. The abstract thoughts that are activated from within this structure are made from elemental essences or secondary matter. So what is the lotus? I have just said that it is composed of four centres. In fact, each of these centres is itself made up of 3 petals. These petals are in fact 12 solar devas. Not one but 12. Each solar deva represents a petal.
At first, I found this shocking, as I thought of the causal lotus as some kind of material structure. It is, but remember the three famous components that makeup everything within this universe. Energy/Motion, Consciousness and Matter. The devas specialise in manipulating matter and I suspect the petals themselves are made from tertiary matter. But residing in the heart of each petal is a solar deva. So if you have these 12 solar devas, who is your guardian angel? I have also called this being a solar angel. Well, this being is your 13th solar angel and the head of the group of 12 that make up the petals. It focuses its consciousness in one of the 12 petals, relating to the level of consciousness you are functioning at in your evolutionary development.
Notice a pattern here. The first is that what you think of as a single entity, not a deity in this case but your guardian angel, is, in fact, a collective of beings. This is why I said in one of my first presentations that God was not an individual but a collective. I hope you have also come to see that you, although a single monad, operate in a series of envelopes that make you more like a collective as well.
Here is another perfect example of a single, more advanced monad, controlling a collective of other monads.
The second pattern I wish to draw your attention to is the imagery of 12 plus One. Remember the Gnostic imagery of Jesus and his 12 disciples. Well, now you know where that imagery comes from. It is, in fact, referring to your causal lotus. This may be getting seriously esoteric now but I wanted to put this out there. I wish to change the way you think about and relate to your own causal lotus going forward from here.

Now I wish to get back to a more traditional presentation of the causal lotus and describe what each one links to in your lower envelopes of incarnation.
- The Knowledge Petal links your Mental Permanent Molecule (47:4), to your Permanent Mental Atom (47:1).
- The Unity Petal links your Permanent Emotional Atoms, 48:1, to the 46:1 Permanent Atoms in your Unity body. At the lower stages of your evolution into the Human Kingdom, you may not even have built out your Unity body yet. However, there is a solar deva waiting to assist you, as and when you are ready.
- The Will Petal links the Permanent Physical/Etheric Atom, 49:1, to the 45:4 Permanent Molecule.
- Lastly, the Central Petal enables the monad to move up into the 47:1 Permanent Atom at the 3rd Initiation (i3) and then onto the 46:1 Permanent Unity Atom when you take the 4th Initiation (i4).
I think I have given you quite enough to ponder in this presentation. In the next instalment, I am going to talk through the 4 main phases of enlightenment. I then go on to talk about each one of the four centres of the causal lotus in detail.