I have done 9 presentations now without a recap. The time has come to revisit a number of themes and draw them together into a coherent presentation of the Hylozoic view of our universe. I wish to start by looking at the very matter in our universe. The starting point is the Anti-Verse, where I told you existed Primordial Matter. This matter is infinitely dense yet infinitely elastic. This is why the Anti-verse can stretch around trillions of separate universes without rupturing. The complex of the Anti-Verse and the universes is called the Metaverse.
When primordial matter enters a universe it becomes a primary atom. This is known as a 1-Atom and was given the name Monad by Pythagoras. This little beast is very important because that is all there is in the universe. Just this 1-atom. All the complexity that exists in the Universe can be traced back to this one type of atom. However, it is not as simple as that. It never is. In my last two presentations, I have talked about Rays and the fact that there are seven of them. So here we have the primary differentiation of the 1-Atom, it can have seven direct orientations or ‘colours’ if you like to think of it like that. I told you there was only one kind of atom and I was correct. However, it is also correct to say that this atom is transformed by the actions of supremely evolved monads into seven variants.

When you reach the Cosmic Physical Plane, 43 to 49, you also find the presence of 42 types of molecules. Why 42 and not 49. Because the top of every subplane in the Cosmic Physical Plane is atomic. So you have 42 molecular and 7 atomic subplanes. So I am now going to revisit the fundamental types of matter in the Universe and say there are seven types of atoms and 42 types of molecules. That is final. I promise I am not going to spring anything else on you.
Getting back to those 1-Atoms; they are found everywhere in the Universe. They combine with other atoms, in groups of 49, to form subsequently denser planes. There are 49 of these planes in total and this is the ultimate floor beyond which matter can not get any denser. To find out why revisit my earlier presentations. Forty-nine is a multiple of seven and I find it fascinating that there are seven cosmic planes in the Universe, but if you include the subplanes, there are 49. If you just look at our Solar System on the lowest, the Cosmic Physical Plane, it contains seven subplanes but these subplanes can be further divided into seven subplanes, giving 49 planes within our Solar System itself. The fascinating thing to me is that each plane is made up of one type of atom that itself is made up of a cluster of 49 atoms from the planes above it. Forty-nine is everywhere. Remember, when I say planes above and below, I really mean planes within, as all the planes occupy the same space in the Universe.

Is the Universe finite or infinite? Well, there was a time before there was a universe. The ABSOLUTE brought this universe into being. This supreme monad is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient within the confines of this universe. To it, the Universe is a subjective reality, as it has thought us into being. Why do this in the first place? Because the Universe is a factory to create more ABSOLUTES. Every humble monad, which starts its journey into the Universe, is unconscious, but more importantly, potential conscious. It is the raising of this consciousness that Life, the Universe and Everything are all about.

So we are here as long as the ABSOLUTE holds its focus on us. When it does not, the Universe dissolves back into the Anti-Verse This answers the question about whether the Universe is finite or infinite. The shape of the universe has been described as a dodecahedron by the great thinkers of antiquity. So you can travel through the universe and never leave it, as you are traversing the surface of what is effectively a cosmic hall of mirrors. While we are on the subject of this cosmic football, the very fact that it is there and is separate from the Anti-verse means it occupies a space. Remember, in the Anti-Verse there is no space, but in the Universe there certainly is. No one monad every touches another. That gap between them is a space, so there is space. It never goes away. It does change, however.

We are well aware that we exist in a three-dimensional world. We also know we exist physically on the 49 planes of matter. So, on the 49th plane, there are three dimensions. There is also another dimension present but this is not spatial, it is temporal. Time is always present on every plane of matter. There was a time before that plane existed and there will be a time when it does not exist any more, so time is to be found everywhere. As you ascend through the planes, consciousness perceives that plane in one more dimension. So moving from the 49th to the 48th plane, a monad is able to perceive that new plane in 4 dimensions. This is almost impossible for us to understand. Your consciousness is able to see an object in three dimensions and can simultaneously see the world from inside the object It looks outwards is 360 degrees. If that does not send your head spinning, you have a much stronger constitution than me. Go up another plane and you have 5 dimensions and 10 spatial directions. Just give up and sit down. You are never going to get your head around that.
The consequence of all this multiplication of dimensions is that if you are functioning in them and then wish to come back to the 49th plane, you are going to find it very difficult to translate what you experience there. How do you describe five dimensions down here? Although I mentioned that time was to be found on all planes, the perception of time changes as the number of spatial dimensions increase. Simply put, as space increases, time shrinks. The ultimate expression of this can be found in the Anti-Verse, where there is infinite space and therefore no time at all. The Anti-Verse is quite literally timeless. The question of when it all began is a pointless one.
I wish to wrap up my recap on Time and Space by saying that objectively, time is linear. It starts with the onset of the Universe and stops when the Universe completes its cycle. This is a defined unit of time. How that time is perceived is subjective, however. When a monad reaches enlightenment (i3), every event it views can be seen in the present but causally linked back to the past. You now not only know something is occurring but why it is occurring, because you know the history leading up to that event. So the past and the present fuse into the ‘present’. This does not mean that time has gone away or is somehow not linear. The past you are able to view is a recording of events. They are not occurring in the present.
I have heard some really fanciful explanations of how all events are occurring simultaneously. They are not, it is just your ability to perceive larger expanses of events within our consciousness that changes as you evolve. The future is another matter. You can not know the future, but you can predict it if you are in possession of all the fact. ‘All’ is the crucial word. If you do not know all the variables, then your prediction of the future is bound to be more sketchy. I suspect even the ABSOLUTE can not know the final outcome of the creative process. That surely is the whole point of setting the ball rolling, to see what comes out of the mix.

My next five presentations looked at the worlds that surround our planet. I also outlined the concepts behind the Rays and what they stand for. I very often talk about planes of matter. What defines a plane is that everything on that plane is composed of one primary type of atom. In the case of the emotional plane, it is the 48 atom. This atom itself is composed of myriads of individual 1-Atoms that have clustered together. The number of these monads found in a 48-Atom are precise, the number being 2.75e+79. The subplanes found on the 48 plane are composed of molecules, not atoms. This only occurs on the subplanes within the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. However, these molecules are also composed of 48-Atoms.
A World has the same defining characteristics as a plane. It is composed of one type of atom. The World is a subset of a plane that surrounds a highly developed monad. Humanity dwells within the envelope structures that surround our planetary logos. Like us, this monad has a series of bodies and these bodies constitute it’s and our worlds. The worlds extend as far as the mental plane and interpenetrate the physical structure of the globe, but also extend into the Solar System. In the case of the Emotional world, as far as halfway to the Moon.

Although we have a series of envelopes surrounding us, each envelope is made from tertiary matter that exists on a particular plane. That plane itself is within the world of the Planetary Logos and has a prescribed radius. We as monads developing in the 4th Kingdom, can not pass beyond the boundaries of this greater world. I pointed out that we are not the only lifestream to be found associated with our planetary logos. There are seven lifestreams in total. We only know of two, the devas and ourselves. Another interesting titbit I mentioned in my presentations was that the denser levels of matter in any subplane are found nearer the centre of a world. As every plane of matter interpenetrates all other planes, the lowest planes of the Emotional world, which can be rightly thought of as ‘Hell’, are to be found beneath our feet quite literally.
In the study of esoterics, it is easy to overlook the wonders of the lowest three subplanes of our Physical world. This is the body of an evolving entity, distinct from the Planetary Logos itself. It is very much a world like the Emotional or the Mental and is the only one we objectively perceive in our waking state. This is the first world we as Young monads perceive as we enter the Human Kingdom. The other worlds are a mystery to us, even when we sleep at this stage of our development. But inevitably, when we are thinking with our esoteric hats on, we turn our attention to the more refined planes of matter and we then find ourselves in the Etheric world of this planet. What I wish to recap here is that the Etheric envelope is an interface between our higher envelopes of incarnation and a physical organism, which is not really part of us at all. This is why I call our physical body a virtual reality suit. The vital role the etheric envelope plays in our lives has been hinted at and will be featured in future presentations.

As we are talking about worlds and not planes or our specific envelopes, the Etheric world is the home of an interesting group of devas that are closely allied to the function of not just us, but the animal and plant lifestreams. These beings have featured heavily in our mythologies and go by such names as gnomes, fairies and nature spirits. It is interesting to note, that access to this etheric world is a faculty that humanity will develop over the next few centuries. This world will then no longer just inhabit our mythologies.
Passing beyond the Etheric world, we enter into what is usually referred to as the ‘Spirit World’. The first division this is often called the Astral World but I have stated why this is an inappropriate name. Referring to it as the Emotional world is more accurate. The big takeaway for this world is first that it is composed of a different basic atomic structure to the Physical or Mental worlds. The next thing to note is that it is composed of elemental essences that are passively conscious. It is these monads, known as secondary matter, that we form into elemental structures with the application of our consciousness.
Remember, we are ultimately a tiny little monad, but relative to an elemental essence, we have a colossal consciousness. What we deem as being our emotions, are these elemental essences vibrating in structures that we form with our thoughts. This is a non-intuitive concept. We think our emotions belong to us. It comes as a surprise to learn that emotions are entities in their own right. We order them into shapes and can even form entire environments with them, but they are not us and the shapes only temporary. They last for as long as we focus our intention on them.
Every world has a memory of its own and this memory is known as the Akashic Record. It is comprised of tertiary matter and not secondary matter. Why? Secondary matter is passively conscious. You need a memory to record anything and that starts with tertiary matter. Alas, the quality of the storage drives in each world is not equal. As you rise through the worlds, the accuracy of data storage increases. For us, the highest capacity drives we can access are found in the Causal world. Unfortunately, the only memory banks available to most clairvoyants are to be found in the Emotional world, often called the world of illusions. I need to say no more.

The Emotional world is the most important for humanity at this phase of its development. The majority of monads incarnate today are focused in their 48:1 permanent atom. This is also the next world the monad enters when it discarnate at the end of its physical life. One of the key points of interest in the monad’s passage through the Emotional world is that this world is roughly divided into two haves. Paradise and Hell! If your emotional envelope is stuffed full of negative elemental essences, guess where you are going? This visit is not a passport to eternity. However, you do need to rid yourself of these negative little beasties before you can raise your focus of consciousness into the other half of this world, known as paradise. That may sound like a bit of all-right. Paradise, what more could you want? Well, actually a lot more, but I will get to that in a moment. This so-called ‘paradise’ is a consensus environment and about as close to reality as someone’s description of themselves on a dating site. The good news is that we eventually come to our senses and realise that paradise is ‘fake’ and we then are ready to transition into the next world.

What could possibly come after ‘paradise’? Heaven of course. We now enter the lower half of a world where most of us are only subjectively conscious. No worries, this subjective environment is just perfect. Why, because that is how we imagine it to be. This bubble of bliss we inhabit may be imaginary, but it is not illusory as everything was in the Emotional world. The point of this heavenly environment and our sojourn through it is to allow the monad to process its most recent incarnation. The monad dissects what exactly it learnt from all its experiences. It also allows the monad to practice certain skills that it may wish to pursue further in future incarnations. Mozart took many incarnations and a lot of practice on the mental plane before he wrote the ‘Jupiter’ symphony.
The Lower Mental World, like our lower mental bodies, is composed of four molecular levels. As the monad evolves, it comes to alight on the more subtle planes and this world slowly becomes objective to it. This is when things really start to get interesting as well as illuminating. Now it is possible for more advanced monads from the 5th and 6th kingdom, to come amongst us and teach us what we need to learn to become more effective monads in our future incarnations. Remember, the goal of every monad is to ultimately serve the Divine Plan. This sounds like a lofty statement but it basically points to the fact that we are in the four worlds of a much more evolved monad. That monad has a goal to evolve itself. We are part of that process of evolution. So if you scratch my back, I will scratch yours. Getting with the plan is in everyone’s interest.
The last of the worlds around our globe is the Causal World. This is an extension of the Lower Mental World but exists on the second, not the first triad. The Causal World is as high as we can go. This is where our causal body resides and this currently is our true home. Most of who we are is up here, not down with our persona. Yet for the vast majority of us, this world is a complete blank, as we lose consciousness when we return to it. This changes over time as we evolve. Our gradual access to this world comes first in the form of intuition and then inspiration.
That completes my tour of the worlds. This is where we live. This is where we evolve and each one of these worlds houses one of our envelopes of incarnation. The Causal World is where it all starts and the Physical World is where it all happens. In between are the worlds where we come to learn who we really are by first coming to know ourselves and then finally merging back into a group consciousness when we leave these worlds for greater things.

The last topic I discussed in this series of presentations was the theory of Rays. After understanding the Holy Trinity of Motion, Consciousness and Matter, the Rays are the most important concept to grasp. The reason is that that there are only seven types of atoms in the whole Universe and these types are directly linked to one of seven rays. You are a single monad. You have one particular orientation that you inherited the minute you came into the Universe. This is you and it is not going away. However, to become omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, which is your ultimate goal, you have to completely understand all the seven rays. This you go about achieving by experiencing the effects of all the rays in all your various envelopes of incarnation. Every possible permutation and combination is tried by you. In your passage, through the Solar System, you find by the time you reach the Third Triad, the seven rays merge into just three. The primary rays, which surprise, surprise, equate exactly to the Holy Trinity. The rays themselves are given the designation of 1. Will-Power, 2. Love-Wisdom and 3. Active-Intelligence. Don’t be fooled, however, this is just a thin disguise for those very same three principles I outlined in my very first presentation. Understand the Holy Trinity and its centrality in everything there is and you have the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything.
In my next presentation, rather than looking at the worlds around our planet, I look in detail at our own worlds, these are our various bodies of incarnation.
Dear Kazim,
in many presentations you have written about 1-atoms, the monads, the smallest and most important elements of life in the universe.
My question is related to monads, in terms of energy.
If monads are to follow a long and complex journey through the various planes of existence, they have to be furnished with energy, no matter what kind of energy they have.
At the time of their creation by the Absolute, 1-atoms are poured into the universe with at least a minimum content of energy, in order to sustain themselves.
As per my understanding, energy in the various cosmic planes, is not of the same kind we are used to see on our plane, mainly because of its different frequency and wavelenght. Furthermore, we usually think that energy neither can be created, nor it can be destroyed, but it can only be transformed, so it seems that monads exchange energy with an hypothetical source.
In order to sustain monads in their evolution through the cosmos, where does their energy come from?
Thank you
Hi Roberto, sorry I just saw this question you posted on this Recap. You ask a very good question. When a monad transfers from the Anti-Verse to the Universe, it has the famous Holy Trinity of attributes, that of Matter, Motion and Consciousness. The motion aspect you can think of as energy. This is always present in the monad, right at the moment of it transferring from the pool of Primordial Matter, into creation. Now we know that Primordial Matter is infinite, inexhaustible and eternal. Guess what, so is the Monad in terms of being immortal. For this reason, there is no need to add any more energy to the monad itself. If it is immortal, it can never run out of energy. So fear not, your monad is safe and not about to run out of steam. What does happen, however, is that there is a constant stream of news monads entering the Universe and with them they bring the component we know as Fohat. This is usually thought of as divine energy. However, remember that you can never have energy by itself. It has always to be attached to matter and that matter is called a monad. So there is energy circulating around the Universe in the form of 1-atoms, that bring Fohat with them. This is not to be confused with the need for the monad itself to recharge its batteries. It does not need to ever do this.
Thank you Kazim,
a recap was really necessary, for me at least, because in the last presentations many concepts have been outlined and it takes time to correlate them all together.
Your commitment is always remarkable, a work like this deserves a wide audience in my opinion, I really hope it will be widespread in the future. I would like to partecipate in the work of spreading it, as per my little possibilities.
I am glad you are finding the Recaps informative. I always debate if I should reiterate what I have just spend a number of presentations describing. Clearly you think so and that feedback is useful to me. I am currently preparing a new series of presentations on Sleep and Dreams. You will see them in January. I was wondering whether this set would need a recap and now you have prompted me to do one. Thank you for sharing the ideas presented to us in Hylozoics. This is a message worth spreading.