In presentation 21, I looked at collective consciousness from the perspective of the evolving human monad, as opposed to the collective consciousness of the three lower kingdoms of nature. The human monad in the first triad is able to experience feelings, desires and thoughts simultaneously, as all three 1st-triad envelopes can communicate with each other.

I then started to look at the levels of consciousness that are available to all monads in the six kingdoms of nature. This consciousness was split between subjective and objection consciousness. How these two forms of consciousness changed, were represented in a diagram. This diagram shows the major transformation that takes place when a monad takes the 3rd initiation and gains objective consciousness in its three lower bodies of incarnation.

Levels of Consciousness
In the previous presentation, we also looked at consciousness development from a subjective and objective point of view. This can be further refined if a numbering system is used to help in the classification and discussion of the development of consciousness. We develop our consciousness through three triad centres at a time. Consequently, there is no clear cut transition from physical, to emotional, to mental consciousness.
The Five Stages of Human Development.
Visually it is possible to see how subjective consciousness precedes objective consciousness. This visual representation also allows us to see how consciousness develops slowly through the sub-planes. It also reminds us that as we evolve, we clear out our envelopes of the lower vibrating secondary matter, allowing us to raise our consciousness even further.

Looking at this diagram, the same concept can be represented numerically. The left-hand column lists the five stages of human development in the 4th Kingdom. The next column reminds us where the monad has its focus of attention, in the initial stages of human development. The monad locates itself in the permanent physical atom. The next two levels of development both occur with the monad focused in the permanent emotional atom. It then moves to the permanent mental molecule and finally to the permanent mental atom, located in the causal body in the second triad. Ranges of numbers are given for each of these stages. The absolute numerical values are of no specific interested but only serve to give us a comparison between levels of development. What is worth noting is that when you look at the ranges of values in the subjective column, they are 100 points higher. This reinforces the message that subjective consciousness precedes objective consciousness and is the driving force behind the evolution of the monad.
Because subjective consciousness precedes objective consciousness by half a plane or 100 points, it allows us to speculate how a monad’s consciousness may be affected by their behaviour in an incarnation. If a person has a subjective consciousness of 360, they are at a stage of development that I have classified as ‘Community’. These classifications are outlined in greater detail in due course. This does not mean that their actions, emotions and thoughts are restricted to the range of 300 to 399. Most human behaviour falls about 100 points above or below the average level of consciousness. Any thoughts, emotions or actions that fall below the monad’s average level are detrimental to evolution. They can be considered as being ‘evil’.
Let’s remind ourselves that a monad’s level of development is determined by its position in the triad chain and the contents of its causal envelope. Our persona’s level of development is evident from the molecular content of our subtle bodies. Which way round is your egg pointing? If we routinely act and think below our level of development, our subtle bodies become denser and consciousness decreases. The colour emanating from our subtle bodies would also change. Positive thoughts, emotions and actions refine our causal matter. The lower causal body is, therefore, representative of our persona’s level of consciousness in an incarnation. At the end of the incarnation, the lower causal matter is returned to the storehouse of the higher causal body, either refining it or degrading it.
As only five per cent of casual matter descends on average per incarnation, the overall effect on the soul’s development is small. This is a safety net to stop one bad life severely hampering our development. As an example, assume a soul has a level of consciousness of 450 before it incarnates. Its persona draws into itself elemental essences that match this level of development. If bad deeds are committee in adulthood, the level of consciousness in the persona may drop by 50 points. When the lower causal body reunites with the higher body, the overall level of development only drops to 430, as 95 per cent of the causal body was at 450 points to start with.
There is another possibility in extreme cases, where the soul’s guardian angel may choose to write off the five per cent of causal matter that went towards creating the persona and not let it rejoin the 95 per cent, contaminating it more seriously. It must be remembered that although causal matter may not be brought home to roost, the lower permanent atoms and molecule do carry the scares of that incarnation and those negative traits and habits need to be expunged at some point. The salient point is not to rely on insurance policies. Don’t have the train crash in the first place.
Molecular Development of the Subtle Bodies
As a continuation of an understanding of soul development, the diagram presented is an attempt to look at the development of the subtle bodies from a molecular perspective.

The left-hand column is the same as in the previous diagram. The five levels of soul development are presented, alongside the number system to represent these stages of development. The first thing I would like you to examine is the patten of colours in the body of the table. The darker rectangles represent envelopes that have objective consciousness, the lighter one represent subconscious or unconscious envelopes. In the Unity column, the grey rectangles indicate that no envelopes have formed at all. It is only at or near enlightenment that the monad begins to build up its next two envelopes, the Unity and the Lower Spiritual.
So to decode this diagram, every level of soul development has full objective consciousness on the physical plane. The physical plane here is defined as levels 49:5-49:7. This is gases, liquids and solid matter. If you look at the top row for the Enlightened soul (600-699), you can see that this soul is objectively conscious in all its envelopes that go to make up the body of a monad, as it passes through the 4th Kingdom of nature. Whilst still in the 4th Kingdom, the monad is subjectively conscious in the three lowest sub-planes, 46:5, 46:6 and 46:7. It’s only when you get to the 5th Kingdom, the Unity plane, that the monad is conscious objectively on the three lowest sub-planes of the 46th plane (46:5-46:7).
At soul development levels 1,2, & 3, the monad is subjectively conscious at different levels in its etheric, emotional and mental bodies. The precise molecular levels can be understood by examine this table more closely. This is not possible in this presentation, so I urge you to visit the website, where the table is presented in the script. What the changing numbers indicate, as the previous diagram showed visually, is that as consciousness develops, denser molecules are replaced by lighter one. This is represented in the replacement of lower vibrating numbers for higher ones. As an example, a Compassionate soul is subjectively conscious on sub-planes 48:2-48:5. A soul on level 2, the Community level, is subjectively conscious on levels 48:4-48:7. So the soul on level 4 has filtered out the lower vibrational molecules 48:6 and 48:7 from its emotional envelope. Those base emotions of fear and anger no longer trouble it. Conversely, the soul at level 2, the Community level, lacks the more refined molecules at sub-levels 48:3 and 48:2. Consequently, it is not able to experience the higher emotions of compassion and unconditional love.
From this presentation, I also draw your attention to the fact that souls at the lowest three levels of soul development are unconscious when they enter their causal body. This happens between incarnations. The exact mechanism for this transition is discussed in the future.
When the monad evolves to level 4 and becomes what I term a ‘Compassionate’ human being, the monad now has subjective consciousness at the casual level. This allows it to be in communication with intuitive and inspirational ideas.
If you look carefully at some of the ‘subjective’ labels, you see an asterisk (*). This indicates that the monad has objective consciousness when it is asleep on those planes. It is also objectively conscious when it has an out-of-body experience or when it dies and begins it transition back to its causal body to rest between incarnations. Of particular note is the fact that the Young (1) soul is not subjectively consciousness at all when it is asleep. A Compassionate (4) soul is subjectively consciousness on the mental plane. This is something that the younger souls are not able to achieve.
The Human Race
We have talked about the five grades of soul development. The next question to ask is how many souls fall into each category presently? The answer is presented in the diagram.

Eighty-five per cent of humanity currently occupies the lowest two developmental levels. These are Young (1) souls and Community (2) souls. Of the two, the Young (1) souls are supposed to be in the vast majority. They number 60 per cent of humanity today. I personally feel this figure of 60 percent is too high. I am more comfortable with the general understanding that most of humanity are relatively recent arrivals to the human party and therefore the ‘games’ played are geared towards their evolutionary needs. Souls having reached level 3 are classified as Cultured. They make up the majority of the remaining group of humanity. The two highest grades hardly figure at all, although most esoteric thinkers are sure they number amongst that grade. The reality is very different.
The 4th column lists the number of incarnations an average monad takes to graduate to the next grade of consciousness. These numbers should be taken as a very rough guide. Lee Bladon, in his excellent book The Science of Spirituality suggests that it takes the average monad 70,000 incarnations to pass through the Human Kingdom. There is an esoteric saying that it takes 500 years to graduate from the 4th Kingdom, where one day of that 500 years is equal to an incarnation. Calculate this out and this would take 182,500 incarnations. This number is based on the monad just going with the flow and making no particular effort to improve its lot. So 70,000 is a feasible number, just as much as 200,000 is. What matters is the effort you put in to maximise the goals set in each incarnation. It is a privilege to be down here. You can’t progress unless you come to school and you can’t come to school unless you have a birthing slot. Regardless of the fact that there are over 7.5 billion people incarnated at present, apparently there are a potential pool of 60 billion human monads who could qualify to take incarnation.
Going back to the table; the youngest souls may have undergone 30,000 incarnations. Consequently they have learnt a lot less about how to activate and control their envelopes of incarnation. This explains why so many of the planet’s inhabitants are so fractious. They are focused in their physical and emotional bodies. They are run by their feelings and desires and their mental body has difficulty in being heard.
Going back to that number of 60 billion, let us assume that 20 billion of those are younger souls. Where are the 40 billion older ones and why are they not down here helping calm things down? The reason is that groups of monads incarnate together. They require a specific set of conditions to aid their evolution. If that environment is one of apparent chaos, then so be it. This is what is needed for them to experience all that is needed for them to grow in awareness. This happens slowly. Very, very slowly. The last 12,000 years have been dominated by the repeated incarnation of the youngest monads. This is changing slowly and a new wave of older souls are beginning to incarnate. They are picturesquely called the Indigo children. These beings are linked to the emerging age of Aquarius.
I am of the firm opinion that there is going to be no ‘New Age’ leap in consciousness, as many of my esoteric colleagues assume. What is going to change is the ratio of younger to older souls. When the bulk of souls are younger, the older souls see no value in incarnating. A few of them do, but their role is to help balance the negativity created by the younger souls. The negativity generated by the younger souls, hampers the development of the older one. For this reason, those greater beings that guide our evolution, allow for different time slots for each group of monads to achieve their objectives. To be more precise, for the guardian angels of those monads to create environments and opportunities for their charges to learn and grow.
So as stated, the ratio of younger to older souls is about to change to favour the older ones. What then happens to the younger souls? They sleep in their causal bodies until another cycle of activity is initiated that crates an environment that is conducive for their further evolution. It is apparent today studying human demography, that environments that previously supported younger souls are no longer available. Over 50 per cent of the planet is urbanising. This, by its very nature, is moving these monads into a group relationships, which leads me to classify them as ‘Community’ focused souls. Others have used the term ‘Civilised’. This term has unfortunate undertones and that is why I avoid it. However, used in its correct context, when humans group form a civil society they become civilised. It is also for this reason that I personally estimate that there must be a higher percentage of grade 2 human monads present on Earth at the moment.
I discuss this further in the next presentation, when I look at the five stages of soul development in detail. At the moment you have five headings and a list of conditions attached to them presented in tables. I wish to flesh these out further so it is clearly understood what the monad is learning, as it passes through each of these stages. Every stage is important and leads to a greater understand of what it is to be human.
Hi Kazim
It would be nice to think that I am at the cultlural level of consiousness but in reality, I strongly suspect I’m at the civilised stage. I’m curious at which level do you identify with? Also, do you have any advice on how to discouve out this incarnation’s goals so that maximum progress can be achieved.
Hi Frank
It is always seductive to let yourself be drawn into the realms of fantasy and glamour. You are what you are and this places you where you are in your envelopes of incarnation. I go over this again in Recap 5, which is due for release on Monday 17th. I point out that if you have ‘eyes’ to see, then you are in no doubt where the monad is focused in its envelopes of incarnation. However, both the Community and the Cultured soul are located in the 48:1 permanent Emotional atom. So how would you differentiate here? Firstly, look at the colours in the envelope and look at the balance of where the molecules are resonating. At the top, middle or boottom of your ‘Easter Egg’.
If you wish to attempt to gauge where you are in your envelopes, look dispassionately at your thought and emotional patterns. I have looked at mine and drawn my own conclusions. However, this is to aid me in my further development and not for idle speculation! LOL
Yes there are ways to begin to find out where you are going in life and what you are here to achieve. I use numerology for this purpose and I direct you to another website of mine where you can find out more about the methodolgy I use and the service I offer. Check it out and then contact me if you wish with any further questions you may have.
Dear Kazim,
I am impressed by your commitment in sharing your posts.
Furthermore, in your recaps it is very very clear your willingness to spread your thoughts to people. I do hope this community can grow and exchange ideas.
I really hope to have a little local community to share all these ideas in the future. I am rather shy, but I feel stronger than in the past. Will this give me the strenght to speak in public (Covid apart)? I do not know.
Thank you so much and congratulations,
Thank you, Roberto
My Recap posting on Monday 17th should reinforce the ideas I developed on consciousness as well as the 5 stages of development. As for developing a local community, I wish you luck in this endeavour. I have a Monday discussion with two friends of Skype and that is the sum-total of my outreach beyond my presentations themselves! Not spectacular I know but there it is. In September, the Monday group has decided to start a group reading of one of Laurency’s works. This we will probably do on Wednesday. Who knows, maybe more people will join in.