These presentations have aimed to give a scaffolding as to how the universe is put together and why we find ourselves in it. After outlining the 49 planes of existence, I went on to talk about the three principle envelopes of humanity. These are your physical/etheric, emotional and mental bodies. The fact that we are not just the sum of the parts we can see, but a collection of beings that exist on different planes of matter, is a vital one to understand. This allows you to grasp what it is to be human and how to change your game.

I talk about a human being but what exactly constitutes that being? I have mentioned that each envelope on its plane can be considered a being in its own right. Why is this? The reason is that each envelope is composed of a complex of atoms and molecules that are evolving themselves. I have explained that there are four basic grades of matter, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary. What differentiates each grade of matter is how conscious they are. This lead me nicely into the the last set of presentation I have made that have looked at the different types of consciousness.

When comparing these four grades of matter, the first division that can be made regarding consciousness is whether it is actively or passively conscious. Let me start by excluding primary matter, which is neither active or passively conscious. It is just potentially conscious. It is the monad in its purest form, but is yet to be awakened to consciousness. It forms the basic structure of the Universe and functions as the mechanism by which energy is brought from the Anti-Verse verse into the Universe. The primary atom is linked to the 1st Outpouring of matter into the Universe by the 3rd Logos.
It is when we get to the 2nd Outpouring by the 2nd Logos that consciousness begins to make an active appearance, even if it is passive. It is here that also the next two levels of matter/consciousness, respond to this outpouring in the first division of consciousness I am going to speak about. Secondary matter is passively conscious. What does this mean in actuality? This matter, also known as Elemental Essence has an active consciousness field around it, but this field is not self-activating. It requires another monad of a higher consciousness level to instruct it what to do and how to behave. It does this faithfully in clusters of monads known as Elemental. These monads are vital to our being able to react to our environment. I differentiate experiencing our environment from reacting to it. The role of experiencing that environment is facilitated by the next class of monads, the Tertiary atoms. The Secondary atoms perform a different function. They allow us to think and feel. When I say feel I do not mean touch, I mean to experience emotions and desires. Why is this needed? Well, remember, you are just one monad, the smallest unit of existence in the Universe. How can you do anything, especially in the dense, material world we live in? The answer lies in the ability for us to focus our will through these lower grades of matter to achieve our desired goals. Through our will and our conscious endeavours, we can manipulate secondary matter to take form and project our conscious thoughts and desires into the world around us. These thought and desire forms are very real and material on their own planes. They can be constructive or destructive, but most importantly of all, they have impact. So a thought or a feeling is not some abstract event. It is very tangible in its own environment.
By responding to our wishes and commands, the secondary matter gets to experience conscious input at a much higher level. It can not generate this conscious activity at all by itself but it can thrill of the inputs we give it. In this way they involve down the planes of matter towards their goal, which is to eventually transform into tertiary matter. This change marks the boundary between active and passive consciousness. The former can be self-initiating, the latter has to wait till an outside influence stirs it into action.
Tertiary matter is deemed to be actively conscious because it can remember inputs of consciousness in the form of commands and then repeat them. This is the matter that forms our physical envelope and allows us to ‘feel’ our way into the environment around us. Having said that, is it our physical envelope that actually feels, or is it our etheric sub-envelope that achieves this task for us? The etheric body powers the whole physical/etheric complex in the first place. I leave you to ponder that question.
In a nutshell that is the difference between active and passive consciousness. When matter rises to the Quaternary level, after the Third Outpouring by the 1st Logos, it is also actively conscious. However, the big change is that monads at this level begin to develop will-power and become self-activating in a way that Tertiary matter is not.

Now I wish to look at how active and passive consciousness play a role in our envelopes of incarnation. I drew your attention to the fact that all we knowingly experience, is our waking consciousness. However, this is a tiny fraction of what goes to make up our meta-consciousness. I have defined meta-consciousness and our super-consciousness, our waking consciousness and our subconscious thoughts and desires.
If we cannot find a pathway back to a thought or desire, then it can be said to be passive and subconscious. This would include our long-term memory, as well as our traits and habits. If something is called a memory, then it must be stored somewhere. It can’t be stored in secondary matter, as this has no memory function, but it can be stored in tertiary matter. What this tertiary matter can do is release this stored memory, which can be a thought, a feeling, or a habitual activity, into our waking consciousness. To do this, the waking consciousness has to find the active pathway back to this memory. When it does, the thoughts and desires that are experiences themselves, occur due to the actions of the secondary matter we house in our emotional and mental envelopes.
Superconsciousness is also a level of awareness that is not actively present in the waking consciousness but it is there. Effectively, for humans, our superconscious mind extends as far as our causal body, which remember is really our mental body. It happens to be located on the 2nd triad and is not consciously available to us at the moment. But just as subconscious memories can find their way into our waking conscious, so can superconscious thoughts. This is known as intuition and inspiration.

This leads me nicely into another area of consciousness that I wish to recap. What is the difference between Objective and Subjective consciousness? Put simply, objective consciousness is when the monad is aware of its immediate surroundings. This is most obvious when we are awake and aware of what is around us. However, we can also be objectively consciousness on higher planes. This is possible when we fall asleep and our emotional and mental envelopes, as well as the focus of the monad moves into one of the higher planes of matter.

We do not remember this event clearly, because we have a barrier that prevents this. I have explained that the Etheric Web is a ring of 49:1. This shields us from unwanted attention by discarnate entities that dwell on the Emotional plane. I have outlined why this is needed and what can happen if we do not respect and maintain the integrity of this barrier. What I wish to draw your attention to at present, is that we can be and often are, objectively consciousness on more than just one plane, the lowest plane. At Enlightenment, the game changes completely and the monad is now able to function objectively on all the three lowest planes. When I say three, I am including the causal body as well, as this has now joined the lower mental body to become just one complete mental body. The monad is now known as a conscious soul incarnate.

Ok, so that has objective consciousness sorted. What about subjective consciousness? This is when the monad is focused within its envelope and does not interact with its surrounding environment directly. This occurs when we day-dream or when we are engaged in deep thought. This subjective world is very real to us. If you consider that we are living in the subjective reality of the Absolute that created our universe, you get the idea that a subject world can be as real as an objective one to the monad perceiving it. That world functions because again, we manipulate elemental essences to take shapes that subscribe to our thoughts and wishes. This can appear very real to us but it is a fiction. We have created it and we sustain it. It also serves a very important function in our evolution and allows us to plan and develop ideas before they are executed objectively in the world around us.

This recent series of presentations have all been about consciousness and consciousness development. However, consciousness does not exist in a vacuum. It can not exist at all unless matter and motion are also present. Well you should have got the general gist of things relating to matter, as I am always banging on about planes of matter and varied and assorted molecule and atoms. I do however want to digress into the third component of the Holy Trinity, that of motion. The aspect of motion I specifically wish to discuss is the of Will. I, however, can not talk about will without linking it to energy. They are the same thing and are linked in a way that I outline next. I wish to point out that will, often spoken of as Will-power, is how that will is modulated. In other words, the strength of Will is determined by the energy it manifest. These are not two separate components, but they can be thought of as a two-stage manifestation of one principle.
Just as matter has 49 planes of activation, so does consciousness. So what about Will? Well, no surprise, Will also manifest is specific ways on all of the 49 planes that go to make up our universe. Physical Will is called an impulse. This Will is very weak and finds it difficult to control itself. As the term implies, not an awful lot of thought goes into an impulse. It just happens. What drives an impulse? The answer to that is found on the Emotional plane. Here we find the world of desire. These desires can often be trigged by other emotions such as happiness or sadness. The impulse to eat a whole tub of ice cream may be triggered because the emotional body is expressing a negative emotion and reasons that by consuming the ice cream it will somehow feel better about itself! Clearly the net outcome of this event is going to make matters even worse when a pair of scales or a mirror are encountered. So why does the emotional body not put a stop to this impulse starting anyway? The reason is that emotional will is also weak. It can’t control itself let alone the next envelope below it.
Is all hope lost? No. We now turn to mental Will, which we call determination. If this is activated, then we stand a chance of not opening that fridge door. So it is mental Will, which is much stronger than emotional and physical Will. It can save the day , if we choose to active it and take charge of our weaker and disparate lower envelopes.

The last aspect of consciousness I wish to recap on is linked to the next series of presentations. This new series looks at stages of development. We humans pass through five clearly defined stages of development. How can I say that they are clearly defined? Surely things are blurred and you can not say that one stage has been reached or another stage passed. Well you actually can. This is where Hylozoics really earns its spurs. If you can focus your hypothesis into the realm of matter, it is easier to state that something has happened. It is an objective observation. When we look at something from a consciousness perspective, things become subjective very quickly.
As the monad moves through the 4th, the Human Kingdom, it expands its consciousness. This expansion is directly linked to where the monad has its focus of consciousness. What do I precisely mean by its focus? Well, we have talked about the fact that the monad is actually located on the 43rd, the highest plane of our Solar System. On this plane it is located within the 43:1 permanent atom. To operate within the Cosmic Physical plane, the monad, with the help of the Devic Kingdom, constructs a series of nine triadic structures. Each of these structures either has a permanent atom or permanent molecule. Because of this, when the monad passes from the 3rd to the 4th kingdom, it first takes up focus in the 49:1 permanent atom. This is located on the highest subplane of the 49 plane. This soul can rightly be considered a young soul and for this reason I give it this designation. The monad at this stage lives very much through its senses, in the same way a young child does. It explores its world in this manner, apprehending, rather than comprehending it. This stage may last for a notional 40,000 incarnations. Yes, that is correct, 40,000. It takes a long time to evolve consciousness and if you look a the bulk of humanity, they are still very much in the early phases of this process.
The monad moves its consciousness to a level where it starts to form a community of existence and dwell in large groups. I therefore call this phase, the Community phase. Others call is the Civilised phase and this is just as good, as humanity now is living in a civil society and is therefore civilised. But how can we say that this change has definitively taken place? The reason is that the focus of the monad has left the permanent physical atom (49:1) and moved to the permanent emotional atom (48:1). You see, there you have an objective change of address that can be observed by those that have ‘eyes’ to see. The Community soul has moved beyond meeting its basic physical needs and starts to think about its family and its surrounds, hence the appearance of a more structured community. The soul may be focused in the 48:1 atom but it functions mainly through molecules occupying the lower portion of our metaphorical Easter Egg. At present, it also has active molecules in its mental envelope, but again, only the lowest two level. These molecules get hopelessly entangled with the emotional molecules and rather than thought governing desires, we end up with desires governing thoughts.
The grouping of the Young and Community based souls make up approximately 85 per cent of humanity today. A smaller group of souls have progressed further and they can now be defined as Cultured souls. What changes can we see here? Well, we can not see a change of address for the monad, it is still located in the 48:1 permanent atom. However, the ratio of emotional molecules in the Easter Egg have started to register a visible change. I am not going to say that the egg has necessarily inverted itself, but I would say that it has definitely started to develop an expanded waistline. Monads functioning at this level have a much greater engagement with society and an appreciation of the culture that society generates. The mental envelope is beginning to gain a greater control over the emotional envelope but there is still a clear entanglement. The exact changes in emotional and mental modes of thinking are outlined in the relevant presentation.
Now we do come to another jump. The monad moves its focus out of the emotional body and into the mental envelope. It takes up its residence, metaphorically speaking, in the permanent mental molecule (47:4). The biggest change that is noticeable is that the troublesome emotional body is now firmly under control, or at least is starting to be. The soul now has a compassionate and benevolent view of its fellow monads and that is why I call this phase ‘Compassionate’. It is at this time the monad starts to receive flashes of intuition and inspiration from its causal body. Although its intellect reigns supreme, it realises that this intellect is not able to provide it with all the answers it seeks to understand. That emotional Easter Egg is now well and truly inverted. This stage is reached by very few people present on this planet at present; less than one per cent. This is the staging post for the last jump of the monad within the 4th Kingdom.
So would you realise you have reached the final grade of consciousness in the Human Kingdom? You bet your bottom dollar you would. Materially, the focus of your monad leaves the mental body and migrate to the permanent mental atom (47:1). This is located on the second triad. So there is an objective observation to be made when looking at such an individual. The changes are much further reaching than just a change of address and a bit more control over your emotions. There is a root and branch evolution in your conscious capacity and these changes are examined in the next set of presentations.