In then the previous presentation I laid out a framework that categorised the development of the human monad into five stages. These categories are not arbitrary. It is possible to define the capacities that are inherent in humanity, as it passes through each level. Allied to this, was a simple number scales that was used alongside the five stages. This reinforced the message of an increase in the consciousness and the refinement of the molecules the go to make up the emotional and mental envelopes of humanity. I wish now to go on and drill down into each grade and highlight what exactly constitutes the parameters of that grade.

1. The Young Stage of Human Development
I have tabulated that approximately 60 per cent of humanity is currently passing through the first, the Young stage of human development. I also indicated that I personally felt that this number is likely to be under 40 per cent, as the proportion of humanity that live in urban environments has increased dramatically in the last half-century.
The defining characteristic of Young souls is that they approach their lives with a high degree of physicality and an abundance of negative emotions. They live very much through their senses and a liable to react emotionally before they have had a chance to think about the trigger of their reaction.
The monad in such humans resides in the physical permanent atom (49:1). The net result is that the focus of attention of the monad is in and through the physical body. You could say, this is the world of feelings. The physical/etheric body is sensing its environment and learning from it. This is evident in every monad as it enters into a cycle of incarnation and you can see this in the way a young child senses and reacts to its environment. For the Young monad, its stage of development does not progress beyond this level, even as it grows to maturity in age.
In the youngest of cultures that we can still observe, and they are disappearing fast, the transition from the animal kingdom could be very recent. When I mean recent, it could be as little as a few million years ago. For such humans, the adherence to a prescriptive religion, helps them work through some of their innate negative tendencies.
A monad, focused in its 49:1 physical atom has an emotional consciousness limited to the 48:7 and 48:6 molecular level. It is such base emotions as fear, anger, vengeance, pride, envy and greed that motivate them into action. Higher emotions, such as love and compassion, develop later. Mental consciousness in such young monads is limited to 47:7, allowing the monad to exercise simple logic and to imitate thinking. By this, I mean that they tend to go along with the group, rather than thinking for themselves. Call it herd mentality of you like.

Young souls live lives that are dominated by traditions and superstitions. They believe what they are told and they lack the power to reason. Monads may take over 30,000 incarnations to navigate through this stage of their conscious development. It is a process we have all been through and it has laid the foundations for what comes next. It unfortunately also lays down negative traits and habit, as well as a lot of negative karma. This has to be adjusted when we are more able to face the consequences of our previous actions.
2. The Community Stage of Human Development
Sticking what I have tabulated, 25 per cent of humanity can be classified as having reached the Community stage of development. These souls are characterised by a mix of negative and positive emotions coursing through their emotional envelope. The monad has moved its focus from the 49:1 atoms to the 48:1 atom. This makes the monad a predominantly emotional human being. What matters to them are their emotions, desires and feelings.
Reason begins to develop in the persona but it is heavily coloured by emotionality. The reason for this is that the mental body uses an emotional framework and the two envelopes become heavily entangled. At the Community stage, emotions become more neutral but negative traits and habits from their younger incarnations surface and plague them.
The way negative emotions are expressed, morph. What happened in the past as pure hatred, now surface as moral judgment and intolerance. One characteristic of a persona operating at Level 2, is that when its emotions are inactive, it feels ‘empty’ and life seems dull.
If you observe an emotionally focused person, you notice that their emotions respond to external stimuli. This means that happiness is dependant on a good social life. They are happy when going shopping, consuming alcohol, enjoying music, having sex or engaging in gossip. I could go on but you get the picture.

Intellect begins to develop in a persona at Level 2 but it is not enough for them to truly think for themselves. They are able to decide between options but are not capable of formulating completely new ideas of their own. Group-think and the influence of the media hold sway over them.
Emotional thinking is dualistic. This is a significant stage of human development, when emotions manifest as pairs of opposites. An obvious example would be love and hate. People functioning at this level tend to have judgmental thoughts and follow organised religions. This includes ‘science’ which for many is also a religion alas. Personas functioning in their lower emotions are content to adopt ready-made belief systems.
The majority of the populations of what are termed ‘developed countries’ are at the 2nd level of the Community soul. They generally do not want to stand out and need acceptance from the group they reside within. They have a tendency to be quite vain, materialistic and fashion conscious. They also display a high degree of group pride, which is described at patriotism. When a persona is at the Young stage, it focus is all about ‘me’ and ‘now’. At stage two, a Community focused soul is still at the ‘me’ stage but the circle of inclusion extends to family and friends. The average person at stage 2 is decidedly ‘normal’, being honest, polite and hard-working.
3. The Cultured Stage
We now come to the last stage of human development that is easily seen in society. They only number approximately 14 per cent of humanity. The focus of these souls has moved higher in the emotional body and consequently higher emotions are expressed. Such souls are beginning to develop an intellect. The monad is still located in the 48:1 permanent atom but the focus has changed to making intellectual development a priority.
The mental body is still entangled with the emotional body but the balance of power now lies with the intellect, emanating from the mental body. The emotions are now being reigned in and rightful control established. Cultured souls feel emotions but do not get carried away by them. The appearance of the intellect in a soul’s life instils objectivity, growing beyond selfish and subjective emotionality.
Higher emotions develop alongside the intellect and this results in a more balanced world view. The Community focused soul is motivated by Lower levels of emotionality, centring on the ego and selfishness. The Cultured soul is motivated by higher emotionality, which includes such feelings as love and unselfishness. They tend to be caring, good natured, intelligent and philosophical.
Cultured souls tend to have high ideals but are rarely protestors or activists, preferring co-operation rather than conflict. Many scientists and intellectual, along with what I euphemistically call ‘New Agers’ function at this level of consciousness. It is at this stage that different parts of the soul incarnate into different lives to learn about higher emotions or to develop intellect. I have spoken already about the fact that only about 5 percent of a soul every usually takes incarnation. The guardian angel now has enough soul consciousness developed within the causal envelope, to pick out skill-sets. These benefit the monad more favourably in any particular incarnation. In this way, a scientific incarnation may be followed by one where the soul chooses to experience a highly spiritual life.

It is at this stage of human development that the soul is able to subtly influence the persona. The lowest molecular level of the casual body, housing 47:3 molecules can now influence the mental body through intuition. This, I have previously described as an inner knowing. This level of soul expression is above intellectual thought and allows the persona to express ideas in an all encompassing manner. This is known as Universal Thinking. This is just a nascent development in the life of the persona, but it is a constructive start that leads to greater things.
I have also mentioned that a monad is subjectively conscious half a plane of matter above where it is objectively conscious. This allows a soul functioning at the 3rd level of human development to receive impressions from the Unity plane, also known as the 5th Kingdom. This develops compassion in the monad. This grounds itself in the emotional body but should not be seen as being an emotion in itself. It is a higher expression of true love and understanding, which is the hallmark of the 5th, the Unity Kingdom.
These higher energies, cascading down from the causal and unity plane are there to refine the emotional body, which is the main aim of the monad as it passes through the Cultured phase of its evolution. It should be noted that these energies can cause imbalances in the etheric body, which leads to the disruption of the nervous system. This may account for the increased levels of anxiety and depression being experienced by many souls incarnate today in modern societies.
At a later phase in the monad’s passage through the Cultured stage of development, it is not uncommon for souls to have a series of incarnations that exhibit strong mystical and clairvoyant tendencies. This is more likely if the soul has practiced yoga or magic in previous incarnations.
Energies from the Unity plane have a tendency to overstimulate the emotional body. This can induce raptures and ecstatic feelings. This has the unfortunate outcome that the persona mistakes these events, triggered by its own superconscious, as the presence of God. This sometimes goes by the name of the Messiah Complex. Such souls are caught up in their own emotional illusions.
Mysticism and spirituality belong to the Cultured stage of evolution and the study of esoterics starts to appear in the next phase of development. This I have named the the Compassionate phase. Which thinkers would you classify here?
4. The Compassionate Stage
Now we are getting into the really rarefied levels of human development. We have reached the Compassionate stage of consciousness. Less than one per cent of humanity express this in their being. They are characterised by having a very high intellect and a very compassionate nature. This is not to be mistaken for emotionality. The monad has now moved to the 47:4 permanent mental molecule. Now the persona dominates proceedings from the mental plane and the emotional body is bought under strict observance and control.
We now learn to think for ourselves and develop our own beliefs, opinions and standards. These are formulated independently from those projected by the media. Compassionate people see through emotional illusions and mental fictions that taint other people’s perception of reality. Compassionate souls realise the insignificance and futility of chasing materialism, wealth and fame. The persona is now able to engage in rational and impartial thoughts. This has become possible as the mental body has managed to disentangle itself from the emotional body.
The mental body begins to associate more strongly with the causal body. This increases its receptivity to intuitional and inspirational thoughts. Subjective causal consciousness, also known as soul contact, develops through the Compassionate stage of development. It is however hard to start off with. This is because there is so much mental chatter cascading down into the physical/etheric brain. The soul must learn to control the powerful mental activities coursing through its mental envelope. These thought-forms need to be trained to become tools for the monad that wants to now focus through its causal body.
Initially, mental consciousness acts as a transformer. It concretises causal ideas. It slowly learns to overcome its inherent egotistical nature and step aside to allow causal ideas to flow freely into the brain. It is difficult for the brain to understand causal ideas. One way to facility this process is to meditate regularly. This greatly speeds up the process.
The need to explain great philosophical questions, such as the meaning of life and to understand the nature of reality become the primary focus of the monad, when it reaches the 4th stage of human development. The persona now becomes aware of the limitations of the fields of science and the fictitious nature of religions. It now seeks to develop its own understanding of the meaning of life, the universe and everything!

Souls at the Compassionate stage now have an insatiable appetite for any kind of knowledge that will develop their understanding. They may study religious text, but this does not make them religious. They are often sceptics or atheists, choosing to believe nothings, rather than a collection of religious fallacies. This is the reason why esoteric knowledge appeals to them.
Halfway through the Compassionate stage, the monad satisfies its thirst for knowledge and then sets about applying that knowledge to achieve higher states of consciousness. The recent influx of cosmic energy has accelerated development of the 5th and 6th Kingdoms, which together make up the Planetary Hierarchy. People at the Compassionate stage can also accelerate their development through special training. This occurs on the causal plane while asleep or through mediation. Waking consciousness may not know this is occurring but your meta-consciousness does.
5. The Enlightened Stage
The chances of you ever meeting someone who has progressed to the final stage of humanity is very low, and they number less than one in a million. Such souls have ranched enlightenment and are characterised by an overwhelming sense of peace and joy, wisdom and unity. This state can not be understood, it has to be experienced.
Enlightenment occurs at the start of the 5th stage of human development when the monad bridges the gap between the 1st and 2nd triads. The monad now moves up to the 47:1 mental atom. This is a huge achievement. The achievement is called enlightenment because the light of the soul overwhelms and subjugates the persona/ego. This lower body is relegated to playing a subservient role. I referenced this in a previous presentation to the “Peace that surpasses understanding” (Philippians 4:7).
The usual ceaseless chattering of the mind no longer colours our perception. We no longer have a judgmental commentary running in the background. This leaves us free to ‘be’ and experience life, purely and directly. Causal consciousness is radically different from anything a normal person has ever experienced. It is characterised by a feeling of unity and identification with everyone and everything. Some authors describe enlightenment when they say “I” disappeared. This indicates they are re-defining enlightenment, not reaching it.
Enlightenment involves centring your monad in the 47:1 atom or above and this requires lifetimes of effort. You can not develop ‘muscle’ without exercising. Fully developed causal consciousness allows you to:
- Acquire information about any event in history and access causal idea of the members of the 5th and 6th Kingdom. Remember, the monad is still in the 4th Kingdom.
- Directly influence physical and etheric matter, enabling you to move objects, known as telekinesis. It is possible to levitate bodies. This is done through the manipulation of causal energy through the brow chakra. This creates a ‘cause’, which gives rise to an ‘effect’ on the physical plane.
- See through solid matter and zoom into objects on the microscopic and sub-atomic level.
- Project images of themselves to remote locations and describe the environment and events clearly.
- Objectively perceive the etheric, emotional, mental and causal worlds. This allows the soul to see other people’s aura, thoughts and emotions. It is one thing seeing these things. It is another thing understanding what they mean. Causal consciousness gives you this understanding.

Casual consciousness allows an amazing level of understanding about the nature of reality. However, knowledge is not infallible, as knowledge has to be stepped down through the mental body and mistranslations can occur.
I wish to point out that non-enlightened people are not ‘new’ people every time they incarnate, but neither are they the same person that incarnated in their previous lifetime. The new persona for an incarnation is a blend of attributes from the soul, using 5 per cent of the total soul experience of the soul to date.
Enlightened people incarnate 100 per cent of their causal body, so they are the same person from life to life. This allows them to have continuity of consciousness and past-life recall. It should also be noted that if you have 100 per cent of your soul energy present, this is a dramatic increase in soul energy at your disposal.
I wish to remind you at the end of this discussion on the five stages of human development, just how long this process takes. The average person takes 182,500 incarnations to enlighten themselves. This is from the point of causalisation from the 3rd to the 4th kingdom, all the way to enlightenment. This is if they follow the herd and make no specific effort to move their game forward. How long do you want to take?
In the next presentation, I wish to start to look at the science of enlightenment. How does it occur? What processes are occurring and what needs to be developed to complete the process.
Thank you sir. This information is very timely.
Hi Jon, I am glad you found the information useful. If you have any questions, please post them or drop me a line directly from the contacts page. At the end of the four presentations I have done on Human Development, I have another Recap presentation. I hope you will find that it helps knit the ideas presented together. Thank you very much for your donation. It is greatly appreciated. KKR
I have a question related to the following statement, which I copied from your text :
“These higher energies, cascading down from the causal and unity plane are there to refine the emotional body, which is the main aim of the monad as it passes through the Cultured phase of its evolution. It should be noted that these energies can cause imbalances in the etheric body, which leads to the disruption of the nervous system. This may account for the increased levels of anxiety and depression being experienced by many souls incarnate today in modern societies.
It is not clear to me what is the advantage or benefit coming from this transfer of energy from higher planes. If such energies can adversely affect the etheric body – and I agree about that because I think that their energetic content shall be remarkable – why does it have to be that way? When you speak about “many souls incarnate today”, do you mean they belong to “Community Stage” or “Cultured Stage”?
I have one more question: I am reading Laurency’s “Knowledge of Life 4” – Section 1 – Paragraph 1.3 “My Path of Development”, where he states:
“It was only in 1952 (three years after the publication of PhS) that I had a confirmation that this was the basic view of the planetary hierarchy on existence, in three publicized letters from 44-self H. (fifth department) and 45-self D.K. (second department).”
In your opinion, where did Laurency find the three letters from 44-self H. and 45-self D.K.? Are they really publicized? Who is 44-self H.?
Thank you
Hi Roberto
One way to think of the energy transfer from higher planes into our envelopes of incarnation is to imagine an internet connection. Information from higher planes has greater bandwidth than the router can handle. Another analogy is to think of a wire handling too much current. The wire gets hot.
The souls most likely to be suffering the effects of this higher frequency of energy that is descending from the Causal and Unity planes would be in the Cultured phase or on the cusp of coming up to this higher position in the emotional envelope.
You question the necessity of this state of affairs to exist, where a monad seems to be taxed beyond its capability. I think the reason it is happening now is in fact nothing to do with us humans in the 4th Kingdom. It is because there has been a major frequency upgrade in the 5th and 6th Kingdoms. They are being affected by ray energies beaming in from the Shambala centre and beyond. This must ultimately be linked to the Planetary Logos also evolving to new levels. The static this has created has washed down onto the 3 lower planes of matter where we dwell. Consider it collateral damage!
I have no direct knowledge of these letters. Notice that Lauaurancy said they were published. I suspect therefore that they must have been received by senior members of the Theosophical Society. These letters were published under titles like “Letters from the Masters” etc. Master H is the Master Hilarion. He is actually Laurency’s direct Master. I suspect Laurency has initiated and would have been in direct communication with Master H himself. He would not openly allude to this as such matters are not spoken about publically.